Never Say Never


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
Maybe it’s my desire to see it. Maybe it’s the lifelong wrestling fan in me saying it’ll happen. Maybe it’s just too damn obvious.

But... and it’s a HUGE but... CM Punk is coming back to WWE.

Stay with me for a minute before you spit water across the room (though nowhere near as well as Triple H).

Let’s start with the less obvious. This past weekend, UFC completely blew its legitimacy as a real fighting organization when Daniel Cormier cut his first WWE promo on Brock Lesnar. Pundits have long argued that UFC is not as real as it appears and it certainly seems as if UFC is leaning more and more towards sports entertainment and less and less towards real fighting. Don’t get me wrong, those guys truly do beat the hell out of one another with legit punches, kicks, choke holds, etc... But it’s also becoming more showmanship and entertainment than cage fighting. At some point in the very near future, we’re going to see DC fight Brock. Only question is whether it’s a UFC promotion or a WWE promotion.

That point being made, CM Punk hates wrestling, right? But he loves mixed martial arts (even though he sucks). At some point, he has to realize the two are becoming one in the same, right?

Next point — money talks. Shawn Michaels will never wrestle again... until he gets paid shit tons of money to go to Saudi Arabia and climb in the ring. The Undertaker continues to destroy his legacy because the payday is too large. Batista is going to wrestle again, despite being a Hollywood hit (albeit not on the Rock’s level) because money talks. The Rock came back a few times because Vince’s pockets run deep.

Regardless of past incidents, Vince will do what’s good for business. He’ll bury the hatchet with CM Punk, offer him a massive check, and let him work the Jericho, Lesnar, HHH wrestling schedule.

Point 3 (or maybe it’s point 13... I lost track) — the best in the world. Jesus... could they have said those words 1,000 more times during the runup, execution, and delivery of Crown Jewel? The crowd made it a point to chant CM Punk’s name during SmackDown while Shane was cutting a Crown Jewel promo, which he had a great response for. Of all the monikers they could have given the winner of the World Cup, they chose best in the world?!?! And then, they have a McMahon win the damn thing?!?! It’s a total setup for a McMahon versus Punk feud based on the history between Punk and the WWE.

I’m sure I’m 1000% wrong, but the writing on the wall has never been more clear. It just seems obvious. It just seems too obvious, right?
The problem isn't really with Vince as punk doesn't have a beef with him and Vince would always welcome him back. The problem is HHH, punk as been very vocal about his hate of HHH and since HHH is the guy in charge of hiring guy, It would take a miracle for punk to put his feelings toward HHH aside just for a payday.
Punk is not coming back... He is retired from wrestling, in probably a way he hates everything related to it, and the most obvious thing is the fact he never thought about ROH or NJPW, promotions in he was gonna be more free and probably he had a decent run on them. I think HHH is someone who likes more wrestling rather than entretainment (as a counterpart of Vince), so if Punk wanted to came back, he probably would say OK to it, but CM Punk actually, would be in a similar role as Bryan, as they are former Main Eventers.
But he is not coming back, it would be a career suicide for him. He needs to go away from Wrestling, from MMA and try to find something else
The problem isn't really with Vince as punk doesn't have a beef with him and Vince would always welcome him back. The problem is HHH, punk as been very vocal about his hate of HHH and since HHH is the guy in charge of hiring guy, It would take a miracle for punk to put his feelings toward HHH aside just for a payday.

Triple H's job as an executive is that he's supposed to be in charge of creative, life events and talent relations, which includes signing them, but that's all really just a technicality. Anything and everything that happens in WWE MUST be approved of by Vince McMahon unless Vince himself genuinely steps back and lets others handle it and that almost never happens. I'm sure that there are times where an executive comes to Vince and they discuss plan A or plan B, or what have you, and Vince says something like "Go with whatever you think is best." However, given what we know about Vince, I'd imagine that those times are in regard to subjects that Vince doesn't really think are important and/or doesn't really care but the hiring and firing of talent doesn't strike me as something that falls into that category.

CM Punk is someone that had issues with damn near everyone from Triple H to Vince to Stephanie to Kevin Dunn to John Cena. Punk is someone who has a combative personality, he enjoys provoking people and being confrontational, at least according to Colt Cabana and he probably knows, or knew, Punk better than almost anyone. Punk is still so bitter about things that, according to reports, he's basically completely severed ties with Colt Cabana due to Cabana attending a WWE show to visit friends backstage; this was around the time the lawsuit against the WWE doctor was going down and, last I heard, Cabana is suing Punk for not paying all the legal fees, which he allegedly agreed to do. They'd had some sort of falling out before all this a while back, I don't remember what exactly, but they kinda sorta made amends a while before the trial started; Cabana put some emails online, via Twitter I think, in which Punk basically told him that he was on his own when it came to the legal fees, which, if I remember correctly, were in excess of $550K. Punk paid his attorneys while leaving Cabana to foot the bill for his legal fees, knowing full well that Cabana can't afford to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Very few things are impossible and I'd say that there's an extraordinarily slim chance that Punk could return one day, but I'd bet against it. Punk has had offers from ROH and new Japan in which they've basically, allegedly, offered him to let him work when he wants, have creative control, etc. but he seems to be genuinely done with wrestling and wants nothing to do with it. He didn't even make a cameo appearance at All In even though he was in town and he could've done it just for the buzz it'd generate, so that's an indicator that even though he pretty much hates WWE, he's just not interested in anything wrestling related.

It'd be kinda cool for "Cult of Personality" to hit and see Punk stroll out on stage. He still has a lot of fans and most probably don't care about this but, for me, I've lost a lot of respect for the guy as more and more has been revealed about him over the course of the last, nearly, 5 years. I know that there are virtually no angels in pro wrestling, or saints for that matter, it's just that Punk really just seems like a 100% hypocritical douche bag. In all the various shoot interviews or whatever he's done, he portrays himself as some sort of heroic rebel standing up to the big corporate machine but it's a smokescreen. Punk wanted the John Cena push but didn't get it because of his combative attitude, didn't have the work ethic of Cena and had never really demonstrated any sort of real loyalty to the company. He bitched about part timers and special attractions coming into WWE and taking prime spots from people who bust their asses year round and are trying to get noticed, yet he had no problem using the name and buzz generated because of his association with WWE to bigfoot his way onto a couple of UFC ppvs ahead of legitimate MMA fighters who spent years busting their asses just to get UFC's attention. Punk used the fame WWE afforded him to collect mid six figure paydays from his two MMA fights and he came off looking like a complete joke.
I don't agree as I don't think CM Punk's value is that high anymore, Also his failed UFC career doesn't do him any favours and plus why hire someone who has stated their hate of not just WWE but all of wrestling numerous times? Personally I don't think he has been missed since he left.
The main factor obviously is money but I can't see WWE ever paying Punk what he thinks he is worth and I can't see him being worth that much.
I don't believe it's always about money as The Rock is third generation and I would guess isn't short of money and also Batista I've heard in an interview talking about how much he missed being in the ring and was hoping for one more match they won't work for free though as WWE isn't a charity. HBK's situation likely was about money though as it's disappointing his only match in almost a decade was in front of a crowd who throws homosexuals head first from the top of buildings and treats their animals better than their women.
I've no idea how his fans can still be so supportive of him even as of now. I have moved on. He has less nostalgic value to me right now than The Undertaker at this point.
The problem isn't really with Vince as punk doesn't have a beef with him and Vince would always welcome him back. The problem is HHH, punk as been very vocal about his hate of HHH and since HHH is the guy in charge of hiring guy, It would take a miracle for punk to put his feelings toward HHH aside just for a payday.


As much as we can praise Triple H as being more "progressive" or open than Vince McMahon. Vince has always been willing to let bygones be bygones. I don't see that in Triple H. I think Justin Gabriel did a shoot sometime after he left the WWE and said that Vince was supportive of Justin leaving while Triple H said something like "don't ever return to the WWE".

As much as we can praise Triple H as being more "progressive" or open than Vince McMahon. Vince has always been willing to let bygones be bygones. I don't see that in Triple H. I think Justin Gabriel did a shoot sometime after he left the WWE and said that Vince was supportive of Justin leaving while Triple H said something like "don't ever return to the WWE".

I've heard this from a lot of other performers as well. HHH seem to take it a lot more personally when somebody leave or stand up for themselves then Vince. For all the fault that Vince has, the one thing you can say about him is that he won't let bad blood get in the way of doing business. If somebody like punk criticize Vince, he will take it to heart but if they're a way to do business with the guy, HHH isn't going to let bygone be bygone for th3 good of the business.

Punk pretty much said that HHH wasn't worth is time for a mania match and didn't considered it a main event match and HHH as been piss off at him ever since for saying that he wasn't a main event guy.

Punk is a big money draw if he was interested in coming back to wrestling which he seem he doesn't but won't comeback to WWE because HHH's ego won't let it happens
I wish people would move on from CM Punk. Whenever I hear those CM Punk chants or anybody talking about CM Punk allegedly returning to WWE or wrestling in general, I cringe. How many times does it need to be spelled out that the guy himself has said that he is not interested in wrestling at all now? The guy hates it and wants to disassociate himself from wrestling. Now, I used to be a CM Punk fan dating back to his ROH days right up until he retired from WWE. I liked his in-ring moveset much more during his indie days than his WWE days, but his mic skills were always a joy to watch. As a wrestler, I do miss him from time to time only because of nostalgia tied to dream matches against former indie opponents that could have been displayed on the big stage. Now that that's never gonna happen since everyone is getting older and there isn't much time left for many to continue competing, it's in the past. That's fine though. I'm not expecting anything. As for all the animosity between him and other wrestlers in the WWE? I don't care. I don't agree with his opinions about Triple H, because despite me not liking Triple H for the longest time, I do have to respect what Triple H has accomplished in the WWE and for what he's currently doing. Triple H is a main event star and has beaten just about every top star that he's faced (with some exceptions). If that's the one guy that he's burned the bridges with, then it's pretty much been cemented that CM Punk is done for good. Of course, time heals things and people have been known to return (ex. Ultimate Warrior). However, CM Punk just seems like the type of guy that won't.

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