[OFFICIAL] Discuss the Current State of Professional Wrestling Here


Gone but never forgotten.
There are separate threads with similar titles all over these forums that are biased towards specified wrestling organizations. Now, while most of us are WWE fans, a large portion are TNA fans, and a smaller chunk of the pie are fans of ROH, Japanese, and other organizations, there's no reason why we should always have to separate our thoughts about professional wrestling as a whole, due to the existence of seperate entities within the sport.

Therefore, I'd like to create this thread as an escape for the Wrestlezone readers and members of the forum to post your thoughts and opinions on the state of professional wrestling as a whole.

I don't want to limit this thread to ONLY watchers of the WWE, TNA, or ROH. If any of you want to share any thoughts (either random or discussion-driven) about the current state of professional wrestling, its superstars, or discussion about the business in general, please do so in here.

What do we need more of? What do we need less of? What is missing? What is right in front of our faces? What is over-utilized? What is under-utilized? I think you all get the picture...

Also, this is not another bashing thread. You are all free to explain your grievances with the current product of professional wrestling, but please do not keep them zoned towards one organization. Threads of this nature already exist in the WWE and TNA forums. This thread is for all subject matter that covers ALL wrestling organizations and the sports AS A WHOLE.

I want to describe the state of professional wrestling in two words.

No, not "suck it."

In Limbo.

It feels like every new week in the life of a professional wrestling fan is "wait and see." Almost as though we're always building towards something without ever reaching it. WWE is putting a youth movement in place that feels almost anti-climactic. The big surprises at the major events have been watered down by the constant bombardment of activity and change. It feels like we're going somewhere, but we're not sure where and we just hope we realize when we arrive.

TNA is worse in that regard. They are massively "wait and see." January 4th was one of their biggest "destinations" but it remains to be seen how the "Hogan Era" will affect their talent. TNA's young stud, AJ Styles, is on top of the company, though it remains to be seen how this will all effect HIM.

ROH just lost their two biggest stars - one to TNA and one to WWE. It remains to be seen what the effect will be on their audience and perception. How well will they rebound? Will they ever make TV?

International wrestling is just 'there' as it pertains to the US fan. I think we're missing the trans-continental relationship the US and Japan or the US and Mexico had in the days of Great Muta, Hogan, Inoki, Andre, Vader, Norton, the Steiners, etc. There's less "talent sharing" going on, so the connection between the US fan and international wrestling has waned significantly. It seems that with the rest of the sports work gloablizing, pro wrestling is shrinking its focus.

So what's the state of professional wrestling.

I guess we'll find out. I just don't know when.
Meh. I think that the current state of wrestling is being pushed toward improvement with the elevation of TNA as a threatening component. However, WWE is still the big time, and until TNA can compete with them every Monday Night and have the PPV appeal that WWE has...it's going to be a long road for TNA.

Been watching some Kennedy shoot interviews, and if what he is saying is true, then the staleness of WWE is a direct result of backstage politics and VKM favoritism. Until some of those top tier dudes start giving back to the undercard...I don't see the dynamic of WWE changing any time soon. However, with the rise of TNA...it gives some of those guys that were held down a chance to break out of their shells a bit.
It's a shame, really. Now is the time for these promotions to really begin giving their product some sort of direction.

We're almost at a state of "damned if you do, damned if you don't." For instance, TNA keeps leaving their storylines open-ended and somewhat complicated. Meanwhile, the WWE is bringing closure to their simple, child-understanding, immature, simplified storylines. ROH has storylines, but they are unable to gain enough momentum to use them to impress anyone... instead, they rely on spot-infested in-ring prowess to set themselves apart from the rest of the pack. And all of the other organizations are doing what they've always done... they're building talent for the larger promotions to steal. Everyone seems to have a piece of what every organizations should strive to obtain, but they're missing the latter parts. However, once these organizations begin to take a step forward, something pushes them back two steps because of the progressive steps they just took. Like I said, "damned if you do, damned if you don't."

Last night I ordered and witnessed Genesis, my first TNA PPV. I only did it because I feel that something very big is going to happen within the next 5 years in pro-wrestling, and I'll be damned if I miss it all unfold again like I did with WCW. I regret losing all of those years of pro-wrestling to college and partying. Accodring to most people that I speak to, those were the greatest years of pro-wrestling to this day. The worst part about it is the fact that I have no idea how it all began... only how quickly and painfully it ended.

This time around, while I still have an extra $40 in my pocket to spend each month, I'm going to keep up on the progression of the sport and hope to watch it bloom again.
D-Man...you mention ROH. Now, for someone who doesn't AT ALL watch ROH (primarily because nothing has lured me to watch it...with the exception of seeing some old CM Punk promos), the thought of ROH affecting current wrestling didn't even cross my mind.

I understand that WWE and TNA are luring talent away from ROH, and that is affecting the greater scheme of pro-wrestling. But how big of an affect is ROH REALLY having on the current products of WWE and TNA? Surely, the X-Division is a parallel to some of the work that ROH does, but you won't find that anywhere in WWE. And with the exception of Punk, ROH to WWE guys have pretty much failed with the company.
I think wrestling in a better place in a whole then it has been for some time. There are still discrepancies within tna and wwe (the promotions I watch). tna lacks the production value wwe has for obvious reasons, but I think the heart and life of tna is much thicker then that of wwe at the moment. The wwe has become to stale and predictable, in terms of match endings, promos, and surprises. I think the PG rating has sapped lot of the life out for me so I prefer to watch tna. But I would love for wwe to revert back to a more gimmicky style since they seem to try and make the show seem more human instead of greater then life in my opinion
D-Man...you mention ROH. Now, for someone who doesn't AT ALL watch ROH (primarily because nothing has lured me to watch it...with the exception of seeing some old CM Punk promos), the thought of ROH affecting current wrestling didn't even cross my mind.

I understand that WWE and TNA are luring talent away from ROH, and that is affecting the greater scheme of pro-wrestling. But how big of an effect is ROH REALLY having on the current products of WWE and TNA? Surely, the X-Division is a parallel to some of the work that ROH does, but you won't find that anywhere in WWE. And with the exception of Punk, ROH to WWE guys have pretty much failed with the company.

Honestly and simply, as a whole, I see ROH as nothing more than a feeder program for the WWE and for TNA. It doesn't affect any aspect of professional wrestling. I don't feel that it is powerful enough as an organization to make any kind of impact on what we currently watch or prefer to watch.

Granted, ROH has recently surprised us. In other words, talent like Punk, McGuinness, Hernandez, Joe, etc have all come out of ROH. Even though they may be smaller than the regular mold of pro-wrestlers (with the exception of Hernandez), they've really impressed the higher-ups in WWE and TNA with their exceptional matches and mic skills. Now, they're finally being taken seriously. But, besides being nothing more than the AAA of pro-wrestling, I can't see them affecting anything that we watch.
It's not as big as before. It's slowly losing its popularity. Sure, there are the die hard fans, but how long will they last? I reckon it all started when WWE turned PG.
If you ask me, the entire wrestling world should take a look at this guy named "War Hawk" Dylan Kage. He is simply amazing and has been held back for years. His in ring abilities are crisp and clean, and like HBK, he can make anyone look good. And he's one of those people that makes a person so much better than they once were. Just being by him, wrestlers up their game. Speaking from experience, when you're in a match with this man you can not help but put on the best show possible.

He's definitely TNA X-Division material, and at one point he was in the X-Division. In fact, that's where I found out about him first, and then when I actually saw him locally I knew who I wanted to have my first "series" with. This man is simply spectacular and a blessing to watch.
it is true sadness for me to say wrestling has never been more stale than rite now.first is wwe. they have had the same the stars since ive been watching wrestling as a little kid besides orton cena batista edge. they need to make a choice is they want new stars or not. as far as storylines yeah they have none but ive seen worst (mem) haha. tna well that is just garbage backstage writers suck storylines suck. as far as talent they are miles ahead of wwe but guess what they dont use it. look what im saying is the stae of wrestling is in panic mode if not they should be.
Its a money thing. Think about it WWE is all about Cena, DX(was), Undertaker, Batista, Rey Mysterio etc. they sell shirts, action figures, hats, and glow sticks for cryn out loud! Vince is not going to put that money else where. he will continue putting back into these stars bc he knows ppl will by that stuff! it happened in the 90's. DX and the NWO got more face time bc of what they could sell(and favoritism). The biggest problem I have with TNA is lack or writing and Im watching it already thinking, "Ok these guys were barley mid-carders in wwe and wcw. Why do i wanna watch them?" its really hard to get away from what you know

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