Crosstime Wrestling International: Grand Opening

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As we come back from commercial we see Lillian Garcia standing in the center of the ring, with a foldout table resting in the ring's upper left corner.

Garcia: The following contest is our table match; the winner of this bout will face the CWI world heavyweight champion on the premiere episode of Thursday Night Riot on June 29th!(Chariot theme from "The Ten Commandments" starts playing over the Garden PA)Introducing first, from East York, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 250 pounds, "Whipper" Billy Watson!

Gorilla(off-camera): A huge contingent of Canadian fans here at Madison Square Garden to cheer on Billy Watson as he prepares to take on the Beast from the East for a shot at the CWI world heavyweight title on the June 29th premiere of Thursday Night Riot....

Garcia(as music segues into Bon Jovi's "Wanted Dead Or Alive"): And his opponent, from Asbury Park, New Jersey, weighing 325 pounds, Bam Bam Bigelow!

King(off-camera): I wouldn't want to be in Billy Watson's shoes right now...

Gorilla(off-camera): I suspect Watson doesn't want to be in Watson's shoes right now...and Bam Bam already tearing into the Canadian technical specialist as the bell sounds to start the match! Body drop....and the Whipper is already in major trouble!

King(off-camera): What did Bam Bam have for breakfast this morning?!!

Gorilla(off-camera): I don't know, King, but whatever it was it sure seems to have done him a lot of good---sidewalk slam by Bam Bam on Watson, and this match could be over in a hurry as Bam Bam sets up the table!

King(off-camera): It's not looking good for the Whipper!

Gorilla(off-camera): Bam Bam setting Watson up for the power bomb--and Whipper goes crashing through the table! This one's history!

Garcia(as camera cuts to Bam Bam posing triumphantly over a fallen Watson): The winner of the table match, Bam Bam Bigelow!

Gorilla: Unfortunately, Watson couldn't get his offense going in time, and Bam Bam capitalized on that in a big come June 29th, the Beast from the East will be facing the winner of tonight's main event for the CWI world heavyweight title! Right now let's go to Lee Marshall, who's standing by with one of the participants in the fatal four-way hardcore match that will decide our first CWI Extreme champion!

FADE TO: Lee Marshall in the Garden main lobby standing beside Bill Alfonso and Sabu.

Marshall: Bill, tonight your protege Sabu will be squaring off with Bruiser Brody, Mick Foley, and Buddy Colt in a hardcore fatal four-way match to decide who'll be our first CWI Extreme champion....

Alfonso: Extreme is my life, Marshall! My man Sabu will tear those three losers up like they were wet paper!

Marshall: Should Sabu win the fatal four-way match, next Thursday on the premiere of Riot he'd be defending his title against either Paul Jones or the One Man Gang...does that disturb you at all?

Alfonso: Hell no! We've never backed down from anybody before, and we sure as hell won't start now!

Marshall: One last question: Rob van Dam was seen talking to CWI promoters earlier tonight about a possible title match against the winner of the fatal four-way have any comments about that?

Alfonso: Yeah--he'd better bring a ton of plasma with him!(Walks off with Sabu as Marshall turns to face the camera)

Marshall: There you have it...Sabu loaded for bear as we await the start of the fatal four-way hardcore match. We were hoping to get a word with Mick Foley before the bout began, but unfortunately we're out of time, so Gorilla, it's back to you and the King at ringside.

CUT TO: Gorilla and the King in front of the timekeeper's table.

Gorilla: Coming up shortly, what may be our most anticipated bout other than the main event: Buddy Colt, Bruiser Brody, Sabu, and Mick Foley battle each other in a fatal four-way hardcore match to claim the right to be crown CWI's first Extreme champion!

King: It'll be a hell of a match, Gorilla!
FADE TO: Anthony Chimel standing in the center of the ring surrounded by bats, chairs, Singapore canes, trash cans, cookie sheets, etc.

Chimel: The following contest is our fatal four-way hardcore match to choose our first CWI Extreme champion, scheduled for one fall!("Wreck" starts to play over the Garden PA system) Introducing first, from East Setauket, New York, weighing in at 298 pounds, Mick Foley!

Gorilla(off-camera): The crowd is on their feet for the man formerly known as Cactus Jack...

King(off-camera): Yeah, those Garden fans love them some Foley, Gorilla!

Chimel(as music segues to Charlie Daniels' "The Devil Went Down To Georgia"): His opponents....originally from Rockville, Maryland and now residing in Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at 285 pounds, Buddy Colt.....

Gorilla(off-camera): Boy, he sure looks like he got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!

King(off-camera): You look like you got up on the wrong side of the bed EVERY morning!

Gorilla(off-camera): Will you stop?!

Chimel(as music switches to Sabu's old ECW entrance theme):....from Bombay, India, weighing in at 222 pounds, Sabu....

Gorilla(off-camera): Our broadcast college Joey Styles often describes this man as "homicidal, suicidal, and genocidal", and after looking at some of his match tapes, I'm inclined to agree!

King(off-camera): He might be the one guy in wrestling crazier than Foley!(chuckles)

Chimel(as music fades into AC/DC's "Highway To Hell"):....and from Santa Fe, New Mexico, weighing in at 300 pounds, Bruiser Brody!

Gorilla(off-camera): Four of the toughest men ever to set foot in a ring are glaring at each other right now...I hope to God the Red Cross has a bloodmobile on standby.(camera zooms in on Mick Foley walloping Buddy Colt with a folded chair) And here we go! Mick Foley going right after Buddy Colt while Bruiser Brody Irish whips Sabu into the ropes and levels him with a murderous clothesline!

King(off-camera): They don't call him Bruiser for nothing!

Gorilla(off-camera): Brody with the elbow drop on Sabu, and there's the cover--1...Buddy Colt breaks the count up at one and a half with a cane shot to the back of Brody's head! Now he's going for the cover--1...2...and Brody kicks out!

King(off-camera): This is one match that might just put the "fatal" back in "fatal four-way"!

Gorilla(off-camera): Brody with a DDT on Colt...he goes for the cover only to have Foley nail him with a baseball bat to the back of his right leg! Now Mick applying a drop toe hold on Brody, and Colt trying to put Sabu in a sleeper!

King(off-camera): C'mon, Buddy!

Gorilla(off-camera): Bill Alfonso trying to encourage his man Sabu to break free and seize the initiative in this match....chair shot by Bruiser Brody on Colt!

King(off-camera): You want to talk about cheap, Gorilla, get a load of that outfit Alfonso's wearing! I bet even the Salvation Army wouldn't take that thing!

Gorilla(off-camera): Sabu finally making the escape, and he hits Mick Foley with a trash can right in the face!

King(off-camera): Foley must really want that CWI Extreme title bad....

Gorilla(off-camera): So do the other three guys in there...Facebuster by Sabu! Sabu hits the Arabian facebuster on Buddy Colt! The cover--1...2..3! And Sabu is our first CWI Extreme champion!

Chimel(as camera pans to Mick Foley and Bruiser Brody slugging it out on the arena floor): Here is your winner and the first CWI Extreme champion, Sabu!

Gorllia(as camera cuts to EMTs putting Buddy Colt on a stretcher): Sabu becomes the first CWI Extreme champion, and he'll be defending that title next week on the premiere of Thursday Night Riot...the only question is who his challenger will be, and we'll settle that in just a few moments as Paul Jones takes on the One Man Gang! But first, let's go to Mean Gene Okerlund, who's standing by right now with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin!

CUT TO: Mean Gene Okerlund standing to Austin's left outside the Rangers locker room.

Okerlund: I'm here right now with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who later tonight will be facing "Outlaw" Ron Bass in a Texas bunkhouse brawl, and Steve, you'll be facing one of the roughest scrappers in WWE history....

Austin: Listen, Gene, Ron Bass is a joke and everybody knows it. He couldn't even beat Johnny K-9, much less Stone Cold...

Okerlund: So you're not worried at all about this match?

Austin: Only thing I'm worried about is the chance that Bass might try to chicken out at the last second....give me five minutes in that ring with him and I'll kick his ass up and down Madison Square Garden--and that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so!

Okerlund(turning to camera): There you have it, Gorilla, Steve Austin sounding defiant as he prepares to take on "Outlaw" Ron let's head back to the ring!

FADE TO: Gary Michael Cappetta standing just to the right of the center of the ring.

Capetta: The following contest is a #1 contenders match, scheduled for one fall...the winner of this bout will face Sabu for the CWI Extreme title next week on the first episode of Thursday Night Riot! (Megadeth's "Peace Sells But Who's Buying?" starts blasting from the PAs) Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, accompanied to the ring by his manager Slick and weighing in at 470 pounds, the One Man Gang!

Gorilla(off-camera): You can hear the boos all the way down the New Jersey Turnpike as the One Man Gang steps into the ring...

King(off-camera): The Doctor of Style is makin' a housecall!

Gorilla(off-camera): If you ask me, King, they should sue him for malpractice!

Capetta(off-camera as the theme from "The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly" starts playing over the PA): And his opponent, from Port Arthur, Texas, weighing in at 279 pounds, "Number One" Paul Jones!

Gorilla(off-camera): The Lone Star Style certainly well-represented here tonight at Grand Opening...and Jones is attacked from behind by the Gang as the bell rings for the start of this match!

King(off-camera): Looks like we could have our second quickie of the night!

Gorilla(off-camera): That it does...Powerslam by Gang! Now he's getting ready to deliver his patented 747 splash--and Paul Jones is hit full force! The cover--1...2...3! And the One Man Gang will be going toe-to-toe with Sabu for the CWI Extreme title next Thursday!

Cappetta(as camera pans to Gang and Slick high-fiving each other): Your winner, as the result of a pinfall, the One Man Gang!
CUT TO: Gorilla and the King at the broadcast table.

Gorilla: We've seen some wild matches so far tonight, but the most explosive bouts are still to just a few minutes, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and "Outlaw" Ron Bass will square off in the Texas bunkhouse brawl, followed by the ladder match between JBL and "Original Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers, and of course our main event--the "crazy eights" elimination match that will decide our first CWI world heavyweight champion.

King: Next to the main event and the evening gown match, the ladder match is the one I've been wanting to see the've got WWE's wrestling god on one side, and on the other you've got the first man in history to hold both the NWA and WWE championship!

Gorilla: No matter how it ends, it'll be a great bout....and on that note, let's send it back to the ring for the bunkhouse brawl.

FADE TO: Dave Penzer standing in the upper left corner of the ring.

Penzer: The following contest is our Texas bunkhouse brawl match! (As camera pans crowd, the breaking glass sound effect that heralds Austin's entrance theme explodes from the Garden PA system) Introducing first, from Victoria, Texas, weighing in at 252 pounds, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin!

Gorilla(off-camera): The crowd on its feet for Austin as he steps into the ring, ready to unleash his no-nonsense brand of grappling on the man they call the Outlaw!

King(off-camera): Remember what you said about the bloodmobile earlier? I think when this match is over, we'll need the entire trauma staff at Columbia Hospital!

Penzer(as music switches to "Ring of Fire"): And his opponent, from Pampa, Texas, weighing in at 286 pounds, "Outlaw" Ron Bass!

Gorilla(as camera cuts to Austin taunting Bass): Stone Cold daring the Outlaw to come after him, and the Outlaw wastes no time taking him up on the offer! Fists flying in all directions as the two Texan toughmen attack each other like rabid dogs!

King(off-camera): One of these guys is going to end up broken, bruised, and bloody when this is match is done....I don't even want to think what the loser will look like!

Gorilla(off-camera): Me either...hip toss by Austin, and Bass goes sailing into a wagon wheel! He'll be feeling that one in the morning!

King(off-camera): So will Austin!

Gorilla(off-camera): Austin trying to set Bass up for a suplex...and a thumb to the eyes! Bass now in control of this match as he nails the Rattlesnake square in the face with a two-by-four!

King(off-camera): Ouch! I could hear that two-by-four all the way from here!

Gorilla(off-camera): They probably heard it on Staten Island, King...the cover by Bass--1...2...and Austin kicks out! Bass Irish whips Austin into the ropes, and Austin floors him with a clothesline! The Outlaw being assaulted with a barrage of fists as Steve Austin reasserts control of this bout!

King(off-camera): This one's gettin' real ugly real fast!

Gorilla(off-camera): Snap suplex by Austin over the top rope, and Bass goes crashing into the Spanish announcers' table!

King(off-camera): Told you those guys always have the worst luck!

Gorilla(off-camera): I'm beginning to agree with you on that, King....Austin now going out onto the arena floor and laying some nasty chops on Bass! He's really pulling out all the stops to win this one!

King(off-camera): Well, that's what you have to do, Gorilla, if you're going to win this kind of match--WHOA! Ron Bass almost got his head busted that time!

Gorilla(off-camera): Bass sling-shotted into the security railing, and we're starting to see blood on the top of his scalp....this match could be over before you know it!

King(off-camera): Bass is as tough as they come, but I'm not sure even he can take this kind of beating much longer!

Gorilla(off-camera): Austin setting Bass up for the Stunner....WHAT'S OWEN HART DOING HERE?!!

King(off-camera): Things are startin' to look up for the Outlaw!

Gorilla(off-camera,irate): Owen Hart has absolutely no business getting involved in this match....Austin telling "the Rocket" in no uncertain terms what he thinks about this blatant intrusion--and Bass clocks Stone Cold from behind! I should have known Owen was up to no good!

King(off-camera): Now don't jump to conclusions, Gorilla...

Gorilla(off-camera): Bass with the Gourdbuster! The cover--1...2...3! And Ron Bass has stolen this match, no question about it!

Penzer(barely audible over the chorus of boos): Here is your winner, "Outlaw" Ron Bass!

King(as camera fades to Owen Hart celebrating the victory with Bass): Stole, nothing, Gorilla, he snatched victory from the jaws of defeat!

Gorilla(off-camera): I suspect we'll hear from commissioner Lou Thesz about this one sooner or the meantime, we'll take another commercial break, and when we return, our final match before the main event, the contract ladder match between JBL and Buddy Rogers!

FADE TO: 45-second spot for the official CWI magazine.
Coming back from commercial, we see JBL's trademark limo pull into view of the camera and JBL step out as Howard Finkel introduces the ladder match.

Finkel(off-camera as "Longhorn" starts playing over the Garden PA): The following contest is our contract ladder match....The winner of this bout will face the CWI world heavyweight champion at Conflagration! Introducing first, from New York, New York, weighing in at 299 pounds, JBL!

Gorilla(off-camera): Who's this guy think he is, Ben Cartwright?

King(off-camera,chortling): C'mon, Gorilla, nobody makes bigger or better entrances than JBL!

Gorilla(off-camera): Some people might beg to differ with you on that, King...

Finkel(off-camera as music switches to "The Battle" from Gladiator's soundtrack): And his opponent, from Camden, New Jersey, weighing in at 227 pounds, the Original Nature Boy, Buddy Rogers!

Gorilla(off-camera): Buddy Rogers giving away more than 70 pounds in this match, but that doesn't seem to worry him much...he's primed and ready to take on JBL! The bell sounds...and we start with JBL putting Buddy in a headlock. Irish whip into the ropes, and Buddy catches the former WWE Smackdown champion with a flying forearm!

King(off-camera): Shake it off, JBL!

Gorilla(off-camera): Knee drops by the Original Nature Boy on JBL, and Rogers is dominating this match so far...a German suplex, and the Texan transplant not having a good night so far!

King(off-camera): He'll bounce back, Gorilla, you just wait....

To be continued
Picking up where we left off...

Gorilla(off-camera): Rogers setting up the ladder, but JBL quickly knocks him off the bottom rung!

King(off-camera): See, what'd I tell you!?!

Gorilla(off-camera): JBL with some furious kicks to the midsection on Buddy Rogers, and the Original Nature Boy looks to be in a world of danger....DDT! JBL nails a picture-perfect DDT on Rogers!

King(off-camera): That's JBL for you, always thinking three moves ahead of the other guy!

Gorilla(off-camera): Two and a half moves, anyway--now JBL on the ladder, and Buddy Rogers out cold! He'll need to clear the cobwebs out in a hurry if he wants to win this...

King(off-camera): Uh uh, Gorilla, the momentum's goin' all JBL's way!

Gorilla(off-camera): The attache case containing the world title match contract for Conflagration hanging less than a foot above the top rung of the ladder...if JBL can make it to the top before Rogers comes around, he'll have this match won and will go on to compete in the main event at Conflagration!

King(off-camera): Hurry up, JBL!

GorillaJBL halfway up the ladder now, and Buddy Rogers still out of it...hold it, he's starting to come around! He's trying to get to his feet...and now he pulls JBL off the ladder and tosses him onto the arena floor!

King(off-camera): I was afraid that would happen!

Gorilla(off-camera): Buddy Rogers with some devastating roundhouse rights on JBL...Irish whip into the steel steps at ringside! The Original Nature Boy heads back into the ring and starts to climb the ladder himself!

King(off-camera, a bit panicked): Stop him, JBL!

Gorilla(off-camera): The crowd on its feet for Buddy Rogers as he slowly climbs toward that elusive attache case which holds the contract for the main event next month at...JBL kicks the ladder out from under Rogers! I don't believe it!

King(off-camera, elated): Yahoo!

Gorilla(off-camera): JBL with a piledriver on Rogers, and now he's going up on the ladder for a second time!

King(off-camera): That's JBL for you...just when you think he's down for the count, he finds a way to come back!

Gorilla(off-camera): True indeed....Rogers out flat, JBL more than halfway up the ladder, and we could be just a few moments away from the end of this match!

King(off-camera): I hope so!

Gorilla(off-camera): Rogers trying to pull himself up on one knee, JBL almost at the top rung...and he's got the attache case! This match is officially over! JBL's going to Conflagration!

Finkel(as JBL triumphantly shows the attache case off to the fans): The winner of the ladder match, JBL!

Gorilla(off-camera): A disappointing end to a valiant effort by Buddy Rogers...this one officially goes in the books as a victory for JBL, but I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of this rivalry.

King(off-camera): Ditto, Gorilla!

CUT TO: Gorilla and the King in the broadcast area.

Gorilla: Coming up next, the grand finale to Grand Opening, the match that the fans here at Madison Square Garden and you watching at home paid the big bucks to see--the "crazy eights" elimination match that will determine our first world heavyweight champion!

King: Get those TiVOs ready!

Gorilla: Batista, the Hulkster, Mil Mascaras, Ric Flair, and more, battling it out in just a few minutes!

CUT TO: A one-minute spot with order info for the replay of Grand Opening.
As we come back from commercial, we see Anthony Chimel and Stacy Keibler standing side by side in the center of the ring.

Chimel: Before we start tonight's main event, please welcome special guest ring announcer and "Dancing With The Stars" champion Stacy Keibler!

Gorilla(off-camera): A huge and I'd say well-deserved ovation for Stacy...

King(off-camera): Think we could get her in an evening gown match?(cackles)

Gorilla(off-camera): You've got a one-track mind, King!

Stacy: The following bout is our main event, the "crazy eights" elimination match to decide CWI's first world heavyweight champion! (U2's "Hello" starts blasting from the PA) Introducing first, from Ashford, Kent, England, weighing in at 240 pounds, Andre "Sledgehammer" Baker!

Gorilla(off-camera): The roughest customer in NWA-UK...there are plenty of guys on that circuit who can attest as to why he's known as the Sledgehammer!

Stacy(as music shifts to the old Orient Express entrance theme): His opponents...from Yokohama, Japan, weighing in at 226 pounds, Antonio Inoki....

King(off-camera): There's not a bigger man around in the puroresu game in Japan, Gorilla!

Gorilla(off-camera): What about Mitsuharu Misawa?

Stacy(as music segues into "Los Muchachos de Hoy" by Luis Miguel): From San Luis Potosi, Mexico, weighing in at 245 pounds, Mil Mascaras...

Gorilla(off-camera): The Man of a Thousand Masks making his presence felt as he steps into the ring...with his speed and his vast array of technical skills, he is a definite major threat to walk away with the gold...

Stacy(as music switches to "I Walk Alone"): From Washington, D.C., weighing in at 317 pounds, "The Animal" Dave Batista....

Gorilla(off-camera): They don't call this guy the Animal for nothing....he goes into every match with an unbelievable ferocity...

King(off-camera): Especially when they're as big as this, Gorilla!

Stacy(as music fades into the University of Iowa fight song): From Humboldt, Iowa, weighing in at an even 200 pounds, Frank Gotch....

Gorilla(off-camera): Frank Gotch, the NWA's first world heavyweight champion...if he plays his cards right, he could wind up also being CWI's first world heavyweight champion...

King(off-camera): Wouldn't that be something!

Stacy(as music switches to "Real American"): From Venice Beach, California, weighing in at 304 pounds, Hulk Hogan...

Gorilla(off-camera): The man considered by millions to have been the heart and soul of WWE during the late '80s and early '90s....

Stacy(as music segues to Dick Dale's "Miserlou"): From Manchester, England, weighing in at 260 pounds, the Man of a Thousand Holds, Les Thornton....

King(off-camera): He's going to need every one of those holds if he wants to stick around for long in this match!

Stacy(as music switches to "Thus Spake Zarathrustra"):....and from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing in at 254 pounds, the Nature Boy Ric Flair!

Gorilla(off-camera): With 14 WCW world heavyweight championships and 2 WWE titles to his credit, the Nature Boy could pose a serious challenge for the other seven men in that ring....And there's the bell! The fans are on their feet as Batista clotheslines Frank Gotch to get things started!

King(off-camera): These guys aren't wasting any time, are they?!

Gorilla(off-camera): Certainly not, King...and look at this! Antonio Inoki has a sleeper hold on Mil Mascaras!

To be continued
Picking up from my last post...

King(off-camera): Looks like it's buenos noches for Mil!

Gorilla(off-camera): It could be--Flair with a knee to Inoki's back! And now the Nature Boy and Inoki are duking it out in the middle of the ring! (Camera quick pans over to Batista and Frank Gotch) And look at this...the Animal has Frank Gotch set up for the Batista Bomb...down he goes! The cover--1...2...3! And we have our first elimination barely two minutes into the match!

King(off-camera): This bout might be over before you know it, Gorilla!

Gorilla(off-camera): Hulk Hogan has Andre Baker trapped on the ropes...Irish whip...and a face-first DDT!

King(off-camera): I think we know what's coming up next!

Gorilla(off-camera): Yes we do...the Hulkster with the big legdrop....and the Sledgehammer gets hammered! 1--2--3! Baker is the second man eliminated! Six men remaining in this match...

King(off-camera): And all six want the world title so bad they can smell it!

Gorilla(off-camera): Inoki has Mil Mascaras locked in his famous octopus stretch! Mascaras trying to get to the ropes....and Ric Flair now hits Les Thornton with a snap suplex!

King(off-camera): That was a dandy!

Gorilla(off-camera): Flair setting up for the elbow smash....Hogan comes up from behind and hits him with a running powerslam! (Camera pans to referee Jim Corderas) Our referee, Jim Corderas, asking Mil if he wants to quit and Mil says no...Hogan with the elbow on Flair while Batista executes a perfect sidewalk slam on Thornton!

King(off-camera): This match is definitely living up to the hype, Gorilla!

Gorilla(off-camera): It's surpassing the hype...Batista with the cover on Les Thornton--1...2...and Thornton kicks out! Batista Irish whipping Thornton into the ropes...Thornton with a flying forearm!

King(off-camera): I didn't see that coming!

Gorilla(off-camera): Neither did Batista....Mil Mascaras finally gets to the ropes, and Inoki has to break the hold! Inoki not happy about that--Thornton rolls him up in a small package! 1--2--3! And Antonio Inoki is the third man to be eliminated from our "Crazy Eights" match!

King(off-camera, astonished): And we're not even at the seven-minute mark yet!

Gorilla(off-camera): We're down to five men now in our main event here at Grand Opening...the Hulkster over in a neutral corner trying to recharge his battteries while Les Thornton slugs it out with Ric Flair and Dave Batista applies a front chin lock on Mil Mascaras!

King(off-camera): You think Bam Bam Bigelow is watching any of this?

Gorilla(off-camera): He'd be crazy not to...Thornton with the enzaguri on Ric Flair! Hooks the leg...1--2--3! And we're now down to four men in this elimination match!

King(off-camera): I thought for sure Flair would come out on top!

Gorilla(off-camera): That's what makes this such an exciting match, King, anything can happen...and does. Hogan with a back body drop on Les Thornton and Batista with a cradle suplex on Mascaras! 1--2--and Mil just manages to get his foot on the rope in the nick of time!

King(off-camera): Guy sure thinks fast when he has to, doesn't he?

Gorilla(off-camera): Hogan with the legdrop on Thornton....WHAM! The cover--1...2...3! Les Thornton's gone! We're down to three men in this crazy eights match!

King(off-camera): And the one that wants it most is going to walk away with the title!

Gorilla(off-camera): Absolutely right, King...Mil Mascaras going for a 450 splash on the Hulkster, and he misses by just a cat's whisker! Batista going for a knee drop...and connects!

To be continued
The (no pun intended) grand finale...

King(off-camera): Looks like Batista and Mil are going to be the last ones left standing...

Gorilla(off-camera): Batista with the cover--1...2...and Hogan kicks out! The Hulkster's engines are really getting revved up now!

King(off-camera): I wouldn't want to be in the Animal's shoes right now!

Gorilla(off-camera): Batista's punches having absolutely no effect on the Hulkster Hogan fires the Animal into the ropes--and there's the big boot! Any second now it could be lights out for Dave Batista! Hogan setting up for the legdrop....wait a minute! Hurricanrana by Mil Mascaras! The cover--1...2...3! And the man of a thousand masks is now the only thing standing between Dave Batista and the CWI world heavyweight title!

King(off-camera): They'll be talking about the end of this match for years, no matter who wins!

Gorilla(off-camera): Indeed they will...Batista going for the scoop slam on Mascaras, but Mil counters and reverses it into a side suplex, then follows it up with a couple of wicked forearm drops! He wants to end this match in a hurry!

King(off-camera): That might be easier said than done...Batista's the size of a house!

Gorilla(off-camera): Mascaras going for the figure four on Batista, but the Animal stops him cold with a kick to the left shin....sidewalk slam! And Batista now signalling that he's ready to deliver his signature manuver on Mil!

King(off-camera): If he connects with it, Mil's history!

Gorilla(off-camera): There's the Batista Bomb! The cover...1--2--3! And the Animal officially goes into the record books as our first world heavyweight champ!

Chimel(as the referee hands the world title belt to an ecstatic Batista): Here is your winner and the first CWI world heavyweight champion, "The Animal" Dave Batista!

Gorilla(off-camera): A huge night for--(Gorilla's commentary is abruptly interrupted as "Wanted Dead Or Alive" starts playing and Bam Bam Bigelow steps out from the backstage area,smirking and holding a wireless mic)Holy cow, it's Bam Bam Bigelow, and it looks like he's got a few words for the new champ!

CUT TO: Close-up of Bam Bam.

Bam Bam: Enjoy that belt while you can, Batista, because come June 29th it's gonna be all mine!

CUT TO: Batista, standing in the ring with a smirk of his own, holding the CWI world title belt in one hand and a wireless mic in the other.

Batista: Don't count on it, fat boy.

Gorilla(as camera fades to a close-up of Bam Bam gaping in shock): Well, folks, we hope you enjoyed watching this pay-per-view as much as we did broadcasting....and there's more great CWI action coming your way soon; on June 29th our broadcast colleagues Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura will be bringing the premiere of our new weekly series Thursday Night Riot, and the King and I will be returning July 24th to bring you CWI's next pay-per-view event, Conflagration! Till then, this is Gorilla Monsoon for Jerry "The King" Lawler and the rest of the CWI broadcast team, saying good night from Madison Square Garden.

King(off-camera, jovially): See ya!

FADE TO: Highlights of the show set to Everclear's "AM Radio" as Grand Opening goes off the air.

Thank you. :) In case you're interested, I've started posting the play-by-plays for the premiere of Thursday Night Riot.
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