Hell In a Cell: WWE Championship Hell in a Cell Match


WrestleMania Main Event

Only something so precious could lead two mortal men into a realm so wicked and perversely torturous, which is why the WWE Championship will be defended by John Cena against Randy Orton in a Hell in a Cell Match. And it will happen at the first-ever WWE pay-per-view of its kind that sadistically celebrates the vile, steel entrapment.

Through one-on-one wars, turmoil-embossed tag matches and, most recently, a savage “I Quit” Match, The Champ and The Viper have already driven themselves through what seemed to be Hell. Now, the most grueling installment of their rivalry locks the championship-minded gladiators within the most literal manifestation of this fiery dominion.

As mandated by Raw special guest hostess Trish Stratus, Cena will find himself in a most unfamiliar territory, within the caged walls and ceiling of steel Hell. While The Legend Killer has faced the devil himself – The Phenom – in this barbaric setting, The Champ will experience the very first Hell in a Cell Match of his career.

The Viper is also now seething after having the words “I quit” forced to roll from his forked tongue at WWE Breaking Point. Focused on sustaining his Legacy, Orton is determined to make Cena’s WWE Title reign a three-week rental.

However, now that he is once again the man to turn the gold logo on his prized WWE Championship, Cena is likely not ready to commence the countdown to his final spin. What immeasurable level of anguish will the 12 Rounds star and The Legend Killer aim to inflict on one another inside the hellacious structure?

Find out live on Oct. 4 at WWE Hell in a Cell, the inaugural pay-per-view event designed to take Superstars to Hell and back … if they’re lucky.​

As announced on Raw, Cena will wrestle Orton in the next PPV, Hell in a Cell in a Hell in a Cell Match for the WWE title, I think Cena finds a way to win & keep his WWE title.
How sad is it that it's gotten to the point where a Hell in a Cell match gets almost no reaction? Seriously, this match is so unimportant it's downright frightening. Cena will retain, after Orton beats him for a while. Maybe we'll see a table spot. I'm not expecting much out of this match.

Christ this PPV is a mistake. Way to make the HIAC match completely worthless WWE.
Christ this PPV is a mistake. Way to make the HIAC match completely worthless WWE.

X, I couldn't agree more. And before I even heard any of the card, I thought it sounded like a mess. Very reminiscent of TNA's Lockdown event, which is just too silly to me.

In the "good old days," a cage match was the end to a huge drawn out feud. You saw MAYBE one a year. I know weekly T.V. and monthly PPV's have sped storylines up quite a bit, but an event like this will make all future HIAC matches seem all the less special.

Cena probably wins, he hasn't had the belt in a while and will probably keep it for a while. Need to sell some more shirts that say, "The Champ Is Here." I'm not a Cena hater, but I am starting to hate the fact that there are only three or four people in the title picture, and anyone who gets pushed soon will seem forced... I don't see anyone new who gets the crowd reaction to really carry the belt.

But, umm, yeah, as far as the question, Cena will retain. Yawn.
Imagine the Hell in a Cell DVD in the next few years, lol.

Agreed though, the prestiege and mystique of the HIAC is slowly fading thanks to this idiotic move by WWE. I kinda only wanted Taker/Punk to have their match in HIAC, but..who knows, this may suprise me, it may not. I think only the World Titles should have a match in the Hell in a Cell, and DX/Legacy is a no from me...but that's for another thread.
Guys this HIAC match is going to be ground breaking as well as a history making moment. Wanna know why?

Because it's the first ever HIAC match to not feature HHH OR the Undertaker in it.

That's not going to help the quality of the match in any way, but just an interesting thought that popped into my head.

I'm guessing that Orton is going to beat Cena down for the next 3 weeks in a fashion that makes him look like he's too injured to win the match against a healthy Orton, but will end up winning anyway.

HIAC is nothing to get excited about anymore anyway. Unless they get on top of the Cell, it's no different to a Hardcore match these days, and i also agree that DX v Legacy don't need a HIAC match for their fued, but it's still good to see some kind of long term tag team fued in WWE, i mean, when was the last tag fued they actually did for more than 2 PPVs?
Because it's the first ever HIAC match to not feature HHH OR the Undertaker in it.

Actually, it'll be the second. On August 24th 1998 Foley and Kane had a HiaC match that went to a no contest according to Wikipedia.

Anywho though, I agree that this PPV makes the Cell match seem overused and should only be seen once...maybe twice a year at most (once for Raw, once for Smackdown...on different PPVs...and that's stretching it). Three times in one night is a little too much.
This should be the match to end feuds and in that regard I hope it ends Cena vs Orton v.300 for a short while at least. The "I Quit" match was brutal and these two hate eachother so much and it's just got to a point where it needs to end. Some new blood needs to be put into the title picture. This feud has been played out and I hope this ends it and they don't face off again for a long, long time.
This match will likely end in a similar fashion to the Cena-Edge TLC match in Canada. Orton takes a massive fireman's carry off the top rope through a table after dominating much of the match. Thumbtacks are also a possibility.

As for the PPV in general, I echo what has been said above. To have three HIAC matches in a year is pushing it, never mind three on the same night. Having these gimmick PPVs limits not only the effect of the gimmicks themselves but also forces storylines to be moulded into fitting in with a more constrictive schedule.

For me, the feuds over the WWE and WHC titles highlight this best. "I Quit" and HIAC matches should be used at the end of a long feud. I suppose you could say that Cena/Orton has been going on for a while but really this current round began only before Summerslam. One regular match with a Dusty finish does not make for an "I Quit" match followed by a HIAC. At least if it was HHH going up against Orton you could say that the personal side of the feud stretches out to last year.

The WHC picture is even worse. Having Punk's first match in a new feud against the Undertaker as a Submission contest was very forced. What was the reason behind having such a match other than the gimmick? Taker wanted a title shot and he should've gotten one in a regular match. But instead of a slow build into a heated rivalry that might have culminated in a HIAC match at Survivor Series or beyond, the feud seems rushed.

The calendar has not worked out well in my opinion.
I am actually going to be there so its exciting to me that i will get to a HIAC match for the first time. But i agree, theme styled ppvs are taking away the prestige of certain matches.the only theme styled ppvs i like are cyber sunday, extreme rules, and no way out, but now there is a tlc ppv. that will destroy TLC. NO MORE THEMED PPVS!!!!
Hell in a Cell is designed to end feuds. This is WWE's way of closing several feuds and kick-starting a few others. Look for Cena-Orton to end, DX-Legacy to end, and Punk-Undertaker to get a serious kick in the pants.

For everyone who has been clamoring for Orton-Cena to end, here you go. If it doesn't end here, it's for one of two reasons: 1) Cena & Orton have some serious problems with each other and no match can realistically end their feud, or 2) WWE writers are really stumped on where to go from here on Raw. Look for Orton to move on to the Legacy ending story and look for Cena to move on to new challenges.
Mark of Zurr on Arhh UNDERTAKER will be in it lol what are you talking about! Its his idea why HELL IN THE CELL started with him not in its a worthless ppv that noone should watch it! Like the rest of you I am sick of these repeated matches and not giving the title to say Carlito who deserves it for fucks sake he has been a midcarder for so long now it ain't funny! Push Matt Hardy up there that's another idea since Jeff is gone now!
Push Morisson also as well like WWE doesn t seem to give a shit for their wrestlers or fans and the fact you shove us these same guys gets booooooooring ORTON,HHH,CENA and Undertaker come on already! Expect Orton to win the title back someone will interfere to get his title back but I wouldn t be suprised if Batista turns heel and joins Legacy that was in the works supposedly and they sent him to Smackdown all well that sux now ! Maybe Brett Dibiase will come from under the ring with a mask and wack him lol
I d like it if they did a cross and got undertaker coming from under the ring and grabbing the hommoboytoy from underneath which would look good!
It's getting boring and stale same repeated matches till Armageddon no point watchingit
at least in Canada we watch it for free at the bars I wouldn t order this crap at all!!
My predictions Legacy wins ! Orton wins ! Undertaker wins!
I hate it when people always complain about seeing something so much. I got to words for ya, SHUT UP! What, you see these epic HIAC matches 3 times a year at the PPV. Deal with it, or don't watch it.
Yeah, kind of annoying about them repeating these types of match's that used to bring more ooo's and ahh's than now a days. Still, I think the Taker/Punk match will be pretty good, hoping for a better performance than Breaking Point, and the DX/Legacy match shouldn't be too bad.

But, onto the match at hand. Cena and Orton.... Hmmm I don't see them taking the belt off Cena too early but then again they're not afraid to do that any more so they could very well give the title back to Orton. I still see Cena retaining though, it's been a while since he held the WWE title so they will probably give him a decent run with it, 3-4 months or something, might even hold it to WM26 although I doubt it.

Anyways, I'm picking Cena to win here in a mediocre HIAC match. This match would probably be ok if they weren't having 3 fricken match's at the PPV but the other 2 will probably out class this one.

Cena FTW here.
I know this is a discussion for another time and place, but I really think that these "concept-based ppvs" are killing what used to be great, anticipated gimmick matches. Having the same type of match more than once at a ppv is never a good idea. Even if you had a Hardcore match, a Street Fight and No Holds Barred match in the same ppv... basically the same.

Back on topic... I'd say that Randy Orton has a little bit of an advantage over John Cena in this match. I say this for the simple reason that Orton has been in this type of match once before. Also because Orton seems to be more devious and dangerous than Cena. However, Cena can do more damage than Orton in a brutal match.

Hopefully this is one of the better Hell in a Cell matches we've seen, although pretty much all of them are worth talking about. We know that they have great chemistry in the ring, and even though we've seen Cena and Orton go one-on-one many times in the past, I still don't get very tired of it. I know many of you are, but I'm fine with it. As long as Triple H stays out of the title picture.

This is definitely be a brutal match with so many great moments. With this Hell in a Cell ppv, I am no longer sure if this type of match will really end the fued like it has in the past. I mean, after a Hell in a Cell match, what other match can two superstars endure? A new concept maybe?

Prediction: John Cena retains the WWE Championship.
Personally I have enjoyed each showdown between these two. The only two match ups that would excite me more are Cena/'Taker and Cena/Edge. The first match was chaotic, and I loved it. The second one was brutal and I loved that one more. This one has the potential to be the best yet.

It's one-one so this is the decider and I fully expect Cena to come out with the victory, but only after he's been battered by Orton for twenty odd minutes. Orton should show even more intensity than he did in their last outing. Cena will take the punishment and take the victory, then there can be more lovely posts to respond to about "Cena shud hav lost cz ortan is a psycho and shud be champ and cena sux". I can't wait.
Like the rest of you I am sick of these repeated matches and not giving the title to say Carlito who deserves it for fucks sake he has been a midcarder for so long now it ain't funny!

Of course, since Carlito has done so much to deserve a World Title shot recently. That feud with Primo, o boy, what a great one. Probably the best ever.

Anyway, this really devalues the whole HIAC gimmick. This feud doesn't seem to really warrant this type of match, but since the PPV is HIAC, I guess WWE has no choice (unless, of course, they wouldn't of changed the PPV in the first place.) All this is doing is making people not care about HIAC at all, which is hard to do.

As for the winner, it'll have to be Cena. He just won the title, no way they are taking it off of him here. Also, no one can interfere for Orton here, at least I don't think so. He hasn't really won any matches cleanly as champ, so I don't see how it'll be any different here. The champ is still the champ after this.

Whoops, almost forgot. Cena will continue to hog to title for like foreverz and this match iz gonna be teh suxz cause he onlee knowz 5 movez!111!!
I was tempted to reply to CANADAHATESCENA, but then i realised that in doing that i'd probably give myself a massive headache, not only trying to read it, but trying to understand it.

Now on to the topic at hand, i definately think the question here is not "can this match be good?" but rather, "how good can this match be?"

I think the I quit match put on by Cena and Orton was very good, and at one stage went from wrestling match to BDSM role-playing. So if that was what they did in a mere i quit match, i can't wait to imagine what'd they'll do inside the Hell in a Cell, seeing as it can be one of the most damaging matches that the WWE has, or at least as they hype it up to be.

This match has one of my favourite things in it, a "pissed off" Cena, which can be quite vicious, looking back at the last time this really happened, excluding when he got a little wild on Jericho, when he snapped at Edge, the TLC match at Unforgiven 2006 was one of the best matches i've had the pleasure of seeing, and while with the PG rating, it may not quite be Taker/Foley or DX/Mcmahons and Show, in terms of sheer brutality or graphicness, i think the best face in the WWE and one of the best if not the best heel, should be able to put on a match that is both brutal and satisfying, and that will lead the way for Cena to fued with the younger up and coming heels in Swagger, and Miz and such to put them over and start to make them look like credible contender and revitalise this stale-ish main event scene we currently have at Raw
I know that Cena will win this match. it wouldn't make sense for him to lose it in 20something days after he got it. He did put on a decent match at Breaking Point, but I see a crappy match here. If Orton gets back the title, I don't see what they could do with that.
The gimmick PPVs aren't just doing it for me or anyone else apparently. With that said by the time this match comes on, we'll be tired of seeing the cell. Anyway, this will hopefully be it for this feud. No way Cena loses the gold in a month to Orton. Cena will dominate early, Orton will do something to take control and then Cena will eat him up and spit him out. Cena over Orton. 'Nough said.
I don't see how anyone could be shitting on this match. It's Orton and Cena. This isn't fucking Chavo and Kane they're throwing into a cell. It'll be hella awesome. Better than Taker and Punk in a cell, at any rate.

Table spots, at the least. Probably a weapon by Orton that Cena will take and beat the shit out of Orton with. Legacy will try to interfere, depending on the position of their own match. If Legacy has their match before Cena/Orton, which they should, Legacy should be to hurt to try and pull some kind of interference ala Edge in Batista/Taker.

Cena to win, with the feud ending sometime around either Survivor Series or Royal Rumble. I'm unsure as to which. That's when Swagger wins himself a Royal Rumble and nails a Wrestlemania main-event. /faint
Can anyone see Orton sneaking a win here? No? I figure I can't either. Which is fine, I guess. Orton has jobbed so often this year that losing to Cena in HIAC can't do his credibility any more harm than HHH and Batista between them have done. Besides, it gives him a nice way to transition into the breakup-of-legacy storyline, although heaven knows who Cena then feuds with. HHH? Dear god, you must be joking.

Speaking of that breakup storyline, can anyone see it working better if Orton loses here and his boys actually win against DX? I think so, it would actually give them some realistic confidence to challenge him. But I guess that's for another thread.
I think that Randy Orton will find a way to win this match and become the new WWE Champion. I believe they will draw out this fued for at least another month maybe too. If Cena wins I think that would push Orton out of the title hunt for at least a PPV. Which begs the question if they end this fued who is next for either of these guys? Orton-Triple H again? I hope not. Orton-HBK, it has been done, but not in a while. I really don't think there is anything for Cena either. They really need to give MVP a rub and let him have a chance at the title, but I doubt that will come.

Prediction: Orton
ok so i think this will be an awesome match no matter what people think. ok so here are my predictions.
1. orton starts then cena dominates and all the sudden here comes brett dibiase he distracts cena orton picks up the win. after wards orton is praising brett and ted gets jealous and is like you never treated us like that after we saved your tail. thus starting ted face turn and end of legacy
2. cena starts orton dominates and all the sudden here comes brett dibiase he distracts cena then orton comes for an rko but misses then cena does the attitude ajustment and wins cena leaves. then orton beats down brett blames it on him thus pissing ted off which starts his face turn and keeps orton-cena going for one more ppv.
ya ya i know they are almost identical but i think this match will some how cause ted to turn face. they could have cody get his but whooped then ted whooping ass and dx winning and that makes ted mad that cody cant hold his own so then he already is pissed off at a legacy member and that way it will be more believable that they are spliting. also i think 2 would be better cause one it would put cenaa over big time make him actually look strong and it will keep cena-orton going for another ppv
Well I'm looking forward to this match but I am a bit surprised its Cena/Orton. I expected HHH and Orton to finish their feud in the HIAC but Legacy has DX busy and Orton has his sights set on winning back his championship. I wonder where they go from here. Hell in a Cell likely ends the feud and the DX/Legacy feud as well. Randy and Ted go after each other so who challenges Cena next. HHH,HBK,Rhodes?? Which is why I see the Viper getting back his championship dropping it to HHH at Bragging Rights and feuding with DiBiase starting at Survivor Series. Orton wins with Legacy trying to get in the Cell toward the end and being ran off by DX. While all the fuss is going on Orton hits an RKO and ends Cena's reign.
I see an Orton victory here. The way Raw ended and the constant mention of his last chance at a title shot give me more confidence that he will regain the championship. I think if Cena were gonna win they would've had Randy look better at the end of the show.

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