Jay Lethal No Longer With TNA

i was really expecting him to be release from TNA probably around the summer because TNA haven't really been using him after that whole feud with Ric Flair and he still didn't go anyway. He was in TNA since 2005 and they didn't take him seriously enough to put a title around him. isn't today his birthday because i saw his birthday date on wiki and it said he was born on April 21 1985. Got release on his birthday wow!! He not a big lose to TNA because he really hasn't got over or put on the main event spot since he been there. I think The Black Machismo Character sort of brought him down a little bit because it didn't look like it was taking himself seriously as a wrestler. He most likely needs to go to ROH and try to build his career again mean who knows because i am not going to miss him one bit
We just don't agree, Yanks.

I saw it from a completely different perspective. To me, Lethal was pushed hard and given reign-after-reign with the X Division title and even a win over Flair by making him tap to his own friggin' move and it was Lethal who flopped, because "Jay Lethal" the character is incredibly boring, monotonous and dull. The guy came out in a Hogan-colored robe, pointed to TNA's letters and talked about being from Jersey. Who cares? Why should I care about that guy? His persona had NOTHING to do with his name. The only thing lethal about him was his ability to cut a promo or an interview where he wasn't impersonating someone else and make the fans care.

You may not like Pope, but Pope IMO is the superior talent between the two. Pope has more confidence, more swagger, and his gimmick and look actually fit together. Jay Lethal was a good ol' boy from Jersey who had dreads and Hogan-colored rights. Um... OK?

See, it is a different perspective. You are juding Lethal based on the crap he was given after he committed the cardinal sin......getting over. Yes, he GOT OVER during the Flair thing. It was unintentional as the whole thing was done FOR FLAIR, but Lethal was so good that the fans ate it up. That's because Lethal can control a crowd and by the way, it wasn't just an impression. That's something you do by yourself. He went toe to toe with Flair, thinking on his feet and outwitting "the man". If that didn't tell you that the kid is talented, I don't know what will. Take your precious Pope and have him try to match wits with Flair. All he came up with was "Dick Flair" and he repeated that 700 times. In just those interactions, Lethal is clearly the superior.

The problem was as soon as he beat Flair and should have started moving up, he was pushed back down. You could have created a character that worked at that point, a cocky yet charismatic face that isn't afraid of anyone, but he was slapped with a bland gimmick of Jersey kid that isn't "Shore" where even The Rock couldn't make anything of. Then again, when you aren't on TV, it's kind of hard to be exciting.

The point is, you have to see that the chances he got to be awesome, he was awesome. He wasn't given the ball with Flair, he took the damn thing and ran away with it. He out-shined a legend and may have been punished for it.

Just remember, this kid is like 24. He'll be back somewhere and he'll shine. The only thing holding him back is his height. If he was 6'3", he would have been given something to work with by now. I mean, you have guys like Gunner, Crimson, Rob Terry, and others being pushed as "angry good guy" or "angry bad guy", surely Lethal is more worthwhile than any of that? Hell, if he was Mexican instead of black, maybe he could have found a place in Mexican America! Point is, he has a lot to offer and he's barely scratched the surface because that's all he's been given the chance to do. He's a talented guy and that will be showcased someday. Unfortunately, that day isn't today and it sucks. Shame on Lethal for getting over and getting people into his program with Flair. It ruined his career!
We just don't agree, Yanks.

I saw it from a completely different perspective. To me, Lethal was pushed hard and given reign-after-reign with the X Division title and even a win over Flair by making him tap to his own friggin' move and it was Lethal who flopped, because "Jay Lethal" the character is incredibly boring, monotonous and dull.

TNA made me far less interested in Lethal the second he dropped Black Machismo as his gimmick. I know there were plans at one point for him to form a tag team with Abyss called the New MegaPowers, something that might have been a really good showcase for both of them instead of their current roles.

But Black Machismo was as awesome as plain 'ol Jay Lethal was boring. That's the truth and there's really no denying it. Just because he did an awesome Flair impersonation and got to fight the Nature Boy doesn't mean he was over. Like many posters have said, it was his ability to mimic others that set him apart more than anything else.

Without Machismo, he's just another guy. Sorry if you don't want to hear it.
Yeah, see that's where you are totally wrong. This is a guy that had very few chances to shine, but when give the chance, he did. That should tell you something right there. To me, it seems more than Lethal took the ball and ran with it, but TNA didn't actually want to push him anywhere. They just thought it would be funny to do the Flair impression stuff in hopes that it would showcase FLAIR in his reaction to it. They never had an interest in pushing Lethal but he forced their hand and they had to put him over The Nature Boy.

That was the time to push him and they chose against it. The dude is young but you can tell that he's just bursting at the seems to be let out of his shell to just be awesome. Unfortunately, someone in TNA sees a 5'9" dude and figured it better to make him bland so that he doesn't commit the cardinal sin and get over any more. I wonder if that same TNA official was the one that said 5'9" Chris Jericho could never be a star........(no I'm not comparing the two, but I do think Jay Lethal is incredibly talented and incredibly wasted).
Little chance to shine? Aside from AJ, Joe and Daniels has there ever been an X Division wrestler to have as much development as Jay? He was the guy who stood up to Team 3D, he feuded with Kevin Nash, he has a clean win over Kurt Angle, defeating him for the X Division Championship while Kurt was World Champion, broke AJ Styles' record for most X Division title wins, was given a major angle during his love triangle with SoCal Val and Sonjay Dutt (even if it was crap) and feuded with AJ Styles and Ric Flair beating both of them. You can't possibly tell me he wasn't given chances? Next to AJ, has a TNA homegrown done so much and amounted to so little? People moarned the loss of Chris Daniels last year despite him arguably doing less for the company, yet nobody really seems to care for Lethal? It's not the lack of chances, that's for sure.
Little chance to shine? Aside from AJ, Joe and Daniels has there ever been an X Division wrestler to have as much development as Jay? He was the guy who stood up to Team 3D, he feuded with Kevin Nash, he has a clean win over Kurt Angle, defeating him for the X Division Championship while Kurt was World Champion, broke AJ Styles' record for most X Division title wins, was given a major angle during his love triangle with SoCal Val and Sonjay Dutt (even if it was crap) and feuded with AJ Styles and Ric Flair beating both of them. You can't possibly tell me he wasn't given chances? Next to AJ, has a TNA homegrown done so much and amounted to so little? People moarned the loss of Chris Daniels last year despite him arguably doing less for the company, yet nobody really seems to care for Lethal? It's not the lack of chances, that's for sure.

When we talk about guys now, you have to take everything before 2010 out of the equation. You know Hogan and Bischoff aren't look past when they came in. That being the case, we can look at Lethal's program with Flair which I"LL SAY AGAIN was meant for Flair to shine and Lethal to be some idiot mocking him but Lethal OUT-SHINED Flair. Most of that is not being old and incoherent so he was way quicker on his feet than Naitch. Perhaps it was embarrassing to Flair to be shown up by a kid, but after that win, you would have thought he'd move on to biggest and better thing but instead he was shipped back to the X-Division. The same thing happened with Doug Williams. He was all sorts of awesome in his feud with AJ, was over as hell, so naturally he was put back in the heel tag team he started in two years ago. It's not just Lethal. Any guy that isn't supposed to be awesome but is gets his 15 minutes of fame and then back down the ladder you go.

Lethal got sent down but at least he had one decent feud (oddly enough with Robbie E). He sort of made that watchable and it was the last time the X-Division WAS watchable. Kaz became the heel champ then quickly turned face and no one has cared since. He has the belt and does nothing with it. Lethal at least had one decent feud and made something of that. Once the belt was off of him, that was the end, not that he should have been shipped there in the first place.

If you aren't seeing this trend, you aren't watching close enough, guys who aren't "favorites' of Hogan and Bischoff don't get a sustained push. I gave you two examples and there are plenty more. Lethal is a victim of this and certainly a victim of being good at his job. He's solid in the ring (which I haven't even mentioned yet), and he is quick witted (as evidenced by WHAT he said to Flair, not the voice in which he said it), and he's likeable. The crowd ate him up then and that was good enough reason to push him back down. He wasn't destined for it. Those spots are reserved for such "talents" as Hernandez, RVD, and The Pope...........
Why is this such big news? He hadn't done anything noteworthy in three months. It sounds to me like TNA is beginning their own version of spring cleaning, starting with guys they have no plans for in the coming months.

That being said, he's entertaining. I look forward to him getting at the very least a try out with the WWE.
I dig Jay Lethal, I liked the Black Machismo character--its fun and cheesey and a homage to great character/wrestler . He owned it.

I also think he can be great , he has the moves, he's solid in the ring. In some ways he and Shelton Benjamin are in the same boat-- both are really cool to watch but need a way to really connect with the audience some element of charisma.

That being said---maybe, just maybe , this can be his SCSA moment. Maybe this is the time where he can find who he wants to be and to stand out. I wish him nothing but the best because he made watching TNA a bit more fun when he hit the ring.
This is just like when Daniels and countless others were released. We will see Jay back eventually. I just don't think he is the kind of guy that will ever be in the main event. There are some guys you look at and can just tell that they are mid carders for life. Anything is possible, and I would be shocked if WWE even gave Lethal a tryout or a contract.

Lethal is talented in the ring and on the mic when he is making fun of legends like Ric Flair. Other than that he is a bland New Jersey Mama's boy. I do think he was the most talented of all the X division, but nowadays that is like being awarded the world's tallest midget. Without the X division, there wasn't much Lethal could do to get noticed besides his impressions. Flair helped him and AJ Styles get over more, but AJ isn't a household name like Hogan as they wanted, and Lethal is still plain old Lethal.
This is just like when Daniels and countless others were released. We will see Jay back eventually. I just don't think he is the kind of guy that will ever be in the main event. There are some guys you look at and can just tell that they are mid carders for life. Anything is possible, and I would be shocked if WWE even gave Lethal a tryout or a contract.

Lethal is talented in the ring and on the mic when he is making fun of legends like Ric Flair. Other than that he is a bland New Jersey Mama's boy. I do think he was the most talented of all the X division, but nowadays that is like being awarded the world's tallest midget. Without the X division, there wasn't much Lethal could do to get noticed besides his impressions. Flair helped him and AJ Styles get over more, but AJ isn't a household name like Hogan as they wanted, and Lethal is still plain old Lethal.

I see the whole "midcard" argument, theres lots of folks that didn't seem like Main Event folks---- Jericho, Guerrerro...Mysterio---- WCW didn't really push them like world champs. Those guys are smaller, but WWE gave them a chance.

Im not saying he's like any of them , but he's still young and SCSA's hollywood blonde character would never have foreshadowed a Stone Cold.

Just saying maybe this might be a kick in the pants or opportunity to shine if he tries, gets real lucky and excels.

maybe not,...we'll see.
We just don't agree, Yanks.

I saw it from a completely different perspective. To me, Lethal was pushed hard and given reign-after-reign with the X Division title and even a win over Flair by making him tap to his own friggin' move and it was Lethal who flopped, because "Jay Lethal" the character is incredibly boring, monotonous and dull. The guy came out in a Hogan-colored robe, pointed to TNA's letters and talked about being from Jersey. Who cares? Why should I care about that guy? His persona had NOTHING to do with his name. The only thing lethal about him was his ability to cut a promo or an interview where he wasn't impersonating someone else and make the fans care.

You may not like Pope, but Pope IMO is the superior talent between the two. Pope has more confidence, more swagger, and his gimmick and look actually fit together. Jay Lethal was a good ol' boy from Jersey who had dreads and Hogan-colored rights. Um... OK?

Black Machismo was as awesome as plain 'ol Jay Lethal was boring. That's the truth and there's really no denying it. Just because he did an awesome Flair impersonation and got to fight the Nature Boy doesn't mean he was over. Like many posters have said, it was his ability to mimic others that set him apart more than anything else.

Without Machismo, he's just another guy. Sorry if you don't want to hear it.

This statement can begin my argument that Jay Lethal being released was TNA's fuck-up.

For IDR, as much as I respect you, I'm actually one of the few posters who when I do my RTKC, I always wonder and ask where Jay Lethal is.

The main argument I'm hearing\reading is that Jay Lethal was bland on the mic and even though he could do impressions, the "real him" wasn't working out. Well, this is where teaching comes in. I think we can all remember how much we said A.J. Styles was bland on the mic as recently as last year. We remember how bad and dry Jeff Hardy was, and how lackluster Rob Van Dam is when he doesn't care. And, last I heard, Kazarian is STILL bland on the mic. Do we know how much Ric Flair worked with any of them on cutting promos and talking style? It's obvious that Styles grew light years with his time with Ric, but Kaz hasn't grown much, and Lethal could have EASILY played Kaz's in his role of Fourtune if TNA Creative so inclined. Sure, Kaz has the pretty-boy look, but you want to tell me that Lethal had no promo skill, nothing to grow with? You don't think that maybe if TNA had actually let him join Flair or join Hogan and let him get a much more sustained rub than just the 2-3 months he had, he would have grown up as well? That's why they're called TNA Creative. Does every wrestler have to come in ready-made and do it all themselves? Isn't it TNA Creative's job to give its wrestlers something interesting and, well, creative? Maybe give him a new robe? A new hairstyle? A script maybe?

A guy like Shelton Benjamin didn't have promo skills to start, and it never grew, which is why he never did anything more than IC and US titles. All the ability in the world and he couldn't work a mic, which held him back. Maybe the WWE even tried but he just never got the natural confidence and style to do it consistently. Jay Lethal can work a mic because if he could do a promo as Black Machismo, he can do one as Jay Lethal, and he can do things to make people laugh or take him seriously, and has a natural style that could easily be cultivated if given the chance. How could Lethal have a fighting chance to grow when he disappeared after the Flair feud, popped up to win the X-division title, wrestle at mostly house shows, then appears to build up Robbie E., win it back, then build up Kaz and disappear? How does anyone grow from that?

Let's think of it this way: with the Hogan\Bischoff regime, who has gotten built up from scratch or even from the mid-card to be in a TOP FEUD in their time? Answer: no one! (If I'm wrong, please feel free to enlighten me...) Everyone on top either already was established in TNA or built up from "the other company." Jay Lethal was one of the best young talents that could have grown to be a World Champion, especially because TNA shouldn't and to my knowledge doesn't have the height\size bias that the WWE has. He cuts better promos than Max and Jeremy Buck, wrestles better than Robbie E., and despite what IDR says, was over enough with the crowd and much more than the new Suicide, Douglas Williams or Amazing Red, plus he was loyal to the company and didn't have any issues with the law to my knowledge. Stars are rarely built overnight, and hopefully they realize they made a mistake and bring him back sooner than later and spend the time to work on him, or at least give him one more shot the way Bryan Danielson was brought back.
Lethal was nothing special without the Macho Man gimmick. He wont get a chance in WWE thats for sure, probably flout around the indys and return to TNA someday, hopefully being Black Machismo again
Lethal was nothing special without the Macho Man gimmick. He wont get a chance in WWE thats for sure, probably flout around the indys and return to TNA someday, hopefully being Black Machismo again

I agree, I really liked his old gimmick. I have no idea why they changed it, he was a good comedy character.
I don't think he should go to WWE because he'll just end up on the FCW roster and not many wrestlers get called up
Black Machismo was one of my favorite charicters in Tna for the longest time, Jay played the Macho Man charicter great Imo.

He has the chops to make it in the WWE, but he is rather bland without a gimmick. It Vince and Co. can get him into Fcw and get a good gimmick behind him he would made a great Gimmick face. But if you just put him in as Jay Lethal, high flyer he will get burried. It's sad to say that and this, but I think he would make a great comedy wrestler in the WWE. That's about all I can see him being used for.
If wwe signed Titus o'neil then I think lethal will have no problem plus I heard the reason lethal and aj broke up was because of aj going to the wwe
Apparently Suicide was just put on the roster page, maybe Jay Lethal is now portraying Suicide. Think about it, Daniels is back as himself and someone needs to play Suicide.
Apparently Suicide was just put on the roster page, maybe Jay Lethal is now portraying Suicide. Think about it, Daniels is back as himself and someone needs to play Suicide.

Interesting, but then who played Suicide at Lockdown when Lethal was already in the Xscape match with him? I doubt it was Daniels or Kaz since they had the Lethal Lockdown match later that night. I assumed it was Kyoshi since he'd played Suicide in the past and is also no longer showing on TNA's roster.
Can't say I care too much about this. He could go in the ring, but Jay Lethal was very boring and bland when it came to personality. Lethal would excite me with his impersonations of Randy Savage and Ric Flair, but his imitations weren't able to take him too far. There were times where I hardly noticed Lethal's absence, and I'm sure he'll be forgotten about soon enough. This shouldn't be a big loss for TNA.
I don't think it's a major loss for TNA, I do think he's talented in the ring. However since he stopped being the Black Machismo character he hasn't been exciting at all. Like other posters have said he's very bland without a gimmick. His impersonations were great, but they can only take him so far. He needs to find a new persona and TNA hasn't really been very good at repackaging or creating new stars from scratch.

It could be the best thing to ever happen to him, he ran his course in TNA and became bland and stale. He'll probably move on to another company and find a new persona. He may even get a job in WWE they have hired many ex TNA wrestlers. I really doubt he'll ever be such a major star in WWE. That would make TNA regret letting him go.
wasn't there something said that maybe Macho Man was coming to TNA? would he be just creative and never seen on TV? or could they give him some time similar to what they have done with Ric Flair?
Lethal did a great Macho Man impersonation. it could have been gold to see Lethal and Randy Savage go back and forth on the mic.
This is bad news. TNA have lost one of their better talents that they should have been pushing. My guess is that Lethal will end up in ROH or possibly WWE. He was getting a good push when he was mocking Flair, then suddenly he lost the push and wasn't seen much. I think TNA should have kept Lethal because he was someone they could really have turned into one of the future guys of the company if they had kept his push going. That's a mistake they'll have to live with.
Vince Russo and his cronies make me sick

Here's a kid that got OVER, Ric Flair PUT HIM OVER, The fans were behind him.

and that fucking idiot fucks it up and kills his momentum, Hope he does well in WWE. TNA just fucked up big time.

Why do you blame Russo? I know blaming Russo for anything that goes wrong is kind of the IWC's thing, but facts are facts: Russo and Lethal were in the same company for years. I doubt his departure has anything to do with Russo.

Don't misconstrue this as passionate Russo fanboy garbage. I have never liked Russo's booking style, but I think that blaming Russo just falls into the hands of Eric Bischoff, who is probably the real culprit in this case. Remember, it was Bischoff, not Russo, who wrote off Christopher Daniels as "bland and uninteresting."
I find it very surprised that he got let go. I don't have clue why I'm surprised because performers get released all the time, but I really wasn't expecting him to be let go. He's young and has some ability on the mike and in the ring. I liked Lethal. I think he was just horribly used. They had moments where they did a good job. The feud with Flair was great. The Black Machismo thing was okay for a period of time, then it just kept on going for far too long. I don't hear people blaiming Charlie Haas for his impersonations, why would they blame Lethal ? He didn't come up with it TNA management did. I mean blame him for the right things that he is responsible for, not the things he has no control over.

TNA made sure not to make him a priority after the Robbie E feud which is crap because of the time he put in at TNA doing crap without any real meaningful push that utilized his talent. I could understand they need to cut costs, here's a thought: how bout they ask Bischoff and Hogan to take a paycut, instead of cutting performers who've been there for ages getting bullshit storyline ideas or pushes ? I hope they come to their senses and re-sign him. If they don't, I think he might have a shot at ROH or Japan. WWE is imo, a long shot. They don't seem too concerned or interested in using black performers in a meaningful way, so why would they change now with Lethal ? Add to that he's from TNA, which is a second strike against him. I mean what will they do ? Will he be on NXT ? Or put into their training program ? I'd be surprised if he'd see anything meaningful in WWE. Unless there is some one high up who has something in their mind that they think he would be good for and can convince the top man to pick him up, I doubt we'll see Lethal in WWE.
I was surprised when I heard this. Lethal seemed to have that IT factor that could make him a star. He was getting major push and then once the THEY storyline debut he disappeared. Not sure what happened to him. Good luck Jay
This is a joke, right? A very bad joke? Please, tell me this isn't happening.

Seriously though, Jethal has so much natural charisma and talent, he's only 25 year's old, and has s***-load's more talent than Hogan can ever dream of.

It's a f***in' sham, seriously. So, they have a 51 year old, who's gimmick is based on a character from a movie from 1997, the TNA World Championship. They have 3 non-draw's, which one is an embarrasment to be a wrestler, fueding for that said Title.

There is also a match being teased between two guy's who have an average age of 100 year's old. Neither of those two said people are draw's in 2011.

Lethal, go to the holy grail, please. Go to WWE, I beg of you. You'll get a shot to be big, actually be on television, and most of all, you'll get a chance to shine. You won't be pushed aside for non-talent's like Matt Hardy, Ken Anderson or Abyss, you'll actually be in matches, have a chance to showcase you talent's.

Lethal is a talented guy, and has alot of natural talent. I think he would do very well in a TNA run. He's also more of a ground wrestler, so he won't be doing unneccassary moonsault's like Kaval.
While i'm kinda suprised that he was released, it's not much of a loss. I never found him too entertaining at all unless he was impersonating Savage.

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