*MERGED* {OFFICIAL} Jeff Hardy discussion thread.


Things seem to be looking up for Jeff Hardy as his legal troubles seem to be slipping away. As of yesterday, three of the four charges against Hardy were dropped. I'm not sure of what the details are as to why they were dropped, only that they have. The charges of felony drug trafficking, felony possession of cocaine and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia are the ones that have been dropped. A charge of conspiracy to traffic opium remains, which was a charge added to the count last January, but it's not as serious as the two felonies that were dropped. According to what's being read, the trial is due to resume sometime in July, so that could indicate that the charges were dropped via a supression hearing in which Hardy's defense was able to persuade a judge to throw out certain evidence and charges.
Fantastic news for TNA, really. If that final count of conspiracy to traffic opium is dropped, or at least dropped to a misdemeanor if at all possible, and he only ends up with something like community service or probation to deal with for whatever length of time, the doors will open for him tremendously in the company as the dirt sheets reported the only reason RVD even won the title from AJ in the first place was because of Hardy's legal issues – otherwise, Jeff would be our WHC right now.

I'd imagine creative are licking their chops right now, foaming at the mouth for an opportunity to write him into the real main event really soon.

As for his trial, I have no idea how it happened, but having two felony counts dropped in a federal case is no easy feat. Let's hear it for lawyers, eh? :lol:
Well it good be a good thing or a bad thing, depending upon how you look at it. For one thing, it looks as though this criminal trial is, for all intents and purposes, over and done with as the most serious charges have been dropped. So, Hardy doesn't have as much hanging over his head and doesn't have as much to worry about. He can potentially get on with his career and could be placed in more favorable positions by TNA in the near future. So, that's definitely something good I think.

On the other hand, if Jeff Hardy is someone with a drug problem or is hooked up with some shady characters, getting off might not do him any favors in the long run. Hardy has a history of self-destructive behavior and making poor choices that have cost him. This criminal case being a prime example. After all, being found not guilty, having charges thrown out or having evidence suppressed doesn't mean that you're innocent. You have innocent as in "I didn't do anything illegal" and you have innocent as in "I may have done something illegal, but I was aquited under the rules of the American System."

I haven't read any statements or press releases saying that Jeff Hardy is completely innocent of the charges. Even if his attorneys did release a statement, they're of course going to say that he's innocent even if he were as guilty as the day is long. As far as getting evidence suppressed goes, it's not really as hard as you might think. And, if evidence to back up certain charges is suppressed, then said charges are dismissed as well. There are an infinite number of loopholes I'm sure that Hardy's lawyers could exploit and it ultimately could've been anything. Maybe the search warrant wasn't properly signed or maybe certain evidence was found in an area not specified within the warrant or maybe Hardy's fingerprints weren't discovered on any of the evidence seized and the judge decided that, just maybe, it had been left there without his knowledge by someone else, etc. If a lawyer is clever enough, the area is gray enough and the presiding judge is able to make a ruling without much fear of being overturned, you'd be surprised how many technicalities can be utilized in order to suppress evidence or get charges dropped.

Of course, this is all just speculation on my part. I don't know what went on and, so far as I know, details haven't been revealed. I'm personally hoping that Hardy takes a plea in which part of the plea does entail drug counseling and, maybe even rehab. I know he's a grown man and all that, but I just don't want to see another wrestling tragedy if it's something that can be avoided.
Well it good be a good thing or a bad thing, depending upon how you look at it. For one thing, it looks as though this criminal trial is, for all intents and purposes, over and done with as the most serious charges have been dropped. So, Hardy doesn't have as much hanging over his head and doesn't have as much to worry about. He can potentially get on with his career and could be placed in more favorable positions by TNA in the near future. So, that's definitely something good I think.

On the other hand, if Jeff Hardy is someone with a drug problem or is hooked up with some shady characters, getting off might not do him any favors in the long run. Hardy has a history of self-destructive behavior and making poor choices that have cost him. This criminal case being a prime example. After all, being found not guilty, having charges thrown out or having evidence suppressed doesn't mean that you're innocent. You have innocent as in "I didn't do anything illegal" and you have innocent as in "I may have done something illegal, but I was aquited under the rules of the American System."

I haven't read any statements or press releases saying that Jeff Hardy is completely innocent of the charges. Even if his attorneys did release a statement, they're of course going to say that he's innocent even if he were as guilty as the day is long. As far as getting evidence suppressed goes, it's not really as hard as you might think. And, if evidence to back up certain charges is suppressed, then said charges are dismissed as well. There are an infinite number of loopholes I'm sure that Hardy's lawyers could exploit and it ultimately could've been anything. Maybe the search warrant wasn't properly signed or maybe certain evidence was found in an area not specified within the warrant or maybe Hardy's fingerprints weren't discovered on any of the evidence seized and the judge decided that, just maybe, it had been left there without his knowledge by someone else, etc. If a lawyer is clever enough, the area is gray enough and the presiding judge is able to make a ruling without much fear of being overturned, you'd be surprised how many technicalities can be utilized in order to suppress evidence or get charges dropped.

Of course, this is all just speculation on my part. I don't know what went on and, so far as I know, details haven't been revealed. I'm personally hoping that Hardy takes a plea in which part of the plea does entail drug counseling and, maybe even rehab. I know he's a grown man and all that, but I just don't want to see another wrestling tragedy if it's something that can be avoided.

Not all addicts react the same way to being sequestered into a forcible rehab, nor do they react the same way to being sequestered into a forcible counseling program.

The AA book makes a key note of this in it's first step (of 12 steps to recovery) when it notes that admitting you have a problem is a prerequisite to a sober future. If Hardy doesn't think he has a problem, forcing him to admit he does, or forcing him to comply to some agenda he wants nothing to do with for whatever prolonged period of time won't do a thing but buy him time until he can legally get his next fix once he's beaten the system – yet again.

While I don't want to see another tragedy in wrestling either, especially one as popular and young as Jeff, I do think this should be something he should want on his own, and not something he's forced to want by some type of legal doctrine/ruling, as I really doubt either would actually help him in the long-run.
It always amazes me how desperate people are to judge Jeff like they know his exact situation or something. It reaches a ridiculous point. People say such ridiculous things and bash him and TNA for signing this guy "that is obviously going to jail" when it is clear they have no idea what they are talking about. Yet, when it becomes obvious they were wrong do they admit they were? Nope, they make up some new fabricated "knowledge" about Hardy that retroactively gives renewed justification for their misguided feelings about him. Now it will be I know he was probably guilty but the lawyers got him off and of course he is still doped out of his mind about to kill himself. The fact is stuff like this is irresponsible speculation even if you admit afterwards you have no idea. The part that is most sad is that most people bash him in such ways mostly cause they wish he was in wwe. They usually cover it up with a veiled comment about his personal health but they have basically zero evidence for this so it is hard to buy into.

This is a good thing for Hardy. He got the most serious charges dropped and his performance in TNA has picked up. He appears to be doing well at the moment. Why is it so hard for people to root for him instead of constantly sentence him to go down a dark path?
Good news for TNA, although I'm not that bothered about Jeff Hardy personally.

Wonder if him and Scott Hall will party?
It's crucial for TNA that Jeff gets off with these charges and gets his head back in the game. They need him to get sorted out and start putting good matches on again. He's been erratic in the ring since he came to TNA. Having said that, he's been better recently and his promos and talking have started making sense again.

I think it was Waltman they were worried about him partying with more than Hall!
It always amazes me how desperate people are to judge Jeff like they know his exact situation or something.

Do you see anyone in this thread judging him?

It reaches a ridiculous point. People say such ridiculous things and bash him and TNA for signing this guy "that is obviously going to jail" when it is clear they have no idea what they are talking about.

Do you hear anyone bashing TNA in this thread? It sounds to me as if you have a chip on your shoulder regarding anything negative about TNA or any of its stars.

Yet, when it becomes obvious they were wrong do they admit they were? Nope, they make up some new fabricated "knowledge" about Hardy that retroactively gives renewed justification for their misguided feelings about him. Now it will be I know he was probably guilty but the lawyers got him off and of course he is still doped out of his mind about to kill himself.

You're trying to make it sound as if he really didn't do anything and that everyone is out to get him. Jeff Hardy may walk away from this scott free, but that doesn't mean that he still isn't guilty of everything that he's been charged with. I'm not even saying that he's guilty either and I just thought it would be interesting to discuss. All the information that's been released about the trial is out there on the net. It isn't hard to find. Now, as I said, I haven't read about anyone in this thread throwing Hardy to the dogs or belittling him or his situation. If someone with total ignorance too lazy to find out any information decides to shoot his or her mouth off, there's nothing I can do about that. This is an internet forum after all. Being innocent in a court of law isn't the same thing as actually being innocent of the crime. I hope very much that Jeff Hardy is able to walk away from this better than when he entered it. Jeff Hardy is a young man and still has a bright future ahead of him. Anybody that wants to see something bad happen to him is a poor excuse for a human being in my opinion. I know that nobody can prevent bad things from taking place or preventing good people from making poor choices in the world, but that doesn't mean we should salivate over the prospect. What I find disturbing, however, is that so many people are willing to make excuses for him and excuse his behavior. I've seen a decent number of people scared straight by a little jail time. I admit that court appointed rehabilitation or counseling doesn't always work, but I'd rather someone at least attempt to try to help him instead of just sending him on his merry way. I hope this experience has done Hardy some good. I personally hope that this is the last involvement we'll hear about him and drugs

The fact is stuff like this is irresponsible speculation even if you admit afterwards you have no idea.

What's irresponsible about it? Threads on this forum are created every single day discussing speculative theories about wrestlers, wrestling angles, the personal lives of wrestlers and in what direction those lives are heading. This isn't any more or less irresponsible than any other speculative thread out there.

The part that is most sad is that most people bash him in such ways mostly cause they wish he was in wwe. They usually cover it up with a veiled comment about his personal health but they have basically zero evidence for this so it is hard to buy into.

So, whenever someone makes a comment about concern for Jeff Hardy's health, they're secretly bashing him? That sounds a tad paranoid to me. Damn, and I thought I was a cynic.

This is a good thing for Hardy. He got the most serious charges dropped and his performance in TNA has picked up. He appears to be doing well at the moment. Why is it so hard for people to root for him instead of constantly sentence him to go down a dark path?

Once again, do you see anyone on this thread rooting against him? Maybe the cold hard facts aren't pleasant to hear, but that doesn't mean they should be ignored. Nobody has sentenced him to a dark path. Hoping that he should seek help for the problems in his life isn't bashing him, it's not hoping that things go wrong for him. I don't know how severe Jeff Hardy's drug problems are, never pretended to. I do know that they were enough to get him released from the WWE twice. I do root for Jeff Hardy, but that doesn't mean I'm going to naively ignore the fact that he has problems. As a Corrections Officer, I've never seen anyone just simply "walk away" from serious drug use without help. I've never personally come across anyone that just decides to go cold turkey and gut it out. I think anyone that believes Jeff Hardy can do that also believes in pixies and elves. Just because Jeff Hardy may well get out of this scrape simply doesn't automatically mean that he's going to be ok. But, I guess as long as he can still go in there and wrestle matches without falling down all over the place, that's enough for most people.
I don't think any of us know all of the details if Hardy is guilty or innocent, but it is startling that Hardy has his cased delayed twice and had most of these serious charges dropped. Maybe they are bogus charges, but considering Hardy's history I wouldn't doubt that some were true. I just hope this isn't a quick fix for Hardy where he gets off Scott free and feels that he can do whatever he wants to.

Hopefully Hardy is clean and this mess will be behind him. TNA doesn't really drug test though and they are pretty lenient on their wrestlers. I'm sure TNA is ecstatic that Hardy is free of these charges. I just hope it doesn't bite them in the ass later with Hardy overdosing or getting arrested again. I just hope that whatever happens Hardy is able to straighten his life out after this.

I really don't care if he stays in TNA or wrestling in general. I just don't want to see another wrestling drug related tragedy that we have been seeing for decades now.
It looks like I may have spoken too soon. It's now being reported that not only have the charges not been dropped but another charge has been added to the count. At least, that's what's being reported here: http://www.prowrestling.net/artman/publish/TNA/article10012345.shtml

According to the article, the reason the case has been continued is that a full docket prevented the case from being heard on June 3rd. Also, the article says that the district attorney for the county, a woman named Maureen Krueger, reports that the charges are still pending and that Hardy is now also charged with felony trafficking of Opium. Apparently, the story getting out that charges had been dropped got around when wrestling reporters contacted officials in Moore County and were told by these officials that three of the four charges had been dropped.

The story at prowrestling.net was taken from this article: http://www.thepilot.com/news/2010/jun/08/pro-wrestler-jeff-hardy-still-faces-multiple-drug-/ so I was wrong. I guess that's what I get for jumping the gun. It now seems that Hardy is in even more trouble than he was before.
It looks like I may have spoken too soon. It's now being reported that not only have the charges not been dropped but another charge has been added to the count. At least, that's what's being reported here: http://www.prowrestling.net/artman/publish/TNA/article10012345.shtml

According to the article, the reason the case has been continued is that a full docket prevented the case from being heard on June 3rd. Also, the article says that the district attorney for the county, a woman named Maureen Krueger, reports that the charges are still pending and that Hardy is now also charged with felony trafficking of Opium. Apparently, the story getting out that charges had been dropped got around when wrestling reporters contacted officials in Moore County and were told by these officials that three of the four charges had been dropped.

The story at prowrestling.net was taken from this article: http://www.thepilot.com/news/2010/jun/08/pro-wrestler-jeff-hardy-still-faces-multiple-drug-/ so I was wrong. I guess that's what I get for jumping the gun. It now seems that Hardy is in even more trouble than he was before.

You could just as easily be jumping the gun again. That's why things like this shouldn't be discussed until after all the facts come out. Speculation, even with what passes as evidence on wrestling sites, can get very sketchy. We all know Jeff is in very hot water and really, that's all we need to know until the trail is over.

Let's not all try to play Nancy Grace here.
In the end all that can be said about this, regardless of the details of the trial or whether he's guilty and sentenced or he's found innocent and the charges are dropped, is that Jeff Hardy did it all to himself. It's all on him and no one else. I am quite interested to see what the final result of all of this is, and how TNA responds if it does turn out bad.
This is a good thing for Hardy. He got the most serious charges dropped and his performance in TNA has picked up. He appears to be doing well at the moment. Why is it so hard for people to root for him instead of constantly sentence him to go down a dark path?

If he did absolutely nothing wrong, then we can root for him. That would presume he didn't buy drugs, hasn't used drugs, and didn't sell or distribute drugs. If he did any of those things, I don't see the harm in hoping justice is served and he gets punished. I don't care that he's a great wrestler; that doesn't make me want to root for him if he's guilty of these offenses.

Quite the contrary, I resent that wealthy people are able to buy the services of high-priced lawyers who seem to be able to get people off..... with it not even mattering whether or not they're guilty. That's what the idea of "having the most serious charges dropped" means to me. It doesn't prove he isn't guilty of these things, it just means his lawyer succeeded in getting the charges thrown out so Jeff doesn't have to be tried in court.

I'll bet Jeff Hardy can afford higher-priced representation than you or I could. It might mean the difference between having to face the music...... or having the music shut off before he has to face it.

If he ultimately has to face any charges at all.....and he's acquitted of them, I can go back to rooting for him as a wrestler. Let the courts decide.

But first, let it go to court......which may never happen
I'm going to preface this by saying that I have no idea who or what to believe about this whole thing. I've heard so many conflicting stories. Jeff Hardy is guilty, Jeff Hardy is being framed by police, Jeff Hardy was set up by a past associate, the whole thing is a work and that's why his trial is constantly being "postponed".

Obviously people other than myself know a bit more about this, or perhaps know if the sources we're relying on are, in fact, reliable. However, this is coming from a cynical fellow who never trusts the press very far. I don't even know how far to trust the reports on this site. I've been leaning towards the idea that perhaps Hardy was set up in a sting by the police (you might note that this happened immediately after he left the WWE, a company that likely could have shielded him from this sort of thing) and when the police didn't have enough evidence to really nail him, they charged him anyway and are going to continue with this farce until they can't anymore and Jeff Hardy is acquitted. At that point, so my theory goes, the story will be old enough that the police will not have to face quite so much embarrassment over it. After all, the cops have a media presence to protect these days, too.

Still, I'm one of the many waiting to hear the final word. I get the feeling it's going to be a long time before any of us do.
I was just curious if people actually like Jeff Hardy? I personally hate his gimmick, hate his wrestling style and just don't understand why he is such a big name. I loved the early Jeff Hardy when he tagged with Matt. I just don't understand the glow in the dark paint, I don't understand the whole Charismatic Enigma thing and from what I have seen (I don't watch TNA every week, I only watch the WWE every week), his wrestling ability isn't anywhere as amazing as it once was. Plus it seems like his work ethic is awful.

I do wish to add I took a 8 year break from wrestling and just started watching wrestling again last January so maybe in those 8 years he had some amazing story lines and that is why everyone likes him.

So with all that said can people tell me what they think of Jeff Hardy. Do you agree with me? If you disagree can you tell me why I should like Jeff Hardy? I mean it very well may be I just missed way to many amazing Jeff Hardy moments the past 8 years.

What do you guys think?

I am a huge Jeff fan, but I don't think I'm gonna have the ability to convince you to like him if you don't already. The best I can come up with is this:

Do you think Ric Flair is putting on 5 star matches these days? Well was he back in the 80s? Back in 1999, the wrestling world was blown away by Jeff's abilities, he was young, had a lot of flash, and did moves that were simply incredible for the time. I'd go as far as to say he single handedly reinvented the ladder match. All that credit that Matt, Christian, and Edge get for ladder matches really belongs to Jeff, combined the three of them didn't take 1/10th of the risks Jeff did.

Beyond that though, he's an underdog. He's undersized, he had his first WWF match at age 16 I believe. You got to watch him evolve, and as you watched all the others around him achieve some level of success, he just couldn't seem to get to the top of the mountain, some wondering if he would ever live up to his potential. So when he won his first world title it was a big deal for the fans that believed in him through the wellness test failures, getting fired, his TNA run, his house burning down, etc. he's a hard luck story and you want to see him do good.

Is his wrestling ability anywhere near what it once was? Absolutely not. How could it be though? He'd be a cripple if he kept it up, he's had to change his style considerably for both the longevity of his career but also to accommodate his change in body style from cruiserweight to heavyweight.

In a nut shell, those are some of my reasons for liking him. As far as the kids or new fans go...and this is just a guess, but the guy is like a comic book come to life. He has wild multi colored hair, marches to his own beat, has glow in the dark facepaint, and armbands, high flying moves. He's just...cool.

Not to mention he's like a marketing dream, with his endless variety of action figure possibilities and t-shirts because of his ever evolving style.
jeff hardy blows, he's just a waste of space on the tna roster, every match he's in u know the outcome cause he never loses
he should never go over the up and comers; hes not a legend why let him win what he doesnt deserve
he's not main event material
jeff hardy and randy orton is why i stopped watching WWE
to me they killed wrestling
who wants to see two cupcakes wearing a heavyweight title

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