PPV Poster Competition: Extreme Rules


Of Ace Stevens fame.
Exciting. Enigmatic. Exuberant. These are words that could be used to describe this competition. But the best would probably be "late". Yes, it's the PPV Poster Competition: Extreme Rules. Design a poster for the show and the best one gets... well, the best one doesn't get anything. Apart from forum-wide acclaim and some rep. Maybe.

The rules are simple. No plagiarism. I'd recommend the size be 500 x 400 pixels for a conventional poster. But if you want to deviate, go ahead and bloody well deviate.

So let's see what you've got, graphics makers of WrestleZone Forums!
Yes! I love these competitions. I hope I'm in with a chance.


I basically started with a black canvas and added the middle pic and the white lines. Then I added the right hand side picture, duplicated it and flipped it. I merged them all together and edited them a bit.
I then added the logo, filled it white and on a new layer gave it a red stroke. I put a Gaussian blur on the stroke and added a smaller black one. Then I did some cloud brushes on top of my three main images.
I was gunna add a border, but I went and checked some recent WWE posters and saw they didn't have one, so mine doesn't either.

Thanks :)

I started off with a black canvas then I added a layer of different brushstrokes. Then I lowered the opacity on the brushstrokes.
Then on top of the 2nd layer I added different weapons such as Chairs, Ladders, Trashcans etc. I then added The Miz and gave him a little gradient under opacity 10 or 15% not sure.
Behind the miz i added a render of Cena which i erased some of the edges. On top of the layer of cena i added Orton RKOing CM Punk since CM Punk vs. Orton will be featured on this card.
On top of all those layers I added a logo of Extreme Rules, and played around with it.

Hope you guys like it! :)
OK, this is my entry. Yes, Extreme Rules was a week ago. But "better late than never" and all that jazz. This was originally going to be a CM Punk poster (hence the size not being 400 x 500), but sigmaker's block made me convert it into an Extreme Rules poster.


I did this a while ago so I can't remember all the details. I believe it is the Chicago skyline in the background. I put in CM Punk and messed about with the image to make it look dark and grungy. I put in the three background stripes because, well because I could. They're set to overlay. There is some grunge brushing in there too. I put in the Extreme Rules logo, changed the colour using the colour balance tool and erased some parts to blend it in more. A few adjustment layers followed, and then it was simply a case of putting in the text.

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