Who will win the 2016 Royal Rumble Match?

Yes but does Cesaro have that drawing power to be main eventing WrestleMania 32 especially in the main event especially in a stadium with 100,000 people in Dallas, Texas at AT & T Stadium? That is why an established main event guy needs to win the Rumble
Roman Reigns will win it again, this time as a Heel, so he can truly soak in the boos that will come. Wouldn't mind Brock vs Roman 2/ SHIELD 3-way at all for Mania 32. Either one would be brilliant, lMO.
Ambrose if he were to win the Rumble Match and Rollins is still WWE World Heavyweight Champion and Reigns somehow finding his way into that match we get the Shield Triple Threat Match that we should have always gotten but for the title in the main event
i think they will try take two with reigns or if not they will have rollins win it as there the only two guys in my opinion wwe wants to make top guys
And Vince's obsession with Lesnar isn't? The Undertaker EARNED people's respect and EARNED everything he got in his career. Lesnar didn't, end of story. He had everything handed to him. Undertaker should have beaten Brock Lesnar clean last night, but Vince's obsession with making sure Brock Lesnar looks invincible will never allow it to happen. There is NO reason Undertaker shouldn't beat Brock Lesnar clean, and it's the idiot modern "fans", and I lose that term loosely, who refuse to accept that Brock Lesnar can be beaten, than are killing the business.

Lesnar can be beaten but not by a 50-year old man who collapsed after the match. Do you not see a problem with that?

Besides, Taker will beat Lesnar clean at WM32. Maybe then, you will be happy. I doubt it though.
Lesnar can be beaten but not by a 50-year old man who collapsed after the match. Do you not see a problem with that?

Besides, Taker will beat Lesnar clean at WM32. Maybe then, you will be happy. I doubt it though.

Go back a few months and you'll see tons of fans on here saying it was "ridiculous" for someone like Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, or even Randy Orton to beat Brock Lesnar. Are any of them 50? Nope.

And if WWE actually did the RIGHT thing and had Undertaker beat Brock Lesnar clean at WrestleMania 32, you're damn right I'll be happy. I'd be marking out like I haven't done since I saw Dolph Ziggler win the World Heavyweight Championship live in 2013, which was my all-time favorite moment that I attended live as a fan.

But it won't happen. Vince is just too scared to have Brock Lesnar lose clean to anybody, because Vince is one of the people brainwashed by Lesnar's fictional "mystique". If there is a Lesnar/Undertaker III at WrestleMania, it will undoubtedly end with Lesnar making Undertaker tap out after completely dominating him again.
Royal Rumble 2016, Ambrose winning the Royal Rumble Match he would be guaranteed a main event WWE World Heavyweight Championship match but also if Reigns in your scenario ends up becoming WWE World Heavyweight Champion and Rollins invokes his rematch clause wouldn't he just do that at Fast Lane?

I mean where does that leave the 3 former members of The Shield for Fast Lane 2016?

The Authority tries to stack things against Reigns & Ambrose at Fast Lane by making them do double duty.

Reigns & Ambrose lose the Tag-Titles earlier at Fast Lane against The Dudley's in a Tables Match.

Ambrose defeats Kane to keep his WrestleMania main event spot due to a mix-up between Rollins & Kane.

Ambrose costs Rollins his US Title in a match against Orton or Cesaro.

So heading into the main-event at Fast Lane, the commentary team pushes how it's been a bad night for the former Shield trio.

Reigns somehow manages to defend his World Title against Bray Wyatt or Sheamus.

Keeps the Shield Triple-Threat main-event going for WrestleMania while the tag titles & US title would be free to add to the card.
I hate to say it...Cena
I honestly thought Cena was going win at SummerSlam to tie Flair then get "cased" by Sheamus.
He goes on to win Rumble...but it won't be easy,they'll make him go through a long road to even get in.then they'll put him in early to make it even tougher...
The thought of having him win to break Flair's record in front of what could be the biggest Mania crowd EVER!!...
That is something they couldn't resist!!
I could really see Reigns winning it to face Cena who will have the title by then to set up a passing of the torch match at WM
From your name and picture, it's pretty obvious you're a Lesnar mark. Jon Stewart said it best - WRESTLING FANS hate Lesnar for breaking The Streak, and always will. Lesnar is infinitely over with his fans, and one CLEAN loss won't change that. Lesnar should have lost clean last night, but Vince felt the need to keep him protected and looking invincible, which is ridiculous. It's Undertaker who should look unbeatable heading into his final run. With a final match between the two all but a given at this point, Undertaker MUST win and he MUST WIN CLEAN. Nothing else is acceptable.

What is this obsession of an old turd called undertapper!! He is a beer bellin, mascara wearin, bone tearin, cripplin wearin worn out old turd that even I have flushed his action figures down the toilet! Let's not forget Lesner beat Undertapper 5 times back in 2003 and one win to make the grown man crybaby happy has no sense. It's as if Lesner never won the WM30 match
wwe has been shit they don t let Bray Wyatt win and don t even let a young threatening dominant force like BrocK Lesner win
Pretty much many fans are sick of the old turd who turned heel
Undertapper must not win and he must not win cleanly at all cause he can't he collapsed after the match and couldn't stand you need to get him a wheelchair ! He was in that shape after he fought HHH at WM 28 could barely walk back to the dressing room it s time for him to retire and Mark has to learn to put talent over and not act like a crybaby
Go back a few months and you'll see tons of fans on here saying it was "ridiculous" for someone like Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, or even Randy Orton to beat Brock Lesnar. Are any of them 50? Nope.

And if WWE actually did the RIGHT thing and had Undertaker beat Brock Lesnar clean at WrestleMania 32, you're damn right I'll be happy. I'd be marking out like I haven't done since I saw Dolph Ziggler win the World Heavyweight Championship live in 2013, which was my all-time favorite moment that I attended live as a fan.

But it won't happen. Vince is just too scared to have Brock Lesnar lose clean to anybody, because Vince is one of the people brainwashed by Lesnar's fictional "mystique". If there is a Lesnar/Undertaker III at WrestleMania, it will undoubtedly end with Lesnar making Undertaker tap out after completely dominating him again.

It would be ridiculous for someone like Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, or Dolph Ziggler to pin Brock Lesnar. Just use common sense and logic.

Trust me. If there's Taker vs. Lesnar III, Taker is going over. There shouldn't be Taker vs. Lesnar III, but it's inevitably going to happen, especially after the finish to their SummerSlam match.

I would have booked Lesnar to end the Streak at WM30 and Taker to beat Lesnar clean at WM31 with a Tombstone Piledriver. Then, Taker vs. Sting at WM32.
It would be ridiculous for someone like Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, or Dolph Ziggler to pin Brock Lesnar. Just use common sense and logic.

Common sense and logic is that ANYONE can beat Brock Lesnar. It's not a legit fight. Stop pretending it is. It's ridiculous to book Lesnar as invincible. And even more ridiculous to suggest that none of those three could out-wrestle Brock Lesnar, but Roman Reigns somehow was a threat? Get real.

ANYONE can beat Brock Lesnar as long as it's in the damn script.
But who wins the Royal Rumble? Honestly at this point any superstar can win it but my picks would be either Ambrose, Reigns winning it back to back years or Bray Wyatt to win the Rumble but if Bryan is in the Rumble if he doesn't win then the fans are going to riot which will take the fun out of it
I think it should be Brock Lesnar. I know everyone thinks he will facing Undertaker again at WM32, but I'd rather he challenged for the title, leaving The Phenom free to face Sting in their final matches.

This is how I'd do it...have a heel member of The Authority hold the title going into WM, (maybe Rollins in his second reign), with Triple H and other faction members doing all they can to protect their investment, having J&J Security, Kane etc all appear in the Rumble, trying to eliminate Lesnar (who entered early).

Brock is left alone in the ring, waiting for entrant number 30.....AND IT'S TRIPLE H HIMSELF!!! They go at it for a few minutes, it looks like Triple H is going to eliminate Brock, but then a huge F5 takes Trips over the top rope and he crashes through a table that had been set up at ringside earlier, giving Lesnar the win and sending him to WrestleMania to face Rollins for the title.

What do you think?
I think it should be Brock Lesnar. I know everyone thinks he will facing Undertaker again at WM32, but I'd rather he challenged for the title, leaving The Phenom free to face Sting in their final matches.

This is how I'd do it...have a heel member of The Authority hold the title going into WM, (maybe Rollins in his second reign), with Triple H and other faction members doing all they can to protect their investment, having J&J Security, Kane etc all appear in the Rumble, trying to eliminate Lesnar (who entered early).

Brock is left alone in the ring, waiting for entrant number 30.....AND IT'S TRIPLE H HIMSELF!!! They go at it for a few minutes, it looks like Triple H is going to eliminate Brock, but then a huge F5 takes Trips over the top rope and he crashes through a table that had been set up at ringside earlier, giving Lesnar the win and sending him to WrestleMania to face Rollins for the title.

What do you think?

I think it's great but then if Lesnar wins his 2nd Rumble Match to go on to Mania to face Rollins for the title it would essentially be a Battleground Rematch

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