Final Fantasy VII -v- Dead Rising

Final Fantasy or Dead Rising


  • Dead Rising

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Mid-Card Championship Winner

Dead Rising was a good game. Some would even say that it was a great game, and it was fun as hell. It had very good graphics that never lagged even with tons of zombies on the screen at once, the sound was amazing as everything you did sounded near perfect, and it had a good story. It had some flaws though between the shitty A.I and the limited saves. Like I said, it was a fairly good game, but that isn't enough to get it by Final Fantasy VII. FFVII put RPG games on the map and did so with fantastic graphics, addicting gameplay, a great story with one of the biggest twists in gaming history, and two of the most recognizable video game characters of all time. For me, it was as close to perfection as a video game can get. It gets my vote here without much hesitation.
I agree with pretty much Fizzy said...
Final Fantasy is almost a legend in the videogame business, and this particular one is was the first to use 3d renders, and stuff like that.
In 3 days it sold almost 2,3 million of games only in Japan, and that has to be a record

Cloud is one of my favorites characters ever, and the story here was really incredible, I marked out the battle between Cloud and Sephiroth here.
I love FF and i love Dead Rising but out of the 2 I love FF more.

RPG games like FF are some of my favorites and have literally hundreds of hours of game play and you can customize the characters any way you want which is one of the main reason I love them. Sucks to vote Against Dead Rising but it's up against an overall better game
My name is Dagger Dias, and I am a Final Fantasy fanboy. That being said, it should be painfully obvious where my vote goes this round. Final Fantasy 7 has my support to win this entire tournament, and I am here in this thread to push it to the next round.

Final Fantasy 7 is what every single RPG that came after it wishes it could be. Cloud made spiky haired emo swordsmen the standard hero. Sephiroth is regarded as one of the best villains of all time. Every single playable character has a large fanbase. Even many of the villains and NPC's do. The soundtrack was amazing. The gameplay was great. The cut-scenes still look awesome. Final Fantasy 7 should win and go on due to the fact that it is more than just a great game from 1997, it is an RPG juggernaut that revolutionized the genre.

FF7 should take this round, but just in case someone disagrees then by all means let me show you just how wrong you are. Or do the right thing. Vote for Final Fantasy 7. It's the better game by far, and that's the bottom line because Dagger Dias said so! ;)

Oh and by the way....

Aeris dies

is STILL the mother of all spoilers in video games.
Dead Rising was a very fun game to play...but this is Final Fantasy VII. While Deadrising was fun it also had a decent story to it. It wasn't just about slashing Zombies. The boss fights where incredibly entertaining and some were quite challenging. Final Fantasy VII needs nothing more than what the others above me have said. In my honest opinion I believe it to be the best game ever made so I'll be voting VII
Boy, am I gonna get flamed for my opinion. But I truly, truly hate Final Fantasy games. I hate most Japanese RPG's, but mostly Final Fantasy. Every new Final Fantasy game is more of a shameless cash in than the yearly update of sports games. Take some generic anime-type characters with ridiculous names and even more ridiculous back stories, throw in a vague and plot-hole ridden storyline, add tedious turn based combats and irritating random battles. Collect a bunch of items if it's 2D, or make it super-linear if 3D. Then multiply it all by 50 hours. I'm a very patient man, especially when it comes to pay offs in video games. But the best plot twist in the world is not worth going through that.

People can go "OMG ARIES DIES!" as many times as they want, I still don't care. One quite sad death in a video game does not make it a classic. That is not a good enough arguement.

At least Dead Rising was somewhat original. Take the Smash TV-esque concept, put it in 3D, and make the world interactive as possible. Going through hoardes of zombies is far less tedious than Final Fantasy games.

I don't care if I'm fighting a losing battle. I'm voting for Dead Rising here, and I want to make sure FF7 does not win this tournament.
Boy, am I gonna get flamed for my opinion. But I truly, truly hate Final Fantasy games. I hate most Japanese RPG's, but mostly Final Fantasy.

Blade, this saddens me. I thought you had better taste in games than this. I respect your opinion but could not possibly disagree more. Limit Break gauge fills up to maximum....entering Relentless Debating mode....! You told me way back in December of 2009 that I owe you a debate. Here it comes.

Every new Final Fantasy game is more of a shameless cash in than the yearly update of sports games. Take some generic anime-type characters with ridiculous names and even more ridiculous back stories, throw in a vague and plot-hole ridden storyline, add tedious turn based combats and irritating random battles. Collect a bunch of items if it's 2D, or make it super-linear if 3D. Then multiply it all by 50 hours. I'm a very patient man, especially when it comes to pay offs in video games. But the best plot twist in the world is not worth going through that.

The series did go downhill after Final Fantasy 10. However that does not justify this attack. They are some of the greatest games of all time. Only a small part of the 2D FF's are item collection and the gameplay alone was enough to save the 3D ones up until FFX2 which was where the downhill slope began. The series brought us many of the most memorable characters, villains, monsters, music, and stories in the video gaming world. Final Fantasy 7 did that better than any game before or after it.

People can go "OMG ARIES DIES!" as many times as they want, I still don't care. One quite sad death in a video game does not make it a classic. That is not a good enough arguement.

First of all it is Aeris. Secondly, Aeris' death is iconic. Never before has a spoiler been so massive. Nothing after it has replicated it yet either. However the story is amazing even without that. The love triangle between Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris before her death for example. Cloud and all of his allies have fantastic backstories and development that are put together perfectly into an epic story. Sephiroth also had an amazing develoment from soldier hero to insane supervillain. The game deserves every last ounce of the hype it gets.

At least Dead Rising was somewhat original. Take the Smash TV-esque concept, put it in 3D, and make the world interactive as possible. Going through hoardes of zombies is far less tedious than Final Fantasy games.

How is Final Fantasy not original? They changed up the gameplay in each of them. Materia, espers teaching you magic, junction, sphere grid, job system, active time battle, dress spheres, and even FF2's system of stat development were all original. I will take those gameplay systems over killing zombies any day. Don't let your dislike of the series blind you from seeing the truth that FF7 was very original and a way better game than Dead Rising.

I don't care if I'm fighting a losing battle. I'm voting for Dead Rising here, and I want to make sure FF7 does not win this tournament.

You are very brave for fighting a losing battle here. However FF7 is going to take this round and I am pushing it to win this entire tournament. Even if that puts me into debates with all of the Mario and Zelda fanboys. FF7 was brilliant in every sense of the word and has my full support because it was a game that did everything right. It was by far one of the most important titles ever in the RPG genre, while delivering an experience that no gamer should ever miss out on.
Blade, this saddens me. I thought you had better taste in games than this. I respect your opinion but could not possibly disagree more. Limit Break gauge fills up to maximum....entering Relentless Debating mode....! You told me way back in December of 2009 that I owe you a debate. Here it comes.

Don't get me wrong, despite my disdain for JRPGs in general, I understand how big a deal Final Fantasy, and especially the 7th installment, is. But I just do not get them at all. Purely from my experiences.

That being said, don't expect my best in this debate. I enjoy Dead Rising, but I'm not willing to fight for it. If FF 7 comes up against a Zelda game, I will not be backing down.

The series did go downhill after Final Fantasy 10. However that does not justify this attack. They are some of the greatest games of all time. Only a small part of the 2D FF's are item collection and the gameplay alone was enough to save the 3D ones up until FFX2 which was where the downhill slope began. The series brought us many of the most memorable characters, villains, monsters, music, and stories in the video gaming world. Final Fantasy 7 did that better than any game before or after it.

I'm aware they're held in high regard by most of the gaming community. But to say the item collection and gameplay alone were enough to make them good games is crazy. Item collection is one of, if not the, biggest clichés in all of gaming. 9 times out of 10 it's just to add a few empty hours to the game. Unless your name is Shigeru Miyamoto, chances are you can't make a collecting quest without it being completely lame.

And I've voiced my opinion about the gameplay of Final Fantasy games and the gameplay of JRPG's in general. If there's one thing I hate, it's repetition. Turn based RPG's are the most repetitive genre in the world, by definintion. And Final Fantasy 7 is no different.

First of all it is Aeris.

My bad.

Secondly, Aeris' death is iconic. Never before has a spoiler been so massive. Nothing after it has replicated it yet either.

Samus Aran's unveiling as a woman was equally, if not more, iconic, massive and original. But the difference is, Metroid fans never use it as a reason for why the game is so awesome. I hear Final Fantasy 7 fans use the Aeris thing as an excuse for why the game is awesome all the time. It's silly.

However the story is amazing even without that. The love triangle between Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris before her death for example. Cloud and all of his allies have fantastic backstories and development that are put together perfectly into an epic story. Sephiroth also had an amazing develoment from soldier hero to insane supervillain. The game deserves every last ounce of the hype it gets.

I agree the story and characters were engrossing. But stories only make up a fraction of what makes a game great.

How is Final Fantasy not original? They changed up the gameplay in each of them. Materia, espers teaching you magic, junction, sphere grid, job system, active time battle, dress spheres, and even FF2's system of stat development were all original. I will take those gameplay systems over killing zombies any day. Don't let your dislike of the series blind you from seeing the truth that FF7 was very original and a way better game than Dead Rising.

Ok, here's where my hatred of FF gameplay comes from. Of all those 'gameplay elements' you named up there, how many of them became regular elements of the series and didn't just appear in 1 or 2 games? That's why I put JRPG's on the same level as EA Sports games. They can throw in as many gimmick-like 'new' gameplay features as much as they want with every new game in the series. But at the heart, the gameplay never changes. It's still dull and repetitive and, at it's core, hasn't changed in decades. And it's core is what needs changing.

You can make arguements about how the simplicity of the core gameplay is what makes it so good or it's a tried and tested gameplay system that has worked in countless games. But no, JRPG's are carried by their stories, and that's fact. The gameplay is, and has always been, lacklustre.

And I'm not letting my hatred of JRPGs affect my opinion of FF7. I have played a lot of FF7, and I can say that the story was decent. But all it is is the best of a bad bunch. It doesn't deserve the hype.

You are very brave for fighting a losing battle here. However FF7 is going to take this round and I am pushing it to win this entire tournament. Even if that puts me into debates with all of the Mario and Zelda fanboys. FF7 was brilliant in every sense of the word and has my full support because it was a game that did everything right. It was by far one of the most important titles ever in the RPG genre, while delivering an experience that no gamer should ever miss out on.

Like I said, I'm not willing to fight very hard for Dead Rising here. But when you come up against Zelda, I'm not going to let up. FF 7 is not winning this tournament.
That being said, don't expect my best in this debate. I enjoy Dead Rising, but I'm not willing to fight for it. If FF 7 comes up against a Zelda game, I will not be backing down.

Fair enough. I look forward to that. Expect my best in return.

I'm aware they're held in high regard by most of the gaming community. But to say the item collection and gameplay alone were enough to make them good games is crazy. Item collection is one of, if not the, biggest clichés in all of gaming. 9 times out of 10 it's just to add a few empty hours to the game. Unless your name is Shigeru Miyamoto, chances are you can't make a collecting quest without it being completely lame.

How are the collection quests lame? The optional completionist ones are, but the item collection quests that impact the actual story are anything but lame. They are crucial to an upcoming spoiler and/or boss fight. It makes you anticipate the events later on more.

And I've voiced my opinion about the gameplay of Final Fantasy games and the gameplay of JRPG's in general. If there's one thing I hate, it's repetition. Turn based RPG's are the most repetitive genre in the world, by definintion. And Final Fantasy 7 is no different.

How is it repetitive? You go to different worlds fighting different monsters. It changes with every single location, and you can change up your abilities or active characters to make it differ more.

Samus Aran's unveiling as a woman was equally, if not more, iconic, massive and original. But the difference is, Metroid fans never use it as a reason for why the game is so awesome. I hear Final Fantasy 7 fans use the Aeris thing as an excuse for why the game is awesome all the time. It's silly.

I didn't use Aeris' death as an excuse for why FF7 is awesome. It's a crucial part of an even larger story. Even though she dies, she still saved the world by summoning Holy. Aeris saved the day, not Cloud and friends. Oddly enough. The entire experience (gameplay, story, music, cast) makes it awesome, not one single spoiler by itself.

I agree the story and characters were engrossing. But stories only make up a fraction of what makes a game great.

Excactly and FF7 delivers a perfect 10 in ALL categories. Not just story. Characters, music, gameplay, graphics (by 1997 standards) are all 10's as well. It doesn't have to rely on the story. The entire experience with the game as a whole is a 10.

Ok, here's where my hatred of FF gameplay comes from. Of all those 'gameplay elements' you named up there, how many of them became regular elements of the series and didn't just appear in 1 or 2 games? That's why I put JRPG's on the same level as EA Sports games. They can throw in as many gimmick-like 'new' gameplay features as much as they want with every new game in the series. But at the heart, the gameplay never changes. It's still dull and repetitive and, at it's core, hasn't changed in decades. And it's core is what needs changing.

Job class system: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 (sort of), 9, X2.
Espers teaching spells: 6 only but 9 had a similar system with weapons
Junction: 8 only. It sucked, but was still original.
Materia: 7 only. Could have come back.
Sphere Grid: X only, but other games incorporated similar systems.

What exactly is so dull and repetitive about the series? The only dull title is FF2 due to its awful (while still original) system.

You can make arguements about how the simplicity of the core gameplay is what makes it so good or it's a tried and tested gameplay system that has worked in countless games. But no, JRPG's are carried by their stories, and that's fact. The gameplay is, and has always been, lacklustre.

You cannot call FF7's gameplay lacklustre. Materia gives you endless options. Knights of the Round + Mime = broken victory. 4xCut + Slash All = hit everything 4 times. Steal as well + anything = (not hard to figure out). That's just the tip of the iceberg.

And I'm not letting my hatred of JRPGs affect my opinion of FF7. I have played a lot of FF7, and I can say that the story was decent. But all it is is the best of a bad bunch. It doesn't deserve the hype.

We will just have to agree to disagree there until you can give me some specifics on why it does not deserve the hype. I feel it deserves every last ounce of the hype it gets, and believe me when it goes up against a Mario/Zelda game or Goldeneye then I will unleash everything I have in order to push it to the top.

Like I said, I'm not willing to fight very hard for Dead Rising here. But when you come up against Zelda, I'm not going to let up. FF7 is not winning this tournament.

Not on my watch. Final Fantasy 7 is better than every single other game left in the tournament, it will win, and that's the bottom line because Dagger Dias said so! ;)
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