*MERGED* WWE Ask a Question Thread

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Kofi was mentioned as having screwed up some spot with Orton on a recent RAW, and it maybe putting him in the doghouse.

I missed that, anyone care to catch me up?
OK, I've heard many rumors towards Goldberg... i read on Wrestlezone that he is close to signing a contract. then on the JR blog it says he is just signing it for merchandise purposes and to make money. his tweets claim he wants one more match... What the hell is going on?:banghead:
Kofi was mentioned as having screwed up some spot with Orton on a recent RAW, and it maybe putting him in the doghouse.

I missed that, anyone care to catch me up?

A copule months ago, Kofi messed up a spot apparently, and Randy Orton called him a bitch in the ring on air, maybe that is what they are refering to.

OK, I've heard many rumors towards Goldberg... i read on Wrestlezone that he is close to signing a contract. then on the JR blog it says he is just signing it for merchandise purposes and to make money. his tweets claim he wants one more match... What the hell is going on?:banghead:

As far as I know, Goldberg has signed on, as I believe they are going to make a Goldberg movie, and perhaps put him into the Hall of Fame. As for the Match, if Bret HArt had a match wit hWWE, I am sure Goldberg could.
Its being reported that Shane McMahon wasnt at WM or even the HoF, surprising everyone. I'm kinda wondering what the cause is. Was there a falling out between father and son? Did Shane just get sick of the business? First he suddenly departed from the WWE, but I just figured that he wanted to make a name for himself outside of his father's shadow. But now he doesnt even show up to support the family business on the biggest night of the year? Discuss.
Well, there are only 2 possible reasons. It's either he was to busy with something else or he just didn't want to show up for the simple reason that he wants to separate himself from the company by having some Shane alone time to think where he wants to go next in his life.
The Ultimate Warrior quite easily squashed Triple H in under 2 minutes at Wrestlemania 12, I quite believe that would've been the match Triple H was refering to.
A shame if you ask me really, I think it could've been a fine match to really make Triple H worth something earlier than he was.
I think it was a way of punishing him for his little MSG incident thing.

Too many people use the MSG incident to explain the HHH squash at WM 12. The fact is...Warrior had just signed with the WWE again and they wanted to give him one last monster push. He was being built up big time for his return and there was no way they would have HHH come close to winning and ruin the Warrior credibility.

Of course, they give Warrior another Wrestlemania win and he craps on it 3 months later by no-showing events leading to his termination.
Too many people use the MSG incident to explain the HHH squash at WM 12. The fact is...Warrior had just signed with the WWE again and they wanted to give him one last monster push. He was being built up big time for his return and there was no way they would have HHH come close to winning and ruin the Warrior credibility.

Of course, they give Warrior another Wrestlemania win and he craps on it 3 months later by no-showing events leading to his termination.

Another thing people need to realize is that the MSG incident happened AFTER WrestleMania XII. HHH getting squashed by Warrior was not a punishment because the incident hadn't taken place yet. I have read so many times people think it was punishment for MSG. This is not debatable. WM12, March 31, 1996. MSG incident May 19, 1996. Case closed.
Another thing people need to realize is that the MSG incident happened AFTER WrestleMania XII. HHH getting squashed by Warrior was not a punishment because the incident hadn't taken place yet. I have read so many times people think it was punishment for MSG. This is not debatable. WM12, March 31, 1996. MSG incident May 19, 1996. Case closed.

Great point, Brain. I thought this was the case but wasn't 100% certain so I refrained from saying it.
So i have a question about the wellness policy, I know after failing drug tests three times your out. And I believe they can come back in a year but what I was wondering what happens when they come back after the three strikes and fail a test again? Do they just get fired or would the whole process start again?
So i have a question about the wellness policy, I know after failing drug tests three times your out. And I believe they can come back in a year but what I was wondering what happens when they come back after the three strikes and fail a test again? Do they just get fired or would the whole process start again?

Well yeah that's right if you have three strikes you will automatically be out, But if some how the WWE gives you another chance to come back after a year later, you will only have one chance to stay in the WWE, Your strike status will still be the same as you left with 3 strike basically you will be on probation, So if they some how test you and you get a positive drug result, You will automatically get fired.
That Raw v. Nitro chart is very cool and a great resource. I noticed the May 24th '99 show of Raw was the highest on the chart with a 7.2. I wonder what was going on then. I can't recall.
That Raw v. Nitro chart is very cool and a great resource. I noticed the May 24th '99 show of Raw was the highest on the chart with a 7.2. I wonder what was going on then. I can't recall.

May 24th, 1999 was the Owen Hart tribute show the night after he died.

But seeing as how this is a bit unrelated to the topic at hand, I'm going to move this question and my response to the WWE Ask a Question thread, located here:

What ever happened to Sunday Night Heat and Saturday Night Velocity? I remember watching those shows every week when I first started wrestling and was wondering if they just faded away or did they have a last episode?
Heat ended on WWE.com, because they replaced it with WWE Vintage Collections. Velocity tapings ended when WWE started to tape ECW.
What happened to Saturday Nights Main Event?

pretty much the same question as the user above asked about Heat and Velocity.
They only occur when NBC lets the WWE have prime time space, but with the horrendous ratings they recieved, they were cut in favour of Wrestlemania rewinds like we had last year.
I believe that would be Brock Lesnar when the titles were made disputed again, although if we're counting the time when it was called the WWE undisputed championship then it would have to be Hulk Hogan who held the title between April 21 2002 - May 19 2002 where as WWE made the name change official to WWE on May 6.
I've noticed that due to both being on Spike TV, there are some pro wrestlers who attend UFC matches.

Has Kurt Angle been seen attending any of Brock Lesnar's matches?
I've noticed that due to both being on Spike TV, there are some pro wrestlers who attend UFC matches.

Has Kurt Angle been seen attending any of Brock Lesnar's matches?

If you're talking on-camera, I believe Kurt attended Brock's very first UFC fight and was on camera for a total of about 3 seconds. Besides that, we've all seen Undertaker, JBL, and Hulk Hogan at multiple UFC events, but not Kurt Angle.
Hulk Hogan was the last official WWF Undiputed Heavyweight Champion and the First WWE Undisputed Heavyweight Champion

According to Wikipedia:

The title was renamed the WWE Undisputed Championship on May 6, 2002 after World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. settled a lawsuit with the World Wide Fund for Nature, and became simply World Wrestling Entertainment.

During this time, Hulk Hogan was indeed the champion.
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