John Cena VS Stone Cold Steve Austin

John Cena vs. Stone Cold

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  • If done right

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CM Steel

A REAL American
John Cena: The face of the PG era. Stone Cold Steve Austin: The face of the infamous attitude era. Now it is a long shot to see these two WWE megastars someday wrestle in a match against each other. But that's what we said about John Cena and the Rock not happening in the future, and see what happened. If not a match with Cena and Austin at Wrestlemania 30 in Dallas, Texas (if that were to happen) opposed to Austin and CM Punk. Could it still happen at another time & location?

Remember the very first time where Austin & Cena got face to face with each other? It was at the very first WWE "Tribute to the troops" special in the middle east. Where Stone Cold gave "the rapper" John Cena a Stone Cold Stunner in the middle of the ring. Cena's never gotton his revenge from that. And last year on the return of WWE's "Tough Enough" series where John Cena made a appearance to talk to Stone Cold's class. One of the students asked Cena that "if there was a WWE superstar you haven't wrestled yet, who would it be"? And John Cena hinted towards Steve Austin's way with a chuckle.

If these two guys ever were to face-off in a WWE ring it would be beyond epic! The feud Cena and the Rock had was built to help sell Wrestlemania 28 in Miami, Florida with the help of the social media. A feud between Cena and Austin wouldn't be anything like that. It would be two wrestler's from two different era's rasing the bar from future leaders of wrestling era's to come and to advance the business. And it would be a respectable bout between the two.

So, could a match between John Cena and Stone Cold Steve Austin ever work & happen???
Given the rumors of Austin's physical condition, it's unlikely that this match will ever take place. Like The Undertaker, Austin is someone that's pretty beaten up. He's someone that also put off taking time off to rest & heal up from injuries to the point that it was kind of too late as the damage was permanent.

Like everyone else, I'm sure I'd be invested in seeing this match happen if it did happen. Personally, however, I'd rather see Austin face someone else. Cena is someone that has long cemented his place in wrestling history. He's already got his feud with The Rock, which is all but written in the stars to resume for WM next year, so a feud with Austin just wouldn't have nearly as much impact for me. Cena is someone that simply doesn't need another mega feather in his cap.

I'd rather see Stone Cold go up against CM Punk quite frankly. Putting these two together on the mic would deliver some incredible promo segments, especially if WWE just let them go for it and let it all hang out, so to speak. Keep Austin as he's always been, keep Punk as the heel that he is and just jack up the intensity a bit and you'd have a feud every bit as interesting, maybe more so, than Cena vs. Rock. A feud with Stone Cold would simply mean more to CM Punk than putting Stone Cold against Cena. John Cena is a guaranteed WWE Hall of Famer, he's a 12 time World Champion and has been the undisputed face of WWE since the mid 2000s.

I'm sure a Stone Cold vs. Cena match would draw big money and I'm sure Stone Cold vs. Punk would as well. As far as in-ring ability goes, Punk is the better wrestler than Cena and I think would be better able to carry Austin to a successful match.
The problem with Cena v. Austin is that Austin would by and large be THE babyface. Austin is a guy who dedicated his life to the business, much in the same way that Cena has (and it is my opinion that Cena will garner that kind of respect when his time is up also). The Rock is still seen as someone who sold-out among a decent population in the audience, and therefore, many people (like me) will root for Cena because of the fact that he is a wrestling guy. If WWE is adamant about keeping Cena babyface, it might be difficult to do so if he was to ever face Austin.

Would it be the biggest match of all-time? um...YES. Would I love to see it happen?? YES. But the chances are very low. I think Austin is done for good. He's got a good life going on past-wrestling.
I think we have a 5:1 chance of a CM Punk VS Stone Cold match rather than Cena vs Austin

Only reason being is that, CM Punk and Austin already have a "rivalry" building behind the scenes, and we all know that CM Punk is basically the Austin of the PG Era but watered down because of the PG rating. But if it was TV-14 again CM Punk would be INSANE with attitude.

Also Austin has already said that if he were to ever have one more match it would be with CM Punk.

It's kind of like passing of the torch in both scenarios

The Rock SHOULD have passed it to John Cena at WM28
Stone Cold SHOULD pass it on to CM Punk at WM30 (since 29 doesn't seem likely because of his health)- i'd rather wait another year and have Austin heal up more than rush into it and risk him getting more hurt and possibly putting on a bad match.
Firstly i think Cena would jump at the chance to face Austin.

The problem is - Stone Cold Steve Austin.

1) Recently Austin was unaware of Punk ranting about him on Raw. He was watching a Football game in a bar instead of Raw. Perhaps this was a swerve? who knows

2) Austin never appeared at Raw1000. Is Austin finished with Wrestling for good? The knee surgery was annonced around Raw1000 surely Steve could of made time?

3) Austin has more money than John Cena, in a recent list of the most wealthy Austin was 2nd behind The Rock. Does Austin even need to come back?

4) While The Rock is around , will Stone Cold play 2nd fiddle to him?

5) Austin said himself he won't work another match unless he is 100%. Are his Knee's and Neck to Shattered for this?

6) Steve Austin could of faced Brock Lesnar and Hulk Hogan but those matches never happened. Why would he come back and face John Cena?

7) Austin has said "i'm done with Wrestling"

Sorry but Austin isn't facing John Cena or CM Punk in my opinion.
Firstly i think Cena would jump at the chance to face Austin.

The problem is - Stone Cold Steve Austin.

1) Recently Austin was unaware of Punk ranting about him on Raw. He was watching a Football game in a bar instead of Raw. Perhaps this was a swerve? who knows

2) Austin never appeared at Raw1000. Is Austin finished with Wrestling for good? The knee surgery was annonced around Raw1000 surely Steve could of made time?

3) Austin has more money than John Cena, in a recent list of the most wealthy Austin was 2nd behind The Rock. Does Austin even need to come back?

4) While The Rock is around , will Stone Cold play 2nd fiddle to him?

5) Austin said himself he won't work another match unless he is 100%. Are his Knee's and Neck to Shattered for this?

6) Steve Austin could of faced Brock Lesnar and Hulk Hogan but those matches never happened. Why would he come back and face John Cena?

7) Austin has said "i'm done with Wrestling"

Sorry but Austin isn't facing John Cena or CM Punk in my opinion.

Im sorry but are you nuts. Punk has been teasing him having heat with Austin constantly. Austin has said that he would like to come back for another match. Hell have you seen the austin and punk interview yet, where they tease it so much that anything else would be actually anouncing the match.
First I will answer the question:

Could it work? Yes, it could work. As much as I dislike Cenas character because of MY age and what I like,(He is perfect for WWE product right now) he is a very hard worker and takes the history of WRESTLING seriously. He would do WHATEVER had to be done to make it work with Austin. Even taking the fall because Austin wouldnt wrestle to put over an already put over Cena.

Will it happen? Absolutely NOT. Austin has made it PERFECTLY CLEAR that if he had to wrestle someone RIGHT NOW, he would definitely want to work a program with CM Punk. He loves Punk, he loves what he does in the ring and on the mic. Any Austin fan that has listened or read any recent articles about Austin, will tell you that he always clamours over CM Punk. He loves Samoa Joe too. Thats why this match wouldn't happen.

My preference would be Austin vs. Straight Edge Punk. Is it bit predictable?? Yes, but Austin never has had a fued with a guy, character like that. I mean the closest thing they had was that group with Val Venis, the Right to Censor and they were opening to mid carders at best.

I'd rather see Rock/Cena II than Austin/Cena to be honest.
Obviously as a wrestling fan I would want to see this happen ... but as many others have said the Punk vs. Austin feud has already been built and would work better right now.

Cena vs. Austin would of course be a HUGE moneymaking draw and tons of people would shell out ... but I think Punk vs. Austin would be similar and Punk could carry the weight of the match on his shoulders.

I think Cena is much better in the ring than many give credit for ... but I still don't know about him carrying a match with Austin. It would be pretty tought to pull off.
The problem with Cena v. Austin is that Austin would by and large be THE babyface. Austin is a guy who dedicated his life to the business, much in the same way that Cena has (and it is my opinion that Cena will garner that kind of respect when his time is up also). The Rock is still seen as someone who sold-out among a decent population in the audience, and therefore, many people (like me) will root for Cena because of the fact that he is a wrestling guy. If WWE is adamant about keeping Cena babyface, it might be difficult to do so if he was to ever face Austin.

Would it be the biggest match of all-time? um...YES. Would I love to see it happen?? YES. But the chances are very low. I think Austin is done for good. He's got a good life going on past-wrestling.
I honestly dont even think its a decent population anymore. Most people that did feel that way have moved on by now. At least they should have. Always thought that was a silly gripe to have towards the guy in the first place. But its just a very minor group of people still holding to "he sold out!!1"

Anyway back to the topic, I would love to see this bout. I enjoyed Rock/Cena for the most part, this would be no different.
I wouldnt really like this match....both guys arent great in the ring and i dont see a real reason for them to fued. I also dont see why so many people put Austin above everyone else from the AE. I personally think that DX and The Rock had just as big an impact as Austin. The Rock in my opinion is the biggest star to ever come out of the wwe. Austin may have more wrestling fans but The rock has more FANS. Austin was great but DX owned the Attitude era before and after HBK. Only thing memorable austin did was his fued with vince. After that was over he was stale and The Rock and HHH completely took over. I Love austin...hate cena but have respect for him but I think Rock Cena is as big as it gets. I would love to see Punk Austin just because of the straight edge vs beer drinker storylines they could do.
A feud between John Cena and Stone Cold Steve Austin is something that has likely been on the minds of many fans. We have seen Cena face The Rock now in last year's feud which took place for an entire calendar year. If they did do a feud between Cena and Stone Cold then the only way it could work is if the plan were for Cena to win. I personally still believe that they made a colossal mistake in not having Cena win the match at Wrestlemania 28. People constantly whine about how today's product sucks compared to the Attitude Era, how Cena sucks compared to The Rock or Stone Cold. What better way to make the haters stop whining than for Cena to defeat their heroes? Well, we all know what happened. The WWE cannot make the same mistake twice if they did do the Cena VS Austin feud. Cena MUST win if they ever did it.

Now, with that being said.... I do not see this feud ever happening. The Rock was much more capable of working a good match than Stone Cold will be if they did this feud. They do not have to do a year long hype like they did with Cena VS The Rock. It would need a tremendous amount of build though, the two iconic heroes of two seperate generations of wrestling fans are meeting in a match. Much like how Cena VS The Rock went. The match itself would HAVE to be at Wrestlemania. Period. No other show deserves the right to hold such a match. MAYBE Summerslam. None of the other shows come close to being important enough. A match like that could generate purchases no matter how bad the rest of the card might be. They could go the route of wanting to know who the better man is, with Cena then winning the match. I would not expect anything great match-wise, it sounds SO much better on paper than it actually would be and quite honestly I think it would end up disappointing a lot of the fans. It's a dream match, but one of the few that really doesn't need to happen at the moment.
Yes, but it might as well be SCSA vs Punk at this point with the way they've been beefing on twitter, omg that sounds so stupid but this is what it's come to... the young wrestling fan in me is slowly dieing.
I would much rather see Punk vs Austin at this point. Punk, I think could get a much better match out of Austin. As a fan I would love to see Cena and Austin, but I think it is a match that wouldn't work to well in the ring. If Austin was healthy then yes, but at this point I just don't see it happening.
Honestly, I would just straight up not care about this match.

First off, besides the whole issue of Punk & Austin already having "beef" with each other & who would be the heel in Cena/Austin, I would MUCH MUCH MUCH rather see CM Punk/Austin than Cena/Austin.

And not just for the sake of being unbiast, but there are other "dream matches" I'd rather see from Cena. If Hogan or Flair were to ever have another match in WWE I think it should only be with John Cena. I would also be interested in Cena vs Foley if that came about. Or if any TNA stars besides Sting or Samoa Joe, who I think most would agree they would want to see face Taker & Punk respectively, came over to WWE the first choice for an opponent would be John Cena. Hell, if the Ultimate Warrior or Bruno Sammartino decided to bury the hatchet & step into a WWE ring, I think they'd automatically face John Cena.

But I'm sorry Austin/Cena does nothing for me. Unless Austin came back for several matches, which is HIGHLY unlikely, this wouldn't be on my list of matches to see from "The Rattlesnake".

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