Chris Sabin Finished with TNA

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
According to PWInsider, former TNA World Heavyweight Champion and perennial X Division Champion Chris Sabin finished up with the company following the weekends' tapings for the ONO PPV.

According to PWI, TNA pitched him a new offer, but similar to the AJ Styles situation, he felt it was too low and chose to walk instead.

Frankly, I'm OK with this one — much more so than I was with the idea of Styles or Sting leaving. Sabin sorta ran his course again this time around and kinda came full circle. I'm not all that sure there was much else left for him to do after the Velvet feud.
Facking Bullshit.

I always liked Sabin. Liked him since the MCMG days and went back and watched his singles runs before that. He's always been a great wrestler and a good talker. He was a solid midcard talent who could certainly could've been a solid occasional main event talent (similar to Jericho)

His most recent run where he was feuding with Velvet was cool and I thought they could've done more with that.

I fully expect to see him turn up in either ROH or NJPW (where he might team up with Alex Shelley again)

This poses the question though how bad is TNA financially if talent are leaving this quickly??
James Storm has signed an extension, Bad Influence contracts are up shortly, sounds like it's going to be a busy few weeks in TNA.

As for Sabin, the injuries have made him change his move set and he's slowed his style down a bit. I'm not too sure what else he could do in TNA, it's time for the next set of guys take over the X Division & he wasn't getting into contention for the World Title.
Facking Bullshit.
Damn straight

Frankly, I'm OK with this one
So am I, but I still think it's a waste.
According to PWI, TNA pitched him a new offer, but similar to the AJ Styles situation, he felt it was too low and chose to walk instead.
I wish we had some figures, because there's an awful lot of this going around in TNA in recent years. Are the wrestlers too greedy or is TNA just broke?
I'm not all that sure there was much else left for him to do
Can't he do it again? What's wrong with his old routine? It's not like James Storm decides to get the fuck on because he's doing the same thing again. :p

I'm sure Chris Sabin could still add value to TNA, be it in the tag scene, the X-Division picture or in a heated rivalry.

Unless WWE spots the opportunity to acquire a much-improved version of the Miz, how does leaving TNA improve Sabin's position in wrestling? Will he make more money with RoH? Will he get more exposure in Japan? Will he learn Spanish and try his hand at lucha libre? I'm disappointed and confused. :(
I wish we had some figures, because there's an awful lot of this going around in TNA in recent years. Are the wrestlers too greedy or is TNA just broke?

It's been reported that TNA has been operating at a loss for years. 1-2 years ago, Janice Carter came into the company to oversee expenses and the renegotiations have been more realistic. These guys just can't make 6-figure-salaries when the company is barely making 6-figures themselves. And that's not an exaggeration. While they do make millions off their TV rights, all those millions are wasted before they even start paying the roster. The merchandise and attendance figures just aren't enough to keep paying these guys what they think they're worth.

These new lower salaries are literal reality checks. AJ Styles could balk at the idea of making a measly 200 grand a year, but does he really think he's bringing in new business to TNA? Unless his presence brings in new fans, or his absence loses current fans, there's no reason to keep paying him over 300 grand a year.

Same goes for Sabin, Daniels and the other veterans. They lucked out with those old contracts that were overpaying them. They should have saved up. Kurt Angle probably has an over 1-million-dollar-contract, and that shit isn't going to fly either with them trying to avoid red lines in the budget.

There are no more "million-dollar-draws" anymore. Even if Brock Lesnar showed up in TNA, he wouldn't bring in a million-dollar-gate. The only million-dollar draw in USA right now is the WWE conglomerate. A wrestler can hope to make his own millions inside the WWE venue, but once he steps outside it, the fans just don't follow him. It's the sad truth about today's industry.
A lot of TNA originals will walk and get in with Jarrett on the ground floor... in the short term it might not be as great money, but it'll let them still work Japan and other indies and guys like Daniels, Sabin, AJ and the like will have a lot of time for Jarrett.

There is a small chance WWE could be interested but not on a great deal or push, but as a Tag Competitor for example or a trainer in NXT he could have some value.
Crazy News. Kind of upsetting, he was a great talent.

His World Title run was ridiculous and I don't think anyone bought it (not saying I wasn't happy for him, I was), don't mention that crybaby angle either.
His MCMG days were epic though. I was a huge fan of those guys, some incredible matches.

I feel he has a lot more to give to the company and TNA dropped the ball on this one.

Maybe Jarrett's new fed will actually get some power players after all.
Seemed the proverbial nail in the coffin was the end of Sabin's feud with Velvet. Considering the overhaul TNA has been doing the last several weeks, it was hard to see where Sabin might fit into the plan. He was X division, and very talented. But now there's som international flavor and he hasn't been in the mix since Aries took the strap off him. Plus, who knows how much he was offered? He can do well over in Japan as well as ROH and other promotions. He might not be gone from TNA forever, especially if they continue these One Night Only PPV's.
I thought his latest heel run was some of his best moments. It seemed like he would be one of the top guys to bring the X Division back to it's previous popularity.
I hope he ends up going to ROH, would love to see him there. That aside, losing guys like Sting, Styles, & Sabin isn't as terrible as people may think, sure it sucks for long time fans of these guys, but we've seen them feud with just about everybody they could possibly feud with, & accomplish just about everything worth accomplishing. These guys moving on to work for other companies whether is's ROH, going over to Japan, WWE, or the indies, could & is probably good for them, it allows us fans that will follow them to these other promotions to see them in fresh feuds & tackle fresh new challenges, & TNA can give their spots to fresh, new, young, upcoming talents that have been waiting for that first big break.
So, who'll book the MCMG reunion first?

Hope Sabin pops up in Ring of Honor. Dude would be a plus to the roster and I'm sure AJ will try to pull some strings or drop his name if Sabin himself hasn't contacted them already. In-fact Sabin is a lot like a Jay Lethal to me - not too big in TNA for whatever reason, but could showcase how great of a wrestler he is in ROH especially if he came on full-time. Maybe he could do what AJ did and work out a deal with ROH/NJPW.

As for his TNA tenure, liked the guy, have heard what he has been doing in recent months, sounds like he was just thrown into something so he could be doing something rather than nothing. Like I said, hope he winds up in ROH or NJPW, MCMG reunion could be great, in-fact - MCMG vs. The Young Bucks outside TNA could/should be better than it was in TNA.
I liked Chris Sabin during his early years, the guy was a huge talent, and could go in the ring, he dominated in his early years in TNA, got mixed with Alex Shelley and the magic continued. That TNA World Championship, reign should have taken place a lot earlier in time honestly, because by the point he got it... injuries really took their toll on him, he wasn't the same Sabin at all.

I don't mind this, honestly I was more upset when Shelley left, this doesn't really bother me, because to me Sabin just hasn't been the same.
So, who'll book the MCMG reunion first?

Hope Sabin pops up in Ring of Honor. Dude would be a plus to the roster and I'm sure AJ will try to pull some strings or drop his name if Sabin himself hasn't contacted them already. In-fact Sabin is a lot like a Jay Lethal to me - not too big in TNA for whatever reason, but could showcase how great of a wrestler he is in ROH especially if he came on full-time. Maybe he could do what AJ did and work out a deal with ROH/NJPW.

As for his TNA tenure, liked the guy, have heard what he has been doing in recent months, sounds like he was just thrown into something so he could be doing something rather than nothing. Like I said, hope he winds up in ROH or NJPW, MCMG reunion could be great, in-fact - MCMG vs. The Young Bucks outside TNA could/should be better than it was in TNA.

Here is the problem with it being better now. Back in 2010 sabin and shelly were in a lot better shape, now, they have had some pretty bad injuries. It would be great, but not as good as tna 2010, not really Roh's fault, but I am just being realistic. I can't even say I feel bad he is gone, sabin was pretty banged up to be honest. It is going to suck to be a mid card/tag team wrestler in japan and an indy company, then being a world champion in tna which is on tv.
This may be one of the quickest turnarounds of a recent world champion being released by the company. When it comes down to it, Sabin had a legendary career within the confines of TNA but unfortunately that won't hold true anywhere else until he ends up in GFW and Jarrett decides to recognize that time. Either way, this isn't a major loss and, yet, it is. Releasing someone they just recently put a lot of effort into is certainly a sign that there are still some major problems with how TNA does business.
Not overly surprised. Since losing the World Title he really hasn't had any direction in TNA - his generic heel turn was kind of boring. Wonder if he will turn up in Jarrett's new promotion?
I liked him as part of the MCMG's but wasn't a big fan of his singles face stuff. The last time I saw a clip of him he was being carried to the ring on the shoulders of some huge beastly looking woman, and for some reason I thought it looked pretty cool and might work for him, the obnoxious chickenshit heel with the Amazonian bodyguard, but I guess not.
If I were Eric Young, I'd be a little worried. The last time a dedicated midcarder won the top championship out of the blue was Sabin, and now he's gone after misuse following the brief championship reign. Anyone else notice the trend of management handpicking a big deal heel champion (Bully/Magnus) followed by a "thank you" title run for a longtime company midcarder? Have you also noticed how very few TNA main eventers are actually over in the company, hence the midcarders getting rewarded for crowd support? TNA has spoiled their main event scene over the years, booking talent that isn't as hot as they say they are. Bully Ray was largely disliked, Magnus was given every tool in the world to succeed but the crowd still didn't care... I guess Young is a step up because some folks in the crowd actually like him.

Right now, Eric Young is the most "over" star in that company. That's not a good sign. TNA has very few stars that fans want to see. Eric Young shouldn't be the best guy in that company, but he is. That's not good.
This is disappointing news, but I can understand why TNA have let Sabin go.

The guy has been with the company a long time and done pretty much all he could, multi-time X Division champion, tag team success with the MCMG and an ill-advised World Title run, and he's suffered alot of injuries over the years which has forced him to tone down his ring style.

I would totally expect to see him reappear in ROH, Jeff Jarrett's new promotion Global Force Wrestling or reunite with Alex Shelley over in Japan. I can't see WWE being interested at his age and with his injury issues. It's a shame he is leaving though as I always enjoyed Sabin's work, both as a singles and a tag-team wrestler.
I have always been a fan of Chris Sabin. Terrific wrestler with good Mic Skills. Wish he would have stayed. Could've been some good matches with him and Tigre Uno & Sanada in the X Division. But I guess he chose to move on hopefully to ROH or NJPW to reunite with Alex Shelley. I could also see him land in GFW in the future or return to TNA hopefully with Alex Shelley. But I'm just wishful thinking the MCMG return to TNA someday. But if they reunite in ROH or NJPW. I'll be checking that out for sure
Sad really. Chris Sabin was one of my favorites in early TNA. His early X-Division stuff was excellent and there were some really good matches that came out of it. I loved his feud with Jerry Lynn. It was a first look at the snotty punk heel that Chris could be. Then there was MCMG. Who actually didn't like that? They had serious chemistry and had some excellent matches. The feuds with both Team 3D and Beer Money alone were just excellent and showed how solid TNA's Tag Division really was at that time. Then came the two injuries in a row. Alex Shelley left and when Chris came back, what to do with him? His WHC title run wasn't very good, sadly. The flip flopping between heel and babyface was bad and the whole thing with Velvet Sky seemed very out of place and rushed. The rest of everything else was bad booking at it's worst. Sabin could still have a good career, just not right now in TNA. They are too focused on trying the new star route they should have been doing since 2009. He'll end up somewhere and maybe one day make his way back to TNA, who knows, but as of now, it's proabably a good thing for him he walked.

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