Int Region, SF Subregion, Second Round: (2) Randy Savage vs. (15) Brock Lesnar

Who Wins This Match?

  • Randy Savage

  • Brock Lesnar

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a second round match in the International Region, San Francisco Subregion. It is a standard one on one match. It will be held at the Cow Palace, San Francisco, California.



#2. Randy Savage



#15. Brock Lesnar

This match takes place 1 week after round 1.

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
Thomas Hobbes invented social contract theory, and believed that he would drown internally if he didn't sweat out a certain amount of water a day. Isaac Newton established several fundamental laws of motion, and was driven partially mad by mercury poisoning in his later life. Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio was a hugely influential painter, particularly famous for the use of dramatic lighting in his work, and once killed a man in a pub brawl. Randy "Macho Man" Savage was a wrestler famous for his work in WWE and WCW, where he held numerous world championships, and he would go on to release a rap album.

These men have many things in common. They are all, to varying degrees, figures of incredible historical significance, particularly within their own fields, and incredibly interesting and compelling figures at that. They will be remembered for generations to come; Hobbes for his innovation of political theory, Newton for his revolutionising of science, Caravaggio for his incredible, evocative art, and Randy Savage for his wrestling. What's more, Brock Lesnar would kick the ever loving shit out of each and every one of them.

"Quit violating the terms of the social contract!" Hobbes would scream as Lesnar unleashed the state of nature on his ass.

"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction!" Newton would cry as his face reacted with the floor.

"[Something about art, presumably in Italian]!" Caravaggio would yelp as the walls were painted with his own blood.

Randy Savage was a more interesting man than Brock Lesnar - he dressed in more colours than the rainbow and pissed pure charisma. Randy Savage was a better wrestler than Brock Lesnar - even if Lesnar's wrestling career didn't total about two years cumulatively, his accomplishments would still be dwarfed by Savage's. Randy Savage was a more significant and certainly more influential wrestler than Brock Lesnar - Savage is in the top ten of all time in terms of fame, popularity and influence.

The same could be said - again, to varying degrees - about Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, Big Show, The Rock, and The Undertaker. Brock Lesnar destroyed all of them in short order. Being more interesting, more charismatic, more popular or more significant was neither sword nor shield for them. Lesnar kicked out of the Rock Bottom. Lesnar dragged his and Ric Flair's bodies across the ring to escape the figure four. Lesnar kicked out of Hulk Hogan's leg drop.

Make no mistake - Lesnar was a monster, but he was no monster of the week. The Lord Tensais and Rybacks of present day WWE are built up today so that they can be knocked down tomorrow. The only reason Lesnar was ever knocked down was because he was gonna blow the joint, and even then it was in a controversial match against Goldberg at WrestleMania. Lesnar wasn't being fed to anyone - he was doing the feeding. On his plate were the King of the Ring, the Royal Rumble, the main event of WrestleMania, the Undisputed WWE Championship, and every big name the wrestling world had to offer. Brock Lesnar was the legend killer while Randy Orton was still building up his tan. Savage fits in perfectly on the list of Lesnar's victims.

"Oh no - the evidence would suggest that this would have been the likely outcome, and it has indeed come to fruition. Yeeeaahhh!" Randy Savage would proclaim as Lesnar pinned him.
Let's see...what is each known for? Randy Savage is probably best known for his brilliant match against Steamboat that stole the show away from Hogan and Andre and being one of the greatest in-ring performers of all time. Lesnar's most memorable moment in a wrestling ring was fucking up a shooting star press against Kurt Angle, and making a mockery of his final Wrestlemania match by boring the fuck out of the audience against Bill Goldberg because both were leaving and didn't give a fuck.

Brock Lesnar is not invincible. Yeah, he is a brute force of nature...but I reject the notion that Savage doesn't have what it takes to beat him. Eddie Guerrero beat Lesnar. Kurt Angle beat Lesnar. The Big Show beat Lesnar. Randy Savage could beat Lesnar.
my vote is lesnar, he was just so good during his short time, based on that short time dominance i have to give it to him, though macho man is a very close 2nd

way i see the ending is macho man going for his elbow brock gets him mid-air F5 1-2-3 on to the next one.
Eddie Guerrero beat Lesnar.

No, Bill Golderg beat Brock Lesnar. Eddie Guerrero was fortunate enough to be having a match with Lesnar at the time, and one in which he was getting destroyed at that.

Kurt Angle beat Lesnar.

This I'll give you. Angle holds one of a handful of clean wins over Lesnar, via submission at SummerSlam during Brock's second heel turn.

The Big Show beat Lesnar.

The Big Show beat Brock Lesnar after Heyman betrayed him. Lesnar would go on to prove how much of a cheat this was by whooping the shit out of Show continuously for the remainder of their feud, including F-5ing him through an announce table and defeating him in a stretcher match - a match, you'll notice, designed to favour The Big Show.

Lesnar's not invincible, but he's frighteningly close.
Savage carries this match. He got an entertaining match out of an old, drunk, and out of shape Andre the Giant, he'll get us one out of this neantherdal. For that reason alone, vote Savage. Also, I'm pretty sure Macho Man's W-L record as a face is better than Lesner's as a heel. Now that I think about it, I can't ever remember Macho losing as a face. And Macho Man would, undoubtedly, be the face.

The match itself goes like this,
Savage entertains us for 20 minutes. The crowd is going bananas for Macho. Lesner dominates a lot of the match but, in the end, Savage finds his way to the top rope and crushes Lesner with the elbow for the 1-2-3. The roof comes off the building. This is how it all would have went down in wrestling's golden era. The face always wins in a match like this. Vote Macho Man one of the icons of Pro Wrestling over the neantherdal who disrespected this sport in order to get cut by a professional football team and to get his ass kicked in MMA.
Savage carries this match. He got an entertaining match out of an old, drunk, and out of shape Andre the Giant, he'll get us one out of this neantherdal. For that reason alone, vote Savage. Also, I'm pretty sure Macho Man's W-L record as a face is better than Lesner's as a heel. Now that I think about it, I can't ever remember Macho losing as a face. And Macho Man would, undoubtedly, be the face.

It's L-E-S-N-A-R. Embrace the phonics.

Now, this has nothing to do with how good of a match Macho Man would be able to pull out of Lesnar. Yeah, Macho Man was one hell of an in-ring performer and he'll be remembered as an all-time great... but Brock Lesnar made a living kicking the shit out of all-time greats. Brock Lesnar, in his prime, was an unstoppable force.

The match itself goes like this,
Savage entertains us for 20 minutes. The crowd is going bananas for Macho. Lesner dominates a lot of the match but, in the end, Savage finds his way to the top rope and crushes Lesner with the elbow for the 1-2-3. The roof comes off the building. This is how it all would have went down in wrestling's golden era. The face always wins in a match like this. Vote Macho Man one of the icons of Pro Wrestling over the neantherdal who disrespected this sport in order to get cut by a professional football team and to get his ass kicked in MMA.

Ass kicked in MMA? He was the UFC World Heavyweight Champion with all of 4 fights under his belt and was a force to be reckoned with, only being stopped short by diverticulitis. Brock Lesnar, like it or not, is a ridiculous athlete. The dude is a freak of nature. I love Randy Savage, but in a one-on-one match with Lesnar, he'd be hard-pressed to beat him. Savage has always had a hard time against explosive and/or powerful wrestlers, losing to Junkyard Dog, Ultimate Warrior, Lex Luger, The Giant (Big Show), Hogan -- Brock Lesnar, in his prime, is more explosive, more powerful, quicker, and more unstoppable than all of those men.

Lesnar's resume speaks for itself, he ran through the WWE -- he did it all. When he was at the peak of his short career, he DESTROYED guys like Rock and Hogan. Brock Lesnar is a monster. His seeding may be low, but that's because he's nowhere near the legend Randy Savage is. That doesn't mean he's not a force to be reckoned with. Very few people could deal with Lesnar in his prime, one-on-one. I'm not too sure Randy Savage wouldn't just be another victim.
No, Bill Golderg beat Brock Lesnar. Eddie Guerrero was fortunate enough to be having a match with Lesnar at the time, and one in which he was getting destroyed at that.

This I'll give you. Angle holds one of a handful of clean wins over Lesnar, via submission at SummerSlam during Brock's second heel turn.

The Big Show beat Brock Lesnar after Heyman betrayed him. Lesnar would go on to prove how much of a cheat this was by whooping the shit out of Show continuously for the remainder of their feud, including F-5ing him through an announce table and defeating him in a stretcher match - a match, you'll notice, designed to favour The Big Show.

Lesnar's not invincible, but he's frighteningly close.

Please don't misinterpret how highly I think of Brock Lesnar. I love the guy now, and I loved the guy in the UFC, and I loved the guy when he was in the WWE before. But a lot of his invincibility was based on how they marketed him. He was marketed as invincible because the WWE needed someone like that, not because he actually was. Batista could have been the unstoppable monster had that gimmick gone to him. Batista might even have been a better fit, seeing how he is taller and heavier, and just as muscular.

Brock looks like he is a huge, huge guy...but he only has 1" and about 18lbs over Randy Savage. It's not as if Brock Lesnar would tower over Savage. The size difference is going to be vastly overblown, I get that. People see Brock, and they automatically assume "monster". But Brock is only 6'3", 266 lbs, while Savage was 6'2", 248 lbs.

Brock Lesnar was an amazing amateur wrestler. But frankly, as a professional wrestler, he leaves a lot to be desired. He is undisciplined and reckless, while Randy Savage was the perfectionist. Brock Lesnar, pro wrestler, relies too heavily on his size and fear factor rather than skill. Randy Savage is incredibly smart. He wouldn't just let Brock pound on him for the entire match, he would constantly be escaping the ring. That would enrage Brock. Angry Brock plays right into Savage's hands. Angry wrestlers make mistakes. Smart wrestlers capitalize on those mistakes. Randy Savage doesn't have to pin Brock Lesnar to win, he just needs to piss him off to the point that Lesnar does something stupid to get disqualified.

Brock would be the favorite in a match for sure...but Randy Savage is not really a stranger to David vs. Goliath type situations. If any wrestler could play David to Brock's Goliath, there are only two guys that come to mind immediately. Shawn Michaels, and the other would be the Macho Man.
Brock looks like he is a huge, huge guy...but he only has 1" and about 18lbs over Randy Savage. It's not as if Brock Lesnar would tower over Savage. The size difference is going to be vastly overblown, I get that. People see Brock, and they automatically assume "monster". But Brock is only 6'3", 266 lbs, while Savage was 6'2", 248 lbs.

His freak athleticism comes into play when talking about the "monster" aspect of Lesnar. Have you ever seen a man his size that can do the things he does? Lesnar is quick, explosive, he runs people over. He may not be the biggest, but he's 266 pounds of muscle that explodes around that ring.

Brock Lesnar was an amazing amateur wrestler. But frankly, as a professional wrestler, he leaves a lot to be desired. He is undisciplined and reckless, while Randy Savage was the perfectionist. Brock Lesnar, pro wrestler, relies too heavily on his size and fear factor rather than skill. Randy Savage is incredibly smart. He wouldn't just let Brock pound on him for the entire match, he would constantly be escaping the ring. That would enrage Brock. Angry Brock plays right into Savage's hands. Angry wrestlers make mistakes. Smart wrestlers capitalize on those mistakes. Randy Savage doesn't have to pin Brock Lesnar to win, he just needs to piss him off to the point that Lesnar does something stupid to get disqualified.

Brock wouldn't necessarily need the whole match to pound on Savage -- he only needs to get ahold of him once. Lesnar can, and will, destroy an opponent once he gets his hands on them. Randy won't have anything left in him, once Brock's finished with him. I mean, he'd fare better than most would, as I do understand his intelligence would come into play, but Brock Lesnar is an absolute freak. The angrier he is, the scarier he is. Brock would hurt Randy, I have no doubt about it. Savage's only chance at winning -- decisively -- would be landing the elbow from the top rope. Lesnar can very easily take that away from Randy, as he'd definitely hurt him at any moment he could. Randy would have to keep Brock grounded for long enough to set up the elbow, and if he's hurt, it would only take longer to hit it. What's there to stop Brock from recovering and rolling out of the way, or hitting a suplex on an unsuspecting Savage?

The DQ argument just seems like a cop-out to me, as it's not like Lesnar is a moron. The only times he was DQ'ed was when he felt like making an example out of an opponent, or when there wasn't anything at stake. He'd be able to control his anger in a tournament like this, and concentrate on battering Randy Savage.
Brock wouldn't necessarily need the whole match to pound on Lesnar -- he only needs to get ahold of him once.

If Brock wants to beat himself up, that's fine with me, makes Savage's job easier. :)

I know I am probably making what is ultimately a futile argument. I know Brock is going to win this vote, and my arguments for Savage will be long forgotten by the time Brock faces his 3rd round opponent. I know I am fighting a losing cause here. But, I think Brock Lesnar's reputation has been blown out of proportion. And I say this as a guy who likes Brock. Hell, I say this as a guy who will be rooting for Lesnar against Cena at Extreme Rules, despite spending the last year and a half as a solid member of Team CeNation. But, just because I know that Lesnar will win this vote, that doesn't mean I can't still do my best to defend Randy Savage.
Right, well, what can we say. There's a few different ways of judging these tournaments, so lets look at them all, and then see why a vote for Lesnar is basically an admission that you have a weird admiration for men who voluntarily draw a penis on themselves, permanently, and nothing else.


Just about the only consistent thing that you can judge wrestlers on is how much they draw. You could argue that looking at the raw figures is unfair, because they are far higher for Savage, but then you'd basically be ignoring the truth. Even if you ignore the truth, you can look at the immediate effect that making them "the man" had. Ok. So lets see how each grew the audience.

On the first show after Lesnar won the WWE Championship, Smackdown drew 3.1, thus cementing his main event slot. On the last show before WrestleMania XX, and the point he exited his glory period, the show drew 3.1. That's a growth of 0%. On the first show after Savage won the WWE title for the first time, Saturday Night's Main Event drew 9.5. On the last show of this reign, it drew 10. That's a raise of about 6%. Savage wins

Title Reigns

Lesnar has won 3 world titles, Savage has won 7. Lesnar's longest reign was 152 days, Savage's was 371. Savage was a champion for 573 days, Lesnar for 355 days. Savage wins


Savage showed that you can go to the top rope and still be a main eventer. Savage showed that you can have a manager, and still have a voice. Savage showed that you could be technically good and not just a one trick pony and be popular. Lesnar showed that you should never put your eggs in one basket, because they'll leave and fail in the NFL. Savage again

Mic Skills

Hahahahahahahahahahahhahaha. Savage
Randy Savage is certifiably crazy. Lesnar's just a bit psychotic. Lesnar's stronger, Savage is smarter. Mic skills go to Savage overwhelmingly. Pedigree in pro wrestling goes to Savage by a good distance. Overall big match experience and record goes to Savage. Strength goes to Lesnar.

In an actual match, it'll be a matter of who's gassed first... and Savage in his prime simply goes and goes and goes. Lesnar's a big guy, but his cardio is lacking and about 30 minutes into a classic bout, Lesnar's gasping for air while Savage is thumping him hard and often.

Bionic Elbow does Lesnar in at about the 40 minute mark and Madness reigns supreme.

I've heard for years and years about how Lesnar was so great because he was a man on fire in his first year in the company and all that noise. Let's look at his first year.

He beat up on the Hardys who were pretty much irrelevant. He beat an old Hogan and Rocky who went off to make movies. It basically took Undertaker breaking his hand to put Lesnar over him. The only guy I can say that was somewhat in his prime that I can put up against Lesnar is Angle and they're pretty much even. Lesnar did get Angle at WM but Angle did pin Lesnar to win a title (albeit being a triple threat) and made him tap at Summerslam. Lesnar was never the draw people seemed to think he was.

Macho Man all the way.
Savage had arguably one of the best matches in history against Steamboat. The man held titles for a great length of time and is an icon of professional wrestling. He is talented and definately bat shit crazy. Macho Man beat some of the best, when they were the best. His legacy speaks for itself. But that was then.

Lesnar would have ran over all of them back in the day. No problem. He is a freak of nature. Not so bright or great on the mic, but he more than makes up for that with his strength and brutal nature. You might say he beat Hogan when he was way off his prime, but he was still Hogan. Not many can claim that victory. Plus the brutal nature in which it was done still lives on in memory. He broke him and smeared the blood of Hulkamania on his chest in victory.

Who did Savage ever face that was, well, as savage as someone like Lesnar? He wouldnt be able to hold a candle to his strength. In his prime, Savage would not beat Lesnar. He would be a victim added to the list of other legends and greats that Lesnar beat in a short time. Macho Man would no doubt hit the elbow, but who the hell thinks that would stop Brock from getting up and beating him senseless? He would toss him around with a suplex or 2, slap on the bearhug to squeeze the last breath from Savage and hit the F5 on his lifeless body.

1 2 3....

Sorry folks, as crazy as Savage was he cant out match the strength of Lesnar. He would not go down without a serious fight, but in the end Brock is just too much for him. I love Savage and will always be a fan, but he is outmatched here.
Brock Lesnar in his prime was a physical specimen like wrestling had never seen. He had the physique of an bodybuilder, the amateur wrestling skills far above pretty much anyone else, the speed, strength and unbelieveable explosive power. Had he not decided to throw away his wrestling career to try out in the NFL, he would be already thought of as one of the all time greats, and would be into double figures for title reigns.

This ain't no mug he is facing though, it is Macho Man Randy Savage, who IS one of the all time greats. Savage rarely lost as a face, and I have no doubt he would be th fan favourite in this. He beat pretty much everyone in front of him in his prime, but then so did Lesnar. Brock pretty much did it all in the business in just a few short years, absolutely detroying anyone in his path to become the youngest champion of all time.

I see nothing that Savage has that people like The Rock didn't have. Lesnar could beat Savage, I am sure of that. The way Lesnar decimated Undertaker in the Hell In A Cell, making the Deadman look more human that I had ever seen has always stuck with me. Brock is a man who doesn't care for reputations, he just cares about beating the shit out of you, and he will see Savage as just another name to be added to his list of victims.

He kicked out of Hogan's leg drop, kicked out of Rock's Rock Bottom, reversed Undertaker's Tombstone and would be able to get his shoulder up IF and thats a big If, Savage landed the Elbow Drop. Then it would just need one F-5 to finish off Macho.

Winner: Brock Lesnar
Randy Savage is the cream of the crop(has anyone used that one yet?)

I've never been a huge Lesnar fan, WWE or UFC, though I am mildly intrigued with him currently. IIRC though KB said Brock was included before his return so I can't count what he will probably accomplish this time around. No question Brock is a physical freak. For a guy who weighs somewhere between 260-285 he moves like a guy about 200. His speed and strength are unreal. He was booked as a wrecking machine and he accomplished a lot in his short time but if you weren't around for his run you probably don't know his name.

Savage though was at the top for a long time. At WM 5 Savage took on Hogan for the WWF Title. For about 15 minutes Savage was winning the match, only for Hogan to hulk up, hit his big boot/legdrop combo and win the match. I don't think that happens here, Savage would be able to finish it off, driving the elbow right through Brock for the 3.

Plus as his MMA career proved, Brock can't take a punch...or a big knee.
SHIT!!!!!!!!! Why'd this match have to come up...I love Randy Savage, the man was one of my all time favorites but I just simply cannot give him a win over Lesnar.

Brock Lesnar was a freak, still is really, but he was so dominant in his roughly 2 year run in WWE. Lesnar went through some of the biggest & best talent WWE has ever had, including clean wins over Hulk Hogan & The Undertaker. As good as Savage was, he never scored pinfall or submission wins over either of those two. Savage always played second banana to Hogan, unfortunately, and Taker decimated him in his early days.

I don't like it, but I have to go with Brock Lesnar here. I'm not saying that Savage has no chance, there's always a chance, and he'll make Lesnar earn a win. However, in my eyes, Lesnar will win.
I'm wanting to vote for Randy Savage, I know despite the sig I'm hoping Savage pulls this off, but I have to make some points.

Why is it that Brock Lesnar gets so much shit for the Wrestlemania 20 match? I've never understood this. Is it because he pissed off a bunch of smarky assholes in the Garden? To me, that's a fucking plus. I'm a midwestern kid, so this whole mystique and honor of working the Garden doesn't exactly fly with me. Wasn't this the same Madison Square Garden that couldn't stop it's collective dick sucking of Brock back at Survivor Series of 2002? Hell for that matter, wasn't Summerslam 2002 in the New York area? You know, the same crowd that booed the Rock out and watched in awe as the Rookie Brock Lesnar took his spot at the top of the company.

Why doesn't Bill Goldberg get shit for the Mania match? Goldberg was the 7 year veteran that didn't even bother to fucking show up and promote the damn match on the road to Wrestlemania. Brock carried that damn feud with Goldberg not even being there. So if you want to put the blame on someone, how about the guy that was in the business for 7 plus years as opposed to the 2 year guy.

And while I'm ranting, I really hope that the same people that piss and moan all the time about Lesnar "disrespecting the Garden" come out in full force against any Kliq member that manages to have a match in this tournament. What the Kliq did was far worse then anything Lesnar did, but the IWC can't stop it's collective dick sucking of that group.

As far as the match goes, I want to vote Savage, but I'm having a pretty hard time coming up with reasons to vote for Savage. Savage was the WWF champion for a year, and did exactly what with the title? The company trusted him so much that he was paired with Hogan at Summerslam, on Hogan's team at Survivor Series, and eliminated by Hogan at the Royal Rumble, only to ultimately lose to, you guessed it, Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 5. What I'm trying to say, Savage did exactly what with his year long title reign at the top? Then you get into his second title reign, and it's really almost more forgettable.

Brock's pay per view record in one on one title matches reads like this.
He beat the Rock for the WWE Undisputed Title.
Had a draw with the Undertaker.
Beat the Undertaker in Hell in a Cell.
Lost to Big Show via outside interference.
Beat Kurt Angle for the title at Wrestlemania.
Beat John Cena.
Beat Big Show in a stretcher match.
Lost to Kurt Angle at Summerslam 2003.
Beat the Undertaker at No Mercy 2003.
Beat Hardcore Holly at the Rumble.
Finally, lost to Eddie Guerrero, thank you Bill Goldberg, in 2004.

A pay per view record of 7-3-1 in one on one WWF title matches. Two of those losses via outside interference. He beat the top guys of his day clean. I want to vote for Savage, I just don't know how I can.
Savage never lost as a face in wwf that I can remember. NEVER.
Lesnar was beat by Angle.
So how can you vote for Lesnar?!

I'm willing to bet that if only people who lived through both Macho's era and Lesnar's era were able to vote, Savage wins in a landslide.
SHIT!!!!!!!!! Why'd this match have to come up...I love Randy Savage, the man was one of my all time favorites but I just simply cannot give him a win over Lesnar.

Brock Lesnar was a freak, still is really, but he was so dominant in his roughly 2 year run in WWE. Lesnar went through some of the biggest & best talent WWE has ever had, including clean wins over Hulk Hogan & The Undertaker. As good as Savage was, he never scored pinfall or submission wins over either of those two. Savage always played second banana to Hogan, unfortunately, and Taker decimated him in his early days.

I don't like it, but I have to go with Brock Lesnar here. I'm not saying that Savage has no chance, there's always a chance, and he'll make Lesnar earn a win. However, in my eyes, Lesnar will win.

Lesnar beat a 50 year old Hogan! Also, when Savage wrestled Hogan and the Undertaker (although I don't remember this match taking place) they both were booked as unbeatable. Not to mention, by this logic the final of this tournament should be Lesnar vs. Ultimate Warrior with Warrior the eventual winner. Or Andre the Giant breezes his way to the victory (he did go undefeated for 7 years squashing almost every challenger)................... Let's see how consistent everyone is.
Savage never lost as a face in wwf that I can remember. NEVER.
Lesnar was beat by Angle.
So how can you vote for Lesnar?!

I'm willing to bet that if only people who lived through both Macho's era and Lesnar's era were able to vote, Savage wins in a landslide.

Lesnar was beat by Angle, but Lesnar also beat Angle multiple times. Angle has something that Savage doesn't, and that's a submission game. Angle, and Benoit, have proven that you can make the monster tap out. I'm just trying to think of a time Savage ever finishing an opponent off with a limb debilitating move?

I'll probably end up voting for Savage, but Kayfabe wise I don't see how Savage could beat Lesnar. He's been beaten routinely by bigger guys. I don't remember him having too much success with Andre, he was always the lesser man against Hogan, and the Warrior had his way with him. When you move into the 2nd tier of worker, like a Crush, then Savage wins. Brock Lesnar is closer to Hogan and Warrior then he is Crush.

On accolades alone, Savage should win. If you're "keeping it Kayfabe", then it becomes a much more difficult argument.
Oh my oh my oh my. I have no idea what to do here.

At the end of the day, I have to go with Savage. I have no idea how he's going to do it, but somehow I can't imagine the F5 beating Randy. Savage will not submit (screw you WCW for having him tap twice inside of five minutes. SCREW YOU) and I just can't picture him losing here. If we're talking about Savage in his prime which is pretty much any time from 1986 through 1989, I do not see a way for Lesnar to stop him. Savage would get beaten beyond any reasonable point of him to survive, but he would either get a rollup or a miracle elbow and pin Lesnar, who would kick out at 3.000000000000001 and promptly chase Savage back to Sarasota, but Savage would win.
I want to vote for Savage but I can't do it. Every time I go to click his name, I think of how Lesnar destroyed Hogan and I see nothing to suggest it wouldn't happen again. The only people who can beat Lesnar are people who can outwrestle him (Angle, Bret, Benoit etc), outsize him (Big Show) or cheat him (Flair, Guerrero).
If this were the finals, and a "feel good" moment were upon us, I'd vote Savage. However, it's the second round.

This is one of those matches where Brock would be favored, in the minds of fans. They'd tell us he's an underdog, but we'd know better. We'd understand just how physical he is, and how Savage hadn't faced anything like him before. Think Rock vs. Brock. That should sum it up.

Lesnar moves on.

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