Rookie Of The Year

Who Is The Rookie Of The Year In 2012?

  • Antonio Cesaro

  • Ryback

  • Damien Sandow

  • The Shield

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Damien Sandow because he's been the most entertaining. His character is great and well developed, he cuts highly entertaining promos is great in the ring and has no real weakness whatsoever I see (hopefully) bright thing for this guy's future as a top heel. He has so much potential. So that tells you all just because Vince is pushing the hell out Ryback doesn't make him any more entertaining to the masses. You're welcome!
I'm a big fan of everyone on this list, but Ryback just skyrocketed to becoming a huge player in the WWE. He's main evented PPVs and is super over in just about every arena he performs in. Nobody else on this list can say that.
Don't really see how Shield are on the list, they haven't even had a match yet, but my votes to Ryback, he has been far too impressive this year.
Damn, this is tough. I think I want to see some arguments before I vote.

Damien Sandow has been the most impressive out of everyone on the list promo and character wise.

Ryback has had the biggest impact, though I'll be honest and say right now there's no way in hell I'm voting for that talentless prick.

Antonio Cesaro is the best in-ring performer of the bunch.

And The Shield has simply been awesome to watch to this point.

Tough choice...
To me, Sandow has been my vote. His character is what I think Matt Striker wanted to be. Sandow has charisma and the whole "apprentice" schtick is going to cultimate in an FCW guy getting called up I think. Ryback has the new "Monster look", but the simpole fact is he can't perform in the ring like a Sandow or a Cesaro. Cesaro is a close 2nd and almost my 1A to Sandow's 1, for the simple fact that he has had more opputunities than Sandow. I think if they had switched places Sandow would be just as good of a champion that Cesaro is, if not better.
Prior to Cena`s injury, Ryback was nothing..just squashing jobbers. After that, he made a great impact yes but I just can`t see him other than a fill in right now. Sandow gets my vote because he has been consistently good since day 1 and I can see him as one of the top guys in the future. If I compare the two, Sandow is by far the most talented of the 2 and the one with brighter long term future.
Sandow's been the most consistent. Ryback rocketed sure, but only because WWE panicked and tossed him at Punk, noting they had nothing else. Prior to that he was squashing nobodies and had a "feud" with Jinder Mahal of all people. Sandow has had longer matches of decent quality, solid promos and been the subject of quality TV throughout the year. You're welcome.
I'm a little surprised to see that Sandow currently has a slight lead over Ryback. I went with Ryback, for obvious reasons, but I've got no problem with Sandow. I really enjoy the guy and I think there's potential money in him in the long term.
I know I nominated Sandow, but Cesaro is getting visibility better and more impressive every single week, whereas Sandow could start treading water sometime soon.

Sandow needs a solid program in the new year to avoid being lost in the hustle, whilst Cesaro is actually making me care about the U.S. title for the first time since like Benoit had it.
I bought into the Cesaro hype earlier this year. I am now bitterly disappointed. He has nothing going for him outside of his uppercut. The Shield haven't done enough. I love Sandow personally, but he can't just compete with the final man.

Ryback has been phenomenal. Too long squashing jobbers, yes, but he's made up for that now. The only one on the list to have main evented a PPV. The only one to have had a title match. They haven't had the year Ryback's had. A vote for anyone else is just silly.
Ryback wins from being fucked into the main event. I like the dude, but it souldnt have happened.

Had it not, Sandow would have taken it.
My bullet was sitting on Cesaro, but something made me click Ryback. Probably his huge rise to the main event.
I can't merely vote for Ryback because he's been successful. From the list, the person who has impressed me the most to this point is actually Cesaro.
I'm surprised there are seventeen people who have been THAT impressed by Claudio's WWE run so far.
I'm a fan of all parties but I've been impressed more-so by Ryback than any of the others. From the moment he debuted I said he'd be a star, my exact prophecy being that he'd hold either the WWE Championship or World Heavyweight Champion by the end of 2013. Instead he completely exceeded my expectations and is one of the top guys in the current WWE product. Fair dues to Damien Sandow though, been entertaining from the outset.
It's Sandow. Great in the ring, great on the mic, manages to play the bad guy but still be highly entertaining. He's been somewhat derailed by being put in a tag-team but the guy just has star written all over him.

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