Fourth Round: TLC - The Rock vs. John Cena

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a Fourth round matchup in the Toronto Region.

Rules: This is a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match but with a twist. You can also win by pinfall or submission as well as capturing the object. This prevents the idiotic So and So can't climb so he loses here.

Location: SkyDome, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


The Rock



John Cena


Voting is open for 4 days.
I'm giving this one to Cena , not sure if The Rock ever participated in a TLC match but Cena sure as hell did and it was with the TLC master himself "Edge" in his hometown.

If Cena is able to beat Edge in his own match then I am positive he could beat The Rock a man that has no experience in this match (correct me if I am wrong).

So Cena wins this match type , in my opinion.
John Cena is gonna win this one, he has the advantage of knowing how both a table match a ladder match and a TLC match works, while The Rock has certainly worked his share of matches, he has never worked a TLC match, which is gonna give John Cena an advantage.

This is two very tough guys, both could easily go over in this one, but I just feel that John Cena is gonna be the tougher opponent to beat due to the fact that this "fucker" never gives up, he beat the "king" of TLC's in Edge.

John Cena wins this match, and it's a shame there's so many John Cena haters on this forum, cause I think Rock is gonna win the tournament match on votes because of that, but John Cena should win this one.

Not only does Cena have an advantage with him being in, and winning, a TLC match but he could also potentially beat The Rock via submission. Cena has had several matches that involve weapons and won a large portion of them.

Now don't get me wrong, The Rock is one of the biggest and the best but his record in ladder Matches isn't exactly brilliant. He lost the IC Title to Hunter Hearst Helmsley at SummerSlam 98.

Cena should win.

Vote Cena.
Kayfabe, Cena's won a TLC match against a veteran of such affairs in that man's hometown of Toronto. Cena's also lasted longer at the top of wrestling than Rock and, unlike Rock, has had clean success against ALL of his opponents at the top. Not to mention that the list of men Cena's bested is longer than the list Rock can tout.

Non-kayfabe, Cena's been a long term top guy who had to rebuild the company (and did a damn fine job) after Triple H raped and pillaged following the departures of Austin and Rock. Meanwhile, Rock was a second-in-line guy who had a big year after Austin got injured and rode the Rattlesnake's wave.

Cena in a walk.
These two are more or less the some guy in a way, except for Rock is the better actor and Cena is a better wrestling. After doing some research, I've been able to assertain that this is a wrestling tournament, which means this'll favor Cena.

The beating Edge in a TLC Match in Canada thing definetly works in his favor here, as does the fact that he's more talented in the ring than Rock and has been overall more successful. Not sure why one would vote for the Rock here, other than the fact that he's great on the mic and whatnot.
Shit, was meant to vote for Cena but ended up clicking on The Rock, so if it's a draw or a point in it, please note my vote is for CENA.

Pretty much most people have summed up why Cena advances, but just to add a few extra notes in, when it comes to using weapons and other items, Cena is pretty much a tank, he can take brutual shots and still stand tall. While I love The Rock, he simply is a guy who gets taken out more easily by chair shots, now granted he is a durable superstar and won't go down without a fight, but Cena could easily destroy Rocky while he sells the shots like hell. Only chance Rock has is using the Tables to his advantage, but when he's exhausted, he can't fully capitalise with The Rock Bottom as it takes him out as well.

As much as I love The Rock, Cena takes it.
I voted for Cena as well Cena has expreince in a tlc match which The Rock doesn't have. And while expreince doesn't win you matches all the time and that includes in tlc. I just don't see Rock climbing the ladder or able to pin Cena clean in less he had the Nation of Domination but I am sure if they are going to be in this match.

But in less rock puts Cena in in 2 or 3 tables and then does the sharpshooter I don't see him win this.
While The Rock is great, and beat an aged Hulk Hogan, I dont think he could beat the rebirthed in his prime Hogan that is John Cena. Especially in a TLC match that Cena has happilly proved he is capable of participating in successfully against none other then Edge.

I love The Rock, and I love Cena, kayfabe wise this has to go in Cena's favour.
No way should Cena win here and this is coming from a Cena fan. The whole Cena has TLC experience and Rock doesn't argument is complete bullshit. The Rock wrestled in the attitude era and was in plenty of random hardcore matches. All a TLC match is, is a ladder match with some tables and chairs surrounding the ring. The Rock has used tables and chairs plenty of times in his career and he has also competed in multiple ladder matches.

There is nothing Cena does better then The Rock. The Rock is better on the mic, they are probably even in terms of wrestling ability, Rock has more charisma, and he is also the bigger superstar of the two. Cena would put up a great fight but The Rock in his prime was matched by only two men: Hogan and Austin. Give me The Rock all day.
I chose the Rock. So let the arguments commence. The one argument that I have seen through the first so many posts is that John Cena has beaten Edge in a TLC match, whereas the Rock has never been in one before. Woo-hoo. The Undertaker beat Jeff Hardy in a ladder match, with Jeff having far more experience in. I'm failing to see how the Rock is at a huge disadvantage. The Rock is not above beating somebody senseless with a chair, just ask Mick Foley. If the Rock gets his hands on a chair, Cena needs to watch out, I don't care how super he is.

Bring on the arguments now.
Why The Rock kicks John Cena's Candy Ass ALLLLLLLLLL over the WZ forums!

General Points

1. Cena has won the World Title 9 times IN AN ERA WHERE THERE ARE TWO TO WIN.The Rock won 7 WWF Titles when there was only one brand (and if you want to argue that Cena has still won more, The Rock also won 2 WCW Titles during the Invasion where there were 2 titles). This shows that The Rock is generally a more sucessful wrestler.

2. Cena has held the titles he has for longer, but apart from those titles meaning less because there's two of them, he's also benefitting from an era where the bar in considerably lower. Instead of having to share the spotlight with guys like Austin, prime era HHH, The Undertaker, Mankind and other wrestlers many of us grew up with, Cena co-exists alongside second level guys like Orton, post-injury HHH, a HBK who doesn't want the title, Batista and Edge (never mind the fact that his competition in the main event is effectively halved as there are TWO brands).

3. People actually watched wrestling when The Rock was at the top. He drew nearly double what Cena does (even in the year Austin was out, which is when the ratings hit their peak). People will say "oh but that was a more popular time" - guess why it was more popular? Because the wrestlers were better, people actually wanted to see them. Cena is good but he's destined to be consigned to the Hart/HBK chapter o the history books once the next wave of popularity comes.

4. Cena is a cheap imitation of The Rock. You see that lame "5 Knuckle Shuffle" move he does? It's a poor man's People's Elbow - those amongst us who liek to think pro-wrestling is supposed to be ultra-realistic will point out that both moves "suck", but at least the People's Elbow worked the crowd. Cena struggles to work a crowd - The Rock can get them to chant his name just by saying "they're chanting The Rock's name". That's what sets the greats of the wrestling apart from the merely goods. Sure Rocky Mavia got booed, but that was a footntoe to The Rock's career. For Cena to have won several title and still not be able to achieve the desired response on a constant basis marks him out as a weak pro-wrestler.

5. The Rock has beaten Mankind aka Mick Foley aka the hardcore legend - at his own game. Cena may have faced the likes of Edge in "hardcore" style matches but The Rock wrestled in an era where rules took a backseat on a consistent basis. Cena (in his nauseating "face" prime) is a good guy who rarely if ever will cheat or bend the rules. Even as a mega face The Rock would take a chair and crack Hulk Hogan over the back with it. The Rock will do whatever it takes to win, Cena has his limits.
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Bring on the arguments now.
Cena's lasted longer at the top of the card and been more successful against each of his top of the card opponents than Rock has. Rock, a good supporting player when Steve Austin is healthy enough to be the man and a successful guy in his own right, normally has trouble dealing with the legit top guy, that being Austin. Heck, if an over-the-hill Goldberg could knock Rock on his ass and out of the company, what hope does he have against dominance the likes of which a long term headliner like Cena hands out at his peak?


You also fail to mention how John Cena isn't a midcard fuck-up. That little nugget only makes your Jeff Hardy (2002 Jeff Hardy) vs. Undertaker "example" null and void, so I can see why you glossed over that.

Even if we take TLC experience out of this, Cena's got Rock beat in just about every way. But if you'd like to pretend that Cena's never been hit with a chair before, go ahead. I'll feign interest.
1. Cena has won the World Title 9 times IN AN ERA WHERE THERE ARE TWO TO WIN.The Rock won 7 WWF Titles when there was only one brand (and if you want to argue that Cena has still won more, The Rock also won 2 WCW Titles during the Invasion where there were 2 titles). This shows that The Rock is generally a more sucessful wrestler.
Really? I'd imagine Cena holding the his world championships for a combined stretch of time that damn near matches Rock's ENTIRE run at the top of the card and dwarfs all his reigns while managing to be more successful against more men than Rock ever was gives Cena the edge. But I'm only being objective. From what I've seen, that doesn't count for anything in this tournament.

2. Cena has held the titles he has for longer, but apart from those titles meaning less because there's two of them, he's also benefitting from an era where the bar in considerably lower. Instead of having to share the spotlight with guys like Austin, prime era HHH, The Undertaker, Mankind and other wrestlers many of us grew up with, Cena co-exists alongside second level guys like Orton, post-injury HHH, a HBK who doesn't want the title, Batista and Edge (never mind the fact that his competition in the main event is effectively halved as there are TWO brands).
Well this is a bullshit talking point. The title belt was basically held by about five or six guys in Rock's time. In Cena's time, he's had to deal with two main event rosters worth of people jumping back and forth between brands which caused him to take on a greater number of legitimate threats than Rock had to. In a time an era where more men have risen the ranks and won world championships, Cena has dwarfed all of those significant names and become the face of his era, the go-to champion, and the man with over 1000 days of time as champion under his belt. Rock didn't come close to matching Cena's success in an era where Rock had fewer real contenders to deal with and didn't deal with all of them as well as Cena's done with his crop of contenders.

Also, Triple H has been booked as Hogan-like at times in the Cena era. How that's not a peak is beyond me.

HBK doesn't want the title? That's nice. Means nothing in kayfabe.

3. People actually watched wrestling when The Rock was at the top. He drew nearly double what Cena does (even in the year Austin was out, which is when the ratings hit their peak). People will say "oh but that was a more popular time" - guess why it was more popular? Because the wrestlers were better, people actually wanted to see them. Cena is good but he's destined to be consigned to the Hart/HBK chapter o the history books once the next wave of popularity comes.
Rock rode Austin's momentum. He built nothing for himself. Cena brought the business to new financial peaks after Triple H killed it from 2002 onward. You're underrating Cena here while overselling the Rock. All in all, it's a BS tactic that no intelligent person will stand for.

4. Cena is a cheap imitation of The Rock. You see that lame "5 Knuckle Shuffle" move he does? It's a poor man's People's Elbow - those amongst us who liek to think pro-wrestling is supposed to be ultra-realistic will point out that both moves "suck", but at least the People's Elbow worked the crowd. Cena struggles to work a crowd - The Rock can get them to chant his name just by saying "they're chanting The Rock's name". That's what sets the greats of the wrestling apart from the merely goods. Sure Rocky Mavia got booed, but that was a footntoe to The Rock's career. For Cena to have won several title and still not be able to achieve the desired response on a constant basis marks him out as a weak pro-wrestler.
1) People respond to the Five Knuckle Shuffle. To think otherwise is to relegate yourself to a world where you selectively mute your television because you can't deal with The Champ's success.

2) The tweener reaction IS the desired reaction and has been for years. But if you haven't connected the dots on your own by this point, I'm wasting my time on the blind.

5. The Rock has beaten Mankind aka Mick Foley aka the hardcore legend - at his own game.
Let's be honest, Foley was a joke at the top of the card. Everyone's taken a turn on that ride. Heck, Cena's beaten him in a match with no rules.

Cena may have faced the likes of Edge in "hardcore" style matches but The Rock wrestled in an era where rules took a backseat on a consistent basis. Cena (in his nauseating "face" prime) is a good guy who rarely if ever will cheat or bend the rules. Even as a mega face The Rock would take a chair and crack Hulk Hogan over the back with it. The Rock will do whatever it takes to win, Cena has his limits.
You're talking about a guy who damn near strangled Umaga to death with the ring ropes. Which John Cena have you been watching?

I honestly don't see this match ending with one guy climbing a ladder and grabbing the "insert object here". While many have brought up the point that Cena has defeated Edge in a TLC match while the Rock hasn't even been in a TLC match, this really doesn't matter here. Climbing a ladder is merely an option here, which neither guy really should care about. Take that factor away, and you are left with a glorified hardcore match, something both guys have had a wide variety of to choose from. So, experience factor shouldn't be an issue.

I really don't want to go into achievements, as they have been cited to death and the guy with more achievements doesn't always win. Simply, Cena is "the guy" now and the Rock was "one of the guys" about ten years ago. Ratings and figures could put one ahead of the other, or both at about the same, but I'm not voting based on ratings, that is just my preference.

In the ring, in a hardcore match, I can't see the Rock defeating John Cena. Any submissions the Rock can do shouldn't be a factor, as Cena isn't submitting anytime soon. He has been to hell and back in many a match and hasn't quit to anything clean. Add to this the frequency that the Rock's opponents would kick out of the Rock Bottom, and I see the People's Elbow being the Rock's only ticket to win.

Cena, on the other hand, has a slightly higher chance to make the Rock submit. The STF has made many other guys tap, and the Rock was not completely immune to tapping out in his career, though I realize that it wasn't a frequent occurrence. While the Rock would likely kick out of one FU, I can't see him getting out of two, or one from the top rope.

As for the environment, it should favor both guys equally. The Attitude Era was full of hardcore shenanigans that the Rock was quite familiar with, and Cena has defended or won a championship in just about every gimmick match imaginable (including TLC). So, both guys are more than capable of swinging chairs, climbing ladders, and putting the other guy through a table.

In the long run, I'd bet on Cena winning here. It would be one hell of a fight, but I think some over the top FU on or through some foreign object would keep the Rock down for a 3 count at about the 30 minute mark. I'd look back at Wrestlemania 17 (Rock vs Austin) to see how this one might play out. The Rock would stay in it forever, but eventually Cena would just hit him too hard to get back up.
No, seriously guys this is ridiculous. John Cena is leading the company in a bad time. Like someone said in the Hart vs Savage thread, it's better to be #2 in Hogan's era than #1 in a bad era - same logic applies here. Also factor in that The ROCK was at the top of the card during the WWF's most successful year and you can see why it all went downhill once The Rock et al left and were replaced by the substandard John Cena. The people who won World Titles in The Rock's era were like likes of Austin and HHH, not Dave Batista and Edge. If you can't realise The Rock won titles against tougher competition then that's ridiculous.
No, seriously guys this is ridiculous. John Cena is leading the company in a bad time. Like someone said in the Hart vs Savage thread, it's better to be #2 in Hogan's era than #1 in a bad era - same logic applies here. Also factor in that The ROCK was at the top of the card during the WWF's most successful year and you can see why it all went downhill once The Rock et al left and were replaced by the substandard John Cena. The people who won World Titles in The Rock's era were like likes of Austin and HHH, not Dave Batista and Edge. If you can't realise The Rock won titles against tougher competition then that's ridiculous.
Batista is booked almost as strong as Austin ever was and is more dominant than Triple H was in the Attitude Era.

Triple H has a greater record in this era than he did in the Attitude Era. He's now almost an unstoppable force.

Couple them with the other VERY strong talent that's been moved up the ladder in Cena's time, and I don't know why you think quality of opposition is an issue. When Cena's beaten a STRONGER, more primed Triple H cleaner than Rock could ever hope to, where's the argument for Rock?

As for Cena leading in a bad era, you're not quite right. One of the biggest misconceptions is regarding Cena is that he's bad for business, but he and Batista took a business that Triple H had killed by 2005 and took WWE to record profits within two-three years. Cena did that without riding Steve Austin's coattails like Rock did to achieve his grandest successes on the business side of things. Where's the argument for Rock here?

When Bret was on top, he never had to deal with forces the likes of Cena, Batista, or the modern day DX. Never. You talk a good game, but your logic is flawed.

Please, you're being too stubborn. Why is the modern DX more competition than the DX Army that The Rock and the Nation feuded with? Sure you can say "omg but HBK and uber HHH are teh winz!" but when DX is over it'll be remembered for the original trio and the DX Army with X-Pac and the NAO. Batista isn't booked like Austin and doesn't compare to him as a pro wrestler. HHH's best work was feuding with The Rock, that's the reason he's at the top now. And what do you mean VERY strong talent? Look who's won the World Title in this era - guys like Swagger, Khali, JBL, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio and Sheamus - I even like some of those guys but to suggest they constitute a tougher competition than Austin, HHH, Mankind, The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, and Hulk Hogan is just flat out wrong.

Vote for The Rock because he's held his own in the ring with people who would make Cena look like the average performer he is.
Please, you're being too stubborn.
Because I won't agree with you?

My bad.

Why is the modern DX more competition than the DX Army that The Rock and the Nation feuded with?
Because the 2006 and onward version had two mega-stars who were booked as latter-day Hogans. A win over either of them meant more than a win over anyone in the late-90s DX.

Batista isn't booked like Austin and doesn't compare to him as a pro wrestler.
Batista is one of the most protected wrestlers of the last five years and Cena is one of two men to get a single clean, decisive win over him. The only other one to match that accomplishment is The Undertaker.

Cena's in great company in that sense.

HHH's best work was feuding with The Rock, that's the reason he's at the top now. [/QUOTE
Triple H feuded for the Rock for ages and still failed to get over at the top of the card initially. It wasn't until Foley did him the favor that he started setting the wrestling world ablaze.

But more to the point, Cena defeated a more seasoned and dominant Triple H clean.

Rock got overbooked clusterfuck wins over a weaker Triple H.

Point: Cena.

And what do you mean VERY strong talent? Look who's won the World Title in this era - guys like Swagger, Khali, JBL, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio and Sheamus - I even like some of those guys but to suggest they constitute a tougher competition than Austin, HHH, Mankind, The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, and Hulk Hogan is just flat out wrong.
A rookie Kurt Angle that Rock needed a clusterfuck of a match to get his belt back from? That Kurt Angle? Yeah, Rock looked reallly strong that night.

Oh, wait. He didn't. It was far from decisive. You know, the way in which Cena beat a more seasoned Kurt Angle multiple times.

Rock's never been known for holding his own against guys with streaks, as proven by Lesnar and Goldberg. Cena, on the other hand, was among the first to hand decisive defeats to undefeated prospects like Khali and Umaga. Point: Cena.

Cena's faced men who win just as much or more than Austin and never faltered like Rock did against the Rattlesnake. Point: Cena.

Mankind lost to everybody. He's even lost to Cena.

I'm not seeing any real arguments for Rock here?

Alright, anyone who brings up that "Cena is leading the WWE in a down time" is absolutely wrong. While the ratings, number-wise, are vastly lower, there are many more viewers now then there were back in 2000. In fact, the amount of viewers is close to the amount that it was in 2000. So to say that Cena doesn't = draw is rediculous. Just needed to point that out.

Now as for my vote, I voted for Cena, for many reasons:

1) Cena, more often then not, wins on the big stage. Honestly, he's one of the clutchest wrestlers in WWE history, aside from possibly Hogan. He's beaten Triple H at Wrestlemania 22, Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 23, both of them in a Triple Threat at Survivor Series 2009, Batista at Wrestlemania 26, Randy Orton at Summerslam 2007 & 09, Edge at the Royal Rumble 2006 and Unforgiven 2006 in a TLC match. Kurt Angle at Survivor Series 2005, and many others. The Rock, however, has a very storied history of jobbing on the big stage.

2) Cena has been THE man since 2005, while the Rock was the #2 man to Austin in the Attitude Era. While that is not a joke in itself, Cena has always been the man the WWE has looked towards for the big matches and big moments.

3) Cena, in my opinion, is a better wrestler then the Rock. While neither is a Dean Malenko or Chris Benoit inside of the ring, both can go in this match. However, when you look at Cena in 2005 and look at him in 2009, you can see the great improvements that he's made. Rocky, on the otherhand, had pretty much been the same wrestler from 99-03. Cena's slightly, ever so slightly better inside of the ring.

So for these reasons, I'm voting for Cena.
1. Cena has won the World Title 9 times IN AN ERA WHERE THERE ARE TWO TO WIN.The Rock won 7 WWF Titles when there was only one brand (and if you want to argue that Cena has still won more, The Rock also won 2 WCW Titles during the Invasion where there were 2 titles). This shows that The Rock is generally a more sucessful wrestler.

How in the world can The Rock be more successful due to the fact that he has won.. actually the same amount, 7 WWE championships and 2 WCW championships in a period where there were only "1" (due to the fact that he won 2 of them during the time where there were 2, as you noted) and The Rock has still yet to succeed holding them very long.

John Cena has held the WWE championship (ALONE only the WWE championship, that makes up for 7 championships, the same amount as The Rock has held of the WWE championship) for over 3 times the amount of time The Rock held them, therefore John Cena has a history of longer reigns, more retains, at the same amount of pay per views that The Rock had to face, where he would drop all the championship reigns before he even held them very long, The Rock's longest reign was 119 days, well John held it for 380 days once.

Combined, The Rock has held 18 championships, John has held 17, John's reigns lasted longer although, so you can highly argue the fact that The Rock was more successful, he was a tough guy to fight, but his reigns came immensely quick in a short period of time, where as John Cena held the championships for a long period of time through the last 5 years.

John should therefore be considered more successful due to quality of reigns > quantity of reigns.

2. Cena has held the titles he has for longer, but apart from those titles meaning less because there's two of them, he's also benefitting from an era where the bar in considerably lower. Instead of having to share the spotlight with guys like Austin, prime era HHH, The Undertaker, Mankind and other wrestlers many of us grew up with, Cena co-exists alongside second level guys like Orton, post-injury HHH, a HBK who doesn't want the title, Batista and Edge (never mind the fact that his competition in the main event is effectively halved as there are TWO brands).

The Rock didn't share the spotlight with prime Triple H, John Cena did, Triple H's prime (from my consideration) was during his Evolution time, and a decent period of 2005-2007 where John Cena did in deed make Triple H tap out, something The Rock didn't do, The Rock and Triple H faced in a period where Triple H wasn't in his prime.

John has also faced Undertaker in his prime, where he lost although, but it was out of John Cena's prime, which he hadn't reached yet, John is in his prime now, and has been in the past 2-3 years time, where he has beaten EVERYBODY,Triple H, Batista, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Big Show, Edge, Randy Orton, and Kurt Angle as well I believe, the list of people in their primes that John has defeated, exceeds the list of The Rock.

3. People actually watched wrestling when The Rock was at the top. He drew nearly double what Cena does (even in the year Austin was out, which is when the ratings hit their peak). People will say "oh but that was a more popular time" - guess why it was more popular? Because the wrestlers were better, people actually wanted to see them. Cena is good but he's destined to be consigned to the Hart/HBK chapter o the history books once the next wave of popularity comes.

The Rock being able to draw does absolutely nothing for the fact that John Cena is gonna beat the living crap out of The Rock, and then smash his ass through 3 tables like he did Edge.

John Cena makes the WWE a large amount of money, while the drawing wasn't the same in ratings, the majority of the time (even thought he was out) Austin was the reason for people to be watching WWE, John on the other hand, while he's hated by a lot, is loved by the majority of WWE wrestling fans.

Just because John isn't exactly a prime example of a great technical wrestler, he is a great example of a great worker and has the ability to put on great matches, and don't try to tell me otherwise, just because you don't like John, doesn't make it any less of a fact that he puts on regularly good matches.

And in the end, a match isn't won because you're able to make extra people watch, from a scripted stand point, X wrestler would still go over Y even if Y made the ratings go up by 1.5 or something.

4. Cena is a cheap imitation of The Rock. You see that lame "5 Knuckle Shuffle" move he does? It's a poor man's People's Elbow - those amongst us who liek to think pro-wrestling is supposed to be ultra-realistic will point out that both moves "suck", but at least the People's Elbow worked the crowd. Cena struggles to work a crowd - The Rock can get them to chant his name just by saying "they're chanting The Rock's name". That's what sets the greats of the wrestling apart from the merely goods. Sure Rocky Mavia got booed, but that was a footntoe to The Rock's career. For Cena to have won several title and still not be able to achieve the desired response on a constant basis marks him out as a weak pro-wrestler.

How is that a poor man's People's Elbow? it's nothing alike, and we've seen people do antics etc. before they execute a move, and even if John was to be an imitation of The Rock, that doesn't make him any less able to beat, or be beaten by The Rock, because just because John pulls off the same move, doesn't make it any less of a move to finish a match.

Good example is the fact that Undertaker does a leg drop on his opponents at times, Hulk Hogan does the same, yet Hogan's move is a finisher, Undertaker's isn't.

And again, being able to work a crowd, won't win you the match, besides John Cena's "you can't see me" move has the crowd chanting alongside, problem is that The Rock didn't have the crowd chanting alongside him when he did that.

Being a great entertainer, will never win you a match, it's that simple, John Cena's resume of beating great guys far exceeds the resume of The Rock, therefore you would consider John to have an upper hand, besides this is a TLC match, something John has experience in, beating the "king" of TLC's in Edge, The Rock hasn't even been in one of these matches.

5. The Rock has beaten Mankind aka Mick Foley aka the hardcore legend - at his own game. Cena may have faced the likes of Edge in "hardcore" style matches but The Rock wrestled in an era where rules took a backseat on a consistent basis. Cena (in his nauseating "face" prime) is a good guy who rarely if ever will cheat or bend the rules. Even as a mega face The Rock would take a chair and crack Hulk Hogan over the back with it. The Rock will do whatever it takes to win, Cena has his limits.

Because John didn't need to bend the rules, he defeated people cleanly, besides John has worked his share of hardcore matches against numerous different people, he's worked Hell in a Cell matches, he's worked TLC matches, he's never lost an I quit match, he's worked Last Man Standing matches etc. John is not out of any element when it comes to wrestling hardcore matches.

John doesn't have his limits, he rarely ever gives up, he always gets back up, Edge can testify to that, Randy Orton can testify to that, Triple H can testify to that, need I really continue?

Vote for the right choice, Vote John Cena.
How in the world can The Rock be more successful due to the fact that he has won.. actually the same amount, 7 WWE championships and 2 WCW championships in a period where there were only "1" (due to the fact that he won 2 of them during the time where there were 2, as you noted) and The Rock has still yet to succeed holding them very long.

For the majority of the Rock's career there was only one world title and the main event competition in his era was also a little tougher then it is now. Success wise the two are fairly even though.

The Rock didn't share the spotlight with prime Triple H, John Cena did, Triple H's prime (from my consideration) was during his Evolution time, and a decent period of 2005-2007 where John Cena did in deed make Triple H tap out, something The Rock didn't do, The Rock and Triple H faced in a period where Triple H wasn't in his prime.

This statement is completely false. It's hard to pin point a prime for Triple H because he has been on top for so long but to me he was at his best in two periods. The pre quad injury period from late 1999-2001 and then his evolution period from 2003-2005. The Rock had some great battles and defeated Triple H in the 99-01 time period. John Cena in my opinion never faced Triple H at his best. He didn't beat him until Wrestlemania 22 which was in 2006.

John has also faced Undertaker in his prime, where he lost although, but it was out of John Cena's prime, which he hadn't reached yet, John is in his prime now, and has been in the past 2-3 years time, where he has beaten EVERYBODY,Triple H, Batista, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Big Show, Edge, Randy Orton, and Kurt Angle as well I believe, the list of people in their primes that John has defeated, exceeds the list of The Rock.

That list in no way exceeds one that includes Triple H, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Taker, Kurt Angle, Big Show, Hulk Hogan, Kane, and Chris Benoit. Both men have defeated all the top guys from their eras.

The Rock being able to draw does absolutely nothing for the fact that John Cena is gonna beat the living crap out of The Rock, and then smash his ass through 3 tables like he did Edge.

John Cena lost to JBL in a street fight. He isn't going to beat the living crap out of anyone that is the Rock's caliber.

John Cena makes the WWE a large amount of money, while the drawing wasn't the same in ratings, the majority of the time (even thought he was out) Austin was the reason for people to be watching WWE, John on the other hand, while he's hated by a lot, is loved by the majority of WWE wrestling fans.

This is one of the biggest bullshit things I hear from people concerning The Rock. Even without Austin, Rocky was a draw. Austin missed a lot of time in 2000 and The Rock did a tremendous job taking over as the top guy. Rock helped out Austin just as much as Austin helped him.

John Cena's resume of beating great guys far exceeds the resume of The Rock

No it doesn't. Rock has beaten just as many big names as Cena has if not more.

besides this is a TLC match, something John has experience in, beating the "king" of TLC's in Edge, The Rock hasn't even been in one of these matches.

1. Edge was great at tag team TLC matches against the fucking Dudleys and Hardyz. In singles TLC matches he beat a 50+ year old Flair, lost to Cena, and got dominated by the Undertaker until he got major interference to allow him to pick up the win.

2. All a TLC match is, is a ladder match with chairs and tables on the outside of the ring. The Rock has used tables and chairs on numerous occasions in his career (basically every match in the attitude era) and he has also competed in multiple ladder matches. The Rock has plenty of experience in this type of match.

Vote for the right choice, Vote John Cena.

No,that would be the wrong choice. Vote for the superior overall professional wrestler. Vote for The Rock.
For the majority of the Rock's career there was only one world title and the main event competition in his era was also a little tougher then it is now. Success wise the two are fairly even though.

Right, cause Triple H in his prime, Batista in his prime, Edge in his prime, Kurt Angle in his prime and Randy Orton in his prime, aren't challenges.

Yes I noted that The Rock very well held the world championships at a time where there was only one championship, but that doesn't mean that John Cena didn't have equal, or more success due to the fact that he held one of the championships for a longer period of time with more success in retaining the belt.

This statement is completely false. It's hard to pin point a prime for Triple H because he has been on top for so long but to me he was at his best in two periods. The pre quad injury period from late 1999-2001 and then his evolution period from 2003-2005. The Rock had some great battles and defeated Triple H in the 99-01 time period. John Cena in my opinion never faced Triple H at his best. He didn't beat him until Wrestlemania 22 which was in 2006.

Yes I know it's hard to point out a specific prime of Triple H, but if you take notice, I said from my consideration / opinion, that I'd say Triple H was in his prime when John Cena faced him, but wasn't in his prime during his feud with The Rock.

And yes I know John Cena didn't face him until 2006, which I still consider to be his prime, as I said, I consider his prime to be 2002-2007, had I said 2008-2010 or 1995-1998 to be his primes, I'd obviously be wrong, but I wouldn't exactly say I'm wrong in my actual statement, so completely false it is not.

That list in no way exceeds one that includes Triple H, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Taker, Kurt Angle, Big Show, Hulk Hogan, Kane, and Chris Benoit. Both men have defeated all the top guys from their eras.

The Rock faced an out of prime Hulk Hogan, and a Chris Benoit out of his prime as well.

And that is very true, they did beat the top guys of their eras, but the fact of the matter is that I would say John Cena's opponents proved to be tougher, he still faced a very well going Undertaker, he faced Kurt Angle in his prime, which I feel he didn't reach around the time he wrestled The Rock, Kurt's prime was reached in 2003-2004 in my opinion, when he was feuding with John and Brock Lesnar.

John Cena lost to JBL in a street fight. He isn't going to beat the living crap out of anyone that is the Rock's caliber.

John Cena also defeated JBL in an I Quit match, he defeated Batista in a last man standing match (duct tape.. yay.. still beat him I guess) John has won 2 out of his 3 elimination chamber matches, so John can certainly dish out punishment, as well as receive it, and prevail.

This is one of the biggest bullshit things I hear from people concerning The Rock. Even without Austin, Rocky was a draw. Austin missed a lot of time in 2000 and The Rock did a tremendous job taking over as the top guy. Rock helped out Austin just as much as Austin helped him.

I'm not saying anywhere that The Rock wasn't a draw, I'm saying for the most of it, people watched Austin, who I to say the least would most likely rather tune in to watch, now I'm not completely certain, but wasn't it for the most of it, Austin who had the upper hand with the fans whenever they would face? (as I said, I'm not certain, I didn't exactly watch every damn match they had)

And sure, The rock helped Austin as much as Austin helped The Rock, but from my point of view, Austin was still the bigger star.

Either way, as I said, this isn't a match on drawing ability.

No it doesn't. Rock has beaten just as many big names as Cena has if not more.

The Rock: Austin, Kane, Triple H, (In his prime from your stand point, not from mine) Big Show, Hulk Hogan (out of his prime), The Undertaker, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle (not yet in his prime, from my stand point) and Chris Jericho (not yet in his prime), did I forget any, if not, that's 9 people

John Cena: Triple H (in his prime, from my stand point) Kurt Angle (in his prime) Shawn Michaels (out of his prime) Batista, Edge, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho (in his prime) JBL (in what I feel is his prime, not a big name, but still beat him) Big Show (out of his prime), and I may have forgotten some names, okay so that leaves it at 9 people as well, but it doesn't speak any superior for The Rock.

1. Edge was great at tag team TLC matches against the fucking Dudleys and Hardyz. In singles TLC matches he beat a 50+ year old Flair, lost to Cena, and got dominated by the Undertaker until he got major interference to allow him to pick up the win.

That is very true, but it doesn't leave out the fact that John Cena defeated the one guy to be with most knowledge of TLC matches, and has proved dominant in it.

2. All a TLC match is, is a ladder match with chairs and tables on the outside of the ring. The Rock has used tables and chairs on numerous occasions in his career (basically every match in the attitude era) and he has also competed in multiple ladder matches. The Rock has plenty of experience in this type of match.

That may very well be true, but does that mean he's able to combine them? John Cena has as well had the experience in battling with both tables, and chairs, and ladders, so where does that leave us?

No,that would be the wrong choice. Vote for the superior overall professional wrestler. Vote for The Rock.

No it would not. Vote John Cena.
This has to be the biggest match of this tournament when it comes to who's better on the stick. The Rock has cut some unbelieveable promos in his career and is a very solid in-ring performer. Cena comes close, but he has yet to reach the true stardom that the Rock has reached. The Rock and SCSA were the top guys in the attitude era, and they put on some undeniably classic matches. Cena and rKo have done great, but nothing they've done has truely held a candle to what the Rock and SCSA have done. I gotta go with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to win this match.
Right, cause Triple H in his prime, Batista in his prime, Edge in his prime, Kurt Angle in his prime and Randy Orton in his prime, aren't challenges.

Yes I noted that The Rock very well held the world championships at a time where there was only one championship, but that doesn't mean that John Cena didn't have equal, or more success due to the fact that he held one of the championships for a longer period of time with more success in retaining the belt.

I never said any of that. Actually if you read my post again it says that I consider their success winning matches and titles to be about on par with each other.

Yes I know it's hard to point out a specific prime of Triple H, but if you take notice, I said from my consideration / opinion, that I'd say Triple H was in his prime when John Cena faced him, but wasn't in his prime during his feud with The Rock.

And yes I know John Cena didn't face him until 2006, which I still consider to be his prime, as I said, I consider his prime to be 2002-2007, had I said 2008-2010 or 1995-1998 to be his primes, I'd obviously be wrong, but I wouldn't exactly say I'm wrong in my actual statement, so completely false it is not.

The Rock faced an out of prime Hulk Hogan, and a Chris Benoit out of his prime as well.

And that is very true, they did beat the top guys of their eras, but the fact of the matter is that I would say John Cena's opponents proved to be tougher, he still faced a very well going Undertaker, he faced Kurt Angle in his prime, which I feel he didn't reach around the time he wrestled The Rock, Kurt's prime was reached in 2003-2004 in my opinion, when he was feuding with John and Brock Lesnar.

I lumped all of this together because we can debate different guys primes all day long, but in no way is the competition that Cena has beaten better then what The Rock beat. If you want to say they're even, although I still disagree, I can at least get where you are coming from. However, to say Cena beat better competition is an outright lie.

John Cena also defeated JBL in an I Quit match, he defeated Batista in a last man standing match (duct tape.. yay.. still beat him I guess) John has won 2 out of his 3 elimination chamber matches, so John can certainly dish out punishment, as well as receive it, and prevail.

I never disputed that. The fact remains that John Cena has never defeated anyone that is the Rock's caliber. The Rock is on another level that I don't believe Cena has reached yet. There are very few guys I would vote over Cena but the Rock is most certainly one of them. The Rock thrived in an era where the rules were constantly bent and he dished out and took punishment from guys like Austin, Foley, and Taker that were known for their toughness.
I'm not saying anywhere that The Rock wasn't a draw, I'm saying for the most of it, people watched Austin, who I to say the least would most likely rather tune in to watch, now I'm not completely certain, but wasn't it for the most of it, Austin who had the upper hand with the fans whenever they would face? (as I said, I'm not certain, I didn't exactly watch every damn match they had)

People tuned in to watch more then just Austin. Like I said Austin wasn't even around for the majority of one of the WWE's highest rating years. The Rock thrived in his role as the top guy in Austin's absence. As far as Austin getting the better reaction when they faced, with exception of Wrestlemania 17 Austin was always the face so of course he got the bigger reaction. At Mania 17 when they were both face the reaction was basically equal.

The Rock: Austin, Kane, Triple H, (In his prime from your stand point, not from mine) Big Show, Hulk Hogan (out of his prime), The Undertaker, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle (not yet in his prime, from my stand point) and Chris Jericho (not yet in his prime), did I forget any, if not, that's 9 people

John Cena: Triple H (in his prime, from my stand point) Kurt Angle (in his prime) Shawn Michaels (out of his prime) Batista, Edge, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho (in his prime) JBL (in what I feel is his prime, not a big name, but still beat him) Big Show (out of his prime), and I may have forgotten some names, okay so that leaves it at 9 people as well, but it doesn't speak any superior for The Rock.

Again, we can argue primes all day I just look at those lists and to me the Rock's is superior. To each their own I guess.
That is very true, but it doesn't leave out the fact that John Cena defeated the one guy to be with most knowledge of TLC matches, and has proved dominant in it.

Their isn't much knowledge involved. The match is pretty straight forward. And dominant isn't a word I would ever use in a sentence with Edge pertaining to anything.

That may very well be true, but does that mean he's able to combine them? John Cena has as well had the experience in battling with both tables, and chairs, and ladders, so where does that leave us?

Is that a serious statement? It's a hardcore match with a fucking ladder involved. The Rock isn't an idiot. He wouldn't really have to adapt at all, like I said the match is pretty straight forward.

The Rock just outclasses Cena here for the victory.

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