Report/Rumor: Michael Hayes Indefinitely Suspended?


There was an article on earlier today saying that Michael Hayes has been MIA for a while and has been taking time off in order to handle some personal issues in his life. A follow up to that little tidbit a while ago suggests that might not be the case, according to former WWE writer Court Bauer.

On the latest episode of a podcast Bauer co hosts, Bauer alleges that Hayes has been indefinitely suspended by WWE for offering alcohol to Rosa Mendes only a few days after her return from a stint in rehab. Earlier this year, Rosa Mendes was sent home from WWE's European tour because of some questionable behavior. Apparently, officials were shocked at Hayes' display of insensitivity and sent him home.

If this is legit, then it's certainly not the first time Hayes has been the subject of controversy backstage. Several years ago, I forget the exact details, but I think it was at Triple H & Stephanie McMahon's wedding, Hayes was said to be heavily intoxicated and made either flat out racist insults directly to or racist comments about Mark Henry. If this was indeed at Trips & Stephanie's wedding, then it's been almost 10 years ago exactly. Today, Hayes would no doubt be fired because WWE is far more image conscious today, especially with political correctness being so dominant, which is a good thing in a situation like this.

Again, if it's legit, I'm wondering if Hayes is a complete moron, insensitive, suffers from periodic brain farts, if he was attempting to make some sort of light hearted joke to lighten up a heavy situation or what. If it's an attempt at humor, it sounds like something that Vince would find funny back in the old days that would flat out piss off about 99% of every other rational persona in the world.
Generally speaking, he's an asswipe who will never learn. Thats, pretty much it..No one with a grain of common sense would do the things this man has done..nothing more really to be said but, generally speaking, hes a dumbass..and an asswipe too
We all know that he's more of a "you know what" than Mark Henry is; now I guess he's more of a bartender than we are now.

Hayes' backstage antics are funnier and funnier by the report. I wonder what will happen next.
Michael Hayes has been in hot water with the WWE ever since the thing with Mark Henry when the freebird reffered to himself as being more of a ***** than Henry was. Hayes was drunk at the Wrestlemania 24 weekend party but that's no excuse. Then he was suspended for 60 days without pay. So this news really doesn't surprise me so much. Michael P.S. Hayes is a bonafied mark ass bitch. And he needs some act-right if you know what I mean. He's just another ass to me.
Michael Hayes continues to surprise the longer he stays employed by WWE. Why he wasn't fired after... take your pick... is a true mystery. That Goldust, both Hardys, Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, DDP and more have all left the company sooner speaks volumes of Hayes' insurmountable ability to ingratiate himself into the regular fold and stay useful in the eyes of management. Still, in his position, I would offer Rosa Mendes a whole lot more than just alcohol.
This is coming from the same website that posted a "memo" they got saying Hulk Hogan signed with ROH. Then changed their whole article into something else.

While the story could be true I'm also somewhat skeptical of it. I haven't heard the podcast so I don't know one way or the other what is true. Did Court Bauer cite his sources or is this a case where it's something he "heard" from someone?
Michael must either do an amazing job as a writer or have some dirt on McMahon for him to survive all these incidents. Had the wedding debacle occurred today I definitively think he would've been fired. Its great the WWE is cracking down on the sort of frat boy atmosphere that endured for most of its golden years. It seems like reprimanding talent is another headache WWE can't afford right now.
I always figured that with Hayes' standing in the company and the Fabulous Freebirds' place in the history of the wrestling industry, I figured they would've been inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame a long time ago. I wonder if his behavior is the reason why.

But if this is legit, it amazes me how he's managed to have had a job with the company for as long as he has. After some of the stuff he's done in the past with guys like Bobby Lashley and Mark Henry, not to mention making an ass of himself at Triple H's and Stephanie's wedding, you'd think that this incident with Rosa Mendes be the last straw.
I don't think what he did was that big of a deal. He offered a very hot woman a drink. I mean we know what he was looking to do. Who wouldn't be trying to liquor up a really hot chick like Rosa?

Take away the perverted overtones and it was just a man offering a woman a friendly drink. It's HER RESPONSIBILITY AND CHOICE to drink or not to. If I were Michael Hayes, I'd lawyer up. Because this aggression will not stand.
Several years ago, I forget the exact details, but I think it was at Triple H & Stephanie McMahon's wedding, Hayes was said to be heavily intoxicated and made either flat out racist insults directly to or racist comments about Mark Henry.
Interesting. I only recently watched the new Triple H DVD (and pretty much hated it despite being a Triple H fan). They mention the wedding, but according to Triple H, all Hayes did was take the stage and sing. Supposedly his singing was so awful he told Big Show to knock Hayes out if he touched the mic again.

Wouldn't be the first time they drastically sugar coated real life stories like that. It fits how the DVD is but a fluff piece just going on and on what a saint Triple H is, even more so than the WWE DVDs usually do.

But I digress. Hayes seems to become more and more a liability to the WWE, badly coping with the times of political correctness. In light of WWE's supposed anti-bullying-campaign they can ill afford a top official harrassing a troubled employee like that. Even if he meant it as a light-hearted joke and it got blown out of proportion, it just looks terrible on paper and give the company little alternative but to discipline him. What a bonehead.
I believe the racial remark was aimed towards Henry before, after or during a Hall Of Fame ceremony only about 5-6 years ago. From what I remember from the reports, he likes to talk jive and he let slip a racial word. Hardly the biggest crime in my eyes as I believe it's how you say things, not what you say. However I also still see that as a sackable offence.

My guess is he's like a drink and WWE think he drinks too much. If that's the case, he's with that company for a while yet. They're not getting rid of somebody whilst they're dealing with issues, only if they persist and do nothing about them.
Hayes is a good old boy to whom the world of political correctness is still strange and confusing for him. I doubt that'll ever change though.

But he is one of the great promo men of all time, and does have an excellent mind for the business. That's what's helped him stick around as long as he has, although you've gotta wonder if it's getting to the point that what he brings to the table just isn't worth dealing with everything else he... well brings to the table.
.... has been taking time off in order to handle some personal issues in his life.

Always get a kick out of that "spin" stuff. When a company tells us things like: "He's leaving the company to spend more time with his family".... I read it as: This is the corporate way of telling the public that the guy is gone.....without actually telling them anything. The real reasons for the person's departure are rarely revealed.

In Hayes' case, it might be an accumulation of incidents over the years, especially when his tongue is loosened by large quantities of alcohol. The man must be providing valuable service to WWE, by virtue of the fact he's been around this long, but his worth to the company reaches a point of diminishing returns as the incidents pile up.

By itself, offering a 33-year-old woman alcohol doesn't sound like a capital crime.....but as a link in a continuing chain of occurrences, it becomes one. Even the "...more of a ***** than Henry was" comment, though we're supposed to cover our ears and run screaming from the room at the blatant display of racism, doesn't sound so horrible to me.....and I'd question whether Mark Henry was as mortally offended by it as the white people nearby.

On the other hand, a continued pattern of insensitivity and obnoxiousness does get a person in trouble after awhile......and that's good; after repeated warnings, suspension or dismissal should follow.

If Hayes is that valued an employee, the company will put him in rehab (or say they did), followed by a stint in a sensitivity training group (perhaps led by the guy who counseled Kane and Daniel Bryan) and announce that P.S. is getting one more chance. If Hayes isn't worth keeping around, he'll lose his job......undoubtedly followed by the announcement that he has left "to pursue other endeavors" or "spend more time with his dear family."

The guy should wise up. If he's let go, I don't know if his resume qualifies him for any other employment except being a barker in a carnival.
I don't think what he did was that big of a deal. He offered a very hot woman a drink. I mean we know what he was looking to do. Who wouldn't be trying to liquor up a really hot chick like Rosa?

Take away the perverted overtones and it was just a man offering a woman a friendly drink. It's HER RESPONSIBILITY AND CHOICE to drink or not to. If I were Michael Hayes, I'd lawyer up. Because this aggression will not stand.

I get where you're coming from. When I read about it, I initially didn't really think all that much about it but, believe it or not, an old episode of Family Guy actually made me reconsider. It was a rerun of an earlier episode in which Chris is trying to lose weight and Stewie teases him relentlessly, resulting in Stewie putting on a lot of weight and getting a bit of an eating disorder himself. Chris was eating all the healthy stuff like steamed veggies and all that while Stewie would tease him with meat loaf, chocolate cake, etc.

It sort of put me in mind of this situation a little because of a somewhat similar parallel. Alcoholism is a much more serious ailment than overeating, generally speaking, and is treated more seriously. Rosa Mendes is trying to improve herself by giving up something that's negatively affected her health, personal life and professional life. After just getting out of rehab, she's still pretty vulnerable and the temptation to drink is always there, a temptation that could be made al the worse by someone who knows about her situation and offers her booze. While not exactly something that strikes me is as downright despicable, Hayes was definitely being a dick. If a friend is fighting an addiction to heroin, any decent person isn't gonna hold wave a little baggy of it in front of them saying "Nyah nyah, look what I've got."
I don't think what he did was that big of a deal. He offered a very hot woman a drink. I mean we know what he was looking to do. Who wouldn't be trying to liquor up a really hot chick like Rosa?

Take away the perverted overtones and it was just a man offering a woman a friendly drink. It's HER RESPONSIBILITY AND CHOICE to drink or not to. If I were Michael Hayes, I'd lawyer up. Because this aggression will not stand.
You have to put the situation into context. Michael, having a significant backstage presence, had to be aware of the fact that Rosa just returned from a stint at rehab. Anyone aware of alcoholism knows just one drop of alcohol can send the strongest person back into addiction. What Michael did was jeopardize a fellow superstar's livelihood. I highly doubt he was being sincere by offering her the drink, and this is one backstage rib that goes way past what should be tolerated in any company, much less one thats promoting an array of special interest groups (anti-bullying, etc).
You have to put the situation into context. Michael, having a significant backstage presence, had to be aware of the fact that Rosa just returned from a stint at rehab. Anyone aware of alcoholism knows just one drop of alcohol can send the strongest person back into addiction. What Michael did was jeopardize a fellow superstar's livelihood. I highly doubt he was being sincere by offering her the drink, and this is one backstage rib that goes way past what should be tolerated in any company, much less one thats promoting an array of special interest groups (anti-bullying, etc).
When I was in the military I was sent to rehab for alcoholism. When I got out everyone was the same except for me. We still went to clubs/bars and they still offered to buy me drinks, not to be dicks, but that's what we did and thought of it as looking out for our friends. I would politely say no thank you and that was the end of the situation. An example of this is that I know my brother doesn't drink at all, yet every time we go out I still ask him if he would like a drink because I feel its rude not to.

I don't think Hayes did anything wrong here. It is not his job to make sure she doesnt drink. I bet Punk has been offered drinks by other wrestlers and he just says NO I dont drink. Rosa is in control of her life. I didnt research the story, but Im assuming this was at a bar or club and not backstage at raw. If it was indeed at a bar/club than Rosa shouldn't have been there in the first place. She is an attractive women, people are going to try to buy her drinks whether it be WWE employees or random guys. If she cant handle herself like a grown women than fire her. There is plenty of other women that would love to be in the WWE that are not alcoholics. Also we don't know if this was a common occurrence or not. Maybe Hayes and Rosa are good friends and he always bought her drinks. We are assuming that he was being either a creep or an asshole but we really don't know the situation. BTW just cause you went to rehab doesn't mean you want to completely stop drinking. Mendes could have been hinting to the fact that she wanted someone to buy her a drink, women do stuff like this all the time.

I seriously doubt this was a rib...Hayes was probably trying to get some
I get where you're coming from. When I read about it, I initially didn't really think all that much about it but, believe it or not, an old episode of Family Guy actually made me reconsider. It was a rerun of an earlier episode in which Chris is trying to lose weight and Stewie teases him relentlessly, resulting in Stewie putting on a lot of weight and getting a bit of an eating disorder himself. Chris was eating all the healthy stuff like steamed veggies and all that while Stewie would tease him with meat loaf, chocolate cake, etc.

It sort of put me in mind of this situation a little because of a somewhat similar parallel. Alcoholism is a much more serious ailment than overeating, generally speaking, and is treated more seriously. Rosa Mendes is trying to improve herself by giving up something that's negatively affected her health, personal life and professional life. After just getting out of rehab, she's still pretty vulnerable and the temptation to drink is always there, a temptation that could be made al the worse by someone who knows about her situation and offers her booze. While not exactly something that strikes me is as downright despicable, Hayes was definitely being a dick. If a friend is fighting an addiction to heroin, any decent person isn't gonna hold wave a little baggy of it in front of them saying "Nyah nyah, look what I've got."

You have to put the situation into context. Michael, having a significant backstage presence, had to be aware of the fact that Rosa just returned from a stint at rehab. Anyone aware of alcoholism knows just one drop of alcohol can send the strongest person back into addiction. What Michael did was jeopardize a fellow superstar's livelihood. I highly doubt he was being sincere by offering her the drink, and this is one backstage rib that goes way past what should be tolerated in any company, much less one thats promoting an array of special interest groups (anti-bullying, etc).

Do you guys even read the bullshit that you type? So what you guys are saying here is that it isn't Rosa Mendez's responsibility to keep herself sober? It's Hayes' fault because she's vulnerable :(

Michael Hayes might very well be an asshole for offering her a drink. I tend to think it was really something rather harmless like he was drinking, saw her there and was doing the hospitable thing of offering her a drink (and maybe a few more to get her in to his hotel room). But that's neither here nor there. The fact is, the only person responsible for Rosa Mendez is Rosa Mendez. If she can't say "no" then fvck her.

And before you guys start calling me out for not understanding the mentality of an addict, I've had my own bouts with addiction. I quit drinking AND smoking years ago, despite having buddies offering me drinks or blowing smoke in my face. See, I had the willpower to say "no" and stop. I took responsibility for how my life was going. I didn't need to make an ass of myself and get sent home from work. I didn't need to avoid the consequences of my actions by running to rehab. Those things are what pu(s)(s)ies do.

I have no respect for anyone (man or woman) who can't accept responsibility for the actions they did. So this whole "she's vulnerable" thing doesn't fly.

I'm sure Hayes didn't really even mean to upset her. Much like I doubt he meant harm when he said the 'n' word around Mark Henry. Neither offense I feel warrants a suspension.
When I was in the military I was sent to rehab for alcoholism. When I got out everyone was the same except for me. We still went to clubs/bars and they still offered to buy me drinks, not to be dicks, but that's what we did and thought of it as looking out for our friends. I would politely say no thank you and that was the end of the situation. An example of this is that I know my brother doesn't drink at all, yet every time we go out I still ask him if he would like a drink because I feel its rude not to.

Great for you; some people don't handle addiction well. Would you offer Jake Roberts a drink if you saw him? Knowing his past, and what alcohol has done to his life?

Hayes should know as well as anyone, seeing Rosa's life legitimately deteriorate because of alcohol. With an addict, you should be supportive of their disease, not try and cause a relapse.

I don't think Hayes did anything wrong here. It is not his job to make sure she doesnt drink.

And it's WWE's job to be a support system for Rosa, as long as she's still employed by the company. Hayes is part of that support system.

I bet Punk has been offered drinks by other wrestlers and he just says NO I dont drink.

Punk also isn't dealing with an addiction

Rosa is in control of her life. I didnt research the story, but Im assuming this was at a bar or club and not backstage at raw. If it was indeed at a bar/club than Rosa shouldn't have been there in the first place. She is an attractive women, people are going to try to buy her drinks whether it be WWE employees or random guys. If she cant handle herself like a grown women than fire her. There is plenty of other women that would love to be in the WWE that are not alcoholics.

So, what you're saying is that Rosa shouldn't go to clubs, because of alcohol, and she's pretty?


Right. Rosa has the right to go anywhere she wants. Clubs aren't just for drinking; maybe she does have friends she wants to hang out with. That shouldn't mean she can't go, because people will be assholes and buy her drinks.

Also we don't know if this was a common occurrence or not. Maybe Hayes and Rosa are good friends and he always bought her drinks.

If that's the case, it's even worse, especially if Hayes knew Rosa's problem, and offered her a drink anyway.

We are assuming that he was being either a creep or an asshole but we really don't know the situation.

This I'll agree with, but it doesn't necessarily make the circumstances better, unless Hayes was joking his good friend Rosa. Even then, doesn't look good for Hayes.

BTW just cause you went to rehab doesn't mean you want to completely stop drinking. Mendes could have been hinting to the fact that she wanted someone to buy her a drink, women do stuff like this all the time.

You're doing this thing where you're placing all the blame on Rosa, while at the same time saying we can't condemn Hayes, because we don't know the situation.


I seriously doubt this was a rib...Hayes was probably trying to get some

Ok... I want you to read that last sentence back. Now, I want you to read how that sentence came off;

I don't have a problem with Michael Hayes (knowingly or otherwise) taking advantage of a woman's weaknesses, to get her to bed.

Because that's exactly what you just said
Some of you may not understand the implications of offering an alcoholic a drink..its damn near criminal in the eyes of that person who has suffered addiction because they are never going to be the same. Joke or not hes a ******** for it because, just like some of you said, hes a good ole boy who hasnt waken up in 2013..
You have to put the situation into context. Michael, having a significant backstage presence, had to be aware of the fact that Rosa just returned from a stint at rehab. Anyone aware of alcoholism knows just one drop of alcohol can send the strongest person back into addiction. What Michael did was jeopardize a fellow superstar's livelihood. I highly doubt he was being sincere by offering her the drink, and this is one backstage rib that goes way past what should be tolerated in any company, much less one thats promoting an array of special interest groups (anti-bullying, etc).

Yet Randy Orton is still around despite shitting in a woman's bag... hmm

At the end of the day, they took a hard line with Rosa by sending her home from the tour and Hayes was probably involved in that decision.

She went to rehab, did as asked by WWE management and then a member of said management tries to derail her, even if it was a joke it would be a firing offence in most companies.

But this is the E, where guys with known issues can have Jack poured down their gullett to further a storyline. Hayes needs to be fired as it's once cock up to many, especially as others like Finlay were let go for far less.

He's a dinosaur in terms of his behaviour and to be honest I think they may have wanted an excuse to get rid for some time...they may now have it.
Great for you; some people don't handle addiction well. Would you offer Jake Roberts a drink if you saw him? Knowing his past, and what alcohol has done to his life?

Hayes should know as well as anyone, seeing Rosa's life legitimately deteriorate because of alcohol. With an addict, you should be supportive of their disease, not try and cause a relapse.

And it's WWE's job to be a support system for Rosa, as long as she's still employed by the company. Hayes is part of that support system.

Punk also isn't dealing with an addiction

So, what you're saying is that Rosa shouldn't go to clubs, because of alcohol, and she's pretty?


Right. Rosa has the right to go anywhere she wants. Clubs aren't just for drinking; maybe she does have friends she wants to hang out with. That shouldn't mean she can't go, because people will be assholes and buy her drinks.

If that's the case, it's even worse, especially if Hayes knew Rosa's problem, and offered her a drink anyway.

This I'll agree with, but it doesn't necessarily make the circumstances better, unless Hayes was joking his good friend Rosa. Even then, doesn't look good for Hayes.

You're doing this thing where you're placing all the blame on Rosa, while at the same time saying we can't condemn Hayes, because we don't know the situation.


Ok... I want you to read that last sentence back. Now, I want you to read how that sentence came off;

I don't have a problem with Michael Hayes (knowingly or otherwise) taking advantage of a woman's weaknesses, to get her to bed.

Because that's exactly what you just said

Hayes doesnt have to support Mendes because she was an addict. Mendes is a grown women and she should be treated the same as everyone else. Nobody should have to baby her because she made bad choices in her life. She has to say no the same as Punk regardless of her past drinking habits.

If I saw Jake in a bar by himself....Yes I would offer him a drink because there would be almost NO other reason he was there. Mendes situation is different because I don't personally know Jake but Hayes knows Mendes.

I didnt say Rosa shouldn't go to clubs, because of alcohol, and she's pretty. She shouldn't go because she is in recovery. That is like the first thing they tell you in rehab is to stay away from friends that drink, bars, and clubs. Mendes, if she was at a club/bar, was already doing something dumb. If I was a crack head, I should probably not go to a place where everyone else is doing and selling crack. You stated that Mendes can go wherever she wants, well Hayes also has the right to buy a drink for whoever he wants.

Im putting the blame on Mendes on the assumption that this took place at a bar/club that she was told to and should have avoided going to in the first place. Everybody that is in recovery knows to stay away from bars/clubs for this exact reason. If this was not at a bar/club than Yes Hayes was fully in the wrong and the comment was inappropriate.

I don't have a problem with Michael Hayes (knowingly or otherwise) taking advantage of a woman's weaknesses, to get her to bed. EXACTLY!!! Why would I? This happens everyday in clubs/bars around the world. This is how you get women in bed. If a girl has a weakness for shoes than I buy her shoes, If she has a weakness for sweet guys than I act as sweet as I can. Women love guys that spend money on them. You always take advantage of someones weakness to get them to notice you. I remember my ex wanted to talk to me so she ordered WM and invited me over to watch it even though she wasn't a wrestling fan (wrestling is my weakness). Alcohol doesn't make this any different. This is a grown women who should know her limits and she should be treated as such. I never said that he was trying to get her stupid drunk and drag her back to a hotel to have sex with her because that is rape and is completely wrong. But if he knows she like alcohol and used it to start a conversation with the intent of getting her in bed, I don't see anything wrong with that. Do you want the entire roster to baby Mendes?
That kind of thinking is why people remain addicts... It's not about babying it's about the E forcing her to take some responsibility by sending her home - which is humiliating and one of the guys responsible then either trying to use it to f*** her as you suggest, or even worst make her fall cos she wouldn't... If someone is brave enough to say no more, it's pretty shitty to try and coax them no good to WWE could have come if she'd taken that drink and that is ultimately what will do for Hayes.
That kind of thinking is why people remain addicts... It's not about babying it's about the E forcing her to take some responsibility by sending her home - which is humiliating and one of the guys responsible then either trying to use it to f*** her as you suggest, or even worst make her fall cos she wouldn't... If someone is brave enough to say no more, it's pretty shitty to try and coax them no good to WWE could have come if she'd taken that drink and that is ultimately what will do for Hayes.

Nobody can force you to do anything...The E tried to help her. How is her going to a bar/club being responsible? Did you even read my full post? Guys ask to buy women drinks in bars/clubs, everybody knows that and this should be expected. If it wasnt Hayes, I guarantee it would have been somebody else. She shouldnt have been in a club/bar, I have been to rehab and they TELL YOU THIS MULTIPLE TIMES EVERYDAY. Now like I stated in my post, If this was not in a bar/club than yes Hayes was wrong. As a grown women she should have been responsible enough to avoid high risk areas such as bars/clubs.

And NO the reason people remain addicts is because they are mentally weak and allow temptation to control them
I think this is a perfect example of making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Was it "bad form" to ask if she wanted a drink? Yeah, sure, why not.

Should he be suspended for it? No, not at all.

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