Round 2: Team: IrishCanadian -versus- Team: The Job Squad

Team Irish-Canadian
7 IrishCanadian25
7 Tastycles


The Job Squad
1 Miko

- Miko (Sorry Miko)
+ Tastycles
Team Irish-Canadian
7 IrishCanadian25
8 Tastycles


The Job Squad

- Miko
+ Tastycles

Team: IrishCanadian win :)
Meh, I am the weakest link on the team. A vote for our team is a vote for D-Man, Tasty, Gelgarin, and SavageTaker, 4 of the best non-mod posters on the forums. FACT!

Although i don't say this often, actually never. You are a great poster IC. I don't vote based off better poster, just Tasty is a cool fella. I'm sure you are also.
This was a long, grueling, tough battle and I would like to thank EVERYONE that voted. This includes the ones that voted against us. If it weren't for you guys, this never would've been as exciting as it turned out to be. Good stuff, everyone.

Team IC Tasty Savage D's FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, Milenko, you need to read the rules...
I did. What rule did i break? The only one i can think of is this one.
You cannot vote for the same person twice in a row. If you vote for someone to either gain of lose a point, than you cannot vote for them in the next turn. This rule does not apply once only one player remains on a team.
And as you can see I didn't break it.

Realy I wouldl like to know how I messed up, I'm not trying to be a dick
I did. What rule did i break? The only one i can think of is this one.

And as you can see I didn't break it.

Realy I wouldl like to know how I messed up, I'm not trying to be a dick

I think it was the rule where you could only vote once per hour, bro.

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