Psycho Girlfriends


We shy worth hair
Have you ever had one? What was she like?
I went out with a girl about a 8 months ago who constantly called me asking where i was thinking i was cheating on her and always had a problem with me being friends with any other girls.
Here are some examples of the worst:

Dominique Fischer
The tattooist who carved her name with a Stanley knife on her lover while he was sleeping.(There are pics of this if necessary but it is kinda fucked up.)

Kristina Pongracz
The gold digger who beat her 77-year-old boyfriend with his cane. Cruel bitch to be sure not only was she a gold digger but she was also abusive. Pic below


Lisa Marie Coker
The teenager girl who crashed her ex-boyfriend's wedding reception armed with a razor and a crowbar. She must've been really messed up if she had to do something like that.

Warcraft addicted girlfriend
The girlfriend who deleted all of her boyfriend's world of Warcraft characters. Not so much psycho i know but apparently they were all top level so it is kinda being a massive biatch. heres the youtube video:

What was she like in public?

Lots a crazy jewelry ripped up clothes.

Other than the fact that she thought she could protect people from demons and spirits she was pretty normal. She had an alter too. :weird:

Course if believing you can protect people from demons is the requirement for being psycho I guess the Pope is.
I might have one soon. A cool one though. Crazy girls can be the most loyal, commited girls you can find. Im fairly sure the one I am currently considering would kill for me.
Lots a crazy jewelry ripped up clothes.

Other than the fact that she thought she could protect people from demons and spirits she was pretty normal. She had an alter too. :weird:

Course if believing you can protect people from demons is the requirement for being psycho I guess the Pope is.

Wouldn't be too bad to have protection from demons just in case people like Dan Brown, Stephen King and Clive Barker were correct in their books.
I've been with a couple clingy, jealous types. That doesn't last long. They normally cry at the end, which feels pretty good.
Phycho boyfriends tend to be worse- one of my friends had one who camped out in front of her house for a week and then forced his way into the house after he had seen her with another guy.
Psycho... psycho... well when I broke up with this one chick, she started stalking me. Tried following me home too. There are a lot of crazy bitches in this world.
I had a girl who pulled a gun on me when I said I didn't know where our relationship was going. It was necessary to punch her and run.
I had one, she dated a few of my friends, she continuely asked me what i was thinking, she threw fits at my friends, and just had a weird ass attitude, plus her family life wasn't crash hot either. She had real short hair, only time she looked real pretty was the day i fucked her, after that day we have't spoken or seen one another and that was in April.
I once had a psycho girlfriend. Bitch wouldn't let me fuck her in the bunghole. Crazy bitch.
Phycho boyfriends tend to be worse- one of my friends had one who camped out in front of her house for a week and then forced his way into the house after he had seen her with another guy.

Tell your friend that that's why you never fuck the bum with the cardboard shack in front of yours.
I've never had a psycho girlfriend; then again, most of the chicks I date have the same personality as I. And, I wouldn't mind dating that chick who's obviously ready to move from the Craft, to true Paganism, either...

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