Int Region, SF Subregion, Second Round: (7) Rey Mysterio vs. (10) Chris Benoit

Who Wins This Match?

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Chris Benoit

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a second round match in the International Region, San Francisco Subregion. It is a standard one on one match. It will be held at the Cow Palace, San Francisco, California.



#7. Rey Mysterio



#10. Chris Benoit

This match takes place 1 week after round 1.

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
Ever since this match was announced, I've racked my brain over who will win.

The one advantage he had over Mysterio is that he got to face the top guys of the era more frequently than Rey did. In his first year, he got to work with Rocky, Taker, HHH, Kane, and Austin in mid-2001. He did come up on the losing end in most if not all of these encounters but he looked damn good in doing so. He got to the top in 2004 beating HHH and HBK to become champion but he was overshadowed by the former two. I don't know if it had to do with his lack of personality or what, but he was always over with the crowd without being a wordsmith on the microphone.

Rey Mysterio
I never give a fuck about how small he is or how him beating bigger guys is unrealistic. The guy knows how to put on a damn show. He had great matches with Angle in 2002, great tag team matches in 2003, a stellar feud with Guerrero in 2005, helped bring the credibility back to the IC title in 2009, and was the man in the Elimination Chamber in 2009 and 2011. You can always depend on him to have a great match no matter who he is facing.

Of the list of my all-time favorite wrestlers, these are my top two and it is hard to make a clear decision. When it's all said and done, I just see Mysterio going for a 619 or a top rope splash and fail to execute and Benoit locking on the crossface for the victory.
I did some digging and, incredibly, it would appear that Rey Mysterio and Chris Benoit only ever had one singles match together. These guys were contemporaries in a pretty strict sense of the word but - as far as recorded matches that end up in The Big Wrestling Ledger of Wins & Losses go - they only ever had a single one-on-one match together. October 3rd 2002, SmackDown, in the main event. Oh, and Rey Mysterio won. It was considered an upset at the time. Big picture, I wouldn't say it was.

In terms of kayfabe success, it's actually difficult to separate the two - they're on a very similar tier. Midcarders, upper midcarders, sometime main eventers. A trophy cabinet heaving with intercontinental and tag team belts, with only a smattering of world championships. In Benoit's case, his WCW World Heavyweight Championship, which he vacated the next day, and his four month reign with the World Heavyweight Championship. In Mysterio's case, his two World Heavyweight Championships and his WWE Championship, which he lost to that usurping prick John Cena the same night.

Personal preference - I'm going with Mysterio all day long. Benoit, I'd say, was an overachieving midcarder, whereas Mysterio - since 2006 at least - has been an underachieving main eventer. Splitting hairs perhaps, but one I'm prepared to split. The whole dead family thing aside, I'll confess to having liked Benoit and liked his matches. He had a tenacity and rawness to his performances that I found fun to watch. Mysterio is on the other end of the spectrum - smooth, flawless and breathlessly organised; a man in a mask who does flips and who's a king of psychology.

Their match history together - their singles match history together - is one match in which I don't think either were in their primes, though Benoit was possibly closer to his. In terms of success, their title records aren't entirely differently, though I'd say Mysterio has had more longevity - if only because he hasn't, you know, killed himself. Hey, still counts. Who made me care about them more? Despite some misplaced resistance, Mysterio.

Mysterio, deservedly, by a nose.


I just found the match on YouTube. Let's watch it together:


I was hoping to see this match up after viewing the brackets. I am torn a bit on both guys. Each have a special edge in the ring. Benoit has his technical abilities, and Rey has his acrobatics. There are a lot of similarities between the two as well, and they were great friends. The one singles match they had, I loved every minute of it. I wish we could have seen these two working together more.

When you break it down, Benoit is the better pro-wrestler, and Mysterio is the better sports entertainer. Pure wrestling skills I think Benoit should win. Based on their career in a whole, I would say Rey.

I need a bit of arguing to see the light of each side.
Definitely Mysterio. Both of these men were unlikely candidates to get a run in the main event, and in a way lucky to be there, but while Mysterio took it and maintained that popularity, Benoit didn't to put it bluntly. The only thing Benoit had going for him was his inring ability, and I'm not sure he even beats Mysterio on that. Mysterio is more charismatic, more popular, has achieved more and had more longevity.
I really place these two on the same level in terms of WWE history and what they accomplished in the ring. But overall I going Benoit because I was a big fan of his before his death.... I know he was a murdering scumbag but I have decided to put that to one side for the duration of this tournament.
I did some digging

Did you find Daniel's body?

This is a battle of great wrestlers, but Mysterio is definitely the bigger star, for all of the right reasons. At the end of the day, Benoit's run with the belt was a victory lap, one in which sputtered, and played second fiddle to a ****** and Triple H. Benoit was wonderful in Japan, putting up some of the greatest displays of wrestling. Frankly, I am more entertained watching a lucha match than just about all of Benoit's matchers. That, and I give Mysterio the most credit for getting lucha into today's wrestling world. That's both a blessing and a curse, but I'll take that over Benoit's.... Contributions to wrestling.

Give me Rey.
I did some digging and, incredibly, it would appear that Rey Mysterio and Chris Benoit only ever had one singles match together.

When I first saw this match come up I tried to remember the singles matches they had against each other and I couldn’t think of any. It’s hard to believe they’ve only had one considering the amount of time they were in both WWE and WCW together. I can't believe they didn't meet up more than that. In fact I can't believe they didn't meet up a lot more than that. Personally I think this match should have taken place at WrestleMania 22 but that’s another story.

This is a close match and I really don’t know who I’m going to vote for. Without putting any thought into it my instinct is to say Benoit. I don’t really know why. Maybe it’s because Benoit won his world title in MSG in a great match against two of the top stars ever in WWE while Mysterio’s world title win is widely regarded as a sympathy reign to pay tribute to his fallen friend. I don’t want to cast my vote based on one title reign so I’ll give this a little thought.

In the event of a tie consider this a vote for Benoit. When the poll opens up I may very well click Mysterio. If I do I’ll post again to override this written vote.
I always thought Chris Benoit was deserving of a World Title in WWE far sooner than he got one. It was a shame for him that he was around in the era of some of the greatest of all time in The Rock, Austin, Undertaker, Angle and HHH, not to mention other top stars like Jericho and Big Show. If Benoit was in his prime today he would be a sure-fire main eventer consistently, the guy was an animal in the ring.

He was a deserving World Champion, I didn't think Rey was. Mysterio was one of my favourites when he debuted in WWE, and was always entertaining but I could never buy into the fact that such a small man would become Heavyweight Champion, it just seemed too unrealistic to me. Personal opinion I guess.

Both have had similar levels of success throughout their careers, so I can't really split them on that level. I guess I am just going to go for who I think was a better wrestler overall, and that was Benoit. His technical ability is right up there with Bret Hart and Kurt Angle for me, and once he locks that Crossface in, you aren't gettin out Rey Rey.

Winner: Chris Benoit
I always thought Chris Benoit was deserving of a World Title in WWE far sooner than he got one. It was a shame for him that he was around in the era of some of the greatest of all time in The Rock, Austin, Undertaker, Angle and HHH, not to mention other top stars like Jericho and Big Show. If Benoit was in his prime today he would be a sure-fire main eventer consistently, the guy was an animal in the ring.

He was a deserving World Champion, I didn't think Rey was. Mysterio was one of my favourites when he debuted in WWE, and was always entertaining but I could never buy into the fact that such a small man would become Heavyweight Champion, it just seemed too unrealistic to me. Personal opinion I guess.

Both have had similar levels of success throughout their careers, so I can't really split them on that level. I guess I am just going to go for who I think was a better wrestler overall, and that was Benoit. His technical ability is right up there with Bret Hart and Kurt Angle for me, and once he locks that Crossface in, you aren't gettin out Rey Rey.

Winner: Chris Benoit

You thought wrong, I was one of the people that thought Rey Rey shouldnt have been a World Champion when he won the belt, but humble being that I am, I am more than prepared to admit how ridiculously wrong I was. Fact is, great technical wrestler blah blah blah, Benoit wasnt as good as Mysterio, Benoit had fine matches, was kind of popular, but well out of his depth with a World Title. Know who wasnt out his depth with a World Title or in the Main Event? Rey Mysterio, he gave a big fuck you to all those people that booed him (including me) when he won the title by being fucking awesome, so good in fact that WWE have seen the need to slap the World Title on him several times since then. What has Benoit done since his title run? Oh thats right, hung around in the midcard, crossfaced his own son to death and hung himself.

Dont vote against Benoit because he's a child murdering lunatic, vote against him because Rey Mysterio is better in every way.
Both gladiators enter the ring, the bell rings, a staredown ensues, they start jawing and yapping at each other, Mysterio says, "Who in their right mind would rank you in the top 40ish wrestlers of all time, homeboy?". Benoit replies, "Only the type of idiot that would rank you in the top 30ish, small fry!". Mysterio shocks Benoit with a giant reply, "Yeah, what the fuck are these guys thinking?". Benoit counters with a standing, "Let's get out of here, we don't belong in the second round of this tournament."

Both men walk out of the ring to the biggest applause for a double count out in the history of professional wrestling and things feel right again in the world, for now.
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This is a match that can go either way. These two had some classic matches in WCW with both of them showing that they could beat the other. Mysterio, especially during his days in WCW, was like greased lightning and Benoit was just a fantastic all around guy inside the ring.

Both men are former World Champions, both had a lot of success as mid-carders and as tag team wrestlers.

I'm not sure who I'm voting for yet.
In terms of the usual nonsense, both men are about equal.

Mysterio was a more entertaining performer to an extent, I'v never been too bored watching the guy, but i'v always found Benoit's MATCHES to be better! Guy told a great story in the ring! His fueds with Jericho and Angle are top notch, some of my favourite of all time!

Judgement day 2001 benoit had a two out of three falls match, and then a tag team turmoil match! Alongside the 60 minutes Royal Rumble victory, the guy could just keep going!! And thats without even mentioning his intesity and technical ability, though i imagine everyone here appreciates that already!

Who would Eddie Guerrero pick? My money is on Benoit! All the way!
Wild pegasus for the win!
I'd like to retract this statement:

In terms of success, their title records aren't entirely differently, though I'd say Mysterio has had more longevity - if only because he hasn't, you know, killed himself. Hey, still counts.

Having thought about it, and having decided to plagiarise Tastycles, I've come to the conclusion that Chris Benoit was yesterday's news years before he hung himself. Suicide or no suicide - Rey Mysterio would have greater and longer lasting relevance to the wrestling world. And he's better too.

I'm more firmly on Mysterio's side than ever.
I'm going with mysterio here.

It's by no means an easy descision, but Mysterio – ignoring the murder-suicide – lasted longer as a main eventer. Both descended to the mid-card after their world title runs, but Mysterio came back and made himself into a part time main eventer and added a couple of extra world title runs. Benoit never managed to do that.
Surprisingly enough I think I'm leaning with Rey Rey in this match. Both men have pretty much identical resumes to bring to the table. I guess I'm leaning with Mysterio simply because he's "done less with more". By that I mean, he's really damn small, and he's managed to make it to the top of the largest company in the world. The WWE is the land of giants, and Rey Rey has, arguably, been the #2 babyface in the company during Cena's run at the top.

Benoit also had the size disadvantage, and Mysterio also go the Title Reign of Pity after Guerrero died. I get these two have a lot not working for them. To me, Mysterio is the bigger star.
Benoit for me, not by a whole hell of a lot.

Both guys in their careers were pretty much sold as the underdogs due to their physical stature and perceived limitations, yet both (in their respective ways) were able to get over with the audience.

The reason Benoit gets this for me is due to him making Triple H tap at WrestleMania, not just because he was able to make Trips tap, but he was the first man to win by submission in the Main Event at Mania. He did only win the title once, but the way he was booked to do so on his own merits just makes it stand out more.
I'll take Rey as well, but this would be an excellent match. Benoit for the most part was a main event/upper midcard jobber though and I think that's what happens here as well. Benoit would keep trying for submissions but Rey is as quick as anyone ever so I think he'd find a way out of anything Benoit can through at him. It would be a way and Rey would win quickly, but it's Mysterio. I'd love to see it too.
Rey takes this by default because that other guy doesn't exist.

Seriously I think that Rey would takes this based on crowd appeal. Both have similar resumes and similar career paths but Rey has been a top draw for a while. Benoit was never really a guy who packed the house
Mysterio is better than Benoit in every way possible. He's even more fun to watch in the ring. He blows Benoit out in every other category. More charismatic, drew more money, better promos, and he had more kayfabe success. And Mysterio didn't kill his family.

Vote Mysterio.
I voted for Rey here. While some may say that Mysterio got a pity reign after Eddie's death, I think that he would have eventually won the world title on his own merit even if Eddie would not have died. Benoit was someone who got a complimentary run with the belt for his service to the company. Yeah, it seems funny now. But as soon as he lost the belt, he descended to the midcard and it never seemed that he would contend for the belt ever again.

Mysterio, on the other hand, has been someone who has kept mixing it up with either World Champions or the contenders for the belt. He won a second title reign as well which should further dispell doubts as to whether he was good enough to win the belt on his own or not.

Finally, I would say that Rey had his own unique sort of charisma and has been a great draw for the kids and the ones of Hipsanic heritage. I do not think that Benoit was much of a draw. I know some people talk about HBK having no place in the World title match at Mania 20 but I know quite a few people who were wondering who the fuck Chris Benoit was when the match was announced. Admittedly, they were casual fans but aren't most WWE fans casual ones too? You may think that he was wrongly overshadowed by the likes of Michaels and HHH when he was given the world title but I am saying that maybe that was the only way to book Benoit as champ. What proof had he given prior to that point that he could be a draw or even midly interesting? Rey, on the other hand was someone who stood out in his own way, not only because he was small but because he could play a damn good underdog babyface.

In short Benoit was the guy who could have great matches while Mysterio was the guy who could have great matches as well as put butts in seats. Outside the ring, Benoit was about as interesting as watching paint dry.

Winner: Rey Mysterio.
Chris Benoit got over by having great wrestling match after great wrestling match and then they stuck him in tag matches with people no one give a shit about. Despite all that, he got more over then ever and won the Rumble and subsequently the World Heavyweight Champion. I just always had a soft spot for that. I don't want ever want to down Mysterio's first title reign but there's just something nagging in me that makes me believe there is a bit of truth relating to the criticisms of it. Mysterio was hot for the first part of 2005 and tailed off a bit in the latter part. I'm happy he got it but I just wish they would have done it better.

I'm still picking Benoit because I consider both somewhat to be a jobber to the stars but Benoit has had more success in beating the top stars than Mysterio has. Maybe that has to do with the lack of top stars during Mysterio's reigns but I just think Benoit will come out on top in this matchup.
Benoit would challenge for winning this tournament (whether or not he deserves it) based on IWC groveling over his technical in-ring prowess if he had not killed himself and his family.

Both reached similar levels in terms of being on low end of the main event, but I think that Benoit reached an ultimately higher level than Rey ever reached, beating BOTH Triple H AND Shawn Michaels AT Wrestlemania and putting him as THE top guy. That's absolutely huge. At Mania XX, also...serving as a natural transition for the company.

Rey has never been THE top guy. When he's been World Champ...he's clearly the 2nd tier world champ or he's just a transition guy.

My vote goes to Benoit.
I think Ricky nailed this for me. Benoit reached a height that even Rey, bless him, couldn't touch. Mysterio had a similar run to the title like Benoit only it was far less impressive and the reigns themselves are world's apart. Mysterio's title reign is considered one of the weakest in wrestling history while Benoit had a very solid run from one premier PPV in WrestleMania to another in SummerSlam defeating Triple H, Shawn Michaels and Kane all on PPV before losing to, as Jerry Lawler put it, "the man of destiny" in Randy Orton. Because I can't really think of another way to separate them, this is what I'm going with. Benoit for his superior run at the top.

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