Kurt Angle Wants Kevin Nash Back in TNA, Do You?

nash is getting/is old so he cant wrestle or move much anymore so him being in the wwe hopefully for his last run is a smart place to stay. he has his last run at glory being in the spotlight then retire (maybe go into the HOF) and get a backstage job. as a poster said tna is doing things right moving away from the old guys and putting the spotlight on the younger guys that will carry the company in the future.
I think I'm cool on Nash coming back to TNA. I was never really a fan of his. To some he had a lot of charisma, a great talent and such. On the negative side most have wrote or said that he was difficult to work with, at least in WCW. He could probably do some good back in TNA, maybe with up and coming talent or maybe booking again (another negative when he was in WCW). Kurt wants him back but I highly doubt that Kurt is the end all be all for the promotion. He wants his friend back in the company and that's cool. At the same time though I'm having a hard time trying to picture where Nash's place would be. There was talks of resurrecting MEM but that fell through. But I think he's locked up with WWE for a while so if he did decide to come back it would be way down the line.
Um, Nash got a job in WWE because of Triple H. Nash is smart. He went where the smart money is. TNA is a joke of a promotion, and Nash knows that. WWE doesn't need Nash. TNA, doesn't need Nash. Am I the only one that remembers, I think it was his previous run in WWE? On July 8, 2002 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, during an episode of RAW, Kevin Nash along with Xpac, Big Show, Chris Benoit, and Eddie Guerrero took on opponents Booker T, Goldust, Bubba & Spike Dudley, & Rob Van Dam in a 10-Man Tag Team match...and Nash torn his quad by walking across the ring to make a tag. Yes, really. What a LOSER. What a waste. He's JUST coming back from an injury...and re-injures himself walking in the ring. WoW! :wtf:

*Edit* Just so you know, I do NOT mean the talent is a joke...I mean the way it is run, the way they do things, the decisions they make. TNA is home to, in my opinion, the best, pure, complete wrestler today: Robert Roode. Just wanted to clarify that.
I think that Nash's role in WWE is right where he needs to be. He comes on and gets off in three minutes or less. He can't pull off the "cool bad guy" thing any more because no one at his age could. If they let him talk too long the angry guy starts to give off a "bitter old man" vibe and no one wants that. They need to just have him have a NO DQ pay-per-view match with HHH and then have him pop up here and there in short bursts.

In TNA he would be on for those long stretches that drag on and on and take time and energy away from the show. I do love Angle but TNA tends to have segments that go on for abot ten minutes too long whenever they have a "Name" guy on the roster.

This is not a slam on Nash. I honestly think that he was one of the few guys who got better in the ring after winning the belt back in the day. Before he beat Backlund he was basically a two-move big guy but he actually got off the ground at times and told some believable stories in the ring.
Angle's comments show exactly why TNA is where they are and WWE is where they are. TNA's sentimentality is their downfall.

Angle sees what WWE is doing as disrespect. I see it as them being honorably generous. They made him important again and inserted him into the hottest angle going at the time. What's wrong with letting a man contribute in a way he's good at instead of acting like he can still go in a way he can't? How would it be better for anyone to have Nash jack-knifing young wrestlers onto their necks in TNA instead of setting up an angle with one of his superstar friend?
As a WWE fan, yes, I would like him to go back to TNA.

As a TNA fan, no, please, I do not wish to see him in TNA.

Fact is, I have no desire to see him at all. I was mildly interested with him in his WWE run in 2003, but after that I just don't see why people like him. Since coming back to WWE, he has been pretty average (at best) on the mic, which was the only previous thing in recent years that I could count for him. Other than the initial shock value, did it really contribute much? I say not really.

Thing is, I have little problem with him being back as long as he doesn't wrestle. He can talk, he can text, he can beat people up like a boss, but for the love of god, I have no desire to see him in a match with anyone, with the very slight exception of some kind of no holds barred match, which I see happening at the conclusion of his feud with HHH.

I dunno. I just don't see any point in him at the moment.
I don't think there's really much Nash can bring to the table in TNA. My understanding is that Nash has no interest in TNA anymore and I don't think TNA should have any interest in him either. I never really enjoyed Nash's TNA run since he served as Samoa Joe's mentor so I don't see what else he can do now. TNA is doing fine right now building the company around guys like Storm and Roode. Nash isn't needed at this point anymore.
what TNA needs are break-out stars. Nash has been there n done that 10 times over. the only benefit it would bring is some nostalgia to the fans that remember what he was to the biz 10+ years ago. And in the current climate of said biz it lasts about as long as a fart in the wind.

whatever knowledge Nash had he wouldve past on while he was there previously. sure he`d still be valuble backstage but not in any major role and plz no TV
I am a Nash mark.

I do not want to see Kevin Nash wrestle, anymore.

Hes gone to WWE and dyed his hair and he looks fantastic, sure. As soon as he gets in that ring, you know hes 50 years old.

I do find it ironic that when he was in TNA he was bashed on a daily basis. TNA was bashed on a daily basis as being a retirement home. Funny I dont see the same shit now about him or WWE.
I only watch wwe when I know certain people will be on. Christian, Jericho, Karma, and Nash are the people on that list for the last several months.

I think that what wwe is doing with Nash right now is entirely appropriate, and the only ones complaining about it seem to be Angle and (some of) the IWC.

I have been a Nash fan since Vinnie Vegas, and still think he is hugely entertaining. Sometimes. When he is enjoying the work, he is the best. When he is not, it shows. We all know how important the money is to him, he has made it part of his persona. If you do not like Nash, be happy his run with WWE is giving him less screen time than he is used to. If you do like him, be happy he is drawing a bigger check than he has in years.

I would like to see him back in TNA, but not enough to wish his current gig to end. I would much rather see Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt, and/or Elix Skipper return. Or if you NEED a WWE defection, Amazing Kong, Christian, or the Truth.

Let Nash do what he has always wanted: perform on the biggest stage in the biz, for the ones who will pay him the most.
Kevin Nash is fine where he's at. He's one of few wrestlers that jumped to WCW years back that maintained a good relationship with Vince McMahon. I'm just glad the TNA product is working on building future around their stars than former established WWE stars. I watched Nash under his Diesel name roughly 17-18 years ago where WWE made him and I don't see him ending his career nowhere else but with the company that made him a name.
I am a Nash mark.

I do not want to see Kevin Nash wrestle, anymore.

Hes gone to WWE and dyed his hair and he looks fantastic, sure. As soon as he gets in that ring, you know hes 50 years old.

I do find it ironic that when he was in TNA he was bashed on a daily basis. TNA was bashed on a daily basis as being a retirement home. Funny I dont see the same shit now about him or WWE.

Again, I think most of us here are smart enough to correctly assume when it's time for a wrestler to hang up the boots. But Nash is still in a position to promote a company on a part time basis on TV and act as an ambassador or Legend off TV, which is exactly where he is in WWE. You're right, Nash does look fantastic. If you took a picture of him from last Monday and compared it to any picture of him in TNA a year ago, the difference is pretty apparent (And I'm not just talkin' about hair color). As far as Nash's in-ring performance? When has he ever been a great wrestler? Nash has always been a foil to a face, a heel, or a group of people. He's a foil, a power guy; Power guys don't really wrestle like that. They're more brawlers. Kevin Nash is, at least.
And like someone said earlier... There's a lot of talk earlier about people being hypocrites for bashing the likes of Nash and Foley for being in TNA and then marking out when they returned to WWE. It's because that's where they belong. If WCW was still around today, that would be where Jericho and Mysterio would belong. If ECW were around today, than that's where Dreamer and RVD would belong. If AJ Styles or James Storm got into WWE, and had a successful career, they would still belong in TNA, and I would want to see them 'come home' to finish their careers. No matter how popular a wrestler becomes in any of the major promotions, I believe that most fans want to see their guys officially retire or officially hang it up with their original promotions.
Hulk Hogan's whole life is a work. He is arguably a cancer to most promotions he has any power in. He is selfish. But I'll be damned if I still wouldn't freak the f[BLEEP]ck out if he returned to WWE to do one last program to officially hang it up; Because that's where he belongs
Great points Max. This is why i placed so much emphasis on TNA needing to build their homegrown stars. I currently like the direction they're going in, applause. I place emphasis on character development which is why i like The Popes character in TNA, its a separation from how he was in WWE. I'd theyre going to use old WWE characters as stars, atleast work on their character in a way that'll separate them from how WWE used them. There's no difference in Mr. Kennedy to Mr. Anderson, just building off what WWE had developed.
I thought Nash was perfect in his role in 2009 as Legend Champion with a character that only thought about money and selfishness. He was essentialy a hired gun and it was one of my favorite role of his, because it was who people thought he was and was playing his part perfectly. There nothing complicated, he came to the ring and kicked ass in short matchs.
Nash has always been a great performer on the mike, but has always suffered from "big guy" syndrome a lot of the time in the ring. He's got a few spots he can do that come off well, but for the most part, he's just a lumbering big guy who has beat his body up. If he came back as a manager, or a "consultant" on screen type role, then yes, but as a full time, in ring talent? NO. TNA seems to FINALLY be trying to focus on their younger talent again, and bringing Nash back just lends more credence to the WCW v.2.0 thing they had going on.

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