I write a wrestling podcast.

The Doctor

Great and Devious
Staff member
Super Moderator

It's available on iTunes! It's a wrestling comedy game show, and I write most of the questions with the host Red Reddington. The main purpose of the show is humor and open-ended questions and our first episode was recorded on Wednesday and released today.

I'm even on it as an audience member for a bit, mostly chiming in with a few snarky comments, but the real stars of the show are The Freedom Bombs and Team Minty Balls.

So yeah PLEASE listen and subscribe and tell me what you think!
Subscribed & added to my ipod. I look forward to listening to it at work on Mon.

Speaking of podcasts, whatever happened to that Dr. Who review podcast you were doing with your friend? That one was pretty good.
Subscribed & added to my ipod. I look forward to listening to it at work on Mon.

Speaking of podcasts, whatever happened to that Dr. Who review podcast you were doing with your friend? That one was pretty good.

Looking forward to hearing what you think about it.

As for that podcast, exams happened, and then it was just too much time to put into something like that. Plus there's already a podcast out there doing what we had in mind. At least with Shoot Promo there are no other wrestling game show podcasts out there.
I love the format, and I think the questions you have are great... but most of the competitors aren't even remotely funny.

Foreign objects is a great subject, though I thought that guy should have lost for Jim Ross.
Also, the host gives out points easier than Kelly Kelly gives out blow jobs.
Yeah...Red is easy to please, heh. Too bad you don't find the people on it very funny, but thanks for the other compliments. Damn Americans not understanding our humour... :p

You have to admit though, the Jerry Lawler comment PX made was gold.
Doc, is this the same show?


Yes and no. That's our FIRST first episode, when we had no idea what we were doing and hadn't all settled into our roles, and everything was rubbish. We had been doing it for about 14 episodes before deciding we wanted to make it better, more professional, and introduce the proper teams/rounds format. The episodes on the YT channel are several months old whereas the official first episode of the actual podcast was recorded on Wednesday. We'll be deleting old episodes from that account probably and using it to store humorous highlights from the new episodes on it.

Oh yeah, we record every Wednesday at 2PM EST. To listen in as it's being recorded, download Teamspeak 3 from http://www.teamspeak.com/ and connect to the server 420chan.org. Who knows, maybe you'll make some friends and be on a team the next week. We're really trying to have the teams change every week and get new people all the time whether they be in the audience or actually participating.

(No but really, thank you so much for listening. I've passed along your comments to Red and will do the same with anyone who listens and gives feedback. In fact, I'll throw in some rep too. :))
Anyone else who listened have any feedback? Again, I will be rewarding it with rep and some compliments sure to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, whether your feedback is negative or positive. :)
You're on itunes, if people have feedback they should write a quick review and rate the podcast on itunes. It'll help make you podcast easier to find in the itunes store, when people search wrestling podcast.
I just downloaded it and shall listen tonight. Provided this thread still exists tomorrow, I'll drop you some feedback. I love the idea of a wrestling game show.
Just so it doesn't get lost under the flood of fake official threads.

Again, feedback will be rewarded with rep and fuzzy comments about how awesome you are.
I shall grace my ears for a listen next time I'm at work doing night shift. Looking forward to it Docster.
I'm about a third of the way through it. I really like it, plus, it's original and hilarious. There's one guy, (the Scottish guy with the deep voice) that's really annoying an not funny. There also seems to be a lot of silences which perhaps can be edited out? Apar from that, I'm loving it.

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