CM Punk offers support to Darren Young


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“He came up to me in catering and told me to stand up. I stood up, he gave me a hug, and he said ‘I’m proud of you. If you ever have any problems with anyone in the locker room, you let me know. I got your back.’ That meant the most to me.”

Darren Young came out gay in August 2013.
CM Punk took his hissy fit in January 2014.

I'm glad Young has Punk to watch his back.
C.M. Punk :" Darren, I have your back, and if anyone in the locker room messes with you, I'll be there. Unless I act like a self-entitled, ungrateful crybaby, who refuses to accept that, without WWE, I wouldn't have fame, fortune, be a household name, or a wife. Instead, I will pull a "Bret Hart" and blame WWE for all the ills in the world, such as war, ebola and world starvation".

"I will also make myself look good by pretending to support a gay wrestler, which will make my marks think I am even more of a god, when all I really care about is myself and what I can take from WWE", eventhough I make homophobic insults to fans at house shows".

"So, Darren, I will be here to support you, until it is no longer advantageous to me. Then, I will leave you high and dry".
"I will also make myself look good by pretending to support a gay wrestler, which will make my marks think I am even more of a god, when all I really care about is myself and what I can take from WWE", eventhough I make homophobic insults to fans at house shows".

Yes I'm sure in that private moment that happened in the back that was shared between Punk and Young, Punk was thinking:
"I'm gonna go show some insincere support to the gay guy, and a couple of years from now when I'm long gone from this company and preparing for an MMA fight, the guy will do a random interview and talk about how much the moment meant to him and it'll make me look even better to my loyal supporters."

What a conniving little clairvoyant prick that Punk is.
Its ok Pillman, I am sure that guy is one of those that acts like a douche toward wrestlers in public & then whines about it when they do not happily sign their napkins.
I've seen Punk call a fan *** before. Jumped up hypocritical prick is what he is.
I've seen Punk call a fan *** before. Jumped up hypocritical prick is what he is.

Well, he isnt perfect, but why throw stones at him for standing by a fellow wrestler in a difficult time? Seems like it was a genuine moment to me.

Hell, the hero of the universe Hulk Hogan wasnt perfect yet people applauded him for his stand up values. Guess he forgot to add "do cocaine & commit adultery" to his Hulkamania mantra of "eat your vitamins & say your prayers".
Well, he isnt perfect, but why throw stones at him for standing by a fellow wrestler in a difficult time? Seems like it was a genuine moment to me.

Hell, the hero of the universe Hulk Hogan wasnt perfect yet people applauded him for his stand up values. Guess he forgot to add "do cocaine & commit adultery" to his Hulkamania mantra of "eat your vitamins & say your prayers".

Hot Rod: and folks I ate a lotta vitamins
I want to hear which wrestlers refused to hug Young because he's a fruit booty. That sounds way more interesting.
Young doesn't need someone like Punk to watch his back... What is Punk going to do? Go on social media and cry about people bothering Darren?... I'm sure Darren has real men to watch his back, like Titus and those guys.
WWE brass may be fine with his sexual preference but that wont stop them from putting Darren in a pirate hat for some silly backstage segment while they chuckle like frat boys. We all know they have at least thrown some sort of idea like that around already.
Young doesn't need someone like Punk to watch his back... What is Punk going to do? Go on social media and cry about people bothering Darren?... I'm sure Darren has real men to watch his back, like Titus and those guys.

Pat Patterson.
Come on, give Punk some credit. I'm sure he spent many a night laying awake debating on whether he should leave the E or not for the sake of protecting Darren Young. I can picture it clearly:

"I gave Darren my word I would have his back. How could I just leave him in that lion den of a locker room!"

I mean, this obviously happened.
Yes I'm sure in that private moment that happened in the back that was shared between Punk and Young, Punk was thinking:
"I'm gonna go show some insincere support to the gay guy, and a couple of years from now when I'm long gone from this company and preparing for an MMA fight, the guy will do a random interview and talk about how much the moment meant to him and it'll make me look even better to my loyal supporters."

What a conniving little clairvoyant prick that Punk is.

I'm sure that Young enjoyed his "private moment" with Punk.

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