Favorite Movie / Television Trailer

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We probably all love to watch trailers for new movies or new seasons of a television series. We make up an opinion about these shows or movies through the trailers, and they usually have a big impact on whether you plan on following the show, or watching the movie.

There's quite a lot of trailers obviously, some are god awful, and some are just amazing. It all really variates depending on taste obviously, while some are just generally awesome / awful.

However there must be some that we definitely hold as our favorites, and that is what this thread is all about. Your favorite movie / television trailer.

I'll start off by posting some myself.



Gladiator has always been one of my favorite movies. The trailer really displays it very well, it gives a look into the story through simply the trailer, and gives you a great thought about the whole movie. I must've watched the movie like 10 times or so, and the trailer about as many.


Saw this the first time, when I was going to the cinema to watch another movie. I forgot which however, but the trailer struck. I have yet to watch Robin Hood, but I definitely leaned over to my friend and said "We gotta watch that" after the trailer was over. It captivated me almost instantly, and yes god damn how I enjoy myself a good Russell Crowe movie.
I'll play along, Ferbian. I do tend to enjoy my share of trailers about stuff I'm interested in. Take, for example, AMC's Breaking Bad. Some of the trailers for that show are fantastic spots, and a great way to hook people for a show that lives up to the channel's tag line ("Story Matters Here"). Still in awe of the finale I saw what must be a week ago at this point, I feel the need to share.

Some of these will have spoilers. If you feel the show is something you might be into, stop after the first couple.

First up:


Cute little opening line leading to a stellar review (a touch I always stupidly appreciate) and then some tension raising. For something you enjoy, it's good to see such well crafted work.

Next up:


Great scene from the pilot episode worked into a very simple promo that just grabs one by the balls. At least it better.



Once you get through the series, you see that Walt makes some choices that your standard good guy wouldn't. This promo lays that down very well. Looking back on that one is almost goosebump worthy. Almost.

And, finally... a classic example of awesome timing:


Everyone better love that one.

There's another trailer out there I wanted to share with some music that stank of Sergio Leone's Man With No Name trilogy. Wish I could find that one. That stuff always equals epic.
There are two trailers that I still remember today. The Rent Trailer and The Click Trailer. I feel the both nailed the movies right on the head. Sometimes you get commercials that are misleading. Click wasn't misleading. You knew what you were getting yourself into. Rent didn't mislead I just didn't know it was a musical. However I still enjoyed Rent and it's one of the few musicals I actually enjoy watching.

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