Round 1: Darth Vader vs. Master Hand

Who wins?

  • Darth Vader

  • Master Hand

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Round One


The champion of last year's BattleZone Tournament takes on the champion of the Super Smash Bros. universe as Darth Vader and Master Hand do battle. Can Vader continue his BattleZone undefeated streak, or does Master Hand add the elder Skywalker to his collection of playthings?

The irony here is great.

At the end of the day, he's a Sith and it's a hand. Just a hand. Vader can cut the fingers off and shove them where the sun doesn't shine. Inside the glove I mean of course. The hand is something Vader would look at, scoff, and destroy without breaking a sweat, probably because he's mostly machine and therefore likely doesn't sweat, but that's beside the point. This is one sided.
Its been said that before he succumbed to the injuries that lead him to being more machine than man, Anakin Skywalker was destined to be the most powerful Jedi ever. His power would have made the Emperor look like a mere Youngling. Even after he lost his duel with Obi-Wan on Mustafar, damaging and greatly limiting his force capabilities, Vader had force powers capable of matching that of his master.

The Master Hand was capable of being defeated by Jigglypuff.....fucking Jigglypuff.

Vader wins....hands down....YEAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
There's a roster of over 50 characters that kick Master Hands ass when guided by a regular player. If you're playing a videogame to face Vader, chances are you're Luke Skywalker. Or the apprentice guy from Force Unleashed. He's on this tourney I think, but not this match. So...... Vader.
Giant hand vs sith master, it's simple it's easy it's straight forward.


Oh wait, hang on, a Lightsabre can cut through anything?

The thing is, Master Hand has projectile weapons and lasers that can cut through all sorts of objects. Plus, Master Hand is giant. Vader would be absolutely dwarfed by Master Hand, who could fly to dodge the lightsaber strikes and fire his Bullet Bills and lasers to pick off Vader from a distance.

Master Hand has ruled the Nintendo Universe for years. Don't count him out too easily.
Vader wins, no way he loses to a silly hand (no matter the size). Without getting into it too much, it's like this: All the characters on Super Smash Bros can destroy the hand, Vader can destroy most of the Smash Bro's roster with relative ease, he'll probably do the same to the hand. Hell the energy coming from Vader's hand is probably stronger than Master Hand anyways.
I prefer Vader in this matchup. Give Master Hand everything - a SSB stage, SSB rules, the whole shebang, and it seems likely Vader would still defeat him. We all know that Hand is easily defeated by evading, one way or another. Vader isn't physically limber, but with the Force, he can shield when appropriate, or use it to propel himself out of the way at will. He might take a hit or two, but we've seen loads of people - including reasonable approximations of Vader, like Solid Snake, for example - take more than a few hits from Hand and walk away the winner.

What we know of how to defeat Hand likewise suggests a Vader victory. His fatal weakness is his overconfidence - he'll just stand there for a moment or two while you hammer away at him, plotting his next move, assured that'll be the killing blow. He never learns, either. Vader will take all this time to slash away at Hand, who, while possessing remarkable toughness and endurance, will eventually be worn down.

Possible arguments against Vader would be that his own endurance is much weaker in comparison, and Hand might just plain win a war of attrition. But I feel confident that the lightsaber would deal enough damage for Vader to win before getting terribly exhausted. There's also the X Factor of Vader being strong enough to possibly hold Master Hand down entirely, thus letting him execute him at his leisure - though the amount of Force necessary to do this might be out of his grasp. He is, however, one of the most adept Jedi/Sith ever, so if anyone can do it...Vader could.
C'mon really Vader would take control of Master Hand and use it to slap someone. Or Vader could just break every digit to dispose of it that way or it's light saber time. This is too easy for Vader it's like the 1998 Yankees playing the 1962 Mets. Vader with his powers can actually finish this in 10 seconds with 9 seconds wasted laughing at Master Hand.
To all those voting Vader what you're disregarding is Master Hand's speed. He's not only big, but he's fast. Vader wouldn't be able to dodge without getting crushed. Vader's only saving grace is the force, but can Vader withstand the effort of controlling something as large as Master Hand when he's moving around?

When a Jedi or a Sith uses the force, they have to concentrate and exert energy in order to do so leaving them vulnerable. Can Vader control multiple things with the force? I've never seen him do so. If Vader gains control of Master Hands body, there's no evidence to refute the claim that his lasers wouldn't just keep firing automatically.

I'm leaning towards Master Hand because he's as fast as Vader, he's enormous [large enough to crush him], he can fire lasers and drop bombs which seemingly act independently from his body, and he and create force fields of his own which would negate the light saber.

I'd say Vader's royally fucked here.
The thing is, Master Hand has projectile weapons and lasers that can cut through all sorts of objects. Plus, Master Hand is giant.

Size matters not. Its still a hand vs a Dark Lord of the Sith. A Dark Lord of the Sith who is a master of telekinisis, who could simply hold the hand in place. Sure, a Jedi could defend himself against Vader, at least temporarily, but what chance does a non-Force using hand have? Vader wins.
Size matters not. Its still a hand vs a Dark Lord of the Sith. A Dark Lord of the Sith who is a master of telekinisis, who could simply hold the hand in place. Sure, a Jedi could defend himself against Vader, at least temporarily, but what chance does a non-Force using hand have? Vader wins.

I'm pretty sure Master Hand's lasers act independently from his body; it's not like something he has to concentrate in order to do. Can Vader stop multiple objects with the force? I've never seen him do it. If he's busy trying to hold Master Hand in place, how's he going to counter the lasers without letting go?
Umm, multitasking? He would be able to hold Master Hand in place, and simultaneously use the Force to throw his lightsaber, evicerating him. No defense against it.
Umm, multitasking? He would be able to hold Master Hand in place, and simultaneously use the Force to throw his lightsaber, evicerating him. No defense against it.

Yeah, I remember when he was able to do that in the movies.

The only time Vader was able to keep someone captive was with the force choke which wouldn't work on an enemy that has no throat. I've also never seen him throw his lightsaber with any sort of accuracy.

I think Vader will win, but let's not overrate Vader's skills. He's not nearly as powerful as most people make him out to be.
Umm, multitasking? He would be able to hold Master Hand in place, and simultaneously use the Force to throw his lightsaber, evicerating him. No defense against it.

Vader would be pressed using enough power just to hold Master Hands enormous body still. There's no evidence of Vader being able to hold something that big with the force, and properly control his lightsaber at the same time.

If Master Hand can spam lasers even while mobilized, then Vader would have no choice but to let go.
Vader would be pressed using enough power just to hold Master Hands enormous body still. There's no evidence of Vader being able to hold something that big with the force, and properly control his lightsaber at the same time.

If Master Hand can spam lasers even while mobilized, then Vader would have no choice but to let go.

In Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Starkiller is able to pull an Imperial Star Destroyer out of orbit with the force, and he isn't at the level of force capabilities that Vader is
Master Hand is a younger, less egotistical Mr. McMahon.

Darth Vader is the sith lord version of the Undertaker.

While the hand may be the "boss" & know how to pull strings (pun intended), if it ever came down to a one on one fight to the death, Vader would destroy. Nevermind the lightsaber, Vader could just restrict or choke (if a hand has a throat) the hand from a far to stop 95% of his attacks, then just blow up the Hand with his giant space station.
Yeah, I remember when he was able to do that in the movies.

The only time Vader was able to keep someone captive was with the force choke which wouldn't work on an enemy that has no throat. I've also never seen him throw his lightsaber with any sort of accuracy.

I think Vader will win, but let's not overrate Vader's skills. He's not nearly as powerful as most people make him out to be.

One question:

At the end of Revenge of the Sith, when Vader destroys all of the medical droids, did he do them one at a time, or did he crush them all simultaneously? He crushed them all simultaneously, meaning that despite having just woken up and being entirely disoriented from the ordeal he just went through, despite just receiving the news (even if it was a lie) that his wife had died, he still was perfectly capable of crushing an entire room's worth of individual objects all at the same time.

Force Multitasking.
In Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Starkiller is able to pull an Imperial Star Destroyer out of orbit with the force, and he isn't at the level of force capabilities that Vader is

While I have and will back Vader, this is incorrect. Galen Marek and his clone, Starkiller, prove themselves to be far more powerful than Vader when, much like Luke, enraged by emotion. Pre-Mustafar Vader would have been able to swat aside much of what they had to throw at him but Cyborg Vader, despite being a far more finessed fighter than his younger self, is vulnerable to such brutal Force attacks due to his diminished ability to connect to and manipulate the Force with the severe injuries his defeat by Obi-Wan Kenobi left him with.

However, on the topic of "Force multi-tasking," every Jedi and Sith is multi-tasking all the time in battle, whether it be for defence or attack. They are constantly in tune and in communication with their surroundings. Vader demonstrates this on several occasions, whether it be during the Battle of Kamino against Starkiller when he throws multiple objects at his opponent whilst Force Jumping and manipulating numerous other machines.

Perhaps the best example of such Jedi/Sith multi-tasking is that throughout his time interviewing, manipulating and then electrofrying Luke on the Second Death Star, Emperor Palpatine is simultaneously using Battle Meditation to control the moral, loyalty and performance of his imperial navy. It is when Vader kills the Emperor that the Battle of Endor is lost for the Empire, not when Lando and Wedge destroy the Death Star. This is because it revealed that the command structure of the Imperial fleet since the death of Tarkin relied too heavily on sheer weight of numbers and Sidious' technique and once he was killed, the imperial fleet, which still vastly outnumbered the Rebel forces of Ackbar, disintegrated and fled in all directions.

However, as even Yoda demonstrated in AOTC, it takes effort and concentration to catch a falling structure of any size.

But I would just say that why does Vader need to stop Master Hand from falling? He could just Force Jump out of the way and throw his lightsabre to remove a finger or thumb.
One question:

At the end of Revenge of the Sith, when Vader destroys all of the medical droids, did he do them one at a time, or did he crush them all simultaneously? He crushed them all simultaneously, meaning that despite having just woken up and being entirely disoriented from the ordeal he just went through, despite just receiving the news (even if it was a lie) that his wife had died, he still was perfectly capable of crushing an entire room's worth of individual objects all at the same time.

Force Multitasking.

I didn't say he can't multitask, I just said that you can't invent abilities for him that he's never been able to do. It would be like a Master Hand backer saying that he could shoot the lasers while doing the giant swat attack thing, or a Wolverine supporter saying he can shoot lasers out his eyes because he's seen Cyclops do it so many times.

The Force is a powerful ally, but it doesn't make you able to do anything. We've seen plenty of non-force users defeating those in tune with the force in the Star Wars Universe.
The people that vote Vader here make me laugh. Sure, Vader's saber cuts through almost anything, and, yes, Vader is strong in the Force, but...
Is he giant? No.
Is he limber? Not really.
Can he shoot large projectiles from a distance? Eh... naw.
Master Hand could easily dodge Vader, slowed both by age and his suit, and pick him off from a distance. Lightsabers can block blaster rifle shots and on RARE occasions Sith lightning, but Master Hand's arsenal of weapons? ...No.
Vote: Master Hand.
I didn't say he can't multitask, I just said that you can't invent abilities for him that he's never been able to do. It would be like a Master Hand backer saying that he could shoot the lasers while doing the giant swat attack thing, or a Wolverine supporter saying he can shoot lasers out his eyes because he's seen Cyclops do it so many times.

The Force is a powerful ally, but it doesn't make you able to do anything. We've seen plenty of non-force users defeating those in tune with the force in the Star Wars Universe.

Who is making anything up? Anyone who has ever played Jedi Knight or Jedi Knight II, or just about any other Star Wars game that involves Jedi knows full well that Saber throwing is a rather common force ability, and they would also know that you can combine the force choke with the saber throwing for quick kills. That particular combination is well established within the extended Star Wars universe, and would certainly be a technique that Darth Vader would know.

Unless of course you want to argue that a Star Wars character can't use Star Wars video game techniques in order to defeat a video game character. But you are surely smart enough to see how ridiculous that would be.
In Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Starkiller is able to pull an Imperial Star Destroyer out of orbit with the force, and he isn't at the level of force capabilities that Vader is

Albeit with great effort. There's still no evidence that I've found that suggests that Vader could multitask with the force. With his concentration set on holding Master Hand still, there's nothing he could do but dodge and let go if Hand's lasers started going off uncontrollably. And that's a plausible argument considering that Master Hand himself is controlled by Tabuu.
To everyone saying Master Hand loses because other characters in a game can beat him, go play Soul Calibur IV.

Otherwise, I'm of the mindset that just having the Force doesn't mean you can do anything. Vader very clearly is awkward moving and slow in the films. I don't see him dominating in the way that many of you do. That he's Darth fucking Vader and a Sith is likely carrying him here as Master Hand is a rather unfamiliar entity.
DirtyJosé;4116537 said:
To everyone saying Master Hand loses because other characters in a game can beat him, go play Soul Calibur IV.

Otherwise, I'm of the mindset that just having the Force doesn't mean you can do anything. Vader very clearly is awkward moving and slow in the films. I don't see him dominating in the way that many of you do. That he's Darth fucking Vader and a Sith is likely carrying him here as Master Hand is a rather unfamiliar entity.

But the films only show a small part of his life story. You have to keep in mind that for a quarter of a century, Darth Vader was the 2nd most feared individual in the entire Star Wars universe. Out of the trillions of sentient beings in the GFFA, There was Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, and then everyone else. To put it simply, Darth Vader is a bad ass mother fucker. If he wasn't, Palpatine wouldn't have kept him around.
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