*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] Undertaker's Wrestlemania Streak Discussion

who should be the next victim of 'the streak'?

  • big show

  • triple h

  • rey mysterio

  • mvp

  • drew mcintyre

  • c.m. punk

  • chris jericho

  • edge

  • john cena

  • sheamus

  • randy orton

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Why, Hello, Again.

anyway, I don't believe that it will happen. For one, Vince and Taker have already had their big feud. Remember that whole 2003 Survivor Series ordeal, which brought the Dead Man back in the first place? No need to re-enact it again, really. Second, Vince always does nothing but the job at Wrestlemania. Everyone has gotten a win over him. I believe he's the only wrestler with multiple appearences at Wrestlemania not to win. Actually, I stand corrected; it's actually he, and The Warlord. But Vince always does the job at Wrestlemania.

Vince is egomaniacal, but he knows his talent would flip a shit if the scenario you imagined occured. He may have an ego, but even he knows this wouldn't be good business.

I understand your worries, but no.
Wow seriously could you imagine WWE letting Vince McMahon beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania? It would be the #3 worst thing happening to the wrestling world #1. David Arquette wins the world heavyweight championship, #2. Vince McMahon wins the WWF title/Royal rumble (tied for 2nd), I'm sorry but if a 63 year old man who is in good shape, but a crappy wrestler can beat a 40+ Undertaker who has beat 400+lbs guys at Wrestlemania win a 2 on 1 match, win multiple casket matches, a hell in the cell, a no holds barred match, but loses to the 63 year old owner of the company then wrestling has become worse then Vince Russo as head writer of WCW and I will go to just watching TNA because all credibility from WWE would be gone.
I agree with Tenta on this one. Vince Mcmahon and The Undertaker already had their rivalry in 2003. And if Vince did face Taker. The Undertaker would destroy him. Plus I don't think Taker will ever lose at Wrestle Mania. I think The Undertaker will retire 20-0
This is ridiculous. This thread can't be serious, right? Vince might have a huge ego but he's a smart business man and there is no way he'd end Undertaker's winning streak himself.
Sorry dude but thats just ridiculous imo i think Taker should maintainthat streak until he dies man, the streak is the Undertakers legacy it's almost like taking away Hogan's slam that was heard aaround the world. That streak completes the Undertaker it's what makes him who he is and then having someone like Vinny Mac win is just bad business and as egotistical as Vince is he even knows that is like shooting your self in the foot.
Vince may have an ego, but he puts over his talent. Vince rarely wins matches (especially at Mania) and he knows the importance of the streak and he himself will not end it. If I remember correctly Vince isn't keen of the streak ever ending, so I really can't see him doing it. Plus like most have said Vince and Taker have had their feud. No need to rehash it, though their confrontation a whiles back was pretty awesome.
Vince McMahon may have a huge ego but he is not a idiot, he knows that if he was the one to end Takers streak it will kill the ratings for the WWE as a whole. I don't see takers streak ending the way I see it, if it ends against Michaels this year it will damage what the Undertaker has so far for a legacy, most of his dvd's have mainly been built around the streak. So if WWE did choose to end the streak they will suffer a huge blow financially
Another that agrees with Tenta. It wont happen because the fued already took place. But good on your point of noticing that one way or another Vince does take on the top talent and somehow beats them. But i dont see Vince beating Bret this Sunday and i dont see The Undertaker's streak ending. I am one of the guys that say if he loses, his legacy is tarnished. And it sounds so stupid to say, but i believe to be true. If Undertaker were to lose, after the WWE has made SUCH a big deal about his streak, and us 20 something folks have grown up with this thing, it would kill Undertaker legacy, but that's just my opinion. I just think the streak CAN'T and will not end.

In the end, Vince has wrestled everybody. I honestly think after his feud with Bret, we wont see him in the ring anymore. There is no else to feud with, unless...Macho Man Randy Savage comes back..., and i just dont see him walking thru that door.
as far as that no Vince wont let that happen he is far to good a business man to let that happen if anything Taker will beat Mchmahon in his final Mania appearance.... but for anyone that can beat him..... i would maybe a slight chance say 2 people Goldberg (if he returns) or Orton!
Vince may be an egotistical dick head but he isn't stupid. He knows how bad for business that would be and we all know Vince is about the money. Vince and Taker' have already had their rivalry so no point going back their as we've seen Vince get the shit kicked out of him by Taker'. Also WrestleMania is the place where Vince always jobs, even though he has had only three matches at WM he always lets them beat the tar out of him and let them pick up the win as we are going to see that once again this Sunday. As other posters have stated, Vince isn't keen on ending the streak so why would he want to end one of the biggest things in the history of wrestling? Plus I'm sure if Vince wanted to end the streak, he would let a young athlete win like Cena or something.

There is no way Vince will be the one to break the streak.
No need to be fearful there Big Show, this will NOT happen. Ever. First of all, I doubt we will ever see an Undertaker/Vince match. It's my opinion that once Taker is gone, he's gone. There will not be any big coming-out-of-retirement match for Taker. While Vince is most certainly an egomaniac, I don't think Taker is.

I would bet, and once again this is just my opinion, that Taker is confident enough in what he has done over the past 20-25 years to stay away from it all after he has retired (at least in an on-air role). Also, with that being said, I would like to point out that I am not saying that guys like Hogan, Flair, Bret Hart, etc. aren't confident in what they have done. There are many reasons for guys like this to come back, so I'm not judging anyone.

But if for some reason, these two were to have a match at Mania, Vince is nowhere near crazy enough to think it would be wise for HIM to end the Undertakers streak. Vince is obviously an advocate of the streak, or else it would have already ended. Vince wouldn't build something like this up to high heaven, just to tear it down all by himself. That would be stupid, and Vince isn't stupid.

My guess is that the streak continues. Takers legacy is more important, at this point in time, than any storyline. Taker is one of the most over superstars in WWE history. It would seem totally counter-productive for Vince to end this streak, especially by pinning the Undertaker himself. I don't want to see the streak end. Ever. But if it does, you can bet all of the money in the world Vince will not be the one to do it. He's an egomaniac, but he isn't insane.
Ok. You guys are a bunch of fucking sheep. You know that, right? Whenever ANYONE starts a thread about who could possibly end the streak, in 2 seconds, it turns into thread with everyone saying the same shit OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

So in the spirit of originality, I'm going to say IF- IF Vince ever decides that the streak must come to an end, I agree that it will beyond a shadow of a doubt, be "MR. MCMAHON" to do it. Because Mr. McMahon is the only character in the WWE that can live with the heat. Think about it. The person who MIGHT end the streak would automatically become a heel for life. And Vince really doesn't wanna pin that medal on anyone of his employees. It would be a painted target for empty beer cans, toilet paper, and heckling for the rest of that wrestler's career.

So yet again IF it were ever to happen, Vince would take the heat of beating The Undertaker all by himself.
so at this years wrestlemania hbk lost to the undertaker and in doing so lost his career and trips lost his all time friend so for next year have trips fight undertaker in maybe a career vs career or have triple h win a world title and have it like title and career vs streak and career have triple h like the avenger to his friend and undertaker looking to retire dx in back to back wrestlemania matches.

just an idea i had would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Triple H vs. The Undertaker at WM27 isn't a bad idea. I just don't think it's necessary to have any careers or titles on the line. Triple H would simply want to avenge the loss of HBK. He could have bitter feeling toward Taker similar to how Batista felt about HBK after WM24. HHH will want to take away what's most important to Taker. The career stipulation is not necessary. After all if you throw in that stip that means one has to go. I don't see that happening yet. HHH isn't going anywhere and Taker needs to make it to WM28 to try for 20-0. I don't like WrestleMania rematches, but WM27 will be ten years since Taker fought HHH at mania so I guess that's ok.

Looking further ahead John Cena is the perfect opponent for Taker at WM28. I wanted that this year, but I think WM28 would be awesome. Taker will probably be ready to retire by then. He could announce that he is going to go 20-0 and then retire. Cena would be the perfect opponent because a lot of people would be terrified that he would be the one to end the streak. Cena is the golden boy and always "pushed like Superman." Everyone looses their last match. It would make sense that Cena would end the streak. The crowd reaction would be off the charts. In the end I think Taker deserves to win and should go out 20-0.
To some degree I think it could work, if one of them gets drafted during the upcoming draft (Triple H most likely to be drafted of the two) and when Undertaker returns, going against Triple H quite obviously, although it would have to have Undertaker return late this year / early next year, unless we want to see Undertaker and Triple H feud for a little over 6-7 months, only to culminate at Wrestlemania 27.

But on the other hand, I don't see it working, I see Undertaker wrestling some of the people he hasn't wrestled at Wrestlemania before, CM Punk, Jericho, Cena etc. or some youngster looking to make a name for himself (like Randy Orton), while I see Triple H actually putting people over or putting people's careers to rest (killing them before they get started that is.. not career ending matches) at Wrestlemania 27, and in the coming years, having Triple H build the talent of the future, which he seems to be doing quite nicely already with Sheamus.

And I must admit, I lean mostly to my 2nd thought, but I do think it could be a potential thing if Triple H and Undertaker wrestled at Wrestlemania 27.
Undertaker returns, going against Triple H quite obviously, although it would have to have Undertaker return late this year / early next year, unless we want to see Undertaker and Triple H feud for a little over 6-7 months, only to culminate at Wrestlemania 27.

i dont think they would have to feud for 6-7 maybe a month or 2 before have trips come out and lay a small seed by bringing hbk up more and more then have him throw down the challenge then tease it for a few weeks then set the match and have then doing attacks and stuff and maybe bring hbk back for a in ring promo about the match and stuff

just ideas lol would love to see it tbh
I mentioned this a couple of days ago. I think it's an excellent idea and makes a ton of sense. It extends the storyline with the DX connection. HHH would likely have a great match with him. Whoever Taker fights next, has to not only follow one classic match with HBK, but TWO. That's a daunting task. Lots of people are suggesting up and comers like Ted Dibiase, but I think that's totally the wrong way to go. I think it needs to be a major star who can afford to lose to Taker, someone like HHH or Chris Jericho. It gives HHH a more marquee match at the big dance, which he's earned after putting over some of the younger guys for a while now. It also gives the streak more credibility, as the big wins of the streak have all been later in the streak than sooner. HHH at WrestleMania 27 would set up John Cena at WM28 perfectly, and Taker can retire on top 20-0.
Well people are forgetting next year Wrestlemania is going to be Atlanta so I dont see Triple H facing him next year and getting revenge nor do i see John Cena beating THE STREAK HOWEVER, I do see the streak ending next year not by anyone that is employed by WWE currently, I see a man that is going to the hall of faME NEXT YEAR wrestling in his first and last WWE match and if you dont know who im talking about than you are not a true wrestling fan neither are u a wrestling genius like me, But back to the subject they already had Trpis vs. Taker at X-7 and i dont want to see it at 27 cuz I feel Triple H is nt the same calibur of wrestler of an HBK, Ric Flair, or even Diseal or Sid, cuz he fucked his way to the top andthat alone makes Triple H not worty to face Taker again....
I assume Wrestling Genius is referring to Sting, and while a good idea, my thought is different. He can't wrestle someone he's already beaten at Wrestlemania, nor can he wrestle an up and comer as no one would really believe that the outcome was in doubt (unless maybe DiBiase Jr, with help from his dad.... I brought you in to the WWE Taker, I can take you out kind of thing). The opponent he needs for next wrestlemania, who may be Hall of Fame bound himself, and who has hinted he may return, and who can credibly be believed to beat him..................................GOLDBERG.
I feel once Wrestlemania ends, the next one is already in discussions. I think we really need to chill out on the topic of Wrestlemania 27, because 26 ended literally like 4 days ago.

To at least answer your question, if you are thinking of a career vs. career match, that won't work. I'm assuming Undertaker would win, so I don't see Triple H retiring in a year or even before the Undertaker.
With the Undertaker gettin old and all....I think WM27 would have to capitolize on a fued (maybe not match) that hasnt been seen before.......as right now there are very few who are top-notch who hasnt got a WM match with Taker........but Im going go out on a limb and put potentially the most streak-threatening wrestler in the WWE today.

Mark My Words...WM27`

Cena v Undertaker

Its a match that would need no lead in. A match people definatly would want to see, and its the only real threat to ending that streak that hasnt been done before. (Orton, Edge, Big Show, HHH have all lost to him at WM) It sells itself.

Chris Jericho would be my second guess....with CMPunk and Mysterio as long shots. But Id rather Jericho face someone like Morrison. And CmPunk....well I dont know what Id do with him next year, but I got 11 months to think about it.

As old as Taker is getting......this might be the only time to get a decent Cena-Taker match. Hope it happens.
ok first off i think this would be a great feaud when taker comes back from break, however for him to fight him at wm27 not gonna happen hhh already lost taker has to fight someone new at 27 win and face cena at 28 for 20-0, i belive he will beat cena go 20 -0 and retire(not like hbk officially) but only come back once in a while like other legands. i do like the idea of goldberg in atl for 27 cena 28 (how scared would everyone be that he'd loose to them) and there guys that could win and if taker beats them for 20 - 0 it would be the greatest ending to a career ever
Triple H vs Undertaker can turn out to be a great match considering Taker ended his best friends career and all, but I don't see Taker making it to Mania 27, he seems to hurt and broken down which is sad, but if he can make it to Mania 27 then I think it should be Taker vs Trips or Taker vs Cena, I also think Cena can put up a good match with Taker and we all know Trips can too but Trips already faced him at WM 17 and I don't really like Wrestlemania rematches so Cena vs Taker would be better.
I'm am fine with a HHH rematch or a Cena match. I can still see Cena Taker next year. The thing is that the streak has taken an even bigger shot to the arm. The fact that Shawn Michaels couldnt even end the streak is huge. The fact that it ended his career is really huge. The streak is absolutely ridiculous right now. The match that follows the end of HBK should be something awesome. I feel only Cena or The Game could do that.
I feel that if HBK can't end the streak, neither can HHH or Cena... they shouldn't. The streak should never end. Taker should walk out with a win at wrestlemania not a lose. as for HHH v. Taker at mania, that'd be great. I'd perfer undertaker v. cena more at mania because cena can probably put on more of an exciting match and keep our hearts beating the whole time... HHH v. taker is probably more likely though...

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