Round 3: Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood -versus- Team: IrishCanadian

Just picked him on Friday.

Some things for me in this game haven't changed. I would never cast a vote for Tastycles, so I figure I could push Dave as far as I could. Feel it is my job.
Yes, it means I could not finish your team off, now knowing that voting for Tastycles would break my heart :(.
Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
3 Gelgarin
7 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
6 Just Dave

- Dave
+ D-man
Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
3 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
7 Just Dave

- Tasty
+ Dave
Come on people get those votes in for team IC. Every vote for team IC matters and is appreciated. It's never late to vote for team IC so cast your votes.
I wish it would've came down to someone else other than Dave. Hate to vote against him. Outside of D-Man, I'd say he's currently Rookie of the Year. But like I said... outside of D-Man.

I thank you very much. Those are very kind words, sir.
You know, the hypocracy amazes me, TM. You intentionally DQ D-Man for no reason, and then send me a PM stating you are trying to "generate interest" in the tournament because you felt it'd gone stale and the matches go on for too long. NOW you are leading this match pro-longing charge for one man to take out 5 of the best posters on the boards. I'll just assume you were on the rag last week and now you're back to normal.

Ohhhhhhhhhh... so THAT'S what that garbage was all about?? Bad form, TM. Another dick move. But, I almost expect them from you, nowadays.
he didn't really mean them... It's like saying "I love you" then superkicking you in the face...
Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
3 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
7 Just Dave

- Tasty
+ Dave

Disarray, I'm Dis-appointed. After all of those votes I sent your way in the first round, you vote against us?? Why?!? WHYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!!? :icon_razz:
Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
4 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
6 Just Dave

+ Gelgarin
- Dave
D-Man, if you don't stop whining, I will legitimately remove you from this game.

Whining? I merely elaborated on your use of me as an example to speed this game up, when in fact we all know that it was a personal move. Hence, the reason behind you red-repping me over and over again.

It seems as if the only person in this game that is annoyed by me is you. If you kick me out of the game, you're reinforcing my theory. So, I have a solution... we end it all here, consider it a draw and move on with the game. No more red-repping, no more threats, no more banter.

Team IrishCanadian
6 IrishCanadian25
5 D-Man
3 Gelgarin
6 Tastycles

Team: New WrestleZone Order: Hollywood
7 Just Dave

+ Dave
- Gelgarin ( Sorry)

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