John Cena and Nikki Bella Split Up


Behold my diction
So...... yeah.

Umm, apparently what I can only imagine was irreconcilable differences became a more powerful motivator than having publicly sworn before tens of thousands of shrieking fans that a storybook romance was taking place.

I don't like to cite unnamed sources, but that's the world in which we live. Supposedly the story goes that John is an extremely busy person when it comes to being himself, and that in the end he couldn't be Nikki's knight in shining armor. Nikki being a human being, apparently couldn't cope with being marginalized as nothing more than an aspect of John's public persona.

Relationships! They're fun eh? We want what we don't currently have, and our society has engineered us to see having a marriage and kids as being the path to completion as a human being. This isn't a bad thing, but it's also not very realistic to assume that all people are made happy by the same formulae of life experiences.

Publicly, both parties are bereft and are trudging through life with the details of their personal lives being force-fed to us based on accounts from unnamed sources. This isn't like when Randy Savage and Ms. Elizabeth split up, most of us were brainwashed into thinking that Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect caused all of that. We instinctively want to peek behind the curtain, in an age where the goings-on behind the curtain are offered to us as an incentive to buy a network subscription. Well, John and Nikki are going to have a really difficult time living this one down in front of smarky crowds.

I ask myself; what do I think happened? I think that John wanted to change, and wasn't able to change. It's tough for some of us to imagine a compulsive winner like John Cena having any kind of weakness, but there it is. I think that if the two had given themselves time and patience, up until that perfect moment where John doing his John Cena stuff started to wind down and Nikki was only about a year away from her biological clock imploding on itself, then the two would have been able to have the storybook romance that they sold to an impressionable audience.

TLDR version; John's John because he's John, and Nikki isn't a miracle worker after all. Agree, disagree, agree to disagree?
I'm gonna blame this on the build and match between him and the UT. No way I would marry John Cena after that.

But what you are saying makes sense. Some people are just are not cut out for convention. They get their satisfaction and are content from things other than marriage.

Or they cheated..

Or she found out that John killed the Benoits and couldn't be with him any more.
It has been well known that John Cena does not want children. Nikki has come out and said that she wanted a family. That was known. Once Birdie was born to DB and Brie, Nikki was probably more vocal about having children. And, so the die was cast. This was inevitable. I hope both find what they are looking for. :)
So...... yeah.

Umm, apparently what I can only imagine was irreconcilable differences became a more powerful motivator than having publicly sworn before tens of thousands of shrieking fans that a storybook romance was taking place.

I don't like to cite unnamed sources, but that's the world in which we live. Supposedly the story goes that John is an extremely busy person when it comes to being himself, and that in the end he couldn't be Nikki's knight in shining armor. Nikki being a human being, apparently couldn't cope with being marginalized as nothing more than an aspect of John's public persona.

Relationships! They're fun eh? We want what we don't currently have, and our society has engineered us to see having a marriage and kids as being the path to completion as a human being. This isn't a bad thing, but it's also not very realistic to assume that all people are made happy by the same formulae of life experiences.

Publicly, both parties are bereft and are trudging through life with the details of their personal lives being force-fed to us based on accounts from unnamed sources. This isn't like when Randy Savage and Ms. Elizabeth split up, most of us were brainwashed into thinking that Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect caused all of that. We instinctively want to peek behind the curtain, in an age where the goings-on behind the curtain are offered to us as an incentive to buy a network subscription. Well, John and Nikki are going to have a really difficult time living this one down in front of smarky crowds.

I ask myself; what do I think happened? I think that John wanted to change, and wasn't able to change. It's tough for some of us to imagine a compulsive winner like John Cena having any kind of weakness, but there it is. I think that if the two had given themselves time and patience, up until that perfect moment where John doing his John Cena stuff started to wind down and Nikki was only about a year away from her biological clock imploding on itself, then the two would have been able to have the storybook romance that they sold to an impressionable audience.

TLDR version; John's John because he's John, and Nikki isn't a miracle worker after all. Agree, disagree, agree to disagree?

"Supposedly, John Cena was busy all the time".

So, in other words, Nikki couldn't see him.

(I'll find my own way out).
I wouldn't be surprised if it is maybe what killed John Cena's last marriage- adultery.

John Cena admitted, after the break-up of his marriage, was that he has a hard time saying "No" to groupies or other women. Whether you believe it or not, Cena would get a lot of offers, and he doesn't say "No" to any of them.He even was having affairs with Mickie James and Eve Torres. He is a serial philanderer.

I think people like this don't often change. They aren't "one-women" men. Nikki probably tried to change him, and he may even have tried to change be faithful, but old habits die hard.

It does mean, though, that last year's WM match was a waste. In fact, given that the mixed tag match was done so that Cena could propose to Nikki, and the Roman-Undertaker match was done to put Roman over, and he was expected to topple Lesnar this year, and given that, one year on, neither of these have happened, then, in hindsight, they should have done John Cena v Undertaker last year at WM33 (in fact, Cena v Taker was planned for WM32, but Cena got injured).
I'm just upset because if it wasn't for the Nikki Bella-cena garbage then we would have gotten cena vs taker last year for mania 33. Instead of a terrible mixed tag and a terrible taker vs Roman match. Also, wasn't it Vince and beaver Dunn that forced cena to purpose last year.
Cena said from the start he didn't want kids. I'm sure Nikki thought maybe he'd change over time but obviously that wasn't the case. I'm sure all of that talk kicked into overdrive after Brie had her baby and after the engagement announcement. I'm sure there might be more but I'd bet that was one of the biggest parts. Not sure if he was unfaithful as he stated in past marriage that was the case. Hey Nikki is hot as hell but like the old saying, show me a hot chick and I'll show you a guy tired of banging her. Plus I'm sure Cena gets alot thrown his way each town he goes to.
The angle no one can see ;) is simple...

John is breaking in Hollywood NOW... he's about to do the Transformers movie, there's rumors of him talking to bigwigs over some serious roles and suddenly being a reluctant daddy or getting that shot at proper Batista/Rock level stardom and the guy is clearly gonna have doubts about the wedding.

Nikki wants kids like Brie, her career basically ends at that point or she becomes one of the "Wifes of Parts Unknown" for reality shows... but John, he has to be serious right now or his chance passes by.

Let's say, sake of argument... Marvel.

They've got their eye on casting some new characters over the next 2 years... John Cena as The Thing in a Fantastic Four MCU reboot is something that may have been mentioned to him... likewise, there might be another major franchise interested in him.

For a newly married man, already trying to juggle movies and wrestling then starting a family is likely too much... even if you wanted kids.

Nikki will rebound, probably back to Dolph... it'll make interesting TV... while Cena will no sell the whole thing after a couple of weeks. She knew the guy was a bit of a dick all told... unless of course he's been boning a co-star... or another Diva... let's just hope it ain't Paige...
I always thought Cena dating Nikki was just a way for Vince to get Cena on total divas. Lol.
It has been well known that John Cena does not want children. Nikki has come out and said that she wanted a family. That was known. Once Birdie was born to DB and Brie, Nikki was probably more vocal about having children. And, so the die was cast. This was inevitable. I hope both find what they are looking for. :)

That's exactly what I heard.
I'm surprised that couples don't discuss this earlier when they get engaged.
Do you want kids? Yes! .... Do you? No!
Its a long time to waste being with someone who doesn't want the same things out of life

Its quite a big deal breaker either side.
It's about time. I never could fathom what Cena saw in Nikki Bella and he can do better. While it's no secret that I am NOT a fan of Nikki's, I do genuinely hope that she and Cena both find happiness in other relationships in the future. The major downside to this is how awkward the proposal at Wrestlemania 33 will now become in retrospect.
John Cena is not a guy to have a relation with. That’s a fact. He considers himself as an anomaly in some thing we may not know, and probably he doesn’t wants to give birth a kid and give him that backup. I think honestly he has make an effort to make a lot of kids grow up with positive values.
That makes the weird-strange proposal in WM a work.

Cena is gonna find one day the perfect woman, just Nikki wasn’t it. Hope he finds it before he is too old and too senile
John Cena is not a guy to have a relation with. That’s a fact. He considers himself as an anomaly in some thing we may not know, and probably he doesn’t wants to give birth a kid and give him that backup. I think honestly he has make an effort to make a lot of kids grow up with positive values.
That makes the weird-strange proposal in WM a work.

Cena is gonna find one day the perfect woman, just Nikki wasn’t it. Hope he finds it before he is too old and too senile

If Cena is trying to find the perfect woman, I heard that he is trying a few out to see if they measure up.

He loves the groupies, apparently. He is a known "pants" man and is getting bigger in Hollywood, where there are many actresses and models to "try out".

Someone like Cena doesn't want to be a "one-woman" man who is tied down to kids.
Watching some of the older episodes of "Total Divas" it was pretty clear they have different goals. While she wanted to settle he after his failing first marriage was never for that idea. I thought after last year, him literally sacrificing himself for her to have Wrestlemania moment and proposal that its all good and that he became more matured person in the process. But clearly its a slim chance for that. With his new found Hollywood career it was pretty clear that she would again take second place there. On the one hand I admire him for trying to make it work. But on the other they were together for what, 5-6 years? All that time wasted on a person who you couldnt settle with to begin with? Its a really bad decision for both of them. Especially Nikki because it was pretty clear she wanted to get married and have kids.

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