Coming Soon: The Battle Zone Tournament!

Doc and I are currently putting the bracket together (random draw, of course). Expect to have a full bracket and prediction contest up by the end of today.
Once the draw's announced I'll be posting my 10 who are not in the tourney. Some have been in before, some have not.
Here is the list of first round match ups. The full bracket will soon follow.

Snake Eyes & The Thing vs. Shredder & Blade
Zelda & Sonic vs. Riddick & Hulk Hogan

Kamen Rider & Johnny Gat vs. Iron Man & Inspector Gadget
Chrono & Solid Snake vs. Sabrewulf & Spyro

Martian Manhunter & Urdnot Wrex vs. Judge Dredd and Tank
King Arthur & Lion-O vs. Yu Narukami & Mike Tyson

John Shepard & Spike Spiegel vs. Khan & Robin Hood
Astro Boy & Multiple Man vs. Raiden & Asuka Kazama

Wonder Woman & Flash Gordon vs. Colossus & Sam Vimes
Predator & Sub-Zero vs. Mike Haggar & Samus Aran

Bowser & Bruce Lee vs. Bishop & Duke Nukem
The Punisher & Neo vs. Beatrix Kiddo & Dr. Robotnik

Kirby & Eren Jaeger vs. Harry Potter & King Dedede
He-Man & Vash The Stampede vs. King K. Rool & Jason Brody

The Scarecrow & Jill Valentine vs. Buffy & Ghost Rider
The Doctor & Rad Spencer vs. Wolverine & Chell

Cole MacGrath & Adam Jensen vs. Batman & Hei
Squall Lionheart & Rocket Raccoon vs. Bugs Bunny & Dante

Magneto & Mario vs. Gambit & Link
Lara Croft & Jacket vs. Hit Girl & Booker DeWitt

Ezio Auditore & Luke Cage vs. Agent 47 & Katniss Everdeen
Storm & Mr. Incredible vs. Spider-man & Jack Bauer

Mojo Jojo & Freakazoid vs. Wario & Viewtiful Joe
Daredevil & Finn/Jake vs. Hawkeye & Deadpool

Needles Kane & Dracula vs. Captain America & Master Chief
Hercule & Conan vs. Terry Bogard & Wander

Ness & Sherlock Holmes vs. Aragorn & Vivi
Powerpuff girls & Joker vs. Soundwave & Trevor Philips

Rambo & Viktor Zangief vs. Sora & Nick Fury
Cyclops & M. Bison vs. Boba Fett & Mega Man

Albert Wesker & Joel vs. Light Yagami & Gordon Freeman
The Flash & Zero vs. The Terminator & Michael Knight
And here's the full bracket! Feel free to click that predict it button and submit your predictions. The winner of the prediction contest will get a special award at the end of the tournament and rep from both Doc and I, and hopefully everyone else who participates.

Also, Killjoy is going to be the official mod of the BattleZone tournament, so make sure you show him some love for rising to the challenge.
This is going to be the best one yet I do believe. I cannot wait to see some of the arguments because the additional element of teams really mixes things up.

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