Mustang Sally


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
There's no easy way to say this.

On April 29, Mustang Sally passed away due to brain cancer. Her spouse has been in contact with me over the last month or so and confirmed her passing away this morning. It's rare to see something like this happen around here and it's still harder than anything else.

I don't know how many of you knew or interacted with Sally very much but she was a very sweet, intelligent and all around nice person. She's one of the kindest people the forum has ever had and I never remember her causing even the slightest problem with anyone.

Use thread to share your memories of her or pay your respects. Sally's spouse will be monitoring this and might even make a comment in it so someone will actually be seeing it.

It was a hard pill to swallow when I first heard it. She was always a cheerful girl. She'd always rep me with smileys for posts and I could never figure out why. She'd always post something on any topic, no matter how much shitflinging was going on with the intent of giving some lighthearted banter.

Her eternal love for Drew Galloway is never gonna be forgotten. Or for being the most vocal female in the forum the last couple of years. Rest In Peace, Sally. You'll be missed.
Sally was easily one of my favorites during all my years here. I enjoyed talking with her when I got the chance, especially about How I Met Your Mother. I remember getting a really good laugh from her telling me about her experience at WWE New York, she definitely had a way with words and I always appreciated the wave of rep I got from her last year, usually with a big smiley face.

It sucks hearing anyone die, it's even worse when you've had conversations and it really, really sucks when it happens to someone as cool as Sally. RIP Sally, you'll truly be missed.
Very saddened by this. Sally and I interacted fairly regularly. She was one of those people that could chat about anything on the industry, modern era or pre-modern era, and that passion and knowledge was appreciated. As a fan that shared a few of the same interests and opinions I will miss having those conversations from a very warm, tolerant, and kindhearted person.

Rest in Peace Sally. You will be missed my friend.
I didn't know her well but what I saw of her gave the distinct impression that she was intelligent, informed and thoroughly lovely. May she rest in peace.
RIP Sally

In all the time I spent away from the forum, I could always come back and have a message from her, asking how I was, where I've been. You could always tell she genuinely cared, and in a place where it's so easy to find the opposite, she was a breath of fresh air. She'll be sorely missed, but never forgotten...
Wow, I'm shocked. Tragic news to wake up to. From the little interaction I had with Sally, it was obvious to me how kindhearted and caring of a person she was. She was always there to brighten the mood with a joke or a sweet PM. She was a rare bit of sunshine in this otherwise cruel place, and she'll be missed by more people than she knows.

The good die young. RIP Mustang Sally.
Well this put a damper on my day.

Like others we never interacted much but when we did she never had anything but nice things to say.

Wow, this is very sad news. Sally was one of the very best posters on this forum, and a very sweet person. It was always a pleasure to interact with her. It's going to be a lot less fun around here without here.

RIP Sally.
RIP to Mustang Sally. Great member. She was such a nice person. Always had great things to say. She will be missed around here.
I don't recall interacting with her much, but observed from a distance she always seemed like a genuinely decent person. She was certainly one of the community's better contributors. RIP.

To her spouse and those who knew her better, I'm sorry for your loss.
Have been wondering for quite a while what had become of hands down, the best poster on WrestleZone forums since I joined.

RIP Mustang Sally. Gone but will never be forgotten.
Well this is an unfortunate shocker. Sally was amongst the very best on the forums, and it is a genuinely lesser place with her passing.
Genuine kindness and a wealth of knowledge rarely go so hand in hand. Thank you for sharing these gifts, Sally.
Jeez you don't expect to read something like this.

I didn't interact with Sally loads but whenever I posted in a thread and rambled she'd seem to get what I meant and often back up my point in a more concise manner which I thought was cool. She seemed to know a load of stuff and I always learnt a bit more of something by reading her posts.

Plus her love of Drew Galloway was lovely and endearing
She was so kind, always a smart little comment along with the rep she sent.

I dunno what to say, I feel like I knew her, and she was so so good and warm. This I can't process right now.

My condolences to her family.
I was heartbroken by the news. I'm just glad that I had the chance to say goodbye thanks to a PM from her account via her spouse. Sally was always encouraging to me during some of my most difficult times, her kindness will never be forgotten. My prayers go out to her family and all her friends.

Farewell, my friend.
I had very limited interactions with her, but she always came across a genuinely nice and caring person. On a forum, it's hard to miss people, but I'll miss her for sure.

RIP Sally...
That's terrible. Sally and I rarely interacted directly, but she was a great poster, always positive and seemed quick to applaud others. Reps from her were usually accompanied by a small compliment, which I always appreciated. I'll miss her pleasantness around here. Much condolences to her family.
On these forums it's very hard to find people that are universally liked, respected and accepted. Sally was all of these but also knowledgeable, smart, encouraging and genuine.

I'd like to suggest naming an end of year forum award in her honour, though given how consistent she was at racking up those awards it'll be tough to narrow it down to which one gets the call!

She was awesome, her posts are still here and the forums were a better place for having her here. So it goes.
Gutted by this, she was probably my favourite poster on this forum and the person I spoke to most.
I still don't know what to say. She'll be missed, a lot. RIP.

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