Quarter Finals: The Undertaker vs. John Cena

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • The Undertaker

  • John Cena

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a Quarter Final match in the Wrestlezone Tournament.

This match has standard rules and a 45 minute time limit. All matches from this point forward take place in a single night which is one week after the previous round.

Location: University of Phoenix Stadium, Phoenix, Arizona


The Undertaker



John Cena


Voting is open for 5 days.
I don't care what way it has to be spun, but Cena needs to go over here. As for impact on the business, Cena ranks behind only Austin, Hogan, and maybe The Rock. In my opinion, Taker has been overrated for many a year now. Cena is simply the best professional wrestler in the world right now, something Taker has never been able to claim, and he deserves this win.

Kayfabe: Most will bring up Taker's dominance in his prime as a factor for him to win. But I say go through the threads in this very forum. Notice a pattern? Bitching and whining about how Cena is Superman blah blah. It may not be advertised the same way, but Cena has been one of the most dominant Superstars of all time, almost Hoganesque. Honestly, I cannot remember the last time he lost a clean, non gimmick one on one match. That is what this is isn't it? Yes it is. My vote goes to Cena, as should yours.
I'm voting Cena on this one. Like Nate said, Cena is top 5 in the most important and recognizable stars. I was never a big Taker fan and I find him a little overrated. I'm not quite sure what it is, but I see Cena winning this one. It will be extremely close and both men will be crawling out when it all done. But, Cena will be crawling out the winner.
I don't care what way it has to be spun, but Cena needs to go over here. As for impact on the business, Cena ranks behind only Austin, Hogan, and maybe The Rock. In my opinion, Taker has been overrated for many a year now. Cena is simply the best professional wrestler in the world right now, something Taker has never been able to claim, and he deserves this win.

I will agree with you halfway on this one. Your right, Cena has indeed had a HUGE impact on the business. He brought about the PG Era that we are currently in right now. Cena should be commended for this, he should get a great big pat on the back for this, he should.....wait.....wait.....isn't the current PG Era that we are in right now regarded as one of the worst moves in wrestling history? Doesn't 90% of the people on this forum complain and bitch about how much the PG Era sucks? I think they do. Great job Cena, you get to be remembered as the guy who brought the WWE down.

Secondly, on what planet is Cena considered to be the BEST professional wrestler in the world right now? What basis are we making this claim on? Is it based on popularity? Cena still gets booed at every arena he goes too. Not that popular in my opinion. Is this claim based on how famous he is, and how many shows he appears on? Okay, he has starred in a few movies, and has been on a few TV shows, but so has someone like Jericho who has been a staple on VH-1 for a few years now, and has a world wide recognizable band in Fozzy which has started showing up on Billboard Charts when their new album was released this year. Or, is this claim that Cena is the best in the world based on In-Ring Ability? Excuse me for a second.......BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! Sure, Cena has put on some decent matches, he has even put on some great matches, but that is more to the credit of his opponents who were able to pull things out of him, rather than Cena's in ring ability.

Kayfabe: Most will bring up Taker's dominance in his prime as a factor for him to win. But I say go through the threads in this very forum. Notice a pattern? Bitching and whining about how Cena is Superman blah blah. It may not be advertised the same way, but Cena has been one of the most dominant Superstars of all time, almost Hoganesque. Honestly, I cannot remember the last time he lost a clean, non gimmick one on one match. That is what this is isn't it? Yes it is. My vote goes to Cena, as should yours.

Cena is indeed Superman, but if Cena is Superman than Taker is his kryptonite. The Undertaker is one of the most devastating forces to ever step foot into a WWE ring. I believe back in 2001 they called it a "Decade of Destruction". The Undertaker doesn't just beat people, he makes sure that they don't leave the ring the same way they came into it. Even if he loses. You wanna talk about how you can't remember the last time Cena losing a match clean, without any gimmicks? When was the last time Taker lost clean without any gimmicks? I don't remember it happening last year, or in 2008, maybe in 2007, the same time that Cena did (vs HBK in the one hour London match-up). Taker is bigger, he is faster, he is more resilient, he is more devestating, he is simply better than Cena in every way possible. Oh, and in terms of head to head match-ups already? Advantage Taker:


I will agree with you halfway on this one. Your right, Cena has indeed had a HUGE impact on the business. He brought about the PG Era that we are currently in right now. Cena should be commended for this, he should get a great big pat on the back for this, he should.....wait.....wait.....isn't the current PG Era that we are in right now regarded as one of the worst moves in wrestling history? Doesn't 90% of the people on this forum complain and bitch about how much the PG Era sucks? I think they do. Great job Cena, you get to be remembered as the guy who brought the WWE down.

It's only considered a down period by smarky douchebags. You ask just about anybody else on here with common sense how the product is doing these days, they'll tell you differently. Have you ever sat back and watched the programs from back in the late 90's? Can you honestly say that shit was any better than what we see today?

Secondly, on what planet is Cena considered to be the BEST professional wrestler in the world right now? What basis are we making this claim on? Is it based on popularity? Cena still gets booed at every arena he goes too. Not that popular in my opinion. Is this claim based on how famous he is, and how many shows he appears on? Okay, he has starred in a few movies, and has been on a few TV shows, but so has someone like Jericho who has been a staple on VH-1 for a few years now, and has a world wide recognizable band in Fozzy which has started showing up on Billboard Charts when their new album was released this year. Or, is this claim that Cena is the best in the world based on In-Ring Ability? Excuse me for a second.......BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! Sure, Cena has put on some decent matches, he has even put on some great matches, but that is more to the credit of his opponents who were able to pull things out of him, rather than Cena's in ring ability.

Yes correct, Cena still get's booed, but that always happens after all the kids get done cheering and all those smarky douchebags keep booing longer since they could not drown out the fans. And yes, that claim has little to do with his in ring ability. John Cena is the best Professional Wrestler in the world because he puts more asses in the seats, he headlines virtually every PPV, He stars in movies, allbeit shitty movies, but he's crossed over into the mainstream media, something Taker really hasn't done. But more importantly than all of that, people CARE about Cena. Whether it's people hating him in droves, or the kids and self respecting adults who like him, everyone CARES ABOUT HIM.

Cena is indeed Superman, but if Cena is Superman than Taker is his kryptonite. The Undertaker is one of the most devastating forces to ever step foot into a WWE ring. I believe back in 2001 they called it a "Decade of Destruction". The Undertaker doesn't just beat people, he makes sure that they don't leave the ring the same way they came into it. Even if he loses. You wanna talk about how you can't remember the last time Cena losing a match clean, without any gimmicks? When was the last time Taker lost clean without any gimmicks? I don't remember it happening last year, or in 2008, maybe in 2007, the same time that Cena did (vs HBK in the one hour London match-up). Taker is bigger, he is faster, he is more resilient, he is more devestating, he is simply better than Cena in every way possible. Oh, and in terms of head to head match-ups already? Advantage Taker:

Your first fault was saying "back in 2001." Cena wasn't anywhere near his peak in 2001. Taker has NEVER flat out beaten the new Superman Cena. Is Taker bigger? Yeah sure. Is Taker faster? In what fucking world is a 40 something year old with a bad hip faster than a young Cena? Really? More resilient? Maybe, but if he is it's only by a slight margin. Devastating? I've never seen Taker lift Big Show and Edge at the same time.

And your video is irrelevant as well. 2003? Cena hadn't even held the World Championship yet, he was nowhere near his prime.

Cena in his prime is more relevant, more successful, and just flat out better than Taker in his prime.

Vote Cena.
I will agree with you halfway on this one. Your right, Cena has indeed had a HUGE impact on the business. He brought about the PG Era that we are currently in right now. Cena should be commended for this, he should get a great big pat on the back for this, he should.....wait.....wait.....isn't the current PG Era that we are in right now regarded as one of the worst moves in wrestling history? Doesn't 90% of the people on this forum complain and bitch about how much the PG Era sucks? I think they do. Great job Cena, you get to be remembered as the guy who brought the WWE down.

Secondly, on what planet is Cena considered to be the BEST professional wrestler in the world right now? What basis are we making this claim on? Is it based on popularity? Cena still gets booed at every arena he goes too. Not that popular in my opinion. Is this claim based on how famous he is, and how many shows he appears on? Okay, he has starred in a few movies, and has been on a few TV shows, but so has someone like Jericho who has been a staple on VH-1 for a few years now, and has a world wide recognizable band in Fozzy which has started showing up on Billboard Charts when their new album was released this year. Or, is this claim that Cena is the best in the world based on In-Ring Ability? Excuse me for a second.......BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! Sure, Cena has put on some decent matches, he has even put on some great matches, but that is more to the credit of his opponents who were able to pull things out of him, rather than Cena's in ring ability.

Cena is indeed Superman, but if Cena is Superman than Taker is his kryptonite. The Undertaker is one of the most devastating forces to ever step foot into a WWE ring. I believe back in 2001 they called it a "Decade of Destruction". The Undertaker doesn't just beat people, he makes sure that they don't leave the ring the same way they came into it. Even if he loses. You wanna talk about how you can't remember the last time Cena losing a match clean, without any gimmicks? When was the last time Taker lost clean without any gimmicks? I don't remember it happening last year, or in 2008, maybe in 2007, the same time that Cena did (vs HBK in the one hour London match-up). Taker is bigger, he is faster, he is more resilient, he is more devestating, he is simply better than Cena in every way possible. Oh, and in terms of head to head match-ups already? Advantage Taker:



1. Cena beat Taker two or three months before that match to face Brock Lesnar at Backlash. Point for me.

2. Last clean Cena loss: A few months ago against Big Show. Last clean Undertaker loss: Vladimir Kozlov in February of 2009. Point again for me.

You're trying so I'll give you some crumbs of credit.
I'm taking the Deadman here. Cena may have beaten Taker, but The American Bad Ass version of Taker, even if it was the coolest character, was as out of shape as he's ever been in his career. Yet, he still managed to thump Cena a few times during this run.

At their peaks, I think very few people stand a chance of beating Taker. Especially Cena, who doesn't have a single move that would keep Taker down long enough to win. Taker's been punished by a lot tougher opponents and to me, Cena can't deliver enough punishment to win. And in a long match like this... it's not likely that Taker will be gassed. Cena, however, will be and that will be his downfall. The FU is tough to hit nearly 40 minutes into a match, especially against the Undertaker.

Taker wins this with a Tombstone and moves on.
I'm taking the Deadman here. Cena may have beaten Taker, but The American Bad Ass version of Taker, even if it was the coolest character, was as out of shape as he's ever been in his career. Yet, he still managed to thump Cena a few times during this run.

Fair enough, but if you're going to say that this wasn't Taker's highest point in his career, then you can't say it about Cena either. He was still a rookie during this time, Nowhere near the mega star he is today.

At their peaks, I think very few people stand a chance of beating Taker. Especially Cena, who doesn't have a single move that would keep Taker down long enough to win. Taker's been punished by a lot tougher opponents and to me, Cena can't deliver enough punishment to win. And in a long match like this... it's not likely that Taker will be gassed. Cena, however, will be and that will be his downfall. The FU is tough to hit nearly 40 minutes into a match, especially against the Undertaker.

Doesn't have a single move that will keep him down? The FU has put down virtually everybody, including Taker, and I really don't see he all of a sudden got over it. And Cena gassed? Really? Cena Never get's gassed, he is a cardio machine. I will never understand everyone talking about Taker's stamina, what are you watching? Even in his best days he was blown up early and often. I'm sorry, but Cena is still the logical winner here.

Taker wins this with a Tombstone and moves on.

No. Cena.
It's only considered a down period by smarky douchebags. You ask just about anybody else on here with common sense how the product is doing these days, they'll tell you differently. Have you ever sat back and watched the programs from back in the late 90's? Can you honestly say that shit was any better than what we see today?

Common Sense: http://www.pwtorch.com/artman2/publish/WWE_News_3/article_40999.shtml

And what did Raw get for a rating this past week? A 3.1? Anyone who looks at the numbers knows that WWE has been slowly going down hill since the PG Era came into effect. Compare these numbers to the ratings WWE were pulling down in 1999-2000 when the Attitude Era was at it's peak: http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/pages/wwf/wwfraw.htm The PG Era can not be constructed to be a good thing in any sense of the word.

And yes, I have indeed sat down and watched Raw from the late 90's, and I can honestly say that they are 1000000% times more entertaining than what WWE has been putting on lately.

Yes correct, Cena still get's booed, but that always happens after all the kids get done cheering and all those smarky douchebags keep booing longer since they could not drown out the fans. And yes, that claim has little to do with his in ring ability. John Cena is the best Professional Wrestler in the world because he puts more asses in the seats, he headlines virtually every PPV, He stars in movies, allbeit shitty movies, but he's crossed over into the mainstream media, something Taker really hasn't done. But more importantly than all of that, people CARE about Cena. Whether it's people hating him in droves, or the kids and self respecting adults who like him, everyone CARES ABOUT HIM.

Your right Taker hasn't really crossed into the mainstream media because he is more concerned about becoming the best big man In-Ring Performer in WWE history, which he has certainly achieved. Secondly, people care just as much about the Undertaker as they do John Cena. Try and make a thread on here dare suggesting that Taker should lose the Streak, and see how many responses you get. You want further proof about how much people care about the undertaker. I give you some video evidence:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24-l9BglMSc [this would be a lot better if I could actually embed this video :p]

Your first fault was saying "back in 2001." Cena wasn't anywhere near his peak in 2001. Taker has NEVER flat out beaten the new Superman Cena. Is Taker bigger? Yeah sure. Is Taker faster? In what fucking world is a 40 something year old with a bad hip faster than a young Cena? Really? More resilient? Maybe, but if he is it's only by a slight margin. Devastating? I've never seen Taker lift Big Show and Edge at the same time.

And your video is irrelevant as well. 2003? Cena hadn't even held the World Championship yet, he was nowhere near his prime.

Cena in his prime is more relevant, more successful, and just flat out better than Taker in his prime.

Vote Cena.

Of course Cena wasn't in his prime in 2001, I never suggested he was. My point with the Decade of Destruction comment was simply to prove how dominate The Undertaker has been over the 20 years he has been in the WWE.

Alright, I will give you that Taker isn't faster than Cena, I have no clue where that came from, but everything else is true. And your right Cena has lifted Edge and Show at the same time, but Taker has wrestled against and beaten and lifted huge men such as Yokozuna. Taker may not be as powerful as Cena, but the margin between them is much smaller than you suggest.

Your right, my video is not very good. Cena was not his Superman self at that point. This video is a much better representation of how a Cena/Taker match would go:


No, Undertaker did not beat Cena in this video, but Cena did not beat Taker either. My point with this video though is who was lying on their back when the interference hit? and 2006 was definitely Superman Cena time.

Vote Taker!
I'm taking the Deadman here. Cena may have beaten Taker, but The American Bad Ass version of Taker, even if it was the coolest character, was as out of shape as he's ever been in his career. Yet, he still managed to thump Cena a few times during this run.

At their peaks, I think very few people stand a chance of beating Taker. Especially Cena, who doesn't have a single move that would keep Taker down long enough to win. Taker's been punished by a lot tougher opponents and to me, Cena can't deliver enough punishment to win. And in a long match like this... it's not likely that Taker will be gassed. Cena, however, will be and that will be his downfall. The FU is tough to hit nearly 40 minutes into a match, especially against the Undertaker.

Taker wins this with a Tombstone and moves on.

So you discredit Cena wins against Undertaker because he was at his weakest. Certainly I can discredit Undertaker's wins against Cena because that when John was at his weakest.

Even when Undertaker was at his peak, he still lost more frequently than Cena. The only wrestlers to defeat Cena during his peak were Edge after Cena competed in a Elimination Chamber and also had help from Lita, RVD at ONS, and HBK after WM 23. Pretty short list if you ask me. Undertaker has been put down by a powerslam so I think an Attitude Adjustment can put Taker down.
1. Cena beat Taker two or three months before that match to face Brock Lesnar at Backlash. Point for me.

Indeed Point for you.

2. Last clean Cena loss: A few months ago against Big Show. Last clean Undertaker loss: Vladimir Kozlov in February of 2009. Point again for me.

Wait, my math may be off, but you just said that Taker's last clean loss was roughly a year and a half ago, and that Cena's last clean loss was a few months ago. So Taker has been "unbeaten" longer than Cena. How is that a point for you? :p

You're trying so I'll give you some crumbs of credit.

WOOT! I love crumbs, so thanks for the treat!
John Cena should win this match. The Undertaker has a noteworthy record at WrestleMania, but everywhere else he pretty much gets the better gotten out of him. The fact that Taker's combined title reigns are scarcely 50 days longer than Cena's single longest says it all. John Cena's total World Championship reigns stand at over 1,000 days, and his combined title reigns are bettered only by three men - Sammartino, Backlund and Hogan, which is frankly incredible in these days of short title reigns.

When Taker takes his annual four months off, the WWE carries on regardless. When Cena is injured, they lose .5 in the ratings. On Raw, that equates to about 15% of the audience. That is absolutely astonishing.

From a ayfabe perspective, Undertaker is the guy who is always the obstacle that seems unsurpassable but who ultimately is surpassed. Look at Batista, Lesnar, Orton as examples of that. Cena on the other hand is the epitome of overcoming such obstacles.

John Cena is the biggest wrestler today and the face of the company, overshadowing the more experienced Undertaker. John Cena should win this match.
The Undertaker, Cena has lost more than he has, plain and simple. The Cena fans want to push their Superman attributes, well he's just met wrestling's Batman and we all know who's cooler. Vote for The Undertaker!
The Undertaker, Cena has lost more than he has, plain and simple. The Cena fans want to push their Superman attributes, well he's just met wrestling's Batman and we all know who's cooler. Vote for The Undertaker!

Lamest argument ever.

Undertaker has lost to Yokozuna, Hulk Hogan, The Rock, HHH, Austin, Angle, Jericho, Kozlov, Jeff Hardy, Orton, HBK, Big Show, JBL, Mankind, Bret Hart, Vader, and Brock Lesnar with most being on multiple occasions.

Now try telling me that Cena has lost more than the Undertaker.
Lamest argument ever.

Undertaker has lost to Yokozuna, Hulk Hogan, The Rock, HHH, Austin, Angle, Jericho, Kozlov, Jeff Hardy, Orton, HBK, Big Show, JBL, Mankind, Bret Hart, Vader, and Brock Lesnar with most being on multiple occasions.

Now try telling me that Cena has lost more than the Undertaker.

Uh yeah let's see Yokuzuna I recal him needing some what ten other guys, Hulk again cheated him self, The Rock never watched a match between the two of them other than a triple threat, Austin this one was clean, Kozlov was clean and he was undefeated at the time and he beat him a week later. Jeff Hardy needed interfearence from Edge or Shawn I believe. Orton two on one and cheating. HBK beat him twice by cheating Taker payed him back beating him twice cleanly, Big Show holds one over Taker and Taker holds twenty or more. JBL cheated, Mankind cheated, Bret needed help from his main rival in HBK, Vader I have no idea and Brock most of the time cheated.

Wow Cena when was the last time he cheated and sorry to say Cena lost to Kozlov as well. Austin is much better then John Big Show holds more then one clean over Cena. Cena also got his ass whooped continously by Brock. That was a bad argument for you and that guy you replied to was right Cena is Superman Taker's Bat Man we all know who wins. Vote for THE Undertaker John doesn't ahve a THE before him is another reason.
Uh yeah let's see Yokuzuna I recal him needing some what ten other guys, Hulk again cheated him self, The Rock never watched a match between the two of them other than a triple threat, Austin this one was clean, Kozlov was clean and he was undefeated at the time and he beat him a week later. Jeff Hardy needed interfearence from Edge or Shawn I believe. Orton two on one and cheating. HBK beat him twice by cheating Taker payed him back beating him twice cleanly, Big Show holds one over Taker and Taker holds twenty or more. JBL cheated, Mankind cheated, Bret needed help from his main rival in HBK, Vader I have no idea and Brock most of the time cheated.

Wow Cena when was the last time he cheated and sorry to say Cena lost to Kozlov as well. Austin is much better then John Big Show holds more then one clean over Cena. Cena also got his ass whooped continously by Brock. That was a bad argument for you and that guy you replied to was right Cena is Superman Taker's Bat Man we all know who wins. Vote for THE Undertaker John doesn't ahve a THE before him is another reason.

You and him never explained why Undertaker is Batman which makes no sense whatsoever. Cena has been more dominant in terms of championships and win-loss record longer than Undertaker has and that's a fact.
Just like Bat MAn Undertaker thinks up new strategies he found out he couldn't use his normal finishers on big guys he was fighting with back in 2008 he used the Hell's Gate. You're a good brawler Taker's adopted the MMA styles punches to being called the Best Pure Strike in the WWE. John Cena as Superman the reason for me is Superman was a three trick hero because he was that damn good. John Cena's move set isn't expansive in his prime though why should he add more he's good enough to just use five. Taker's called the Best Big Man wrestler of all time.

Plus Batman The Dark Knight Undertaker being a face with a heel background go figure that one out no to hard. As I said this is one of the few matches I hope to see at the upcoming wrestlemania's Taker has left. Also for the Great Win/Loss record Andre the Giant had probably one of the highest of all time he still lost to Hulk Hogan. And to go to the side argument Taker defeated Batista in thier first encounter don't think John did ;)
Just like Bat MAn Undertaker thinks up new strategies he found out he couldn't use his normal finishers on big guys he was fighting with back in 2008 he used the Hell's Gate. You're a good brawler Taker's adopted the MMA styles punches to being called the Best Pure Strike in the WWE. John Cena as Superman the reason for me is Superman was a three trick hero because he was that damn good. John Cena's move set isn't expansive in his prime though why should he add more he's good enough to just use five. Taker's called the Best Big Man wrestler of all time.

Plus Batman The Dark Knight Undertaker being a face with a heel background go figure that one out no to hard. As I said this is one of the few matches I hope to see at the upcoming wrestlemania's Taker has left. Also for the Great Win/Loss record Andre the Giant had probably one of the highest of all time he still lost to Hulk Hogan. And to go to the side argument Taker defeated Batista in thier first encounter don't think John did ;)

You just listed the only win Undertaker has over Batista while Cena has had three wins over Batista in the past two months.

If Cena can beat HHH, HBK, Orton, Angle, and Jericho with a "limited moveset", what makes me think that he can't do the same with Undertaker?
You just listed the only win Undertaker has over Batista while Cena has had three wins over Batista in the past two months.

If Cena can beat HHH, HBK, Orton, Angle, and Jericho with a "limited moveset", what makes me think that he can't do the same with Undertaker?

Taker has one win two ties and two loses to Batista only one of them was clean a the record says 1-2-2 should be 2-1-2 if it wasn't for edge. Anyways Taker's beaten all five of those guys I belive at one point or another. Plus seriously John has his super man come backs to Taker's sit up which I will say is over rated to a point. Cena normally is beaten fore fifteen minutes straight with minor offence Taker beat Hulk Hogan in 12 minutes. Vote Taker.
Taker has one win two ties and two loses to Batista only one of them was clean a the record says 1-2-2 should be 2-1-2 if it wasn't for edge. Anyways Taker's beaten all five of those guys I belive at one point or another. Plus seriously John has his super man come backs to Taker's sit up which I will say is over rated to a point. Cena normally is beaten fore fifteen minutes straight with minor offence Taker beat Hulk Hogan in 12 minutes. Vote Taker.

Can somebody please come up with a better Undertaker argument? I'm begging you.

Can you prove that the Undertaker was more dominant than Cena? Can you prove that Undertaker has been anywhere in his career close to what Cena was in 2006 and 2007? Cena is more accomplished, dominant, and is on top far longer than the Undertaker.
I'm going with The Undertaker here. When I look back over both men's careers, Taker is someone that has consistently impressed me. When Cena goes into his whole Superman mode, it's enough to overcome just about anyone but I believe that Taker is one of these few exceptions. Both Taker and Cena hold wins over each other and the wins took place during, arguably, the weakest point in both men's careers so I do think it would be a close one. We could use the "he beat so and so, so and so been what'shisname, hence he can beat what'shisname too" logic. For instance, I've seen HBK win cleanly over Cena whereas HBK has never beaten Taker without a lot of help. However, that just doesn't really work for me. Cena would be able to give Taker all he wanted but I just don't ultimately see John Cena going over Taker when Taker is at his physical and mental best.

Taker has the more devestating move set in my view, I think he's overall more resilient than John Cena and I ultimately don't see him having anything in his arsenal that would put Taker away at his strongest. Cena will not make him tap to the STF and I simply can't make myself buy into Cena pinning him with a glorified Fireman's Carry.
As we all know John Cena is the current face of the WWE and has been for a few years. Like Hogan before him Cena is known for overcoming the odds and defeating all the big time heels, often in gimmick matches that don't seem to favor him. Hes taken on and beaten Edge, Orton, Khali, Umaga, Jericho, Batista and many others. However, when it came to mega face Cena taking on another mega face superstar he more often then not comes out on the losing end and he loses those matches clean.

Wrestlemania 23 face Cena beats face HBK but we all know HBK is known for putting on a show at Mania but ultimately losing the big match. The next night on RAW face HBK beat face Cena

Night of Champions 2008 face Triple H beat face John Cena

Summerslam 2008 face Cena loses to face Batista.

With the exception of his Mania 23 win over HBK and a win over Bobby Lashley at the GAB Cena loses his encounters with other main event faces. The Undertaker is the exact type of guy that Cena would lose a match to.
First off, Cena and Taker are 2-2 in head to head matchups, so that's a draw there. Also, as for the guy with the "Cena loses more than Taker" argument, Cena has actually won about 66% of his matches in his career while Taker is around 61%, so that certainly doesn't work. Kayfabe wise, they're about even, if not a slight edge towards Cena.

As for the other factors, Cena is probably just as good as if not better than Taker in the ring. Sure, the HBK matches were break, but Cena/Batista was just as good this year. Taker has had a lot of stinkers as well, while Cena brings it against just about everybody, even guys like Lashley and Khali.

Cena is also the number 1 guy in pro wrestling at the moment. Undertaker has never held that distinction. Seems like a pretty easy choice here.
Can somebody please come up with a better Undertaker argument? I'm begging you.

Can you prove that the Undertaker was more dominant than Cena? Can you prove that Undertaker has been anywhere in his career close to what Cena was in 2006 and 2007? Cena is more accomplished, dominant, and is on top far longer than the Undertaker.

umm how about the fact that the undertaker had a better winning percentage in the wwe during 2007 then John Cena did? would that help?? John Cena - 27-10 (73%)
The Undertaker - 16-5 (76%) and this is during when Undertaker was not near his prime. Also during one of Undertakers most prime years in 1994 he went from what i can find a whopping 83-1. If you want some more showing of undertaker being dominant just ask and i'll find you some more ;)
umm how about the fact that the undertaker had a better winning percentage in the wwe during 2007 then John Cena did? would that help?? John Cena - 27-10 (73%)
The Undertaker - 16-5 (76%) and this is during when Undertaker was not near his prime. Also during one of Undertakers most prime years in 1994 he went from what i can find a whopping 83-1. If you want some more showing of undertaker being dominant just ask and i'll find you some more ;)

Undertaker on PPV in 2007 = 3-4-1. Cena on PPV in 2007 = 10-1-0. Who was more dominant again? It won't be hard to discover various times in their careers when these guys were unbeatable. Like I said before, it's basically a wash in that sense. You have to look at others factors while making your decison, like the fact that Cena had a year long title reign during a time period when it was unheard of. Like the fact Cena has been carrying the largest wrestling company in the world for years now. Like the fact that the Undertaker has far more snoozefests than Taker could ever dream of. I'm not going to great out the "Vote Cena" in size 98 font just yet, but I may soon have to.

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