Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater: New WWE Tag Team Champions


Gone but never forgotten.
Well, since no one else gave a shit enough to create a thread on it...

Do not adjust your monitors... this really happened last night at Bragging Rights. Wade Barrett answered Drew McKintryre's and Cody Rhodes's open challenge for the tag titles by inserting two members of the Nexus into the match in the form of David Otunga and John Cena. He said that if Cena lost the match, he'd be fired. Well, Cena came through in the end and almost single-handedly dissected Rhodes and McKintyre to end their atrocious reign as Unified Tag Team Champions.

After the match, Otunga grabbed a hold of both belts and ran around the ring with them as if he just won the gold medal in the Olympics. It was actually quite funny, considering the fact that he did next to nothing to deserve them.

So, what do you think will happen now? Will Cena keep the title or be forced to surrender it to another Nexus member so he could continue being Barrett's slave?
i really dont understand the point of this. why the hell would you give cena another tag title reign with a partner he hates. i get letting the nexus win the titles but why not have it be gabriel and slater instead of having cena in there. and why does wwe always do this. just throw a match together for a ppv with zero hype. i really dont see the point in it all. why would the wwe not develop an actual feud with two real tagteams. the lack of teams isnt hurting the tagteam division, its shit like this. no1 cares about a match that was just thrown together.
i really dont understand the point of this. why the hell would you give cena another tag title reign with a partner he hates. i get letting the nexus win the titles but why not have it be gabriel and slater instead of having cena in there. and why does wwe always do this. just throw a match together for a ppv with zero hype. i really dont see the point in it all. why would the wwe not develop an actual feud with two real tagteams. the lack of teams isnt hurting the tagteam division, its shit like this. no1 cares about a match that was just thrown together.

It's times like this when really you just have to let things play out. Don't judge it until you see where they are going with it - it may make perfect sense in a few weeks.

Personally I think it at least adds more intrigue to the angle as I'm not sure what is going to happen now they are the champs. I can see Gabriel winning the US Title soon, and Wade beating Orton in their rematch, leading to Nexus holding all the RAW gold.

Why Cena? Probably just to make it interesting, with him being forced to hold and defend a title on behalf of Nexus whether he likes it or not.
Yea really.. build a match for once Vince. Hawkins and Vance Archer fit more into this match then the Nexus did.. Atleast put Gabriel in there with Otunga. Maybe vince needs to have a special tag team ppv. Have a big tag team tournement with thrown together random teams.. that might create something!
I have a few ideas on how they will play this angle. At first before joining Nexus Cena's whole thing was to destroy them one by one. Well Nexus got rid of Darren Young, (I'm not sure where Sheffield is, injured, I forget). But anyway back to my point.
So Cena loses to Barrett and has to joins Nexus and Cena basically says fine, then I will destroy it from within. He takes out Tarver... (Thank God). I am assuming WWE wanted to work Henning and Husky into Nexus. At some point Otunga and Cena will have to defend the titles.
Cena won the Tag Titles without Otungas help by not tagging out and I figure Cena will lose the Tag Titles by NOT TAGGING INTO the match. Otunga will take a beatdown. The tag titles go to someone else, who knows who. Unless they pull the rematch clause crap. But still, I'll watch Rhodes and McIntyre beat down Otunga for 5 minutes or so. Futureshock then the Crossroads and they get the belts back. But this may be a way to write Otunga off for a little while. A few weeks ago a lot of people on here in the IWC was saying Otunga would be the next to go and leave Nexus. Here is the "E's" chance to make it happen if they wish.
The thing I kind of hope is that Nexus have a freebird ruling with the belts so anyone can defend, not specifically Cena and Otunga. While it's no doubt to move the Nexus story forward, Cena's played his part in getting the belts, now they should give Nexus the freedom to defend them as they like (as Spirit Squad did). You got focus on Barrett, Cena and Otunga, give the others something to do, the flexibility of freebird ruling would the others more focus outside of good beatdowns.
The Freebird/Spirit Squad rule is absoultely ideal for this situation. Cena being involved was the only reason anyone cared about the title change so taking him out of the equation make sense, i.e. Barrett takes his hard work and gives it to his guys, the ones he can trust.

I do think a bit of forward planning could have happened here. This could have been announced on Smackdown.
I suppose that this plot twist is as good as anything else that the WWE has come up with of late, and it makes sense in a way. Cena in particular is one character that the WWE likes to keep in the championship picture in one way or another and since bumping him down from a main even to a midcard championship wouldn't make a lot of sense (unless he were on his way out of the company as was the case with JBL) then the tag team titles make about as much sense as anything else. This also allows the WWE to bring Otunga up a little by making him (technically) a champion while at the same time seeing to it that he doesn't look too dominant too soon. This may be the springboard for Otunga in the WWE.

I don't exactly mind the fact that the two tag team partners hate each other. It's an uncommon but not unknown phenomenon that the WWE (and wrestling in general) likes to play with from time to time be it the "marriage of convenience" story line or the "thrown together by management" story. Either way, I could see this panning out a few ways. Firstly, Cena could influence Otunga and turn him face, leading to an internal mutiny within Nexus. Second, Cena could turn heel (which actually seems a possibility now) and begin to work well with Otunga which could lead to a more powerful Nexus or (again) a rebellion in which Barrett is overthrown.

There is, of course, always the third option which would see Otunga losing the tag team championships for the team and then getting kicked out of Nexus, thus continuing the second Nexus eliminations that seem to be going on.

There is one last thing I do like about this. Otunga and Cena (current Nexus members) and Daniel Bryan (a former member) have still gained championship belts before Barrett...and I bet he's getting pretty sore about that.
Well i think that barret is going to use the Freebird rule. Their win was pretty intriguing. Either Cena can become a full blown heel b/c Orton RKO'd him or he can still be the guy being pushed around by barret. This tag title win would've been more meaningful if Barret would've captured the WWE title from the Viper. I actually like Otunga he can be a monster and him and Cena (If on the same page) can look like a force to be reckoned with.
i really dont understand the point of this. why the hell would you give cena another tag title reign with a partner he hates. i get letting the nexus win the titles but why not have it be gabriel and slater instead of having cena in there. and why does wwe always do this. just throw a match together for a ppv with zero hype. i really dont see the point in it all. why would the wwe not develop an actual feud with two real tagteams. the lack of teams isnt hurting the tagteam division, its shit like this. no1 cares about a match that was just thrown together.

They did this to appease the kiddies and move merchandise. Somehow, some way Super Cena had to win something so that the kiddies would be more likely to coax another couple of $20s out of Dad's wallet.

You're obviously correct: It's stupid, lazy, and just kills the tag team division. But the WWE doesn't care about any of that. All it cares about is Super Cena and selling shirts and bandanas.
They did this to appease the kiddies and move merchandise. Somehow, some way Super Cena had to win something so that the kiddies would be more likely to coax another couple of $20s out of Dad's wallet.

You're obviously correct: It's stupid, lazy, and just kills the tag team division. But the WWE doesn't care about any of that. All it cares about is Super Cena and selling shirts and bandanas.

Aren't Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre a thrown together tag team? This is just another way to further the storyline of Nexus which is the best thing the WWE currently has. It was another way to get Cena on the card. You want your top guy on the card somehow. I'm sure Barrett will use the Freebird Rule so everyone can be happy. Yet another reason to bash Cena. Saddening.
The freebird ruling is the idea answer for this. With the nexus being the Unified tag champs it gives them the reason to appear both on Raw and Smackdown. I think the WWE did a good job with this. Now the nexus can wreak havoc on both shows
they should make john cena degraded make heath slater team with OTUNGA and on raw make justin gabriel win the u.s title off daniel bryan
I think Ace33 has a point there. Since they put the straps on Otunga and Cena, that gives Nexus more viability to appear on both shows (with possibly any Nexus members, if they do invoke the Freebird Rule). It's been put out there lately that Vince is pushing to give Smackdown more hype since the move to SyFy, so why not have Cena AND Nexus (his top moneymaker and top angle all rolled into one) be able to appear on there? That, combined with Smackdown winning the Bragging Rights match again and having Nexus help Kane go over on Taker (still waiting to hear exactly why on that one), it looks like Vince is pushing Nexus to have a place on both shows and give Smackdown some rub at the same time.
You know what, this is actually a good idea. Nexus, as a stable can employ the Freebird rule to full effect, meaning that the members overshadowed by Barrett and Cena get a chance to show what they can do. It also means that Nexus can increase their exposure by traveling to SD.
Personally, I've never cared much for the Freebird rule. I just prefer the idea that the two guys who won the title should be the two guys to defend it. My history my be off but I don't think that DX and Evolution ever did the Freebird and I see Nexus as more like them than like the Spirit Squad.
I also think that its funny that they decided to have Otunga team up with Cena because back when NXT was still in season 1, Otunga had a Tag Team Title match with Cena on Raw but he threw that match away but not tagging out Cena or something just to make a statement that he doesn't need anybody's help. Now he's got his first title reign all because of Cena.
I'm also all for the idea of Nexus going to Smackdown more now and hopefully explain why they helped Kane win his match and help with having Smackdown turn into a better show. So I might make an exception for my dislike of the Freebird rule in favor of seeing all the members of Nexus on Smackdown instead of just Otunga and Cena.
Well this is interesting. It was kinda predictable as soon as John Cena came out. However, it was certainly not a bad match, nor was it a bad title change. It gives a small bit of extra momentum for The Nexus, just as well as afterwards with the Attitude Adjustment it opens up for much more tension within The Nexus between them and John Cena.

I think this will cause for RAW to be rather huge regarding The Nexus. Also I doubt John Cena and David Otunga will be the only ones to defend this championship. It really shouldn't be either. All of the Nexus guys except for Wade should really be allowed to take some defenses, make the entire faction look strong.

Overall I applaud the move of WWE. Cody and Drew were "fine" champions, however they just didn't shine as much as I think Nexus will. The tag team championships will get much more exposure due to it as well. So it can only be a good move.
Good for the storline of the nexus/cena, bad for the tag team division, i don't know if it can take any more shots to the heart before WWE admits it's time to call it a day, it has been slowly dismantled from the inside and I for one find it disturbing.
What a fucking joke. What, Vince can't stand to see John Cena without a damn title? You know what? Bring back the Western States Championship. Have him win a phantom tournament for the old North American Championship. Diva's title? How about the old NWA's version of Pacific Northwest title. This is without a doubt, and should be always considered, a direct slap in the face of any aspiring tag team in the WWE. I have always hated it when they put tag titles on wrestlers who are NOT tag team wrestlers. They used to do it with Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin, Austin and The Undertaker, Batista and Rey Mysterio and now this! No wonder that PPV was shitty! You take the titles off The Hart Dynasty, damn near break them apart and basically give John Cena a championship he doesn't deserve whatsoever and includes him into a division in which he doesn't belong. Gimme a break. Memo to WWE: No one over the age of seven likes John Cena. Nobody! With that being said, quit spoon feeding him down our throats. You have worthy stars to make great tag teams. Have you ever seen TNA's tag team roster? For everything wrong with TNA, those people down there know what tag team wrestling is supposed to be about...TAG TEAMS. Not Chris Jericho and Edge. Not Randy Orton and whomever they want to have him tag with. And the irony in all of this is the fact that every single fucking week on RAW, they have AS THEIR MAIN EVENT...wait for it...A fucking tag team match which usually features John Cena or Randy Orton BUT they have no clue on how to actually make a tag team division work.

They better make Cena give up the title or have something where this clown no longer is in possession of ANY championship right now. I hate it. I really do. David Otunga has done NOTHING worthy of having any belt around his waist, as proof that Cena had to do it all last night. GOD! I just hate the road the WWE is going down. It's almost like they want their fans to leave in flocks. Wow pretty much sums up how I feel. Fucking wow!
I mean the tag team division has been so depleted anyway but this is a brilliant move in my opinion. Nexus got the nod here so they can go to SD regularly and obviously they will have to explain they're involvement in the Taker/Kane fued. I hope that the writers play this well and it will give Nexus a good amount of wrestling time if they use the freebird rule. I only wish this platform will resurge tag team wrestling, but we all know it won't. Even if we do not get to see all of the Nexus members defend the titles at least it will advance this storyline. Not big on Otunga, but I am hoping this will all lead to a much needed Cena heel turn as the crowd was really ragging on him last night
This teaming actually makes sense. Otunga is trying to make a power move, and now he has gold and maybe Cena will use Otunga to split from Nexus.

The other, more logical idea, is to have Nexus defend under the Free Bird rule. It would get major heat if Cena won the belt, but on Raw he was forced to watch as Barrett defended it.
You know what, this is actually a good idea. Nexus, as a stable can employ the Freebird rule to full effect, meaning that the members overshadowed by Barrett and Cena get a chance to show what they can do. It also means that Nexus can increase their exposure by traveling to SD.

I've seen a few posts regarding the Freebird rule, and if this formula is correct, at least in principle, then why employ the services of John Cena? It makes Nexus look weaker than they already look when Cena has to be the one to get them over the hump and win a title. Look, when Nexus first appeared on the scene they were this unstoppable force that destroyed rings, beat up people and did it all without the aid of someone speaking into a mic describing what they did. The silence was the main ingredient that got them over. The fact that you had big men and smaller men who as a unit offered something special, if not borderline unique was compelling. Even the outset of the feud with Cena was something worth watching because it showed that as said unit they could bring down anybody, including the beloved John Cena. It was a tip of the hat and nod to the introduction of the nWo when they beat up so many beloved WCW stars and frustrated the hell out of Sting.

Now, they've included John Cena and made it seem like for everything Neuxs did, they still couldn't get over by themselves. If the WWE wanted to produce a power heel group, they should have kept doing what they were doing with Nexus, allowed Wade Barrett to battle John Cena without a title being on the line, at least not right now, and had two of the men destroy any tag team on their way to the gold. That's the way I feel it should've been booked. If they include the Freebird rule now it doesn't matter. The damage has been done. Cena underminds everything Nexus does, and it would work IF he weren't a member. When WCW did it with Kevin Nash & Randy Savage vs. Hollywood Hogan it got over because everyone was used to seeing these guys together for so long. Cena comes in and disrupts things and makes them look weak. The Nexus is only a group by name now. The mystique is long gone.
They did this to appease the kiddies and move merchandise. Somehow, some way Super Cena had to win something so that the kiddies would be more likely to coax another couple of $20s out of Dad's wallet.

You're obviously correct: It's stupid, lazy, and just kills the tag team division. But the WWE doesn't care about any of that. All it cares about is Super Cena and selling shirts and bandanas.

Yeah... get outta here with that Super Cena bullshit. I am fairly certain Randy Orton is the top face and WWE Champion. I'm fairly sure they are doing this because it makes for a more entertaining angle rather than to sell merch. Are you suggesting people will be more inclined to buy Cena merchandise because he is one half of the tag team Champions with a guy he doesn't like, while being forced to obey a guy's orders against his will? Please.

Yours is the sort of attitude that belongs back in 2006.
What a fucking joke. What, Vince can't stand to see John Cena without a damn title? You know what? Bring back the Western States Championship. Have him win a phantom tournament for the old North American Championship. Diva's title? How about the old NWA's version of Pacific Northwest title. This is without a doubt, and should be always considered, a direct slap in the face of any aspiring tag team in the WWE. I have always hated it when they put tag titles on wrestlers who are NOT tag team wrestlers. They used to do it with Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin, Austin and The Undertaker, Batista and Rey Mysterio and now this! No wonder that PPV was shitty! You take the titles off The Hart Dynasty, damn near break them apart and basically give John Cena a championship he doesn't deserve whatsoever and includes him into a division in which he doesn't belong. Gimme a break. Memo to WWE: No one over the age of seven likes John Cena. Nobody! With that being said, quit spoon feeding him down our throats. You have worthy stars to make great tag teams. Have you ever seen TNA's tag team roster? For everything wrong with TNA, those people down there know what tag team wrestling is supposed to be about...TAG TEAMS. Not Chris Jericho and Edge. Not Randy Orton and whomever they want to have him tag with. And the irony in all of this is the fact that every single fucking week on RAW, they have AS THEIR MAIN EVENT...wait for it...A fucking tag team match which usually features John Cena or Randy Orton BUT they have no clue on how to actually make a tag team division work.

They better make Cena give up the title or have something where this clown no longer is in possession of ANY championship right now. I hate it. I really do. David Otunga has done NOTHING worthy of having any belt around his waist, as proof that Cena had to do it all last night. GOD! I just hate the road the WWE is going down. It's almost like they want their fans to leave in flocks. Wow pretty much sums up how I feel. Fucking wow!

Well look at the "tag teams" you have in the WWE. The Hart Dynasty are as bland as bland as can be and only got over because Bret Hart was by their side. Nothing happened in their feud against the Usos which was to be expected. Tag team wrestling doesn't draw in today's WWE and it never will so you will have to get used to it.

I love it how you praised the state of tag team wrestling in TNA. The tag team division and X-division has taken a backseat to the storyline with Hardy, Bischoff, and the other 40 members of Immortal.

What is so wrong with Nexus having the tag team titles? They're the best storyline going in the WWE and they are strengthening it.
Well then, I've pretty much had everyone else here say what I was going to lol. I gotta agree with you all here. The freebird rule should be in effect, i mean its in effect for the stupid divas title and its a singles title between 2 women who arent a real team. Maybe WWE is going to give Nexus all the titles to make them dominate. Sure it may sound stupid but here's an idea I've just thought of reading this thread. Add Husky/Henning into Nexus finally and a diva from nxt season 3. I'd say let Slater/Gabriel hold the tag titles, have Henning win the IC title, give Otunga the US title, the diva wins the Divas title, put the WWE Championship on Barrett and if Cena is heel and in the group then give him the WHC. Then Nexus hold ALL the championships. Sure it sounds crazy and a lil stupid to some of you but that is WWE and we all know how they like to do dumb things these days. Back to the tag titles though, I hope that the freebird rule is in effect. Then we'd be able to see nexus wrestle more and not just Gabriel all the time. I for one am glad to see Cody Rhodes and Drew without the titles. They were never a tag team to begin with. Maybe WWE is using this to start a tag division by letting a group hold the titles. Only time will tell folks, lets hope for the best! (even though we know nothing good is goin to come from this lol)

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