Royal Rumble 2016

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
After the way the Rumble was booked last night here is hoping that for 2016 for next year's Royal Rumble instead of having a babyface win the Rumble they should have a heel win next year's Rumble so then that way the smark idiot fans who boo the result can just boo harder because the WWE choose to go with a heel for next year to win it

WWE should follow through on this and just have a heel win it so then that way you idiot fans who are booing now can just complain more when you don't get what you want
The Rumble match isn't worth watching. It's clear from the last five that the contest is simply a vehicle to push the top office favourite, with absolutely zero concern for fan interest. Fans simply did not want Del Rio, Sheamus, Cena, Batista or Reigns.
And 2016 instead of a babyface being booked to win and being crapped on by the fans which is exactly what would happen no matter the babyface especially if Bryan is in it next year, that is why a heel should win the Rumble next year because then it won't make a difference if you guys shit on the heel who wins it next year because the superstar is already a heel so it would work
The Rumble match isn't worth watching. It's clear from the last five that the contest is simply a vehicle to push the top office favourite, with absolutely zero concern for fan interest. Fans simply did not want Del Rio, Sheamus, Cena, Batista or Reigns.

Well you do not always get what you want. If the cry babies got everything they wanted then Daniel Bryan would be champion 365 days a year and wrestle every match on Raw.

Life sucks. And then you die.
Keep Bryan out of the rumble next year and make sure the fans KNOW this before hand. Fake an injury or something.

Or Bryan goes in the Rumble, gets eliminated again by a heel, then have Ziggler win.

It was so obvious D-Bryan was the fan fav and when he left, people chanted Ziggler and Ambrose as the next best options. Other favs which the crowd seemed okay for were Ryback, Bray Wyatt and some were even hoping for Cesaro.

You know it got bad when Dean left and people started chanting for Kane or Rusev to win over Roman.

Or next year, ignore the fans again and push someone who is not ready yet. Erick Rowan would be perfect to win it. He is the upside down sheamus and would get massive heat. Have him throw out Bryan and Ziggler in the final 3 to win it. LOL Do it Vince. I dare yeah!
Idiot fans? Why does the WWE hate their fans?? Roman's run is forced, reminiscent of Diesel in 1995. Only it's worse now because fans are smarter and can mobilize better now. But just because of that doesn't mean you should discredit them or even start to hate them.

Yeah, the casual fan of the correct demo (that is, perhaps the majority of fans) might love Cena. But the hardcore fan who is willing to go to and able to travel to live events hate him. How do you rectify that? Hard question. Just don't insult us time and time again. Because it's making the televised perception of your product look like crap. Daniel Bryan is the embodiment of our frustration with the business. Like Bret Hart (that is, a technician who's work rate we respect and couldn't deny), only worse now in the age of the internet.
The simple solution is simply have a heel win the Royal Rumble. Then the fans will not shit on the winner. A lot WWE fans are stupid - they make threats like they will cancel their subscription or stop tuning in. Fuck that it is just posturing and they never do. And the ones that do follow it through will for a couple of weeks until Sting returns. WWE knows how to play the IWC.

Don't forget guys, controversy creates cash and Network subscriptions are UP off the back of this, Raw viewing figures are UP off the back of this as is WWE's share price.
Ok, lets take a look at the tog 3 men who got the biggest pops in 2015 Rumble :-
1. Daniel Bryan
2. Dolph Ziggler/Dean Ambrose
3. And Yes, Damien Mizdow
Hey,there's a fun fact. Is it the 'D' factor. All were named with D.

Though, Bryan got his Wrestlemania moment last year and can be injured any time. So,him not winning was a good choice. But,he deserved a position in top 4. He should not win Rumble 16 if he's not perfectly healed up.

Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler got the biggest pop after Daniel Bryan. Either one of them need to win the Rumble 16. I bet either of them shouldn't have been booed if either of them won the Rumble.

Yes, Damien Mizdow, what an insane pop he got. Even better than Ryback's one. He is the most cheered guy behind Bryan, Ambrose and Ziggler. He needs a strong push. He is the most over guy. I am not saying,give him the Rumble. At least,he deserves a spot in the upper midcard.

So,my pic for Royal Rumble 2016 is either Ziggler or Ambrose.
Rusev shall be the winner. Much like Reigns last year, fans backed him over the actual winner. Now history shall repeat itself! Bwahahahahaha!
Thing is, there was no real build to the Rumble recently. Batista comes back and enters Rumble. Of course we see him winning. Roman Reigns has been predicted to win since Bryan's first injury. With him in the ring with Big Show and Kane, you know he's winning even if you're an idiot.

Like, remember when it was predictable cause of a story build? Not just predictable cause they're running out of wrestlers and mainstream ideas.

They're talking about another boom period coming eventually for the business. It'll probably be when they go back to wrestling and it becomes about the athleticism. A new type of kayfabe where we know one person is actually better and more technical than the other. That's the reality tv they need. Not the verbal diva drama. Real athleticism in a fake sport.
I say the top two canidates are Daniel Bryan or Bray Wyatt (unless the unthinkable happens and Punk leaves UFC for a WWE return.) I say those two because Bray was rumored to win the past two years and Bryan is the one everyone bitches about when he loses or is not in it and is who the fans want to win it. Either that or Cena (sadly) wins it to feud with Reigns for the belt at 'Mania 32
A heel winning the Rumble would make sense and the fans can boo all they want, a good heel loves it. Here are your heel choices for 2016 that possibly can win and they are Rusev ( if he does not win MITB this year ), Dolph ( he is suppose to be turning heel at Fast Lane and costing Daniel a victory ), Wade ( if he is ready for a Main Event push ), Cesaro ( I think he has another push in him ) and last but not least and possibly my choice besides Rusev would be Bray. They need to keep Bray and Rusev away from that mid card status they both have to much potential.
If you want to go with a Face than I would say Dean, Ryback or John Cena.
P.S. Do not forget about Seth.

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