Favorite DVD Cover Art


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
I don't care if it's because it looks the best, makes you buy the movie the best, or has a picture of Pamela Anderson in a two-piece rubbing butter on her chest. I want to know what DVD you think has the best cover art, AND WHY.

In my opinion, this award would go to Pulp Fiction. I haven't seen the regular version DVD, but I've seen the special edition, and absolutely love the cover. If you leave the sleeve on, all you see is the thread title, and Uma Thurman's eyes staring back at you seductively. Once you remove the sleeve, you see her lying on the bed, cigarette in hand, just begging you to take her.

Another one I like, is Basketball Diaries. If you haven't seen this movie, I suggest you do. The case shows DiCaprio, in his shirt and tie, looking like a wreck, just leaning on the wall, staring at whoever's taking the picture. His eyes are pleading for help, and it tells the whole story of the movie.

Honorable Mention: Let The Right One In

I've kissed this movie's ass enough around here, just look it up.
Pulp Fiction was my first thought reading the name of this thread, so yeah… great choice, NSL.

Here are a couple of more I love:





The American Psycho cover is probably my favorite DVD cover of all time, thinking about it. Christian Bale just embodies Patrick Bateman so much and looks so fucking awesome in that picture. And then being able to see a woman on his knife... genius.

Funny Games was probably the worst movie ever created in my book, but fuck they had some awesome posters. Not only is the one above tremendous, but there was one with Naomi Watts' face that was amazing, and another one with the two killers standing on a dock with their back to the camera. So awesome. Too awesome for a such a shitty piece of shit. God I hate that movie! Just thinking about it, I want to go on a full fledge rant, but I already did so here so I’ll keep myself under control, lol.

Planet Terror's DVD cover is just the epitome of awesome. It speaks for itself.

And The Sandlot cover is very simple, but I still love it because I loved those characters. The only thing missing is that Wendy Peppercorn should be somewhere in the background.
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