Female of the Year

Female of the Year

  • Laycool

  • Dixie Carter

  • Maryse

  • Mickie James

  • Layla

  • Natalya

  • Angelina Love

  • Michelle McCool

  • Vicki Guerrero

  • Madison Rayne

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I think that Best Female of the Year has been Madison Rayne. I think she has ha a Phenomenal for a Female she is pretty good in the ring and on the mic. She has had some good matches and promos and She's really hot to. Rayne gets alot of Heat from the IZ and I think thats really impressive. Madison gets my Vote.
LayCool. Both ladies can put on a fairly decent match, but their mic work has been incredible, the development of their characters has been tremendous and the gimmick always gets a great reaction from the crowd. And the co-champion angle with 2 belt was complete ridiculousness in a genius kinda way.
Mickie James? She's been active for only 3 months this year.

I'll go with Madison Rayne. She draws heat by not acting like a generic diva.
How are Laycool and McCool on this list? Anyway, it is easily Madison Rayne. She is the Miz of the KOs except she has talent. Worked her way up from TBP resident jobber to Champion with admirable commitment to her character and good mic work. Laycool sucks and McCool is terrible at that stolen gimmick.
This is Laycool.

They were the only things about the women's division that were interesting... and that goes for BOTH promotions. The angle with the split title and their sharing and unification of the Divas championship made for a groundbreaking year.
LayCool made people interested in the women's division. The women's division. Along with the general decline of the Knockouts, they made people actually say the WWE's women's division is better than TNA's. That's quite the accomplishment.
Although Madison Rayne has risen from having an MVP-like losing streak to becoming the KO champion three times, it still doesn't match to what Lay-Cool was able to do. Whilst they held their respective belts for roughly the same amount of time, LC created a storyline in the Diva's division that made it interesting to watch and was second to only Vickie in attracting heat.

LC takes this, but good effort by Madi.
I find LayCool to be annoying as fuck, change the channel kind of annoying. I find their promo's to be cringe worthy and boring, and in no way did they have me interested in the divas division.

I'm voting for Madison Rayne, easily the hottest chick listed. (I was hoping to be able to cast my vote for Velvet Sky)
I'm going with LayCool, they've carried the Diva's division this year and have actually had good promos which is hard to do in women's wrestling. They've made women's wrestling interesting and actually can make people boo them.
I can't stand Laycool, but I will give them credit for actually drawing some attention to the declining diva's division. I voted for Madison Rayne because I am surprised how she went from being the odd ugly duckling in the Beautiful People to becoming the super heel leader of the Knockouts division. She has come a long way in my opinion. LayCool has been LayCool since the beginning.
LayCool and TBP have completely different gimmicks. Oh, but they're multiple females showing a different personality than "bubbly babyface" or "vaguely annoyed-looking heel", so they're exactly the same, right?
I voted for Maryse because of the fact that she is the only talented diva even though I can't understand a word she is saying. Piggie James should not be on this poll. She annoys me for some reason.
I voted for Maryse in this poll. With all due respect to the various ladies provided to choose from, the women's divisions in professional wrestling, whether it be the divas of the WWE or the knockouts of TNA, are still just eye candy to me. Neither division is particularly strong, although I prefer the divas division, so if I am voting strictly from an eye candy perspective, gotta be Maryse. Granted she didn't do much the latter half of the year, but she doesn't really need to. Hopefully she'll be featured more prominently in 2011.
I love Layla El, but the winner for me is Natalya. Not only did she step up herself, but she made literally the two most boring wrestlers in the world watchable.
LayCool. So jealous Cody Rhodes gets to make Layla "Dashing" every night.

Madison Rayne. Great potential for a ******* actress, sub-par worker. I remember one episode of iMPACT I watched, it was a tag match with Rayne and someone and Hamada and someone. Hamada went to hit a knife-hand chop on Madison, and the slapper, who must have been scared to death that Hamada was gonna stiff her, flinched and moved back from Hamada, who was fuming. Fuck Madison Rayne, if they have any sense they'll give the belt to Sarita, who is beautiful, can wrestle and can play the cocky heel much better then this ****.
Vicki... no, Dixie

Lay-Cool, for the majority of 2010, atleast on of the two had a title around there waste, promos have been solid as divas, and in ring has been passable, they get my vote!
LayCool <3 Great team, both are solid in the ring, their promo's are solid enough, and their gimmick works.

They were great in the Piggie James angle, and they made Natayla much more interesting(no shade to Nattie since she's great in the ring, but I found her boring and still kinda do).

I actually voted for Michelle though, just because I find her to be overall stronger than Layla. Lay always come's across as Michelle's lacky, and if/when they ever split Michelle will be the one to get the bigger push(Taker or not).

And I love The Beautiful People, but LayCool are great too. Their are similarities, but all 4girls bring something unique to their respective groups.

Madison Rayne was the Breakout Diva of the Year. She really ran with the ball, and has went from a third wheel jobber, to the Heel on the Knockouts. Impressive.
Laycool have been outstanding all year. It would be unfair to pick just Layla or McCool as they work so well together. I didn't think of anyone else in this catergory.
Where's Tara? I was going to vote for her...

She's really attractive to, eh? She's pushing 40 but I have a thing for MILFs...

In all seriousness, she has put on some great matches, and I've enjoyed her feud with Mickie James. WWE really mis used her in her later years, and she could have really easily put LayCool over right now.

Natayla has just been good, and it's late in the year. She always had the in ring skills, but nothing else is interesting about her. I'm sure she will win 2011 female of the year if she keeps up her current work, it's just too late right now.

Don't watch TNA too much to comment on the KO's division, but I like the Beautiful People...a lot if you get my drift here. They draw great heat, and it's natural too. They aren't your typical stuck up Divas, and that's what LayCool is and are.

I used to really like Lay Cool but I find them really annoying now, and not in a good way either. I can't stand listening to them anymore, and I hate how they always appear on both shows. I want them off my TV, they are starting to have the hornswoggle effect on me.

But my dislike for them is only happening for about a month or two now, before I did enjoy them and they actually carried the women's division. I think McCool is one of the better female wrestlers out there, and she has really improved. Plus, Layla was useless before but now she even looks decent out there..her in ring skills need a lot of work though.

I'll pick LayCool for now, they did a great job carrying the division and making it interesting despite them being annoying. But can Tara be on this list? she's my favourite diva haha

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