Meltdown 102

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

The city of brotherly love

Tonight, WZCW brings the love to the 2300 Arena



We are live from the sold out 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! I'm Sebastian Copeland alongside my broadcast partner Jack Cohen bringing you the action of Meltdown from ringside!

Cohen: You sound excited, Seabass. Then again, you should be. We have a good ol' fashion 3 way dance coming your way as Titus, Constantine and the World Champion, Ricky Runn get ready for our 3 Way main event.

Not to mention, Ilapa challenging Fallout for the Elite X Championship and our Tag Team Champions in action as well.


Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome at this time the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, "The Swagtastic Leader of a Generation", Ricky Runn!

The crowd boo's loudly at the introduction of our World Champion as the lights flicker and his theme booms.

Cohen: Here comes the champ!


Copeland: Well where is he?


Titus appears on stage instead holding a microphone and not looking too happy.

You gotta be kidding me. I've been in this business for so long and I've never seen a World Champion no-show a televised event. Seriously, what have things come to around here? Being a World Champion used to mean something, but now?


As Titus walks down the ramp, Constantine appears behind him with his own mic.

Constantine:Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about him if I were you, Titus. No. If I were you, I'd be focused on other matters. I'll be taking care of Ricky Runn and the World title.

Titus: You do realize you aren't in the #1 Contenders match, right? And that even if you win tonight, not that you could, you won't be added.

I'm a man with many influences. Don't underestimate me.

And many delusions.

The two walk intensely toward each other and go nose to nose, but odds sounds stop them from the titantron.

Ugh. UGH!! Fattywood!! Did you get the camera?!

???: Right here, sir.

???: Oh hamburgers, what's wrong with you? I'm putting my swag on.

Titus and Constantine turn around dumbfounded to see Ricky Runn on the titantron, rushing to put some clothes on in a room.

Ricky: Ahem. AHEM! I'll be there soon to take care of you. S.H.I.T.

Titus and Constantine turn to each other confused by the World Champions words.

Ricky: I should let you know though, that if you put your unswaglike claws on me or my Swag Pack again, you'll be gone for 30 days. Yup. I did that.

Titus: Hey! You do realize it's Titus and Constantine down here. Not SHIT, right?

Ricky: You dumb robot. I'll teach you to never mess with the Swagtastic Voice of a Generation ever again.

???: You're late. And you do realize SHIT is on Ascension not Meltdown, right?

Ricky: Oh really?! Bitch, why didn't you wake me up and- OH Hamburgers!!

The feed cuts off as Constantine and Titus look on dumbfounded at the screen. They then turn to each other.

Titus: Our World Champion. Our World Heavyweight Champion ladies and gentlemen.

Constantine: Oh give me a break. You sound so confident that you could do something even though last week you were losing to a soda can. I'm winning tonight. So don't get any ideas.

The two go nose to nose at the entrance ramp as the shot pans out for a commercial break.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Harrys: from Dublin, Ireland, weighing 235 pounds, Blade!

Blade makes his way through the entrance, as the crowd roars with approval. He raises his arm, and slices it horizontally, his muscles tense for the fight that's to come.

Copeland:Blade has a chance to avenge the fact that Diabolos retired his good friend, Grizzly Bob.

Cohen: I actually feel a little bad for Blade. I mean, I know you don't understand Cohen, because you don't have any friends. But that sucks, man.

Blade enters the ring, and climbs the second rope, to pose for the adulation of the fans.


The arena is completely dark. When Diabolos comes out a red spotlight follows him, as he ignores the jeering audience.

Harrys: And his opponent, from the Mouth of Madness, weighing 200 pounds, Diabolos!

Copeland: Diabolos has made a promise to send Blade to The Old Ones tonight.

Cohen:... Stan Rogers and Rush are working here, again?

He slides under the bottom rope and stands in the middle of the ring, he points in the air as flames shoot out of the turnbuckle corners and the lights turn on. He goes in his corner and talks to himself. Referee James Aubrey brings these two together, as Blade has a stern, angered expression on his face. Diabolos mask conveys a little glimmer of a smile... Almost a knowing smile, really, as they stare down one another. James Aubrey calls for the bell.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Diabolos pushes Blade with his index finger, constantly poking him in the chest. The taunting turns Blade's stare into an angered scowl, as he slaps the taste out of Diabolos' mouth! Blade follows it up with an uppercut, followed by another, as Diabolos tries to block. Diabolos tries to throw punches, as both Blade and Diabolos start exchanging blows. It's becoming a wild, frenzied brawl between these two... Blade grabs Diabolos by the mask to bring him closer, as Diabolos continues trying to throw body blows into Blade! Aubrey attempts to break the two apart, but in their rage, nothing can split these two apart. Blade starts pushing Diabolos towards the corner, and finally gets the upper hand, throwing knife edge chops in the corner. Blade then starts throwing clubbing blows into the chest of Diabolos. Aubrey screams at Blade, to try and break him up. Diabolos shakes his head as he holds his chest, as Blade backs away, angered.

Copeland: This seems a very different side of Blade tonight.

Cohen: Well, it's like I said, Seabass. You don't have any friends, so you don't get it. Blade lost his best friend, because of Diabolos.

Copeland: I get it, Seabass, but Blade's usually a technician. This is downright violent from the start.

Blade then runs toward the corner, for a body splash. But Diabolos has moved out of the corner, letting Blade crash chest first into the turnbuckle. Blade howls in pain, as Diabolos starts throwing punches into Blade's kidneys. Diabolos then grabs Blade's head, and drives it into the mat with a neckbreaker. The crowd boos, as Diabolos seems to have gained control. Diabolos almost seems entranced, walking through his moves as though he isn't even controlling his own body. He hits a pendulum elbow drop on the fallen Blade, and goes for the cover. 1.. Just one. Diabolos shakes his head, as he looks down at Blade. He looks down at the fallen Blade, and starts hitting repeated elbow drops on the fallen Blade. After about three of them, Blade kicks away at Diabolos, giving him space from the demonic wrestler. Blade makes it to his knees, as Diabolos makes a running charge. Diabolos attempts a running knee, but Blade is able to move out of the way, and know it's Diabolos running into the turnbuckle. Still dazed, Diabolos comes out of the turnbuckle, and walks right into a waiting fisherman's suplex! Blade hooks the leg and Aubrey counts the fall. 1.. 2... Just two!

Copeland: Blade's best chance may be to catch Diabolo's mistakes.

Cohen: Well, he'd better capitalize when he can!

Blade bridges out, and wonders what he should go for next. Diabolos has sat up, and is trying to shake the cobwebs. As he gets to his knees, Blade decides to run for the ropes, for a head of steam. Blade tries a clothesline, but Diabolos ducks. Blade bounces off the ropes, and Diabolos ducks again. This time, though, Blade is ready, as he flies over Diabolos for a sunset flip. As he jumps over Diabolos, though, Diabolos rises up a little bit. Diabolos jumps in the air, and hits the R'leh rising, a jumping uppercut that hits Blade square in the jaw! Blade goes down, as the crowd boos. Diabolos once again goes for the cover. 1... 2... Just two! Diabolos starts to get upset, and pounds the mat with his fist. He lifts up Blade, and places his head underneath his arm. Diabolos signals that it is time for a DDT, but Blade lifts Diabolos high into the air, landing with a Northern Lights Suplex! Aubrey scoots over to count the cover. 1... 2... 3, no just a two count! Diabolos manages to get his shoulder up in the last second.

Diabolos tries to lift himself up, but Blade beats him to the punch, hitting him with a blow to the head. He throws more clubbing blows, and makes a run for the ropes, to get a head of steam. Blade bounces off the ropes, and runs full speed towards. But Diabolos jumps and catches Blade's head with his legs, hitting a massive hurricanrana! Blade's head hits the mat with a thud, as Diabolos grabs Blade's leg. Aubrey counts, 1... 2... Just barely kicked out before 3! Diabolos complains to the referee, and demands for him to count faster. Diabolos signals for the end, though, as the crowd lustfully boos. Diabolos picks up Blade, and signals that it is time for The Cradle of the Old Ones! But before Diabolos can lift up Blade, he's back body dropped, as Blade rallies for support. The fans go wild, trying to support Blade.

Copeland: This may be the moment Blade needs to take advantage of.

Cohen: Since when have you known Blade to take opportunities when they come?

Blade gives his signature taunt, and runs the ropes. He hits a clothesline, that sends Diabolos crashing down. Blade hits the ropes again, and hits a second clothesline. Blade goes for a third clothesline, but Diabolos ducks. Blade passes him, but stops right behind Diabolos. He points to his head, indicating how smart he is... And turns around to Blade, grabbing him by the neck! Blade lifts him up for a hellacious chokeslam, that sends Diabolos thundering down to the mat! Blade gives his pose, and slashes into the air, signaling that it's time to perform the Halo. Blade grabs Diabolos by the mask... and then gets a wicked smile on his face. Blade starts pulling on the mask.... And goes to reveal Diabolos! Diabolos tries to fight away, but the mask is coming off of his head!

Copeland: Blade's going to reveal who Diabolos is for the world to see!

But before Blade can get the mask off, Diabolos drops to his knees, and delivers a low blow, right in plain sight. Aubrey has no choice but to call for the bell, as Blade indicates how much Diabolos dirty trick has hurt.

*Ding, Ding, ding*

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this bout, as a result of disqualification, Blade!

Copeland: What a cheap move by Diabolos!

Cohen: Diabolos has every right to protect his identity!

Diabolos adjusts his mask, and goes to attack Blade, as he's hurt. Diabolos keeps attacking Blade, as the bell continues ringing. Diabolos attempts the Whirlwhind of Death, as he spins for hus backfist. But Blade, fueled by anger, ducks and starts hitting Blade with jabs. Blade continues raining down blows, furiously attacking Diabolos. Diabolos tries to stumble out of the ring, away from the attack, and just settles for falling out of the ropes. Blade goes to follow him, but James Aubrey tries to stop him. Blade yells at Diabolos, who walks back up the aisle, with a grin on his face.

Copeland: I can bet, this isn't the end for these two.

Cohen: Diabolos is clearly smart enough to pick his spots. Sometimes, you have to concede the battle, to win the war.
Leon Kensworth stands in the locker room, with a microphone in hand.

Kenswworth: My guest, at this time, is the Elite X Champion, Fallout!

Fallout walks towards Kensworth, mask covering his face, and holds the Elite X title proudly across his shoulder.

Kensworth: Fallout, defending this belt tonight would give you five successful title defenses. You seem to have come out of nowhere-

Fallout looks to Leon, with a mixture of disgust and shock.

Fallout: Nowhere? Leon, do you know the name of the belt that I hold over my shoulder right now?

Leon looks puzzled at this.

Kensworth: Yes, it's the Elite X-

Fallout: Exactly. Elite. Ever since I've entered this place, I've been marked as a target. See, some rookies have the gift of staying in anonymity; I was never granted that. And now, I stand on the precipice of doing what no Elite X champion has done. Not Tastic, not Showtime.... Not even the silly man in the box.

Fallout adjusts the title proudly on his shoulder, while looking down on Leon in a haughty manner.

And you know what's even better than getting my eventual World Title Shot, Leon?

Kensworth: What is that?

Fallout: When I'm finished with this title, you will all know me as I truly am. I am Fallout; The Elite's Elite. The greatest Elite X Champion ever. No one before me will do what I've done! And no one after me, will ever be as elite, as I am.

Fallout storms out of the locker room, with a grin on his face, as he goes to defend his title.


Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Elite X Championship!


The lights turn to a pale yellow with lights flickering throughout the arena. Terrance Howe walks out to the entrance stage with Illapa walking intently behind him. Howe yells out at the booing crowd as they make their way down to the ring. They walk up the steps and Howe holds the ropes open for Illapa who upon entering removes her vest and cargo pants, tossing them to the outside.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger, now residing in Texarkana, Arkansas, weighing 225 pounds, The Goddess, Illapa!

Copeland: Illapa is a scary individual Jack. It's a tale of two different opponents for Fallout. Last week was the graceful and elegant Eve Taylor, where this week he faces off with the powerhouse Illapa.

Cohen: Illapa is certainly going to make the best of her opportunity here tonight Seabass. Her style may be enough to keep the tactful Fallout off his feet and win the Elite X Title.


An orange cloud bursts from the stage and Fallout stomps with authority through the smoke, stopping just long enough to stare down Illapa before marching down the entrance ramp, the Elite X Title wrapped around his waist. He jumps onto the apron and enters the ring, unstrapping the Elite X Title and holding it to his side as he stares across at Illapa, who returns the gaze with earnest.

Harrys: And her opponent, from Pripyat, Ukraine, he weighs in at 255 pounds, he is the Elite X Champion, Fallout!

Cohen: What an impressive fighter this Fallout has been though Sebass! Four successful title defenses in the book, and if he reaches that mythical seventh defense, Fallout will have a world title shot.

Copeland: You're absolutely right Jack. Fallout has been nothing short of impressive, including knocking off Eve Taylor last week.

Referee Keith Morse takes the Elite X Title from Fallout and holds it up high before handing it to the ringside assistant and calling for the bell. The two competitors go to lock up, neither giving an inch before Illapa hooks an armbar, yanking on the arm of Fallout before Fallout shoves her away. Illapa goes to lock up again but Fallout ducks under and fires off a few rights, backing Illapa into the ropes and sending her across. Illapa bounces off and gets caught with a quick clothesline. Fallout circles the rising Illapa and delivers a quick spinning neckbreaker. He goes for a cover, 1......Illapa kicks out. Fallout grabs the arm and wrenches on it, pulling Illapa to her feet before trying to send her across again. Illapa counters however and delivers a stiff kick to the leg of Fallout, tripping him up and sending him rolling to the outside. He walks along the outside, clearly strategizing as he stares up at Illapa. Morse begins the ten count on the outside, and Fallout rolls in at three, staying on one knee as he watches Illapa silently. Illapa gets fed up and runs towards Fallout who counters and sends Illapa face first into the corner. Fallout slams Illapa face first into the turnbuckle a few times before turning her around, delivering a hard right. He follows up with a European Uppercut, and another before going to whip Illapa across. Illapa reverses and Fallout get sent into the corner. Illapa goes for a running attack but Fallout moves out of the way, lifting Illapa up and dropping her with a standard body slam. He gets up and drops a leg across the throat, going for a quick cover, 1...........2...Illapa kicks out.

Copeland: Fallout's seems to have figured Illapa out, avoiding her attacks and countering effectively.

Cohen: Both of them are well versed in submissions Seabass. It'll be interesting to see if either of them switch their style up just enough to catch the other off guard.

Fallout gets up and walks around Illapa, stomping away on her a few times before grabbing her by the hair and lifting her up. He delivers another European Uppercut, sending Illapa into the corner again. Fallout backs up and rushes towards Illapa but she gets a boot up, knocking Fallout backwards. Illapa rushes out from the corner and hits a jumping knee strike, connecting square on Fallout's jaw. She doesn't let Fallout up though and locks in a seated abdominal stretch. Fallout struggles against the hold as Illapa locks it in deeper, striking his midsection to inflict further damage. Fallout kicks the mat as he slowly gets to one knee, bringing Illapa to her feet as well. As Fallout just about breaks the hold, Illapa delivers a brutal elbow shot right to the back of his head. After stunning the champion, Illapa locks her arms around Fallout and delivers an exploder suplex. She bridges the suplex for a pinning attempt, 1............2.......Fallout kicks out. Illapa gets up, exiting to the apron. She pulls on the ropes and slingshots over, delivering a double stomp to the chest of Fallout. She goes for another cover, 1............2........Fallout kicks out again. Illapa gets up, a bit frustrated that she couldn't put him away. She grabs Fallout and dumps him to the outside, her hands on her hips before exiting to the outside herself.

Copeland: Illapa has asserted herself now over the champion. Fallout needs to get back on track if he wants to continue his gauntlet with the Elite X Title.

Cohen: Illapa has kept him off his feet, and that's exactly what she needs to do. Ground and pound, and she looks to inflict more damage on the outside of the ring.

Fallout tries to get up, but Illapa is right on top of him. She charges him back first into the barricade, causing him to arch his back in pain but stiff right hands lead to more problems for the masked man. Illapa lifts Fallout up and drops him head first onto the barricade, as Morse has already begun the count inside the ring. Illapa whips him across into the ring apron, but Fallout jumps up onto it at the last second, spinning and hitting an axe kick on the challenger! Both are down as the count is now up to five. Fallout tries to drag himself up on the ring apron, as Illapa rolls over onto her stomach. At the count of seven, Fallout pulls himself into the ring as Illapa is up to one knee. Finally at the count of nine Illapa slides in herself, but is met by Fallout who delivers a spinning heel kick, knocking Illapa down. Fallout goes for the pin, 1..............2........Illapa kicks out! Fallout slams his hand on the mat in frustration before getting up and walking to the corner. He climbs to the top, but Illapa played possum, slamming Fallout off from the top rope. Illapa now climbs to the top, stumbling just slightly, but enough to give Fallout a chance to hit the ropes, knocking Illapa to a seated position. Fallout stumbles over to the corner, turning his back to Illapa and lifting her up onto his shoulders. He walks out from the corner, and delivers an electric chair drop! Illapa hits face first on the mat. Fallout flips her over and goes for the pin, 1.............2........Illapa kicks out again!

Copeland: Illapa is showing some incredible heart, kicking out of multiple pin attempts.

Cohen: Or showing stupidity. When Fallout's got the advantage like this, he's going to tear you apart piece by piece.

Fallout gets back to his feet, dragging Illapa up with him as he backs up into the corner. He wraps his arm around her neck, and flips over her, going for Reactor 4! But as he lands, Illapa holds firm, reversing and wrapping her arm around his neck and hitting a lifting reverse DDT! Both are down for a few moments before Illapa drapes an arm over Fallout, 1.............2.........Fallout kicks out! Illapa suddenly turns Fallout over onto his stomach and goes for the Capacocha submission! She gets the arms hooked in and tries to lock her leg over, but Fallout grabs it, preventing the hold from fully getting clinched in. Fallout leans forward, forcing Illapa's shoulders to the mat, 1..........2..Illapa gets her shoulder up as she tries to get the hold locked in.

Copeland: Illapa's almost got her finisher locked in! Fallout's fighting valiantly to get out of it!

Cohen: She can't quite get her leg over his head though, Fallout's got a strong hold on her foot, and he's using what little leverage he has left.

Fallout uses his other arm to grab the arm of Illapa, clawing and digging to get it off of his throat and his air supply. He flips forward, his back to Illapa's chest as he has her shoulders down again, 1..........2.....Illapa kicks out and relinquishes the hold at the same time. Illapa gets up as Fallout rolls away, holding his throat. She motions for Fallout to get up as he tries to drag himself up in the corner. Illapa suddenly runs forward, doing a handspring and goes for an enziguri! Fallout ducks however and Illapa hits nothing. As she gets up, Fallout hooks her and delivers the Mushroom Cloud, sending the back of her head into the turnbuckle. Fallout steps out of the corner and grabs Illapa, lifting her up and hitting Half-Life in the center of the ring! He hooks the leg, 1...............2.............3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, and STILL Elite X Champion, Fallout!

Copeland: And Fallout picks up title defense number five!

Cohen: Only two more to go Seabass! And what a counter. He survived the Capacocha and countered Illapa's enziguri perfectly.

Copeland: Illapa did everything she could, but it's once again Fallout's night.

Fallout gets to his feet, leaning against the ropes as Morse hands him the Elite X Championship. Fallout stares down at Illapa before slowly exiting the ring, draping the title over his shoulder as he makes his way up the ramp slowly as Terrance Howe checks on his charge.

Copeland: Can anyone stop Fallout's war path as Elite X Champion?

Cohen: I don't see it happening Seabass!
We cut backstage in the parking lot area where a delivery truck has backed up to the delivery ramp. The truck driver gets out and begins unlatching the back of the truck.

Cohen: What the hell is this about?

The driver slides the door open and drags out two large boxes and dumps it on the ramp without any care. A groan can here from each box but the driver can be heard grunting and groaning as he struggles to drag out an even bigger box from the back of the truck. He gets it to the edge of the truck and finally kicks it off, the box exploding as Mikey Stormrage looks knocked out. Suddenly Chuck Myles walks around the corner and has his hands on his hips, shaking his head as he kicks at Stormrage.

Myles: You are a disgrace as the Eurasian Champion Stormrage? Where's your two partners in crime?

The two boxes begin moving behind Myles and he turns around in time to see Haven and Hyada burst out of the boxes they were stuck in. Myles kicks at Stormrage once more.

Myles: I should suspend all of you for your actions. Impersonating a WZCW official, kidnapping, no, in fact, I should sue you three! What possibly could have given you the idea to pull something like this?

Stormrage rolls back over onto his back as the camera focuses in on his face, his eyes glazed over.

Stormrage: Dude, Spring Break, Fuck yo----

Stormrage passes out as Young Justice tries to get up as well but Haven suddenly leans over and pukes all over Myles' shoes, throwing his arms up in disgust.

Myles: You owe me a new pair of shoes....I'll have your heads for this.....

The rant continues on as Mikey lifts his arm up briefly with his thumb up as we cut to commercial.


Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, from Stephenville, Texas, weighing in at 190lbs, ladies and gentlemen he is "The Warblade" Theron Daggershield!

Theron makes his way onto the stage to a fair amount of applause from the crowd. He stops at the top of the ramp and raises his prop sword high into the air as the fans cheer him. He makes his way down the ring, slapping some hands before he slides into the ring and raises his sword a final time.

Cohen: Let me ask you something Seabass. Why do we keep letting these nerds like Theron into the company?

Copeland: A nerd he may be, but Theron is quickly climbing the popularity charts here in WZCW. His mix of high flying offense and fun loving attitude have made him a fan favorite.


And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Dr. Zeus, weighing in at 285, he is the current WZCW King for a Day, The Beard!

Zeus and Beard walk from behind the curtain to steady boos. The two exchange some words as they methodically make their way to the ring, neither man taking their eyes off Theron. Beard stops in front of the steel steel steps and lets out a roar before he climbs up them and into the ring.

Copeland: Speaking of popularity. Here is a man who once beloved by the WZCW faithful, only to turn his back on the fans and fall in line with the devilish Dr. Zeus.

Cohen: And he has had nothing but success since he turned over a new leaf. Beard has unleashed the animal within and has gone on a rampage. I don't envy Ricky Runn or any future champions who have to constantly have to look over their shoulder for this man.

James Aubrey goes over the rules, paying special attention to Dr. Zeus at ringside, before he calls for the bell. Beard immediately takes center stage, and invites Theron in for a test of strength. Despite the protests of the audience, Theron accepts. Beard easily over powers the smaller man and lifts Theron into the air by his arms. When Theron's feet hit the ground, Beard pulls him in and tosses him overhead with a wicked belly to belly. The young Theron will not be deterred, immediately rushing back into the fray. He lifts his hands into the air, inviting Beard for another test of strength. The King for a Day looks over at Zeus, then back to his opponent, almost confused. The big man then shrugs and accepts. Despite his best efforts, Theron is unable to even budge the big man. Beard laughs as he again lifts his foe into the air. On the way down, Theron improvises and uses his legs and the momentum to monkey flip the Beard. Daggershield cracks at smile at Beard, but this only serves to anger him. The big man rushes in and takes Theron down with a clothesline. He pops up, only to be taken down by a second clothesline. Slower to his feet this time but still showing fight, Theron is again on his feet. Beard rushes in for a third clothesline, but Theron ducks. He bounces off the ropes, only to run into a double axe handle club to the face. He hits the ground and Beard makes the cover. 1!...but Theron kicks out. Beard kneels over his opponent and begins to rain down some close fist punches to the face, Mr. Aubrey warning him and beginning his five out. Beard relents at four, and pulls Theron to his feet. He again balls his fist and fires off a few punches, backing Theron into the ropes. He whips him across the ring and drops him with a big boot off the rebound. He forgoes a pin attempt, choosing instead to drag Theron closer to the turnbuckle. Beard jumps to the second turnbuckle and measures up Theron. He jumps and drops a big leg across the chest. He hooks a leg. 1!...2!...Theron manages to kick out.

Copeland: Beard in total control so far. He has come out strong, and really showcased his strength. To his credit, Theron is hanging tough though.

Cohen: It's only a matter of time Seabass. Theron is nothing more than an annoying piss ant to a man like Beard.

Beard walks to the ropes and has a quick chat with Zeus. After they exchange some words, Beard nods and turns his attention back to Theron. The Beard pulls his opponent away from the ropes, which Theron was using to stand, and throws him into the nearest corner. A couple of elbows to the face soften Theron up. Beard takes a few steps back and lowers his shoulder, taking aim at Theron's midsection. Theron however hops over and manages a sunset flip. 1!...2!...Kick out by Beard! As both men get to their feet, Theron begins to fire off some punches. Though momentarily staggered, Beard manages to block the shots and Irish whip Theron across the ring. Beard loads up for a big boot, but Theron ducks. He springboards off the ropes and connects with an elbow to the jaw of Beard. As he rolls back to his feet, Theron goes on the offensive. He puts Beard down with a dropkick. Both men are back on their feet, but Theron stays in control with a flying double arm chop across the chest. Beard gets to his feet, but Daggershield puts him down with a second double arm chop. Theron is feeling it as the crowd begins to come alive. He leaps to the top rope and jumps off and hits an elbow straight to the heart. The Dragoon Jump! He hooks a leg! 1!...2!...Beard just manages to get a get a shoulder up as the crowd exhales disappointed. Theron tries to will the crowd back, throwing his hands above his head in an X. Just as he does, he catches Dr. Zeus with his hands on the ropes, as if he wants to enter the ring. Theron sprints and baseball slides into Zeus, knocking him to the floor.

Copeland: Theron is on fire!

Cohen: He just attacked a helpless Dr. Zeus. Ring the bell ref.

Theron is fired up as he slides back into the ring. He ducks a wild haymaker from Beard, who is back on his feet. He goes to Irish whip Beard, but the big man reverses, sending Theron across the ring. Theron ducks a clothesline and leaps and springboards off the ropes, looking for a moonsault. Beard connects with a giant boot to face! Theron crumbles to the mat!

Cohen: My God! Beard just kicked Theron's head clean off! The raw power of The Beard is breathtaking.

Beard hooks the leg confidently as James Aubrey slides into place. 1!...2!...3! No! Beard grabs the hair of Theron and pulls him to his feet. Dr. Zeus has crawled onto the apron and is barking orders at Beard.

Copeland: Oh come on! You had the man beat, there is no need for this!

Beard readies Theron as Zeus continues to bark orders. He connects with Poetic Justice! As he hooks the leg the ref reluctantly counts the pin. 1!...2!...3!

Here is your winner, The Beard!

Copeland: There was absolutely no need for what Beard just...wait what the hell are they doing?

Zeus has made his way into the ring and wraps a hand around the throat of Theron. He drags the helpless Theron to his feet, only to be joined by Beard, who wraps his hands around the throat as well. Both men lift and chokeslam Theron to the ground. Zeus continues to choke Theron as Beard rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair.

Copeland: Someone needs to stop this!


Cohen: Things are about to go from bad to worse for Theron.

Vega makes his way to ringside. His music causing enough of a distraction for Zeus to relent his choke. The good doctor flashes an evil smile as he invites Vega into the ring. Beard makes his way back to the ring, chair in hand, and offers it to Vega while pointing to the downed Theron. Vega walks to the steel steps, but pauses before he steps into the ring. The crowd boos heavily as he takes his time, before finally accepting the chair from Beard, though he does not step into the ring, simply remaining on the apron. Zeus begins to get frustrated at the hesitation, giving Theron enough time to crawl to his feet. As Beard and Zeus begin to argue with Vega, Zeus turns around right into a Critical Hit! Theron then quickly scrambles out of the ring and retreats through the crowd unseen. Beard tries to give chase, but Theron is out of the ring too quickly. He checks on Zeus as Vega simply walks to the back.

Copeland: What the hell have we just witnessed?
We cut backstage in the locker room area where Amber Warren can be seen lacing up the back of her mask as her half of the WZCW Tag Team Titles sits in front of her. Suddenly the door slams open as El Califa Dragon walks in, his half wrapped around his waist. Amber stands up and the two dragons come face to face.

El Califa: Look. If Los Magnificos Dragones is going to beat Showtime and Winters, we have to be on the same page.

Amber: I agree.

The tension in El Califa Dragon seems to loosen as he exhales a sigh of relief. Amber suddenly inches her face closer, the two masks touching as she stares right through El Califa's mask.

Amber: Just make sure to stay out of my way and we'll win.

El Califa: El Califa has a better idea Amber Warren. Let's go out there and do what we do best. That's how we got these titles, and whether you want all the glory or not, El Califa doesn't care. We are champions, and tonight let's show them exactly why. Clear?

Califa turns and begins to walk away when suddenly Amber grabs his arm and pulls him back towards her. Her voice lowers just slightly, dripping with venom.

Amber: Crystal.

Amber shoves Califa's arm away and walks past him and out of the locker room. Califa's head lowers as he looks at his tag title, breathing heavily before he slaps the title and follow suit out of the locker room.

Copeland: The Tag Team Champions seem to be on the outs. Can they keep it together against Showtime and Michael Winters? That match is next!


Harrys: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!


Harrys: Introducing first, the team of Michael Winters and "Showtime" David Cougar!

Showtime and Winters step forth from the entrance way, both of them looking generally aggressive as they step toward the ring. Neither man in particular looks toward the audience, both of them stepping into the ring and readying themselves for the match.

Copeland: Showtime and Michael Winters have become allies in the struggle against Titus. Both of them have issues with him and it doesn't appear they'll be settled any time soon.

Cohen: What's more interesting is their teaming up this week. Could it mean Showtime and Winters have an eye on the tag team titles?


Harrys: And their opponents, they are the WZCW Tag Team Champions, the team of Amber Warren and El Califa Dragon, Los Magnificos Dragones!

As their music hits hits El Califa and Amber Warren make their way out to the top of the stage as the fans pop. El Califa nods his head to the beat and points out to the crowd while Amber slaps hands with fans along the ramp. They both rush down to the ring and slide in before climbing up a turnbuckle and posing for the crowd. They both flip backwards into the center of the ring, their backs to each other and their arms crossed as green and gold pyro shoots out from the corners of the ring.

Copeland: The tag team champions have arrived and they seem to have mostly gotten back together on the same page.

Cohen: I can't help but feel they're both eyeing singles matches after last time, and that may mean trouble for them in the future.

Referee Elizabeth Prince signals for the bell and we are underway. A brief moment of discussion surrounds Califa and Warren before Califa chooses to start the match. On the other end, Showtime whispers to Winters and he nods as Showtime exits the ring. The two circle each other for a moment before closing, Winters using his strength advantage to force Califa to his knees and lock in a headlock. Califa has enough wherewithal to get to a vertical base and Winters whips him into the ropes, Califa rebounds, and Winters knocks him down with a big clothesline. Winters looks over to see Showtime calling for a tag and he makes it. Showtime enters but Califa gets to his feet and hits Showtime with a drop toehold. Califa keeps Showtime's legs tied up and goes for a chinlock, rearing back on it. He then switches over to wrench on the knee, before he pulls Showtime to his feet. Califa tries to whip Showtime toward his corner but Showtime reverses it, and Califa hits the ropes. He hops over them and stands on the apron. Showtime takes a moment to breathe before turning to see Winters going after Califa. Califa smacks Winters in the head and knocks him off the apron but Showtime clubs Califa likewise and he falls off the apron onto the ringside mat. Showtime rolls out of the ring and pulls Califa to his feet, setting him against the apron and then punching his gut repeatedly. Showtime rolls Califa into the ring and then he tags in Winters.

Copeland: The early going has the inexperienced team dominating, surprisingly.

Cohen: Inexperienced together, maybe, but Showtime and Winters both have much more experience in WZCW than their opponents. I wouldn't be surprised at all.

Winters takes over and powerslams Califa to the mat. Winters take to the second rope, tags in Showtime, and then leaps with a diving headbutt onto Califa. Showtime follows it up with a diving elbow! He goes for the cover and gets one, two, but only two. Showtime puts Califa into the corner and then tags in Winters once more. Showtime and Winters appear to double whip Califa across the ring, but instead pull back and slam him into the corner, before both of them punch him in the gut. Showtime exits the ring and Winters cover, getting one, two, but only two as Califa kicks out. Winters pulls Califa to his feet, elevates him, but Califa reverses and slams Winters head into the mat! Califa gets to his knees, he goes for the corner, and he tags in Warren! Warren goes after Winters, who has retreated to the corner, with a big leaping splash. She nails it, Winters stumbles out, Warren hits the ropes and nails a leaping dropkick! Warren aggressively tries to whip Winters into the ropes, but he puts the brakes on and reverses it. She leaps over the ropes, holds onto the outside, Winters goes after her and Warren is able to get a leg up and kick him in the face! Winters back away and Warren springboards in, leaping, but Winters catches her and slams her into the mat! Both of them lay on the ground and Califa begins calling for the tag as Winters goes to his corner. Warren gets to a knee and looks at Califa, has the time, but she turns her back and waits for Showtime! Showtime enters, Warren hits the ropes - Califa slaps her on the back ! - and then Showtme nails her with the Ratings Crash!

Copeland: I don't think Showtime noticed that tag!

Cohen: The bigger question is why did Amber try to stay in the ring when she had a clear chance to tag in her partner?

He didn't notice the tag and Califa enters the ring! Prince yells at Showtime and he turns to meet a hurricanrana from Califa! Warren rolls to the corner and gets out of the ring as Califa gets up to the top rope. Califa doesn't notice either and he nails the Dragón de Vuelo! But Prince pulls him off when he tries to cover, and Amber jumps into the ring for the cover, getting one, two, and three!

Harrys: Your winners, Los Magnificos Dragones!

Copeland: What has gotten into Amber Warren?

Cohen: She's just not being a productive part of a tag team with moves like that.

Prince raises the arms of El Califa and Amber Warren as their opponents roll out of the ring, beaten, but the tag team champions merely stare each other down and Prince quickly gets out of their way. Califa says something to Amber and she merely shrugs it off as we go to commercial.
Stacy Madison: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, WZCW World Champion, Ricky Runn.

Runn walks in front of the camera, his World Title belt dangling out of the front of his pants.

Runn: Baby, baby, baby. I'm not just World Champion. I'm the Swagtastic Voice of a Generation. Now lets try this again.

Ricky walks off camera as Stacy starts over.

Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, WZCW World Champion, and Swagtastic Voice of a Generation, Ricky Runn.

Now thats better sweetheart. Lets just skip the foreplay and get right to the good stuff baby. Ricky Runn has the swag to beat a couple chumps like Titus and Constantine, just like Ricky Runn has that swag that gets the bitches panties dropping. I see you checking me out Stacy.

Stacy begins to turn red as she was indeed checking Ricky out. He lifts his belt, holding it in a suggestive manner.

Go ahead baby, you can tough it. It won't go off in your hair.

Stacy reaches out and touches Runn's custom World Title.

Yeah, you like that don't you baby. You've got my number, you know where to find me tonight.

Runn walks off, as Stacy Madison looks on like a love stricken school girl.


Harrys: The following contest, set for one fall, is a triple threat non-title match!

Constantine emerges onto the ramp, looking confident and ready to go. He does his signature taunt and heads for the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from The King's Court, weighing 265 pounds, Constantine!

Copeland: Last week, we saw the beginning of what might be a dangerous alliance between Constantine and Michael Winters. But now he’s on his own in a huge match tonight.

The crowd gives a big pop as the legend steps foot onto the stage, grinning at the warm reception.

Harrys: Making his way to the ring, Keystone City, Kansas, weighing 225 pounds, This is........Titus!

Titus heads down to the ring, high fiving fans on the way.

Copeland: Despite his problems with Showtime, Titus will be looking to make a statement here tonight and get back into the title picture.

Cohen: Not gonna happen, Seabass. Showtime is inside Titus’ head!

The crowd’s reception becomes cold as the World Champion walks out, smirking.

Harrys: And their opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 225 pounds, the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ricky Runn!

Ricky gets to the bottom of the ramp and holds up his title, eyeing up his opponents.

Cohen: On Ascension, we’ll find out who the new number 1 contender is. But right now, Ricky will have his hands full!

Ricky slides into the ring and Jun Akiyama takes the swagtastic world title. He calls for the bell and the match is under way!

Almost immediately, Constantine and Titus turn their attention towards the champion, and Runn looks like a dear in the headlights. Titus goes for him, but Runn gets out of the ring. Titus beckons him to get back in, but Constantine attacks Titus from behind with a clubbing blow to the back of the neck.

Constantine Irish Whips Titus across the ring, and nails him with a big clothesline on his return. He starts stomping away at the former World Champion before pulling him up and pushing him into the corner. He begins to stomp away at the gut of Titus. He Irish Whips Titus to the opposite corner, and Titus hits the turnbuckles. Constantine runs at him, but Titus bursts out of the corner with a Spinning Heel Kick, taking Constantine down. As Runn looks on, stalking from the outside, Titus goes for the first pin of the match; 1…… Kick out by Constantine.

Titus sits Constantine up and applies a chinlock to wear him down. Runn sneakily slides into the ring, and runs at Titus, but Titus reacts quickly, hitting a Back Body Drop on the World Champion. The pain is etched on Ricky’s face, and he tries to slide back out, but Titus grabs him by the hair, to cheers from the crowd. Runn jabs a thumb into Titus’ eye, and Titus backs off, clutching his face. Akiyama-san angrily reprimands Runn, letting him know that he’s only getting one warning. Runn raises his hands defensively, as if he did nothing wrong, before turning his attention back to Titus.

Cohen: What genius strategy by World Champion!

Copeland: I don’t think cheating counts as an actual strategy.

Cohen: It’s working, isn’t it?

Runn hits a Snapmare on Titus, and runs off the ropes, but Constantine comes out of nowhere with a Lariat that nearly takes Runn’s head off! Constantine covers the champ, 1… 2…. Runn kicks out! Constantine kneels over Runn, hitting him with several punches to the head until the ref reaches a five count, forcing Constantine off.

Constantine gets to his feet, and turns around into a kick to the gut by Titus. Titus grabs his head, and twists him around into a Neckbreaker position. Runn tries to attack Titus, but also gets a kick for a his troubles and Titus grabs him in a front facelock with his free arm. Titus hits a DDT on Runn while hitting a Neckbreaker on Constantine! Titus pins Runn, 1…. 2…. Kick out! Titus turns his attention to Constantine, hooking the outside leg, 1…. 2…. Another kick out!

Titus sits up and catches his breath for a moment before getting to his feet and heading to the corner. He climbs up to the top rope, and sees who’s getting up first. It’s Constantine up first, with Runn right behind him. Titus targets the former, leaping off the top rope for the Flying Clothesline, but Constantine rolls out of the way, and Runn dropkicks Titus out of mid-air! Runn scrambles for a pin, 1… 2…. Broken up by Constantine!

Copeland: None of these men is going to let the others get the win!

Cohen: We could be here all night.

Constantine pulls run up by the hair and practically throws him into the corner. He nails a series of hard shoulder thrusts to the champ’s gut before Irish Whipping him hard across the ring. Runn bounces off the turnbuckles into the waiting Constantine, who lifts him up and hits a big Backbreaker! He goes for a pin, 1… 2… Kick out by Runn!

Constantine gets up and starts stalking the champion, but Titus turns him around and hits a European Uppercut! And another and another! The crowd starts to get behind Titus as he dropkicks Constantine, taking him down. Titus rolls out onto the apron and beckons for Constantine to get up. Constantine slowly makes his way up, looking dazed. Titus springboards off the top rope and hits a big Tornado DDT! He hooks a leg, 1… 2… Runn breaks it up!

Runn grabs Titus and tries to throw him out of the ring, but Titus lands on the apron, unbeknownst to Runn. Runn stalks Constantine, who’s slowly getting up, from behind. He grabs Constantine around the chin, going for the Hell Yeah, but Titus comes off the top rope, taking both men out! Titus lands on both of them, pinning both! 1.... 2….. Both Runn and Constantine get a shoulder up!

Cohen: Well that was a bit ambitious by Titus!

Titus gets up to a cheering crowd. He points to Constantine, to a big pop. He points to Runn, getting an even bigger pop. He grabs Runn’s ankle, and applies the Ankle lock. The World Champion pounds his fist on the mat in agony. He claws his way towards the rope, dragging both himself and Titus. Ricky stretches out his arm, his fingertips and inch away from the ropes, until Titus drags him back to the centre of the ring! The crowd are going crazy, yelling for Runn to tap out. Across the ring, Constantine gets to his feet with the help of the ropes. Suddenly, Runn rolls through, and the momentum sends Titus into Constantine, who hits the Axis of Evil!! Constantine goes for the pin; 1….. 2…. Runn breaks it up! Hobbling slightly, Runn pushes Constantine out of the ring and pins Titus himself; 1…. 2…. Titus gets a shoulder up!

Runn looks furious as he pins Titus again, 1… 2…. Titus kicks out again to the relief of the crowd. Runn screams that it’s over as he climbs up to the top rope. As he stands up for the R&R, Constantine jumps of the apron and tugs on Ricky’s leg, causing the champ to crotch himself on the top rope. Constantine gets into the ring and climbs to the second rope, pulling Ricky up for a Superplex. As he’s about to hit the big move, Titus runs towards them, leaps to the top rope and hits an Enziguiri to Constantine’s head! Constantine falls off the top rope, bouncing off the apron, and hitting the ground on the outside!

Titus climbs up to the top rope, where Runn still sits. He jumps and hits a Hurricanrana off the top rope! He hooks the outside leg, 1…. 2…. Kick out by Runn! Titus remains in control, getting to his feet, and waiting for Runn to get up. Runn looks off balance and he pulls himself up with the ropes. Suddenly, Michael Winters charges down the ramp. He climbs up on the apron, distracting the referee.

Copeland: Come on, what’s Winters doing out here!?

In the ring, Titus is readying Runn for the Tit Drop, but he’s distracted by the commotion that Winters is causing on the outside. On the other side of the ringside area, Showtime comes through the crowd, chair in hand, and slides into the ring. He places the chair down, turns Titus around and hits the Ratings Crash right onto the chair! Showtime turns towards Ricky, who gets a Showstopper! Showtime gets out of the ring with the chair pushes Constantine into the ring, who crawls over and pins Titus.

Winters backs off, and the referee turns his attention towards the ring, counting Constantine’s pin; 1…. 2….. 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Constantine!

Constantine is clearly sore, but he still smirks and raises his arms before rolling out of the ring.

Copeland: Constantine stole the victory from Titus!

Cohen: It pays to have friends in high places, you know…

Constantine stands at the top of the ramp smirking broadly with Showtime and Winters by his side. Titus looks on from inside the ring, frustrated with himself. Ricky sits on the ground outside the ring, clutching his title nervously.

Copeland: Thank you all for joining us for Meltdown, and we’ll see you tomorrow night for Ascension where we will crown a brand new Number 1 Contender! Goodnight!
Yaz here. Hope you all enjoyed our little April Fools joke. Now onto the real stuff.

Haiku: Diabolos/Blade, segments
Ty: Fallout/Ilapa, segments
Yaz: Beard/Theron, segments
Harthan: Tag Match
Blade: Titus/Runn/Constantine
Killjoy: Opening

Hope you guys enjoy the real Meltdown. Stick around for a 100% legit Ascension brought to you by yours truly tomorrow.
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