How often do you get your haircut?


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Having a discussion with a friend about it so curious to see what yours is.

Pretty much monthly for me.
Why? Surely you've at least had it trimmed. Just odd that you know the exact date.

Nope. Not even a trim. I knew the date because I had taken before/after pics since I had grown it long that time too. I like it better long so I just never got it cut afterwards.
Mostly I just shave it down to a #1 every 6-12 months or so, but I've also gone longer. The last "proper" haircuts I've had were my wedding day and a business-social, but that's still about two total in eight years. I guess my hair and I agree to stay out of each other's way for the most part.
Every 2 months. Whenever there's a haircut for me, it's a big accomplishment. 😂😂😂
Growing my hair out again, so it's been since late fall I believe. If trying to maintain a certain style though, monthly was pretty spot on.
There was a time in my college years where I would get a haircut every Friday morning before school. Now, once every 3 months average.
I bought a pair of electric clippers about 10 years ago and cut my own hair as soon as it starts to touch my ears. Barbershops to me fall in the same category as doctor's offices, places i just avoid at all costs. Plus I'm cheap so why pay someone to do something I can do myself?
I bought a pair of electric clippers about 10 years ago and cut my own hair as soon as it starts to touch my ears. Barbershops to me fall in the same category as doctor's offices, places i just avoid at all costs. Plus I'm cheap so why pay someone to do something I can do myself?

This is what I do too. I've been cutting my own hair since I was about 20.

And it's been since November or so since I last did it.

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