Roman Reigns - Embrace the Hate!


R.I.P Mustang Sally :( :( :(
We all know the whole Roman Reigns story until now, and most of you will admit that his Singles Run as a Babyface has been underwhelming and also poorly handled by those in charge...

We also know that after breaking the Undertaker's Streak, Brock Lesnar should have been a huge Hated Heel in the WWE... however, with everyone's favourite, Daniel Bryan out injured, he faced John Cena at SummerSlam instead and it totally washed away all the heat from breaking the Streak.

Thus, this Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns could be the perfect way to 'correct' that situation and make Roman Reigns into what Brock Lesnar was supposed to be post-Mania 30.

How do you do it?
Simple, really... Have Roman Reigns in a close all-out brawl with Brock Lesnar which he ends with the SP-Spear combo to win the WWE World title. Post-Match, he aligns with Paul Heyman(Brock goes face, or is leaving the WWE).
Then, when Seth Rollins comes in for the cash-in(either at Mania or on the Post-Mania RAW)... have Roman Reigns turn away his cash-in attempt as well.

Job Done. Loads of Heel Heat for Roman Reigns, and with Paul Heyman by his side, I am sure it will make for some golden moments and will truly be, "ONE vs ALL!":)

As for Seth Rollins after a failed cash-in:
The hate for Roman has overshadowed his months of great heel work... I'd say he's due a face turn soon anyway... :shrug:
So what you're advocating is just turning Roman Reigns heel, then? I suppose I could get behind that. But doesn't it seem like a waste of time and effort. And more than that, doesn't it seem like a big fuck up on the part of the WWE and an acknowledgement of that fact? I agree that Roman Reigns hasn't been the best face in the company and certainly doesn't look like he is ready to step in and replace John Cena as the face of the company. But flipping him so soon after his face push seems like a mistake to me. Roman Reigns is still learning how to be at the very top of the company and what is expected of him from there. But I am willing to give him some time and see how it pans out.

But more than this, I'd hate to see Seth Rollins as a face. And really that's what you're talking about when you're talking about getting Reigns over as a heel. To me, it is just far too big of change. A triple turn? I don't like it at all. Seth Rollins has been a considerably better heel than Roman Reigns has been a face. Flipping Seth to get Reigns over is a mistake, like it or not. Rollins is over and I don't think he'd make a good face. So, for my money, they should just leave everything the way it is and see how it all works out. The worst case scenario is that Reigns fails to get over and they have to change their path a little with him and the Championship. It cam be done and would make a lot more sense than doing the triple turn.
Another internet staple is just changing alignments ("turn em heel!") when something "isn't working" but Roman is clearly working as, must be stated once again, he's not getting bad reactions.

It's the same shit with Cena. People want to turn Roman heel just so they can cheer him, which defeats the damn point.

It's not even necessary. Reigns has only been in the company two years and by the time he in it 5 he'll have more heel and face turns than Big Show if internet fans have their way.
Well yeah I'm among the one who hate Roman Reigns and the way he got pushed so quickly. But That doesn't mean he should turn heel. And your opinion is to turn Seth Rollins as a face? That's kinda ridiculous. Just as now Seth is proving to be the greatest heel of the PG era so I don't want to spoil that so early!

But my only concern is Seth is going to face Randy and Cena will possibly continuing his feud with Rusev and Brock will most probably leaving WWE so who will Roman Reigns feud with? Kane? Big Show? or who? That's a very big question now!!
Most heels are the ones who offensively carry the matches. They beat down the face, until the face hulks up and takes out the heel with some well placed and timed offensive of their own.

Reigns has the moveset of a face, he can't carry the match offensively. I'm afraid it would just be a bunch of rest holds, with some kicks and what not thrown in for good measure.

It worked with the Shield because he stayed out of the matches until the end. He would get the hot tag and then clean house. Rollins and Ambrose both have the experience and carried him pretty much the whole time they were together.

Leave him as a face for the time being. I think the WWE is getting the message they might have pulled the trigger on the wrong wrestler.
I can get behind this idea and I've been thinking about it as a possible plan B.

Reigns beats Lesnar at 'Mania. A huge double turn, but, it's not yet completed. Rollins would try to cash in, at Wrestlemania or a PPV after it, it doesn't matter, but The Authority screws Rollins.

My only problem is that, I want Rollins to be a heel, too. But this can't work with a heel Champion Roman Reigns and heel MITB holder Seth Rollins. Except if Roman becomes a Paul Heyman guy and Rollins sticks with The Authority. Put a face in the middle, like Ambrose or Orton and it could work.

But I don't want Reigns to be a Paul Heyman guy with Brock Lesnar still around. Lesnar would always outshine him. Maybe he could just be a loner. But heels need a mouthpiece. So many possibilities.

I dig it. Reigns w/Paul Heyman vs Rollins w/Authority vs Ambrose. Shield could main event PPVs while Bryan and Cena are reviving the midcard. Lesnar would pop up if he resigns for special matches. I can already see Summerslam shaping, with a build-up starting after 'Mania
1) Reigns vs Rollins vs Ambrose (WWE Championship)
2) Lesnar vs Orton
3) Bryan vs Ziggler (IC Championship)
4) Cena vs ... (US Championship)
5) Maybe Sting vs Wyatt, too.

I can dream.
Damn, Roman Reigns really is the next Cena.

I mean here were all are, coming up with loads of interesting scenarios for a heel turn, whilst deep down knowing it will never happen. :p
After tonight's RAW ending, does anyone still think Roman Reigns is leaving WrestleMania a babyface? I just can't see the babyface push working anymore whatsoever, tho, that has all been on how he has been booked more than anything....
It's going to be ugly, people. If reigns doesn't win clean, did the steak end for nothing? But then again if reigns flops did the streak end for nothing?
I can't believe that we waited months for that ending on RAW. They've done nothing, nothing to promote this match to the extent that it's a "must see". How disappointing for us fans. Taker streak was brought to an end for this shit.

Reigns will not turn heel, and God only knows what will happen to him. I'm too the point where the IC title match is the one I'm hoping to see the most.
I'd do a triple turn in the same match. I don't know if that's ever been done before.

Reigns and Lesnar go at it in an epic brawl, but Reigns simple can't match Lesnar's dominance. He hits Lesnar with 3 superman punches and a spear and he kicks out. Reigns is shocked. Heyman gets a bat (maybe left over from HHH/Sting) and drills Lesnar in the back. Brock can't contain his shock. Reigns spears Lesnar again. Again Lesnar kicks out. Another superman punch and Reigns pins him and celebrates with Heyman.

Backstage, Rollins goes to cash in his MIB and HHH and Steph stop him. They say they knew it was gonna happen and they approve of it. Seth says HE'S the future, not Reigns and goes to cash in anyway. J&J refuse to help Seth.

Seth goes it alone. He brawls with Reigns in a straight up match. Face to face. This makes Seth the face. Seth takes out Heyman early and they have a 15 minute match. Seth wins with the curb stomp and wins as the crowd erupts in cheers.
We all know the whole Roman Reigns story until now, and most of you will admit that his Singles Run as a Babyface has been underwhelming and also poorly handled by those in charge...

We also know that after breaking the Undertaker's Streak, Brock Lesnar should have been a huge Hated Heel in the WWE... however, with everyone's favourite, Daniel Bryan out injured, he faced John Cena at SummerSlam instead and it totally washed away all the heat from breaking the Streak.

Thus, this Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns could be the perfect way to 'correct' that situation and make Roman Reigns into what Brock Lesnar was supposed to be post-Mania 30.

How do you do it?
Simple, really... Have Roman Reigns in a close all-out brawl with Brock Lesnar which he ends with the SP-Spear combo to win the WWE World title. Post-Match, he aligns with Paul Heyman(Brock goes face, or is leaving the WWE).
Then, when Seth Rollins comes in for the cash-in(either at Mania or on the Post-Mania RAW)... have Roman Reigns turn away his cash-in attempt as well.

Job Done. Loads of Heel Heat for Roman Reigns, and with Paul Heyman by his side, I am sure it will make for some golden moments and will truly be, "ONE vs ALL!":)

As for Seth Rollins after a failed cash-in:
The hate for Roman has overshadowed his months of great heel work... I'd say he's due a face turn soon anyway... :shrug:

I wouldn't say that is "embracing the hate". If anything, Reigns just continuing going forward is "embracing the hate". All I can hope for is for him to look vunerable...against respectable opponents like Orton, Cena, Brock but not Show/Kane - just run through those guys.
Job Done. Loads of Heel Heat for Roman Reigns, and with Paul Heyman by his side, I am sure it will make for some golden moments and will truly be, "ONE vs ALL!"

Well, okay. If that's what WWE wants to do, what you've suggested is surely a good way to get it done. But are you being premature? Is this really the correct path for Roman Reigns, at least this early in his singles career?

The presumption many on this forum are making, that "everyone" doesn't like what Roman is doing, is not correct, imo. There are plenty of people cheering him and plenty of folks interested in him.......just as "everyone" doesn't hate John Cena, as has been suggested by many (talk about someone who has been forced to "embrace the hate" :disappointed:).

Additionally, whatever mistakes the WWE braintrust have made with Roman Reigns to this point can hopefully be overcome. Remember Daniel Bryan earlier in his WWE tenure? He was a short, slightly flabby guy who toiled in everyday fashion, jobbing to people like Sin Cara......and I don't recall people making much of a fuss over him. A few programs that included Kane, vignettes and a catchy chant.......and now Daniel is a short, slightly flabby sensation.

In other words, Daniel was booked wrong initially.....but recovered and flourished. Maybe Roman Reigns can do the same.

So we can embrace the hate and turn Roman bad.......after all, he'll eventually turn evil; everybody does during the course of their career.....but I'd rather watch him in WM31.......keep him on the program he's plainly been working to improve his in-ring and talking skills...... and let Creative take it from there.

Maybe it bears fruit, maybe it doesn't, but after all the effort put into making Roman Reigns a leading man, I think it's worth re-structuring and continuing.
Well, okay. If that's what WWE wants to do, what you've suggested is surely a good way to get it done. But are you being premature? Is this really the correct path for Roman Reigns, at least this early in his singles career?

The presumption many on this forum are making, that "everyone" doesn't like what Roman is doing, is not correct, imo. There are plenty of people cheering him and plenty of folks interested in him.......just as "everyone" doesn't hate John Cena, as has been suggested by many (talk about someone who has been forced to "embrace the hate" :disappointed:).

Additionally, whatever mistakes the WWE braintrust have made with Roman Reigns to this point can hopefully be overcome. Remember Daniel Bryan earlier in his WWE tenure? He was a short, slightly flabby guy who toiled in everyday fashion, jobbing to people like Sin Cara......and I don't recall people making much of a fuss over him. A few programs that included Kane, vignettes and a catchy chant.......and now Daniel is a short, slightly flabby sensation.

In other words, Daniel was booked wrong initially.....but recovered and flourished. Maybe Roman Reigns can do the same.

So we can embrace the hate and turn Roman bad.......after all, he'll eventually turn evil; everybody does during the course of their career.....but I'd rather watch him in WM31.......keep him on the program he's plainly been working to improve his in-ring and talking skills...... and let Creative take it from there.

Maybe it bears fruit, maybe it doesn't, but after all the effort put into making Roman Reigns a leading man, I think it's worth re-structuring and continuing.

Again, I like your optimism Sally, and this post has given some back to me. However, just analyse it all for a second and see that Roman Reigns' Main Event Babyface push has regressed since Fast Lane and his feud with D-Bry.

At this point, I really think it is either; Turn Roman Reigns Heel OR put him back into the Midcard to build up more.
Indeed, he has been improving, but the majority of fans just aren't willing to give him the chance to 'catch-up' whilst also being at the top, which is something that is difficult to argue against.

Post-Mania, I say, with Lesnar resigning, just take Reigns out of the pressure cooker environment and allow him to grow as a performer before letting him back up. I am convinced that he can make it big as he has that "It" factor required, but the majority of fans just aren't ready for him as yet and booking has generally not done him any favours either.

Hopefully, you can be right, and I can be wrong, and somehow WWE has some sort of "Ace" up their sleeves with regards to Babyface Reigns, post-Mania. But... I'm not holding my breath for it...

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