Phoenix Region, Vancouver Subregion: Second Round: (2) Andre the Giant vs. (15) DDP

Who Wins This Match

  • Andre the Giant

  • Diamond Dallas Page

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
The following contest is a second round match in the Phoenix Region.

This match takes place in the BC Place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


#2 Andre the Giant



#15 Diamond Dallas Page


This contest is one fall with a 20 minute time limit. The match will take place in a 16 x 16 ring with no ramp leading to it. Any traditional managers for either competitor will be allowed at ringside.

As for voting, vote for who you think would win this match based on the criteria you choose. Some suggestions would be (not limited to): in ring ability, overall skill, their level of influence at the highest point in their career, ability to connect with the crowd, experience in major matches or simply personal preference etc.

The most votes in the voting period wins and in the case of a tie, the most written votes wins. There is one written vote per user, meaning if a poster make ten posts saying Bret should win that will count as a single vote. In the event of a second tie, both men are ELIMINATED, no questions asked. Only winners advance.

Voting is open for four days and all posts must be non-spam.​
Damnit. I love me some DDP, but against Andre?

No chance in hell DDP pulls this one out. I'm fairly certain he couldn't even execute the Diamond Cutter, and without that..well, he's not winning anyway.

I don't care if we're talking about 1975 Andre, or 1990 Andre. DDP doesn't have the slightest chance here, and I doubt this lasts longer than ten minutes.

Andre, no question.
I'm sorry but Andre would break DDP like a twig. Page doesn't have the power to execute his finisher on someone as big as Andre the Giant so Andre wins big here.
Andre Giant.

As much as I really like DDP Andre should go over rather easily here. Andre in his prime would've dominated DDP. Andre wins this in about 8 minutes.
DDP is one of the more underrated guys out there. However, I just can't see anyway possible that he can pull this match off. Andre in his prime was killer. The Diamond Cutter was sweet, I just don't see how in the hell DDP would be able to hit that move on that man. Andre should move on, in what would probably be a squash.
I would love to vote for DDP, but I just can't in this match. Andre would obliterate him with little return.

Vote: Andre the Giant
Let's see. I can either take the man who is arguably wrestling's first mainstream star, or the guy that loaned out his wife to the Bisch.

Decisions, decisions. What ever will I do? Look, DDP was a good worker in WCW, but Andre goes over him here. This is the man that had Hulkamania scared shitless. Shitless, I say. DDP was a better worker, but when you add that Andre is, you know, a Giant, that kinda gets negated. By a lot. Andre didn't have to be that great a worker, he just had to club opponents like baby seals. That, and his natural charm get him through.

That, and how many times was DDP ever referenced in "I Love You, Man"?

I'll have to move with the consensus here - Page just does not have the moveset to compete with let alone beat André. He'll throw everything but the kitchen sink at him and ultimately the giant'll blink this off and squash him.
I loved DDP, the diamond cutter was/is one of the best finishing maneuvers ever, but i don't see him being able to use it here. Andre was just a flat out force, and before Hogan beat him, no one else could, and neither will DDP.
Winner: Andre at around 7:30.
There's little to be said here that hasn't already been said. It took years for anyone to even get Andre off his feet, and seeing as DDP's main weapon involves quickly getting people off their feet with the cutter, there is almost no chance of him doing so here. Andre is too strong for it, and then he's stronger etc. DDP isn't in the bracket of wrestlers that could beat Andre.
I love DDP and he does have experience beating and executing his finisher on bigger guys, watch his match with The Giant for proof, but I just don't see him beating Andre. DDP may have been able to beat the The Giant but Andre was bigger. Not to mention if the Million Dollar Man has anything to say about it then Andre will pick up the win here.
Thank GOD DDP loses here. I'd rather watch two monkeys jerk off than watch a DDP match. He's just plain bad. And Andre is a true wrestling legend and would spit DDP out like stale chewing gum in about 5 minutes.

Andre should go very far in this tournament.. even win it. DDP can't pawn off Kimberly on Andre here. It wouldn't fit in there, Paige!

Andre in a very entertaining squash.
At the risk of infraction for spam, this is not even close. Andre is too big, too strong and, believe it or not, has too many skills for DDP to overcome. There is no way on God's green earth that DDP has enough in his moveset to defeat ATG. Shit, on impact in the business alone, ATG derserves to go over DDP in this matchup. That being said, in the world of kayfabe, this plays out like a typical Andre squash against a semi strong opponent. Andre starts off strong, entertaining the crowd withhis typical moves, i.e., chops, headbutts, the butt squash in the corner. Maybe Andre allows hin to get in some basic offense for a litle while, until he gets bored of toying with him, then he lays in w/some heavier offense, nails him w/ a whip off the ropes into a big boot to the head followed by a splash to end matters at around the 6-7 minute mark. There are wrestlers who can go over Andre in this tourney, but DDP isn't one of them.
I'm going with DDP. Sure, Andre is the obvious heavy favorite but that's just it, it's too obvious. Do you really think a guy like DDP is going to fight a monster like Andre straight up? Hell no. He's smart and he's going to have a plan, especially if you're talking about the heel DDP. I say DDP wins by beating the shit out of Andre with whatever he can get his hands on and running circles around his much larger and practically immobile opponent. To take a page out of the book of John Kreese "Sweep The Leg". That's what DDP does, he takes the giants legs out from under him by bashing his knees with chairs and sledgehammers. Once the big man is to his knees, BANG!!!!
This really isn't worth going after, just look at the poll. But I'm bored :shrug:

I'm going with DDP. Sure, Andre is the obvious heavy favorite but that's just it, it's too obvious. Do you really think a guy like DDP is going to fight a monster like Andre straight up? Hell no. He's smart and he's going to have a plan, especially if you're talking about the heel DDP.

Unless DDP comes out with an elephant gun, his heel tactics mean nothing.

I say DDP wins by beating the shit out of Andre with whatever he can get his hands on

This isn't Vietnam, Donny. Rules apply. Sneaky heel tactics are one thing, but beating someone with an object, over and over, is an entirely different thing. This is a wrestling match, not a street fight.

running circles around his much larger and practically immobile opponent.

While this would never actually happen, not even in a hypothetical tournament, I got a good laugh out of it.

To take a page out of the book of John Kreese "Sweep The Leg". That's what DDP does, he takes the giants legs out from under him by bashing his knees with chairs and sledgehammers. Once the big man is to his knees, BANG!!!!


The Karate Kid? I swear, this post of yours has gotten better and better with each paragraph. Your creativity has almost convinced me to side with DDP. Chairs, sledgehammers, not thinking about disqualification. Amazing stuff, really.

But, sanity has once again taken hold, and I'm sticking with Andre.
I voted for DDP.

Like Ricky, I'm just a mark for the guy. I know all of Andre's accomplishments and how good he was for a big man, but anyone around my age who regularly watched WCW while growing up is a DDP mark, period. The guy was easily one of the most entertaining wrestlers around during the late nineties, and he could get the crowd behind him like only few in the business' history could. Moreover, DDP's matches kicked ass, whereas you have to really look hard to find a quality Andre match that still holds up to this day. I know there are a few, but even those don't come anywhere near measuring up to DDP's matches against Savage, Raven, Benoit, Goldberg, etc.

So, yeah, fuck kayfabe. In my mind DDP enters the ring, Andre attacks, DDP ducks behind them, and then BOOM... Diamond Cutter, motherfuckers. One, two, three... DDP wins.
Somewhere inside, I feel as if I should pull out a DDP/Giant video and prove why he isn't instantly in a bad position in this match-up, simply because he's facing someone larger than he is. But I won't.

DDP is quicker, and lets face it - most of you voting only, truly, know Andre from his very slow moving WWF days in which he was only truly dangerous if he ever got his hands on you. That DDP/Giant issue I was talking about, it shows how DDP continuously eluded the bigger man's attacks and power moves - and slowly wore him down.

Yeah, that's about all I have and as for the rest..

[personal]I've never liked Andre, I could care less about anything the man did before the WWF - but I'm sure several do, so more power to them. DDP is getting my vote because I'd rather watch him being homeless again than having to sit through anything regarding Andre and the WWF-related days ever again.[/personal]
I totally understand if people vote for DDP because they're a mark of his work. After all, DDP was very entertaining. But that's the ONLY reason why you should vote for DDP here.

Andre the Giant was a freak of nature. He was a huge, agile, quick, athletic man for a superheavyweight. He paved the way for wrestlers like Great Khali, Big John Studd, King Kong Bundy, the Big Show, etc. You all barely remember him because 3/4 of you weren't born when Andre was at his best. Wrestlemania III is the memory that serves all of you well, but you all need to understand that Andre's in-ring career only ended a few years later due to side effects and injuries that spawned from his giantism. When he faced Hogan, he had sever back and knee problems and it is well documented that he barely finished the match without collapsing in order to put Hogan over.

There is no chance in hell that if the Andre of old faced DDP that he would lose the match. It's just an impossibility.

Vote Andre or be stupid.
DDP is good, but there no fucking way that he's gonna execute the Cutter on the Eighth Wonder of the World. Andre destroyed Hogan before their WM 3 match, so DDP doesn't stand a chance. Andre takes this cakewalk.
Andre, for one simple reason. His work in the Princess Bride was fantastic. Just a rock solid effort all around producing what of the greatest pieces of cinema in years. Sadly, political reasons stopped him short of an Oscar, but that doesn't mean we still don't recognize his trandscendant performance. Just magical, really.

DDP has never starred in a movie Wallace Shawn. That is all that needs to be said.
I've noticed a lot of the people who post voting pro-DDP and a lot of those folks who aren't posting are pro-Andre. Why?

Because the people silly enough to back DDP here have to convince themselves that they don't sound foolish, whereas Andre backers know this is such a squash match in favor of the 8th Wonder of the World that posting is barely worth the effort. When Andre is ready to go over Shawn Michaels, THEN we'll have a debate.

DDP is as unremarkable as any champion in history. He was average size, average strength, average speed, average talker, average worker. He had some nice work during the start of WCW's decline, and helped carry the team with his slightly above-average charisma. But he's still as average as it gets.

Andre was FAR above average in size, FAR above average in strength, and for his size he was FAR above average in speed and agility. I get really frustrated by those who look at Andre circa Wrestlemania 3-6 and see a guy who lacked in mobility as opposed to the amazing athlete from the 70's and early 80's. And this was in the WWF AND in Japan.

Yet even with his mobility challenged by his genetic issue, Andre still was one of the two main draws of two consecutive Wrestlemanias and a major player in another. Look at the boxes for Wrestlemania 3 and 4 - both feature Andre and Hogan. Savage is nowhere on the fronts of those boxes. Andre was the draw. At Wrestlemania 2, with Hogan vs Bundy as the main draw, Andre winning a Battle Royal featuring NFL Football players was still a big footnote.

Andre beats DDP in every way imaginable. Because he is the brute squad.

Ok, so. I would just leave the video. But if I just leave the would be a spam post.

The Giant is a way better athlete than Andre. The Giant would beat Andre without question, in my book. Yet, DDP beats him. Diamond Cutter. 1-2-3.

If you watch that video and don't vote for's pretty clear that you lack a soul.
I just don't see the Diamond Cutter being any kind of factor in this match and Andre eventually wins it with a Big Elbow Drop or something similarly as simple. DDP probably wouldn't get much offense in this. Some punches, a few aerial moves. Clotheslines galore. Probably drops Andre once and even attempts a pin. Andre kicks out and catches DDP "going to the well once too often" with a top rope move of some kind and pins him after using his weight on him.

I knew this was going to be a landslide for Andre, but I'm still disappointed by how few votes DDP has. The guy is so underrated, he was one of WCW's hottest draws during their peak years next to Sting/Hogan, and unlike Andre he held quite a few World titles. Yeah Andre has the size advantage, but DDP has beaten The Giant before, so why couldn't he beat Andre?

Yeah, I know, not a great argument, but I'm still voting for DDP. He was one of the few guys that kept me watching WCW until the end, even though I was always a WWF guy.

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