Rumors set on Lashley. Heyman wanted Lashley? & MORE

Mad Metal

Getting Noticed By Management
Regarding Bobby Lashley's move to ECW, he is close with Paul Heyman (Heyman got him called up to WWE a bit early) and he convinced both Lashley and Vince McMahon that he should make the jump. There is skepticism from people internally because Lashley is going to be pushed as ECW's top star, but the feeling is that he's not ready for that sort of position, even on the C show, and won't be able to draw. He will be a strong babyface because McMahon feels that ECW needs another strong babyface. Although, there is talk of turning him heel and having him feud with RVD or CM Punk in the future. It wouldn't be a surprise if he won the belt at ECW December to Dismember. Also, reports of Lashley leaving because of problems with Michael Hayes have been denied. It is now being said that he was promised the top spot in ECW, and with Batista around on SmackDown, he'd never get that spot, and that's why decided to change brands.
I hope he goes to ECW and works with some credible wrestlers like RVD and CM. He can only learn and get better from working with them. Sticking around Smackdown for Batista's leftovers won't do anything to further Lashley's career, even though I think he should be pushed instead of Batista. Whatever the case, the guy has a bright future if he works hard to learn and stays healthy. I'd love to see him face a returning Brock Lesnar. Still a dream match, but you never know. What I honestly think is that they're trying to hold on to Bobby because they know he's younger and they can bring him back up to one of the big shows down the line. They don't want to keep him around, un-pushed, and have him leave WWE pissed off as a result. They're trying at present to use Batista until he's too old (which shouldn't be too far down the line). Then, one Dave is out of the picture, Bobby gets the top spot.
this is a great idea i think they are doin with lashely because honestly he could never get a full on push with batista on smackdown...with him in ecw this will give him time to progress and eventually achieve main event status...lashley has so much potential he is def one of the stars to make the future of the company...over time he'll b established onto raw i believe but that is far down the line....lashley understands he is future main event status....its jus a matter of time...he could very well b the next brock lesnar..without the cocky attitude and bullshit
lol first i just want to say he should have stayed on SD! batista is a dead duck...sure vince will give him the title back, we all know thats coming, but he doesnt deserve it. batista's heat is gone and has been since before he gave up the belt. the ONLY reason he had any heat at all is because of his fued with HHH. otherwise batista is just another a-train or bull buchannan. actually a-train was better to be honest but thats another saying lashley should leave b/c batista is back is just hilarious and flat wrong.

and moving to ecw? cmon...ecw is a SINKING SHIP, reminds me so much of wcw before it died. a year from now there wont be an ecw.
lashley left cuz he knew he wouldnt get that title with batista around there...thats not hilarious or flat out wrong...vince wants to keep the title around batista and booker t's waist he's not gonna put it on lashely yet cuz he doesnt think he's ready and you know this...movin to ecw was the next best thing cuz he has the chance to have a main event spot and go up against bigger guys around there now like the hell is ecw a sinkin ship it jus got started up and to sci fi its rating our great...and wwe is pleased with what they have goin rite now so i dunno how the hell it reminds u of wcw before it died cuz that was FARRRRRRRR worse...i gurantee you a year from now there will still b an ecw so know ur facts u have no idea ur jus talkin outta the ass
wow the violent type huh? lol

anyway whether ecw will be around in a year is not a fact. if dont know them yourself dont try to make me sound any less intelligent than you just because you believe something more. if you disagree then cool but attacking me by saying im talking outta my ass will get you nowhere.

and the wcw and ecw comments are strictly conflict of opinion also:

if ecw is doing so great then why are they stopping ecw house shows? why isnt it 2 hours, certainly if tna can get two hours the wwe could get two from a happy sci fi as you call it right? and wcw being far worse can be argued also. and we'll see what happens a year from now...
I like Lashley but they should concentrate on pushing Punk into the top Babyface spot. I know that this version of ECW is nothing like the original but I would still like it to be more of a pure wrestling show. I enjoy watching Lashley but he cant put on half the match Punk can. Also Punk's got better mic skills, I would love to see a feud between Punk and a heel R.V.D.

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