IMPACT Wrestling LD - All Dates

Yeah. I'm excited to see how well this all translates to TV, though.

Have you noticed how much more humble and active Impact is on Twitter these days, too? They're even sending out SurveyMonkey links after every episode to ask fans to judge them, asking what they want to see more of, etc. Good stuff.

Garrett Kidney is the new IT/PR officer for IMPACT and involved in a lot of the GWN/Twitter/website stuff. He's previously a TNA wrestling reviewer over on Voices of Wrestling, a long-time Irish fan (like, encyclopedic knowledge of everything ever happening on a TNA show) and previously employed in the relevant industry. Apparently he'd been pitching for years to come onboard in some capacity because of how infuriated he was with TNA's online approach.

I think Borash recommended him, because he popped up on Kidney's prelude coverage of Slammiversary and BFG 2017 and they did an hour long podcast about the history of the company.

He's also the reason why typing "nepotism" as a tag into GWN gives you all the Garrett Bischoff matches. Apparently he's dropped a few easter eggs in that light around the website. :lol:

Also, quick segment from Don Callis's podcast with Lance Storm:

I've watched the first show and was very entertained by it. It’s got me very excited for what we plan to do with the company. Part of that was my first creative session, writing TV for talent that I have never met beforehand. It was a very weird experience. Now after being with them and talking to the talent I am now starting to get ideas.

And I'd like to emphasize this is not going to happen overnight quoting Mike Babcock, this is going to take a year at least, we're not going to become your ECW 1996 or 1997 overnight. There will be some departures some who have been with the company for a long time and changes this week but we won't be hurt by them at all and some of those changes are very exciting. If there are any departures, there will be incomings. You may think I'm biased but I would like to hear your thoughts on it and I think people will like it.

Please don't give us comments "OH YOU GUYS SHOULD SIGN AUSTIN OR ROCK" or "Just fucking die". No we bring in guys who we feel we can make stuff happen with and of course try to bring in who people like. Our new social media guy who has been fantastic so far, will be putting out a few surveys for fans to do if they wish. He's Irish too.

Recommendations I make for you are Brian Cage, the kids a stud and does incredible things in the ring. Bobby Lashley was blown away by him and heavily put him over backstage. On the female side there are 2 or 3. Su Yung's presentation is tremendous certainly one of the best out there right now and of course our franchise woman. Rosemary. Who is as over as you can get and I believe is one of the most creative women in wrestling. But Kiera Hogan is a real hot and upcoming talent she connected with the crowd instantly and I really can't wait to do more stuff with her.

But again I'd like to reiterate, these tapings are just the start of our vision and please be patient.
Impact Wrestling
Date: February 1, 2018
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Jeremy Borash, Josh Matthews

It’s time for a new fresh taping cycle but also a fresh regime in charge of things. I mean, to be fair it had been a few months since everything was shaken up. This is the start of the taping cycle to take us all the way to the next pay per view in April, meaning it’s likely time to shake up a lot of things. Let’s get to it.

Here We Go For The Latest Time
Them seem to be wanting to push Bahh, Sydal, and Kong. I was hoping they'd move Moose into the WHC paper as he is pretty talented and can get over with the crowd for sure.
Impact Wrestling
Date: February 8, 2018
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Jeremy Borash, Sonjay Dutt

It’s a new era around here and that started last week with some big time changes. Well mainly one as Austin Aries returned to the company and won the World Title in a big surprise last week. Now we head towards the next pay per view in April, but there’s a lot of stuff to get through first. Let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

Just Like In Canada
Impact Wrestling
Date: February 15, 2018
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sonjay Dutt, Josh Matthews

It’s a big night here with Austin Aries defending the World Title against Eli Drake in a rematch from the impromptu title change two weeks ago. While I can’t imagine another title change, I do like the idea of Drake, who was a good champion, getting a regular title match instead of the thirty second version. Let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

The New Version of the Same Old Stuff

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