Love Struck Designs Inc.

Hey Sorry it took so long but thanks a lot for the sig it's awesome you have plenty of skills to be sure.
Alright. Can you make me an AJ Styles sig?

I am not too picky, I just want the text to say "Simply Phenomenal".... Please don't use the quotation marks. I don't exactly want this picture
But I want him doing that pose...

Also, if you want to put your signature or an abbreviation of your signature feel free to. I will give you credit if you can't...

Thanks and I will rep you...
Love Song, here is the picture resized to where I want it, without any text. Thanks again in advance man.

Love Struck:

Please, my kingdom for a John Tenta sig?

Anything you want.

Use him as Earthquake/ The Shark/ Avalanche, I don't care. Just, pretty please?
Hey Love Struck, loving all the designs, your clearly very good.
Could you please make me a sig with; Rakim, Jay-Z and Lil Wayne with the text 'SkeptiKal' in it, any size is fine so long as i can use it as a sig. I would much appreciate it and will return with rep etc. Thanks in advance.
Hey LSW, just wanted to thank you again for the awesome signature you made me. When basketball season rolls around again, I'll be sure to use it. Now, I was wondering if I could have a cool Oregon Ducks signature made, seeing as College Football is just around the corner. I'll post the specifics if you are willing to make one. :)
Could you make me a sig with AWE in the background, bret Hart on the foreground and Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero just behind Hart.

Will be rewarded with muchos rep :)
If you have time, I know that you're prob swamped with a bunch of request.

Could you put together a Macho Man siggy.

You have complete creative long as its within the WZ guidelines.



(Rep in return)
Hey I can tell your more than swamped with requests, but can you make me one as well? Heres the info.

Subject: Chris Sabin
Size (in pixels): The same as your Alex Shelly
Text: Made in Detroit MCMG

I promise to give you credit.
Hey love song writer could u please make me a sig with a picture of randy orton and jack swagger saying the future rep and credit will be given to you and if you can could u make it so they both have titles randy orton-WWE title and jack swagger- ECW title ty

Subject: Randy Orton and Jack Swagger
Size: Whatever Works for you
Text: The Future

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