Disaster Movie Gag Speculation Thread

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
No lists please, this is a thread for serious peoples only.​

So, it's been made clear that the writers of the Vague Genre Movie franchise only use jokes about the trailers of recent movies and old, now irrelevant movies. However, they also use the characters from said trailers and movies in inspiringly uninventive ways. It gives us all hope that we could someday be Hollywood writers too, even if we're illiterate. It's with this that I offer you the chance to come up with joke ideas for the movie, using old, irrelevant movie characters and bits from recent trailers. Perhaps, if we're lucky, the writers will come along, see them and steal them, putting our work into their movie. If we're going to accomplish this goal, however, rules must be enforced. These are:

1. Relevance is a no-no. I want complete randomness that would put Family Guy to shame.
2. No scenes from recent movies to be "parodied" - bits from the trailers only. However, you may take a character from the trailer and drop a cow on them, etc.
3. Originality is prohibited. Be careful not to alter something too much, lest it be considered witty or clever and thus become unusable.
4. Nothing from an actual disaster movie. God forbid you actually parody the genre the title says is being parodied. No, shitty CGI will take care of that so you can write whatever the fuck you want.

My ideas thus far:

1. Dr. Manhattan... ON A SUNBED!! (Watchmen)

You've all seen the Watchmen trailer with the "blue guys" in it, right? Well, that's Dr. Manhattan(s). Now, he's blue. What else is blue? The lights on a sunbed! Maybe he even gets his powers from a sunbed accident. I'm thinking about this too much. Plus, the thong he wears almost makes it fit too well.

Verdict: Not usable. Much too witty.

2. "Hit me! Hit me! Hit--OW!" (The Dark Knight)

You all saw when Superman, the man who can't get hurt by bullets, got hurt by a bullet in a previous Vague Genre Movie, right? Well, this is in the same vein. The Joker wants something to hit him, so let it hit him! It was in the trailer too, so no problem there. However, it's missing one key ingredient - a stereotypical black guy "going ghetto." So, that means that the Joker becomes a stereotypical black guy (maybe he's wearing "white face" - oh ho!): "Yo, hit me dawg! Y'all not gon' be hitting nuttin'! Y'all--" *Cow/Moose/Other large mammal (blue whale?) hits him, he comically faints or goes flying, is severely injured*

Recycled to the Nth degree, infinitely similar to the original, morally questionable, a stereotypical black guy! I'll be amazed if this isn't in there already. Expect to see it in some form.

(Quantum of Solace)

In a stunt worthy of Chris Tucker in Rush Hour (only 350% more fake-looking), a sterotypical British person that looks a little bit like Daniel Craig (i.e. has short hair) is hanging from a rope for some reason (what do I look like, a writer? This is a Vague Genre Movie!) He leans up to shoot, only for the rope to break (maybe the sassy black chick or annoying white chick cuts it with a killer one-liner stolen from a late nineties movie?) and Mr. Bond to go falling to his doom.

Verdict: Absolutely brilliant. It's from the trailer and everything. This should be in. Vague Genre Movies have never had a Bond joke before, it's time for a change. And this isn't Spy movie, so they can use this joke.

Now it's your turn!
Actually a really hard thread. For one I can't recall any recent trailers other than for The Love Guru & Meet Dave. Both probably bought to us by the people who made coffee on the set of Date Movie. They're also comedies and while I could make them funnier that's kind of missing the point.

Terminator: Salvation: So this film won't have Arnie in it. But guess what, Disaster Movie will. Or at least it'll have somebody with heavy, mock Austrian accent, possibly ordering everybody to the elecric chair.

Is the end of the world a disaster?

Transformers 2: Obvious isn't it. Transforms into a toilet or iPod. Oh no wait. Wall:E.

The Spirit: Ok so The Spirit is running. Who des he bump into? Marv from Sin City. Possible miss match of voice overs.

Watchmen: - In 2009, from visionary director....................., visionary director waves at camera. Howdy.

- Teens drool over Carmen Electra as Silk Spectre.

- Dr. Manhattan has small penis.

- ''God help us all''. Ironic you see.

Edit: This would be one of the films ''babes'' Another irony here. She's special needs.

This may help, it's a list of actors and the characters they're portraying:
Nicole Parker: Princess Giselle, Hilary Clinton, Amy Winehouse, Haylie Duff, Jessica Simpson
Crista Flanagan: Hannah Montana, Juno
Ike Barinholtz: Heath Ledger, Dominic Greene, Carrie Bradshaw
Tony Cox: Indiana Jones
Ian Whyte: Hellboy
Nick Stelle: Batman/Bruce Wayne
Roland Kickinger: Incredible Hulk
Jacob Tolano: Bruce Banner

And a list of movies being parodied:

* Amy Winehouse[2][3]
* Dr. Phil[3]
* Hannah Montana[4]
* The Dark Knight[5]
* Hellboy II: The Golden Army[6]
* High School Musical[2][3]
* Kung Fu Panda[7]
* The Incredible Hulk[8]
* Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull[2]
* Iron Man[2][3]
* Sex and the City[3]
* Speed Racer[9]
* There Will Be Blood[3]
* An Inconvenient Truth [10]

Now these are just the confirmed ones, so I think we can expect a few others. Looks like they're throwing all ethics out the window and are going to be doing a little Heath Ledger bashing. Now, I'd say my Joker gag was definitely going to be in it, but it says Heath Ledger, not the Joker. Maybe they'll suggest he comitted suicide. Side-splitting.

Apparently, Batman and Bruce Wayne are also making appearances. Interesting. My guess is he gets dressed in a phone booth before getting hit by a truck or something.

And There Will Be Blood is in there. New idea!

"Move bitch! Get out the way!" *SMASH* (There Will be Blood)

His kid's deaf, yeah? Y'know, as in he can't hear. I know Vague Genre Movie fans do need some explanations to get these things. Well, if he can't hear, then he can't hear that truck coming down the road can he? Cue poor-looking "AHHHH!" stunt as he comically flies away.

This one's so good, I think the next time I go for a shit gold is gonna come out. I really do.

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