Nia Jax - Most Unique Woman In WWE?

Spidey Revivey

Porn is okay here long as it ain't dudes.
Besides her superstar look, there are several things going on with Nia that are rather interesting.

  • The way she connects with others in her division shows a camaraderie that eclipses even Bayley, who's whole shtick was to be that friend that gets double crossed. Nia makes friends, fights friends, and makes more friends while Bayley is still attached at the hip to Sasha Banks.
  • A better face than a heel, which in fairness is uncommon. Can't say the same for Sasha, Alexa, Becky, etc.
  • She's not a blonde Barbie doll the title card sees all the time. Like Charlotte.
  • When she's in a battle royale, she either wins it or needs assistance being eliminated. Great continuity.
  • On the microphone, she's better than most. Including UFC stars.
  • Actually HAS a character that isn't "bitchy" or "whatever Ember Moon is".

She has a lot going for her, eh?
I'm just not seeing what you're seeing in Nia Jax at all. Nia's interaction with others in the division isn't camaraderie as much as it's Vince McMahon's chaotic and inconsistent booking decisions.

I don't find Nia interesting as a face at all, she's barely interesting as a heel. She shows no real personality or charisma to speak of, her entire schtick is that she's the Rock's cousin and that she's 250+ pounds. At least as a heel she can put her size to good use by beating up on the babyfaces, but even that's pretty old hat by now.

I agree that Charlotte has been in the title picture too much but, at the same time, it's not like Charlotte doesn't have the ability warranted to be there. Nia is a big, slow, lumbering, un-athletic woman who's time as champion was a lousy, half assed attempt at yet another public service announcement from WWE aimed at fat shamers.

As far as a battle royal goes, I guess it's nice that Vince is consistent with her a couple of times a year if nothing else. Jax is pretty damned awful on the microphone. She reminds me a lot of Roman Reigns when he first embarked on his singles push in that she's just awkward and doesn't do a great job at showing any real degree of personality. I don't know if it's that she doesn't have any real personality, if it's the scripted aspects of the proo or a little bit of both, but Nia is NOT remotely better than most on the mic.

Again, I'm just not seeing what you're seeing. I don't see a character, I just see a woman that's 100+ pounds heavier than 99% of the women's roster and...that's pretty much it. Her music hits, she walks blandly to the ring, hits a couple of corner splashes, maybe an elbow drop or two, a Samoan Drop and the leg drop and that's pretty much all you get out of her.

I see Nia Jax and I see a woman that's just a step or two above Tamina, who may very well be the blandest, most uninteresting wrestler, male or female, to ever work for WWE. Like Tamina, Nia is part of the whole Samoan dynasty schtick, is related to the Anoa'i Family and is the Rock's cousin, which means that she'll probably have a job as long as she wants one no matter how bland or one dimensional she is.
I'm just not seeing what you're seeing in Nia Jax at all. Nia's interaction with others in the division isn't camaraderie as much as it's Vince McMahon's chaotic and inconsistent booking decisions.

Then I hope my argument for a five billion dollar company changes your mind.

I don't find Nia interesting as a face at all, she's barely interesting as a heel. She shows no real personality or charisma to speak of, her entire schtick is that she's the Rock's cousin and that she's 250+ pounds. At least as a heel she can put her size to good use by beating up on the babyfaces, but even that's pretty old hat by now.

I'll touch the face work further down.

In what universe has Nia Jax mentioned her relationship with The Rock? How is it a shtick if it's never brought up? I think you're letting what you know outside of the program influence how you feel about a character. Not entirely a fair judgment to make. It would be one thing if Rock came out to raise her hand after the Evolution Battle Royal, but that didn't happen.

Also, you say she could at least use her size as a heel then turn around and call it cliche. Can you make up your mind on how you feel about this please?

I agree that Charlotte has been in the title picture too much but, at the same time, it's not like Charlotte doesn't have the ability warranted to be there. Nia is a big, slow, lumbering, un-athletic woman who's time as champion was a lousy, half assed attempt at yet another public service announcement from WWE aimed at fat shamers.

Yet it got her cheered. It made the fans care. So that half-assed PSA ...worked.

And she's not nonathletic if she's prominently featured every week in a match. That's not how that works. If she couldn't move, she'd be a comedy skit like Khali at best, cut at worse. She fights. She isn't moving like Kari Sane here but that doesn't really matter does it?

As far as a battle royal goes, I guess it's nice that Vince is consistent with her a couple of times a year if nothing else.

More consistent than almost every NXT call up, you mean. Jax is pretty damned awful on the microphone. She reminds me a lot of Roman Reigns when he first embarked on his singles push in that she's just awkward and doesn't do a great job at showing any real degree of personality. I don't know if it's that she doesn't have any real personality, if it's the scripted aspects of the proo or a little bit of both, but Nia is NOT remotely better than most on the mic.

My point wasn't Nia being gold on the mic. My point was she was better than most women. Perhaps you could give me a list of women who are better than Nia at talking if you truly wanted to argue my point.

Jax talks coherently - so better than most of Lynch's time on the mic. She has brought the crowd to cheers as she talks - so Charlotte could learn something there. She isn't handed gold, but neither has she made the audience cringe like Ronda. Alicia, Ruby, Bellas, etc are bitchy bratty characters that are virtually the same person and I wouldn't say they're better than Ronda.

She talks like a normal person. I can't see how you'd think that was "damned awful".

Again, I'm just not seeing what you're seeing. I don't see a character, I just see a woman that's 100+ pounds heavier than 99% of the women's roster and...that's pretty much it. Her music hits, she walks blandly to the ring, hits a couple of corner splashes, maybe an elbow drop or two, a Samoan Drop and the leg drop and that's pretty much all you get out of her.

You're admitting she's unique by pointing out she doesn't look like 99% of the roster you know.

She has signature moves? Well I'll be damned. Did she get any boring chants with such a minimal skill set tonight?

I see Nia Jax and I see a woman that's just a step or two above Tamina, who may very well be the blandest, most uninteresting wrestler, male or female, to ever work for WWE. Like Tamina, Nia is part of the whole Samoan dynasty schtick, is related to the Anoa'i Family and is the Rock's cousin, which means that she'll probably have a job as long as she wants one no matter how bland or one dimensional she is.

She's arguably the best big woman they've ever signed. Was jobbed out every week, won the Women's title, and still got a good reaction from it. Managed to make people like her while being given almost nothing to work off of but a body positive angle - something so paper thin the fans should have shit on it on principle, because as you know, the fans are assholes. Yet that didn't happen. I am not sure what it is you'd want to see with her but she's obviously a good hand that gets something out of the paying audience.

Would you rather her be a 6 foot technician?
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They've really done a terrific job with her. Not too fast and not too slow. I'm not a huge fan in that I get excited every time she is going to be on but she does play her role really well. Some of her matches have been really good. The stuff building Asuka was terrific, she was the best part of that multi woman title match (Mania?) a couple of years ago, and her match with Rousey was enjoyable as well. I even enjoyed her storyline with Alexa at times. She "deserves" her spot.
Then I hope my argument for a five billion dollar company changes your mind.

You mean the company who's stock has dropped 21% over the course of the last week? I'm not a stockholder, I don't care how much money Vince's stock is worth because it doesn't put any money in my pocket or pay my bills. A bad product is a bad product no matter how much a company's stock market cap is worth.

I'll touch the face work further down.

In what universe has Nia Jax mentioned her relationship with The Rock? How is it a shtick if it's never brought up? I think you're letting what you know outside of the program influence how you feel about a character. Not entirely a fair judgment to make. It would be one thing if Rock came out to raise her hand after the Evolution Battle Royal, but that didn't happen.

Also, you say she could at least use her size as a heel then turn around and call it cliche. Can you make up your mind on how you feel about this please?

I never said she brought it up, but let's not try to pretend that being related to the Rock doesn't have any influence with Vince McMahon because it's disingenuous. Also, c'mon man, stop pretending that you don't let what you know outside of a program influence what you like or don't like because, again, it's disingenuous. With or without that knowledge, Nia is still just a. As far as Nia's size goes, it's useful and it's a cliché. She's big and uses her weight to her advantage, but that doesn't mean that it's interesting. Big Show has done the same thing for decades and I can't remember the last time he was interesting. Sorry it's not the one dimensional, black and white answer you want but it's not a black and white world.

Yet it got her cheered. It made the fans care. So that half-assed PSA ...worked.

And she's not nonathletic if she's prominently featured every week in a match. That's not how that works. If she couldn't move, she'd be a comedy skit like Khali at best, cut at worse. She fights. She isn't moving like Kari Sane here but that doesn't really matter does it?

Some also cheer the Bella Twins so that's not exactly a ringing endorsement; as lousy as they can be, at least they've demonstrated some ability. She didn't get a whole lot of cheers at Evolution as the fans obviously wanted to see Ember Moon go over instead of her. Not that Ember Moon is all that interesting herself, but at least she can do more than simply lumber and waddle around the ring The PSA didn't work out as well as Vince wanted otherwise she'd probably still be Raw Women's Champion. And yes, she is pretty nonathletic because simply being able to actually walk and move around in side of a wrestling ring under one's own power isn't athleticism, it's a sign of life.

More consistent than almost every NXT call up, you mean.

Having family connections, especially with a family member that Vince wants to keep happy in the hopes he'll pop up every so often and give WWE some positive mainstream media coverage, pays off. Otherwise, talentless hacks like Nia and Tamina probably wouldn't even have jobs.

My point wasn't Nia being gold on the mic. My point was she was better than most women. Perhaps you could give me a list of women who are better than Nia at talking if you truly wanted to argue my point

Jax talks coherently - so better than most of Lynch's time on the mic. She has brought the crowd to cheers as she talks - so Charlotte could learn something there. She isn't handed gold, but neither has she made the audience cringe like Ronda. Alicia, Ruby, Bellas, etc are bitchy bratty characters that are virtually the same person and I wouldn't say they're better than Ronda.

She talks like a normal person. I can't see how you'd think that was "damned awful"

Yeah, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about here. The notion that she's better than Charlotte or Becky Lynch is beyond laughable and completely torpedoed any credibility your argument had. Now, that's not to say that the bitchy, bratty aspects of some of these women's characters isn't awful, I do agree and grant that. Even as annoying as that is, however, at least they do show some personality instead of Nia Jax's monotone delivery. Part of promo work is letting personality shine through and I've yet to really see anything like that from Nia. Again, maybe that's to do with the scripted aspect of the promos or maybe she's just not that good. So yeah, as far as women who're better, whether it be the main roster or NXT, Charlotte, Becky, the Bella Twins, Ronda Rousey, Ruby Riott, Alexa Bliss, Lacey Evans, Shayna Baszler, Candice LaRae, Bianca Belair, even Nikki Cross.

You're admitting she's unique by pointing out she doesn't look like 99% of the roster you know.

Using that logic, so was Bastion Bogger or a two headed goat, though a two headed goat actually does have a gimmick so there's at least something worth seeing, even if it's only once.

She has signature moves? Well I'll be damned. Did she get any boring chants with such a minimal skill set tonight?

You mean during the roughly 2 minutes the match lasted? The fans don't even start boring chants in such a short period of time with Jinder Mahal.

She's arguably the best big woman they've ever signed. Was jobbed out every week, won the Women's title, and still got a good reaction from it. Managed to make people like her while being given almost nothing to work off of but a body positive angle - something so paper thin the fans should have shit on it on principle, because as you know, the fans are assholes. Yet that didn't happen. I am not sure what it is you'd want to see with her but she's obviously a good hand that gets something out of the paying audience.

Would you rather her be a 6 foot technician?

There haven't been very many "big" women WWE has signed. Off the top of my head, the only one I can think of that was as heavy, or heavier, was Bertha Faye back in the 90s and she wasn't much to write home abut herself. I'm just not ipressed by slow, lumbering, overweight
, nonathletic wrestlers who's gimmick revolves around them being slow, lumbering and nonathletic. This isn't 1988 when slow, fat super heavyweights were intimidating monsters; too much has changed in the last 30 years. If Nia was a technician, then at least she'd have something going for her beyond the rudimentary abilities of someone that's been training to wrestle for a month.
If you're a fan, more power to you, but I just don't see Nia Jax as exceptional in any real way.
I actually don't mind Nia Jax as much as I do some of the other women on the roster. Personally she has been a good role model to plus size women everywhere and that's always a positive. Sure she isn't as fast as a Becky or Charlotte, but someone of her size I don't think is expected to be. She is a powerhouse and very deliberately goes about trying to dismantle someone.

Sometimes I get tired of the fake ridiculous hair colours, too loud outfits and screaming that we see from a lot on the women's roster. Seeing someone come out who looks fairly normal, talking like a real person is a breath of fresh air. There is always room for those that don't fit the WWE mold and for long time fans like myself I enjoy it. Usually you don't see women of her size wearing skin tight clothing, telling everyone how much they weigh and coming down a ramp in a room full of thousands of fans. Kudo's to her that she feels comfortable in her own skin that she is able to do it.
You mean the company who's stock has dropped 21% over the course of the last week? I'm not a stockholder, I don't care how much money Vince's stock is worth because it doesn't put any money in my pocket or pay my bills. A bad product is a bad product no matter how much a company's stock market cap is worth.

Which has nothing to do with Vince going nuts with booking as you're more than aware.

I never said she brought it up, but let's not try to pretend that being related to the Rock doesn't have any influence with Vince McMahon because it's disingenuous.

I don't think you know what the word shtick means.

You said she had The Rock's shtick. You were wrong.

Also, c'mon man, stop pretending that you don't let what you know outside of a program influence what you like or don't like because, again, it's disingenuous.

I don't. If she's not raising her eyebrow or delivering Rock Bottoms, why on earth would I care that she's part of the Anoa'i family like every other person of Samoan decent is in WWE? She isn't doing anything remotely influenced by The Rock.

You know, some of us enjoy a show and don't let bios dictate that.

With or without that knowledge, Nia is still just a. As far as Nia's size goes, it's useful and it's a cliché. She's big and uses her weight to her advantage, but that doesn't mean that it's interesting. Big Show has done the same thing for decades and I can't remember the last time he was interesting. Sorry it's not the one dimensional, black and white answer you want but it's not a black and white world.

No one else in her division is doing what she's doing, which already makes her more interesting than Big Show. I'm sorry you cannot enjoy or at least shrug at her workrate, which is fantastic for someone her size. It sucks knowing a fan such as yourself sees big people as cliche while everybody and their moms have become tech wizards the past ten years. But if I can't dissuade you to give her a break, then I concede. At least you're not making a list of women you want to hump on here and putting her at the very bottom.
They've really done a terrific job with her. Not too fast and not too slow. I'm not a huge fan in that I get excited every time she is going to be on but she does play her role really well. Some of her matches have been really good. The stuff building Asuka was terrific, she was the best part of that multi woman title match (Mania?) a couple of years ago, and her match with Rousey was enjoyable as well. I even enjoyed her storyline with Alexa at times. She "deserves" her spot.

Exactly this, I almost see her in the Beth Phoenix role in that she can be that powerhouse monster when needed to end a big streak. She's constantly learning as well. She just gets shit because she's one of the Samoans and 'fat'.
You're so wrong that it's actually amusing.

Nia is so bland and uninteresting that it defies logic. Nia is pushed endlessly to promote "body positivity", with WWE telling young girls that being morbidly obese is healthy and beautiful, which is both irresponsible and borderline dangerous. Nia's face run completely bombed, with her getting heavily booed while Alexa was wildly cheered by everyone except little girls.

Nia is a colossal failure and her push should end immediately.

Besides her superstar look, there are several things going on with Nia that are rather interesting.

  • The way she connects with others in her division shows a camaraderie that eclipses even Bayley, who's whole shtick was to be that friend that gets double crossed. Nia makes friends, fights friends, and makes more friends while Bayley is still attached at the hip to Sasha Banks.
  • A better face than a heel, which in fairness is uncommon. Can't say the same for Sasha, Alexa, Becky, etc.
  • She's not a blonde Barbie doll the title card sees all the time. Like Charlotte.
  • When she's in a battle royale, she either wins it or needs assistance being eliminated. Great continuity.
  • On the microphone, she's better than most. Including UFC stars.
  • Actually HAS a character that isn't "bitchy" or "whatever Ember Moon is".

She has a lot going for her, eh?
Kinda sad watching a gmod do nothing but Like posts that can be summarized as "she sucks". Really passive aggressive stuff.

You're so wrong that it's actually amusing.

Coming from you, I can't say I'm all that insulted.

Nia is so bland and uninteresting that it defies logic.

There are several reasons I've given where she's not as uninteresting as a majority of smarks make her out to be. If you could talk about those points instead of repeating JH, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt you can read.

Nia is pushed endlessly to promote "body positivity", with WWE telling young girls that being morbidly obese is healthy and beautiful, which is both irresponsible and borderline dangerous

Nia isn't morbidly obese. She had one feud where body positivity was even a thing.

I don't think you know what you're talking about.

Nia's face run completely bombed, with her getting heavily booed while Alexa was wildly cheered by everyone except little girls.

In other words, smarks cheered the villain like they do even for the men? Not a great case you're making here. This is like saying Cena got cheered by kids. Isn't that...kind of, you know, the point of a face?

Nia is a colossal failure and her push should end immediately.

Nia was cheered at Evolution. Was cheered in her fight with Ember Moon, a wayyyyyy more uninteresting person. Not entirely sure how her face run bombed if she's getting cheers. Guess she needs to work harder than all those other women who are faces. Seems totally fair.
Kinda sad watching a gmod do nothing but Like posts that can be summarized as "she sucks". Really passive aggressive stuff.

If you have a problem with me "liking" a post that I agreed with, then I suggest you be an adult and send me a PM instead of posting things like this.

Want more? Fine. She sucks. There's nothing interesting about her. She's awful in the ring, boring on the mic, her feud with Alexa was horrible due to Nia's below average skills whether it be in-ring or with promos. The comparisons others made to Beth Phoenix are incorrect given that Beth was actually a good wrestler. Same thing with Kharma who was in a similar role. Kharma was also good. Nia's not. I dislike her and find her to be one of the most uninteresting wrestlers on the entire roster. You're a fan of hers. That's fine and I have no problem with that. I do however, respectfully disagree with your opinion of her. Odds are you'll disagree with my opinion in return, so I'm just gonna agree to disagree.
If you have a problem with me "liking" a post that I agreed with, then I suggest you be an adult and send me a PM instead of posting things like this.

You're a mod. You should be contributing. Why do I need to shoot you a PM asking you to do that?

Want more? Fine. She sucks. There's nothing interesting about her. She's awful in the ring, boring on the mic, her feud with Alexa was horrible due to Nia's below average skills whether it be in-ring or with promos.

I assume you've read my arguments and have decided not to touch on anything I've said, but opt for a literal "she sucks". The equivalent of shoving fingers inside your ears and going "la-la-la".

And we wonder why this place is in the shape it is in. Is it really that hard to say you don't like someone yet see why they're featured prominently every week? She's obviously a good hand to have.

The comparisons others made to Beth Phoenix are incorrect given that Beth was actually a good wrestler.

Being a thin blonde injury-prone counterpart doesn't make her better.

Same thing with Kharma who was in a similar role. Kharma was also good. Nia's not.

Kharma couldn't be all that better if Nia's WWE career eclipsed hers. Also not a great argument when everyone Kharma fought was a runway model with little to no ring experience. If anything this shows how vital an asset Nia Jax is in a time where women's wrestling isn't a bathroom break. How anybody could say Kharma was better when wrestling itself was worse is laughable.

I dislike her and find her to be one of the most uninteresting wrestlers on the entire roster. You're a fan of hers. That's fine and I have no problem with that. I do however, respectfully disagree with your opinion of her. Odds are you'll disagree with my opinion in return, so I'm just gonna agree to disagree.

I would appreciate your disagreement if it had legs other than "she sucks" - the one phrase I would hope someone as familiar to wrestling wouldn't degrade themselves to using.

I'm not saying Nia Jax is the second coming of John Cena here. She's different from everybody else in her division and she can't really be compared to anybody, appearance or otherwise. That is the definition of unique.
The female Big Show who has turned from face to heel more in the past year than Show has done in five years. I'll continue fast forwarding everything she is a part of, but more power to you for being able to enjoy a slug who's only getting a shot because of her family ties.
I could take or leave Nia really. Some of her matches are good, others bland. She does well with the scraps she's provided by WWE in a crowded division. Not crowded in a quantity sense, more like quality sense. Plenty on par with her in the line up. Tamina on the other hand, that is just bad.
It's unfortunate that those that don't like Nia have to resort to telling blatant lies to defend their position.

Even more to see those in power support said lies.
The issue with Nia has been inconsistent booking. She is a rarity in that she has monster size, but also has pleasing facial features so she isn't just "giant dumb monster smash" 24/7.

She is a good heel because she uses her size to her advantage and she makes a slayable beast, albeit one who has been slain a few too many times. She has also shown she has the ability to play a decent enough face when given a solid heel to play off.

Going back to her size, she moves fairly well and can do a few agile things, like a cannonball and a flip dive off the apron. She isn't just a hulking brute who relies only on her size. It makes for an interesting character that has many different routes to travel down.

Mic wise, she is about average for the division. Not great but not awful. When she is that size she doesn't need to say much to get her point across because she can use actions to back her words.

She also seems like a very down to Earth person and seems to get along with everyone backstage so that helps me like her.
Nia is unique based on her size alone. How many other 6' 300 pound women are there in mainstream wrestling today? Practically none. Like all monsters, WWE can easily push her as a threat to anyone at any given time. Big Show and Kane made a career out of that. That's one of the benefits of being larger than life. Take away her size, and she does become a bit less interesting. Though, WWE has noticed this and has attempted to portray her as a charming and witty, sympathetic babyface as of recently. However, I can't buy her as an underdog, unless she's up against a legit fighter like Rousey, because otherwise she'd just flatten people. Thought her feud with Alexa was silly because of that. I wouldn't call her the most unique in WWE; sorry Spidey. But she's unique enough for WWE to want to heavily invest in her. That's obvious enough.
It's unfortunate that those that don't like Nia have to resort to telling blatant lies to defend their position.

Even more to see those in power support said lies.

You just seem to have a problem with people voicing their opinions that Nia Jax isn't any good. There are very, very, very few absolutes in pro wrestling and quality isn't one of them. If you believe Nia Jax hung the moon, that's great but you need to accept the fact that some people think she sucks and your disagreement doesn't somehow invalidate those dissenting opinions. Attacks only make you come off as immature.

I don't dislike Nia because she's "fat", I don't assign worth to someone as a human being based on their weight or appearance but just because she happens to be 275 lbs. doesn't mean I find her to be some great wrestler either. Is she unique because of her size? Sure, but since when did unique and good automatically mean the same thing? There have been lots of unique people to come through WWE over the years, but they haven't been particularly good wrestlers, at least not in my opinion. Enzo Amore was unique, Mason Ryan was unique, the Great Khali, Doink the Clown, the Boogeyman, D-Lo Brown, Mabel/Viscera, the Godwins and numerous others; they all stood out in their own way but I can't say that I ever particularly enjoyed them.

To me, Nia Jax is bland, uninteresting and just all around boring whether it's in the ring or on the microphone. She's bigger than every other woman on the roster but, frankly, so what? Her size is the only thing unique about her and that's not remotely enough for me to care about her.
You just seem to have a problem with people voicing their opinions that Nia Jax isn't any good.

I'm guessing he was referring to the fact that some people are claiming all her push has to do with The Rock. Which is funny, because she blatantly said one time during an interview that she didn't want it to be known that he was family.

I think Nia is hit and miss. There's definitely been some good moments with her, but there are also some pretty bad ones. But to say she's downright awful is plain wrong. I would consider that the Tamina level. No one is on her level.
You just seem to have a problem with people voicing their opinions that Nia Jax isn't any good. There are very, very, very few absolutes in pro wrestling and quality isn't one of them. If you believe Nia Jax hung the moon, that's great but you need to accept the fact that some people think she sucks and your disagreement doesn't somehow invalidate those dissenting opinions. Attacks only make you come off as immature.

I have a problem with people saying someone isn't good based on silly accusations like Nia's shtick being The Rock's or flat-out lies like Nia turns as much as Big Show. I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable defending these beliefs.

I have not made any attack. I called out lies. For someone so hung up on PC culture, you seem to have taken offense by calling this a maturity issue. I disagree. It's a willful ignorance issue.

If you're going to argue something, I'd suggest not making things up.

I don't dislike Nia because she's "fat", I don't assign worth to someone as a human being based on their weight or appearance but just because she happens to be 275 lbs. doesn't mean I find her to be some great wrestler either. Is she unique because of her size? Sure, but since when did unique and good automatically mean the same thing? There have been lots of unique people to come through WWE over the years, but they haven't been particularly good wrestlers, at least not in my opinion. Enzo Amore was unique, Mason Ryan was unique, the Great Khali, Doink the Clown, the Boogeyman, D-Lo Brown, Mabel/Viscera, the Godwins and numerous others; they all stood out in their own way but I can't say that I ever particularly enjoyed them.

Nowhere in my argument did I say you dislike her based on her weight. The things I did argue-
  • You calling the body positive a half-assed PSA even though it worked.
  • You saying her "shtick" being The Rock, which can't be further from the truth.
  • Her being better on the mic than most, which seemed to have gotten lost in the rudimentary "she sucks on the mic" retorts. I even made a list of people she was better than, and it was ignored.
My opening post gave reasons why I think she's unique, or at least not expendable. This was never really about preference, which seems to be the go-to norm here lately. You can't have a good discussion based on "my opinion". This was about objectivity. Objectively, Nia is someone that puts the work in and gets crapped on by grown men. That's why I made this thread - to challenge preconceived beliefs.

To me, Nia Jax is bland, uninteresting and just all around boring whether it's in the ring or on the microphone. She's bigger than every other woman on the roster but, frankly, so what? Her size is the only thing unique about her and that's not remotely enough for me to care about her.

Repeating yourself instead of touching on my points is not groundbreaking.
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I think it's a little far-fetched to say that Nia Jax sucks or that she's awful. People have the right to that opinion but 2 years on the main roster, being heavily featured throughout, and most importantly, the fact that she's still getting a decent crowd reaction would say otherwise. Is she the best wrestler on the roster? No. Is she the best on the mic? No. Is she the most charismatic? No. But there is enough talent there to justify her position on the card without resorting to the unbelievably weak Samoan/Rock argument. To deny this is to be willfully ignorant. Fans nowadays aren't stupid, and if she was as terrible as some people claim she is, she wouldn't be getting any reaction at all. See Tamina. Tamina's been featured for 8 or so years now and has not once, not one time, gotten people to give a shit about her. That's terrible.

Nia may not be a larger than life personality, but she doesn't need to be. Her stature is more than enough to make up for her deficiencies and like it or not, that has been a wrestling norm for decades. I'm not saying she's the best woman on the roster, far from it, but with everything taken into consideration, it's difficult to not place her around the top of the division when you consider she can be seen as a legitimate threat to anyone, even Ronda Rousey. Plus, having someone like Jax around who can be used in a variety of ways is extremely useful. Whereas someone like Bayley has one role; underdog, Jax can play the monster heel, sympathetic face, bodyguard role, etc.

She may not be everybody's cup of tea, which is understandable, but let's not act like she deserves to be future endeavored. She's an incredibly solid hand that can move up and down the card with ease, which are usually the people who have the longest careers.
I totally agree with OYDK. We have to take everything into consideration, look at their overall performance, and consistency. Take Bayley and Sasha for example, people used to rave about them, but now... Why is that? Some might argue that it's the booking, I would say otherwise...
I’m not a big fan, but Nia’s a solid hand. The only truly awful storyline she was involved in was that cringey romance angle with Enzo.

I’m glad they moved her out of the one dimensional monster heel role she was stuck in was she debuted on the main roster. Jax has the ability to show off a personality with a little more depth, and she’s far more entertaining as a face.

And having a star for a relative isn’t a guarantee for success. For every Charlotte Flair or Randy Orton, there’s a Ted Dibiase Jr., Tamina, or Sim Snuka
There is a touch of humor in thinking WWE, the Apple of pro wrestling, go out of their way to sign people they think are not stars. Especially those they feel comfortable giving titles to and adequate screentime. Kind of a daft argument to make when you think about it.
She is unique and anyone who says otherwise is a fool.

How many other big women do anything other than the 1D bodyguard monster role?

She can do that but she can also do the cringe worthy romance stories, she can play the hurt best friend to the catty bitch. While she is by no means the best Nia seems to be able to slide into any role she's given.

We applaud men (except Big Show) who can do it so why not Nia?

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