Finn Balor Possibly Injured


King Of The Ring
Balor was apparently injured pretty severely during his match at Summerslam with Seth Rollins, and was reportedly seen in a sling backstage after the match. There are rumors that the injury may be serious enough to require surgery. To that I say, fuck sakes.

I want to be angry at something, but I don't know where to direct it. At Seth Rollins for proving Bret Hart's rants right and potentially hurting yet another top guy? At Finn Balor for making it all this way, getting the fans on his side, and than "allowing" himself to get hurt severely enough to possibly ruin the best start by a guy since Brock? At some almighty being who seems to enjoy tormenting wrestling fans? I'm going to go with the last one. Damn the wrestling gods.

If this is severe enough, Balor will probably have to vacate the title, which will likely lead to a whole crap-load of repercussions for everyone involved. Balor will get punished for being fragile, Rollins will get punished for being reckless, and we'll get punished by having to witness another Roman Reigns title run.

Let's hope this thing ain't that serious.
All I was told last night was " Finn's hurt. Bad." And "Upper body". I'm hoping it's his hand/wrist because of how he held it after the barracade bomb, but idk.
I watched GMA this morning knowing he and Charlotte was scheduled to appear and no mention of it and he wasn't in a sling or favoring anything. He talked about the PPV and seemed fine. So, *whew*
Damn, that insider turns out to be legit.

Well, he was at GMA so its not serious to require surgery right away but probably somewhere along a way. Which means he would maybe be written off from TV soon. And yes, it could be bad not just to Balor and Rollins but any new guy(especially smaller in physique) WWE would want to have big push in general. Because after Bryan and then this they would have to wonder if its not just bad luck.

and we'll get punished by having to witness another Roman Reigns title run.
Wouldnt worry about that, guy has been severly punished and he even didnt had a match yesterday. Though it makes you wonder who would get pushed now if Balor, Rollins and Reigns are all out of picture.
I just want the title away from Finn Balor.. If getting injured gets the title away from him, so be it.
Will have to see if this is a big injury or not but one way or another you have to be expecting that something like that would happen to him eventually since he got a history of shoulder injuries and with the career he had before coming to wwe, that kinda normal that he would be more susceptible to injuries since the indy style is more physical then the WWE style.

I never really was for the fact they wanted to give him a major push right off the start because normally, this type of push is the kiss of death for a wrestler because they can't really stay over after the initial win and the company just lose faith in you after that but if he's really is injured and that it'S serious enough that he has to get surgery and miss time because of it, his career as a top performer on raw is over because they put everything to make him a star and it blow up in their faces, he going to get the dolph ziggler treatment when he comes back and be label a good hand in the mid card.
I think he's fine. Probably banged up his shoulder, a sprain. He looked fine with Charlotte on TV today.
Him winning the belt made no sense to me anyway, but it was sadly inevitable once they introduced the Demon so soon.

It makes Rollins a bigger heel if he beats Slater for the championship if it's vacated.
Looks like a torn labrum... apparently he is going for consultation on possible surgery to determine extent/length of absence
If this is severe enough, Balor will probably have to vacate the title, which will likely lead to a whole crap-load of repercussions for everyone involved. Balor will get punished for being fragile, Rollins will get punished for being reckless, and we'll get punished by having to witness another Roman Reigns title run.

Let's hope this thing ain't that serious.

I don't think there'd be any repercussions to Rollins. As with Sting, Balor agreed to do the spot, he landed properly, but his body just sort of buckled under the impact. What this may have done is mostly aggravated what's been a long term issue for Balor. A few months ago, footage from a fan of Balor boarding a bus after an NXT taping showed Balor with his arm in a sling and at the time, it was reported that it was a storyline deal and everyone forgot all about it. Balor's shoulder has probably been bothering him for a long time and he may well have been hurting that night and used the sling to alleviate pressure on the arm. Last night, he took a hard landing and, as I alluded to, probably compounded what's been an ongoing issue for quite a while now.

If WWE is so worried about the move, they should have told Rollins not to use it anymore and since no one didn't, I don't see how it's on Rollins. If a wrestler lands the wrong way when taking a move, you have to look at the move itself to see if the guy giving it has any of the blame. Rollins had Balor up on his shoulders properly, he tossed him and he landed. I don't see it as anyone's fault, just an example of Balor's body saying "Okay buddy, that's it, I'm crappin' out for a while."

As for Reigns, Reigns won't be pushed to the main event spot so soon because it'd make WWE look bad and it'd make the Wellness Policy look like a joke. Even someone like Randy Orton wasn't pushed so soon after his drug test failures. Truth be told, most fans don't probably don't give a shit how much the guys are juicing or what they're taking, whether it's steroids or Adderall. They've welcomed Lesnar back with open arms, Reigns hasn't been getting the business from the fans since his return. While it's first and foremost a business decision on WWE's part, waiting a good long while before deciding to give Reigns another main event push is the responsible thing to do and it doesn't convey favoritism.

If Balor has to vacate the title, they could always simply award the title to Rollins, much like what happened with Triple H back in the day when they unveiled the World Heavyweight Championship.
Out 2-3 months... can't imagine a worse scenario for WWE.

Fast track him from his first appearance on and want him to be the co-leader of RAW with the new belt and now belt is vacated, momentum he built up is gone and fans who didn't follow with NXT will just go back to not caring about him.
Foley announced that Balor will relinquish the title tonight. Could be some sort of work but I doubt it. Guess we'll find out in about 35 minutes...
Foley announced that Balor will relinquish the title tonight. Could be some sort of work but I doubt it. Guess we'll find out in about 35 minutes...

It's not, he needs surgery for a torn labrum and is out a minimum of 2-3 months but they are anticipating 6 months
Probably not the worst of situations.

Balor could still return for the WM and even the Rumble to continue his chase for the title even if it takes him 6 months to recover. If I recall Edge wasn't exactly 100% healed in his return in the Rumble back in 2010 but but a high entry number and was able to be protected in the match to win.

Also Balor having to forfeit the title means his Demon King gimmick is protected a bit since that gimmick doesn't have to lose a match anytime soon.
I don't think there'd be any repercussions to Rollins. As with Sting, Balor agreed to do the spot, he landed properly, but his body just sort of buckled under the impact. What this may have done is mostly aggravated what's been a long term issue for Balor. A few months ago, footage from a fan of Balor boarding a bus after an NXT taping showed Balor with his arm in a sling and at the time, it was reported that it was a storyline deal and everyone forgot all about it. Balor's shoulder has probably been bothering him for a long time and he may well have been hurting that night and used the sling to alleviate pressure on the arm. Last night, he took a hard landing and, as I alluded to, probably compounded what's been an ongoing issue for quite a while now.

If WWE is so worried about the move, they should have told Rollins not to use it anymore and since no one didn't, I don't see how it's on Rollins. If a wrestler lands the wrong way when taking a move, you have to look at the move itself to see if the guy giving it has any of the blame. Rollins had Balor up on his shoulders properly, he tossed him and he landed. I don't see it as anyone's fault, just an example of Balor's body saying "Okay buddy, that's it, I'm crappin' out for a while."

There is one thing you're not taking into account there, and that's the distance. There was nothing wrong with the move itself and Seth preformed it properly. BUT he tossed him too far from the barricade, forcing Balor to choose between his head and neck, or his arm. That was a no win situation for Balor. And if you put your opponent in a spot where they can't land properly, that's on you. I'm not saying anything before this is Seth's fault. I never watched the match with Sting. But I did see that spot, and I can't help but blame Seth for it. Balor didn't have a good choice either way.

And yeah, accidents happen, but that spot just fucked over Balor.
It sad to see that he will be out for 6 months as announce on raw tonight which mean that if he's ready to back by that time, he would return right in the middle of the wrestlemania season which isn't the best situation for him to come back to since he will be lost in the shuffle.

The best thing for him would be to rehab his shoulders and wait for to comeback on the raw after wrestlemania. This would make him the most over guy in the company instantly and you set up the match for the universal championship for the next raw ppv through that return. If you make his return a big deal, the casual fan will take him as a big deal but knowing wwe, if they got a shot of bringing him back early and rushing his return they will do that and with a guy like finn, rushing anything isn't the nest thing for his long term career.
There is one thing you're not taking into account there, and that's the distance. There was nothing wrong with the move itself and Seth preformed it properly. BUT he tossed him too far from the barricade, forcing Balor to choose between his head and neck, or his arm. That was a no win situation for Balor. And if you put your opponent in a spot where they can't land properly, that's on you. I'm not saying anything before this is Seth's fault. I never watched the match with Sting. But I did see that spot, and I can't help but blame Seth for it. Balor didn't have a good choice either way.

And yeah, accidents happen, but that spot just fucked over Balor.

Right there actually says that he didn't perform the move properly. Part of the move is being in the proper position to perform it, and if he's too far away to protect his opponent, or allow his opponent to protect himself... then he shouldn't be doing it.

You're right. It's completely on Rollins, and it's happened far too many times with the same move... and it's not even a finisher. It's just a nothing, spot monkey set up move the guy could easily swap out for something else without missing a beat.

The guy needs to smarten up.
If Balor is out for 6 months that brings us to Royal Rumble time January 2017 to be exact could you imagine The Demon King as a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble Match
If Balor is out for 6 months that brings us to Royal Rumble time January 2017 to be exact could you imagine The Demon King as a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble Match

Actually, 6 months brings us to February which would be either at fast lane or the day after which would be a terrible time for him to come back but if he's ready in five months then why not have him be a surprise entrant in the rumble, it work before for asj style, edge and john cena so why not for him. But if he'S not ready in time for the rumble then don't bother bring him in back before mania, keep him on the bench until the raw after mania because outside of the surprise rumble spot, this is the best spot to make him look like a main event level star because of how the crowd will receive him, if you just bring him out in between the rumble and mania, he will get lost in the shuffle.
Actually, 6 months brings us to February which would be either at fast lane or the day after which would be a terrible time for him to come back but if he's ready in five months then why not have him be a surprise entrant in the rumble, it work before for asj style, edge and john cena so why not for him. But if he'S not ready in time for the rumble then don't bother bring him in back before mania, keep him on the bench until the raw after mania because outside of the surprise rumble spot, this is the best spot to make him look like a main event level star because of how the crowd will receive him, if you just bring him out in between the rumble and mania, he will get lost in the shuffle.

I think Edge wasn't 100% yet by the rumble either. I am guessing even if Balor needs a full 6 months to recover he can get a high entry number like 27 to 30 and do enough and be protected to win much like Edge and Triple H.

Interestingly enough the year Edge and Triple H returned to the Rumble after an injury you did notice similar booking styles of that rumble. That being from #20 onwards guys would be eliminated quickly so that Edge and Triple H don't get too roughed up in the ring.
I was just reading Bret Hart's comment on this and he is right. Seth is to blame here and Rollins is a dangerous wrestler.

This is at least the 3rd superstar he has seriously injured in the last year or so: Finn, Cena (broken nose) and Sting.

Heck, I could be missing one...

At some point, Seth Rollins has to change and become better/safer or he's a major liability to the company.

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