Is this the last of Sting?


Occasional Pre-Show
Besides a Hall of Fame Induction or sporadic appearances, is this match with Triple H going to be the last we see of Sting?

I hope not.

When he left TNA I felt it was time and he'd done all he could there, but seeing him now and in the WWE atmosphere, I think there is loads he can still do even at 56. Let's face it, with the shape WWE is in right now, would you rather see Roman Reigns whose being set up to make a mint the next 10 years or Sting?

I know he's 56, but he's not green, he can work a mic, and he can do a lot more then anyone else without saying a thing. I don't want to see him every week because it'd ruin the mystique, but I'd be fine seeing him every so often and in big caliber matches. You don't want to see Sting in a Survivor Series, Royal Rumble, Hell in a Cell? Some of these don't work out but with the right story, he can show up in any of them.

The new generation ready to grab the ring "Ambrose, Bryan, Cesaro, Balor, Kevin Owens, Zayn, Ziggy, Barrett, Cody" etc aren't allowed a strong grasp on it and those who are "Reigns, Rusev, Wyatt, Rollins" have either weaknesses or are doing a good job, had they been in a lesser role. I just want more Sting now that he finally is in WWE, but I don't want him to lose that importance.

If this is Sting's last match at Mania, it will kind of suck. He went away for a while and came back as hot as ever and if he leaves on a high note, good for him, but it's sad for a Sting fan.
Nah, we'll likely see Sting in a few more matches. Problem is, with him getting a little north of five-oh, the more he wrestles, the more likely he'll suffer a serious injury. If the plan is to have him face Undertaker next year then that should be the last we see of him as a wrestler.
I would like to see this, Sting win at mania then HHH go on a rampage of punishing baby faces like he did last year just for speaking out and then vince comes out and days he's tired of hhh/steph doing this so he's bringing in a new raw gm to run things and here comes STING!
I hope not too I think he could do the WWE a lot of good staying around a little longer even just wrestling a couple of times on big ppvs I think feuding with a couple of the newer guys could help get them over and also the buy rates for those events having a proven main eventer on them.
No, I think we'll see him in a few more matches but I'd like to see him as the RAW GM in the future. However, I don't think Sting wants to be on the road full time any more. I'm sure they could come to some sort of agreement though
I really wanted to see Sting/Undertaker . also what happen to the Russev/Ryback feud? I found that more intriguing than Russev/Cena.. and Rock/Triple H would have been good too... I really wish they went with this card instead.
As a Sting fan, I fail to see why him winning his one and only Wrestlemamia match is sad.

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