Semi Finals: Spawn vs. Ghost Rider

Who wins?

  • Spawn

  • Ghost Rider

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Round 4


In what may be the most evenly matched battle of the tournament, we have two creatures from hell going head to head. Each man can only be harmed with holy weaponry, but fortunately for them (and us!), they have that in spades! Who moves on to the final match of the tournament, Ghost Rider or Spawn?

Ghost Rider is an agent of heaven. I can hear some of you saying "What is this guy talking about", but it's true. Read Jason Aaron's (very good) run on Ghost Rider. There he is revealed to be a heavenly agent, and thus his weapons are blessed with the powers of heaven. So what does that mean? It means Spawn is going to get his ass handed to him on a silver platter. Spawn and Ghost Rider are fairly evenly matched, but the whole being from heaven thing totally tips the scales. On top of all of that, the Penance Stare is going to mess Spawn up bad regardless. Ghost Rider uses that bad boy, and Spawn is incapacitated for an extended period of time. Spawn has 6000+ souls inhabiting him plus his own damaged soul. The Penance Stare would drive any man with a bad soul mad, let alone one with 6000 plus. Simply put, Ghost Rider waltz's to victory.
Sorry, but no. Not quite that simple. If we're going to pick and prune from the range of continuity that both these creations have, Spawn wins this regardless of Ghost Rider's past or purpose. Simply put, Al Simmons as Spawn has no weaknesses, to holy weapons or anything else. After eating the fruit from the Tree of Life given to him by the Man of Miracles, Spawn grew in power to rival both God and Satan in the war of Armaggedon. Since Issue #161, Spawn has been shown to have no weakness, facing down Zera, God's chosen and favorite warrior who was unable to kill or defeat Spawn despite being loaded with as much holy power and weaponry as one can have.

Ghost Rider doesn't stand a chance here at all. His holy background does not help him. Make no mistake in thinking that somehow these two are two sides of the same coin; Johnny Blaze is a tool for vengeance while Al Simmons has bested God and Satan, a great deal of major demons, and is currently the supreme being in control of Hell.

So yeah. Vote Spawn.
Way to underrate the living hell out of Ghost Rider. You act as if Spawn's the only one to ever be to hell, heaven and beat everyone and everything. Ghost Rider's been to Mephisto's realm (the Marvel incarnation of hell) and back and beaten Mephisto and Blackheart so many times it makes your head spin. He's slaughtered other Spirit's of Vengeance, beaten zombie's, vampire's, werewolf’s, supervillain's and immortals. He's been to heaven and burnt that mother fucker to the ground in order to get his hands on a fallen angel with powers that rival the almighty himself. Simply put, Ghost Rider can match Spawn's achievements in every conceivable way.

And all of this still doesn't matter when it comes to the Penance Stare. That one technique is going to fuck Spawn up so bad it's not funny. Spawn's own super-duper, over-the-top powers work completely against him in that scenario and his very soul is burnt to a crisp along with the agony and pain he'll receive for every single one of those 6000 other souls inhabiting him. That leaves him totally and utterly immobile and leaves Ghost Rider the undisputed winner.

Everything Spawn can do, Ghost Rider can and more. I don't give a shit if he's immortal, he's still burning in the flame’s of vengeance. Don't vote for the 90's bastard love-child of a disgruntled asshole. Vote smart for the bad-ass 70's motorcycle beast that is Johnny Blaze, Ghost Rider.
Way to underrate the living hell out of Ghost Rider. You act as if Spawn's the only one to ever be to hell, heaven and beat everyone and everything. Ghost Rider's been to Mephisto's realm (the Marvel incarnation of hell) and back and beaten Mephisto and Blackheart so many times it makes your head spin. He's slaughtered other Spirit's of Vengeance, beaten zombie's, vampire's, werewolf’s, supervillain's and immortals. He's been to heaven and burnt that mother fucker to the ground in order to get his hands on a fallen angel with powers that rival the almighty himself. Simply put, Ghost Rider can match Spawn's achievements in every conceivable way.

Except he hasn't. Mephisto is the equivilent of Malebogia in Marvel, that much I'll accept. Of course, that comes with a condition; both had convinced most that they were the true lords of hell in their respective universes. And going forward, both were revealed as merely placeholder rulers, not the true versions of Satan or Lucifer nor were they the true rulers of hell. So on that count, while Ghost Rider has beaten Mephisto, or at least bested him in some way, he's never beaten the Marvel Satan.

On the other side of the coin, Zadkiel, while powerful, was never close to having the true power of God; in fact, this is the whole point of that entire storyline. Zadkiel could not truly take over heaven and such because he lacked the true power God possessed. Meanwhile, Spawn has been shown to rival the power of the God of his universe. Anything Ghost Rider has done Spawn has done better and bigger.

And all of this still doesn't matter when it comes to the Penance Stare. That one technique is going to fuck Spawn up so bad it's not funny. Spawn's own super-duper, over-the-top powers work completely against him in that scenario and his very soul is burnt to a crisp along with the agony and pain he'll receive for every single one of those 6000 other souls inhabiting him. That leaves him totally and utterly immobile and leaves Ghost Rider the undisputed winner.

If the chosen warrior of God, let alone God and all of the holy powers in the universe, are defeated by Spawn, I've little faith (lol) in one holy attack having much effect on him. He has been shown to have no weakness since #161. You aren't the only one who has been holding back arguments for this point.

Everything Spawn can do, Ghost Rider can and more.

Spawn has defeated God and Satan and recreated the world (and hell) to his own design. Has Ghost Rider ever remade existence as we know it?
The problem with all of your arguments Jose, are that you severely underrate just how powerful the Penance Stare, and ultimately Ghost Rider is. This one power is incredibly powerful and can break any man, demon, angel, supernatural being’s etc... spirit. If that can be done with this move, then just imagine what that can do to Spawn who will have that multiplied by 6000 onto him.

Being realistic, both men will attempt to go toe-to-toe, and both men will have a similar strength, which means that they’ll be at a stalemate, and that’s long enough for Ghost Rider to use the Penance Stare. He’ll look Spawn in his eyes, and he will shred every essence of his being. It will incapacitate him and it will end him. It’s not just one holy attack, it’s the attack that has defeated so many supernatural forces and foes. It’s the one attack in Ghost Rider’s arsenal that will defeat anyone with a heavy burden on their soul, and Spawn not only has his own heavy soul, but also those of many, many others.

Just because someone has superior stats on paper doesn’t mean they will lead to an ultimate victory. Of all people, Jose should be aware of that.
I am aware, however it's just fact that Ghost Rider has never in any media been depicted of the same feats and of being on the same level as Spawn. Taking the run you suggested into consideration, it's apples and oranges, provided the oranges have devil horn implants and can vaporize the gods with his necroplasmic powers.

Ghost Rider helped undo the damage done by a renegade angel who had tricked a different Ghost Rider into helping him sneak his way on God's throne. But, as this impostor lacked the true power of God, he was unable to utilize the throne and his control of the heavens and was defeated by a host of Spirits of Vengeance.

Spawn grew in power with the help of Mother Earth and soon was able to go toe to toe with God and Satan, something Ghost Rider has never been depicted as being capable of. He tricked the two into locking themselves away in combat whilst he recreated the Earth, again a feat Ghost Rider has never been shown to do. After which, he has been shown as the only ruler of Hell to have as much top to bottom control of the realm since Satan; not even Malebogia or Mammon or even Cog/Cain had as much control and command of it. Again, something Ghost Rider has never done. His weaknesses were laid out from the start; while you may cause him pain, the name of the game here is to incapacitate the enemy and/or cause death, and I just don't think one attack is going to incapacitate him properly where God herself could do nothing against Spawn to stop him. Meanwhile, Spawn has been to be capable of handily defeating hosts of God (besides again even God herself) in combat, which clearly shows he is capable of defeating a lowly spirit of vengeance.
Reading shit like this is making me think how? Just how can Spawn not win the Supers Tournament every year with these abilities? Besting God and Satan? Really?

By the way I voted Ghost Rider on preference.

Wait a minute...
Reading shit like this is making me think how? Just how can Spawn not win the Supers Tournament every year with these abilities? Besting God and Satan? Really?

It could be done. Of course, I'm not giving you the key right now, that would be just silly of me.

By the way I voted Ghost Rider on preference.

Wait a minute...

And that is entirely in your right to. I don't begrudge you on that. However, the argument is being made here for anyone that would like to put a little bit more stock into a tourney like this, and to please Doc and JGlass in turn for setting up this little thing for us.

And just to add another point for the sake of doing so, Spawn has a cool cape. Ghost Rider has the same leather jacket that tool you know at school has. You know the guy. He wears his black leather jacket in the middle of the hot September sun along with his retro black glasses, a white t-shirt, and tight blue jeans. What a douche.
So Spawn has recreated hell and heaven, gone toe to toe with Satan and God and somehow is going to lose this fight. To which I say good.

Ghost Rider and Spawn are virtually equals here. (Que the well Spawn has recreated argument) however Ghost Rider has never had the chance. So who's to say he can't. Also, with that being said the key to winning this battle will be incapacitation because I truthfully can't see anyone killing either of the two. So I offer up a new method of incapacitation and that is Ghost Rider's chain. Who's to say that Ghost Rider can't chain Spawn up and then put a bullet in his head area which should at least incapacitate him for a little while, hence winning the fight. I think Spawn is outmatched here in the weapons department causing him to lose.

Ghost Rider Wins
Um no. Ghost Rider is no equal to Spawn. Maybe to Spawn when he first took up the mantle, but not now. More on this when I'm off work.

Also, Ghost Rider can't kill Mephisto, who is lesser than Satan, and needed an army to take on an angel, so any thought of his beating God is laughable.
DirtyJosé;3416998 said:
Um no. Ghost Rider is no equal to Spawn. Maybe to Spawn when he first took up the mantle, but not now. More on this when I'm off work.

Also, Ghost Rider can't kill Mephisto, who is lesser than Satan, and needed an army to take on an angel, so any thought of his beating God is laughable.

I've figured this out officially. Ghost Rider only needs to hop onto his bike head to the Dead Zone and wait it out until Spawn came there in which case Spawn would be mortal and fairly simple to beat. From what I've read there aren't many other ways of beating Spawn.

For those who don't know what the Dead Zone is.

Spawn is rendered powerless (and therefore mortal) in a patch of alley known as "The Dead's Zone": a small patch of Earth that is Heaven's domain and in the ethereal realm of the "Greensworld." In this alley Spawn has to abide to the laws of the Greenworld and not those of Hell or Earth.
So Spawn has recreated hell and heaven, gone toe to toe with Satan and God and somehow is going to lose this fight. To which I say good.

Ghost Rider and Spawn are virtually equals here. (Que the well Spawn has recreated argument) however Ghost Rider has never had the chance. So who's to say he can't. Also, with that being said the key to winning this battle will be incapacitation because I truthfully can't see anyone killing either of the two. So I offer up a new method of incapacitation and that is Ghost Rider's chain. Who's to say that Ghost Rider can't chain Spawn up and then put a bullet in his head area which should at least incapacitate him for a little while, hence winning the fight. I think Spawn is outmatched here in the weapons department causing him to lose.

Ghost Rider Wins

Somehow I knew this was going to come down to someone posting something ridiculous which would then encourage me to vote against whomever their post was supporting, and lucky you, you where the one that made such a ridiculous post which finally pushed toward one of these guys, Spawn gets my vote.

BTW what's to stop Spawn from using HIS chains to tie up Ghost Rider &... well... basically do the exact same thing you said Ghost Rider would do to win? This match was a push until I read your post, rolled my eyes then scrolled to the top of the screen and cast my vote for Spawn (who by the way is now winning:thumbsup:).
I've figured this out officially. Ghost Rider only needs to hop onto his bike head to the Dead Zone and wait it out until Spawn came there in which case Spawn would be mortal and fairly simple to beat. From what I've read there aren't many other ways of beating Spawn.

For those who don't know what the Dead Zone is.

That's the problem Macios, he can do that outside of this tourniment. But this little tidbit of info means nothing to the battlezone format. They fight in an arena that's it, not some supernatural Dead zone that would give Ghost Rider the upper hand. I don't think he needs that extra bit to beat spawn anyways.
So Spawn has recreated hell and heaven, gone toe to toe with Satan and God and somehow is going to lose this fight. To which I say good.

Don't get ahead of yourself, little one; there is still plenty of vote time left.

Ghost Rider and Spawn are virtually equals here. (Que the well Spawn has recreated argument) however Ghost Rider has never had the chance. So who's to say he can't.

Ghost Rider has had plenty of oppurtunities to kill off or otherwise do away with Mephisto, and still hasn't actually finished the job good and proper. And Mephisto, like Malebogia, has been revealed as a greater demon lord sitting on the throne of greater Hell in lieu of the real deal devil Satan himself. So there goes that theory.

Ostensibly, to the uneducated or to those unfamiliar, Spawn and Ghost Rider certainly seem like two sides of the same coin. Both are (until later revisions in Marvel canon) created in/by hell, both tend to chase after greater evils like demons and whatnot, and both use chains. However, really taking a look at the two, comparing their history and who they've become in their existence in comics, Ghost Rider is less Spawn and more Anti-Spawn/Redeemer.

Redeemer is an agent of Heaven created as a sort of anti-hellspawn (hence the first Redeemer we see carrying the name Anti-Spawn). Ghost Rider revised history is that he was empowered by Heaven, created as some sort of holy spirit of vengeance to hunt out the demons and other evils of the world. And that very same description aptly defines Redeemer. Redeemer and Ghost Rider both derive powers from a sort of supernatural fire (Hellfire for Ghost Rider and The Elemental Flame of Heaven for Redeemer); Ghost Rider can channel it in blasts, while various forms of Redeemer alternated from blasts of the fire outright to utilizing as part of a sword attack. While it's easy to mistake Ghost Rider as being a Marvel version of Spawn (of which there has actually been one but it was so horrible that it isn't worth looking up), you can see that he has far more in common with Redeemer.

That being said, Spawn has bested Redeemer easily almost every single time. The only version to give him grief (the first one, Anti-Spawn/Jason Wynn) came during Spawn's early days, which is also the time Ghost Rider might have stood a chance taking out Spawn. Fortunately for Spawn, in this tourney he comes in at full power Omega Spawn, and as such can easily dispatch either threat; the last battle Spawn had with a Redeemer he soundly cut off the holy warrior's wings with his own sword. You and FunKay both have tried this angle of attack, but as you can see it is fruitless.

Also, with that being said the key to winning this battle will be incapacitation because I truthfully can't see anyone killing either of the two. So I offer up a new method of incapacitation and that is Ghost Rider's chain. Who's to say that Ghost Rider can't chain Spawn up and then put a bullet in his head area which should at least incapacitate him for a little while, hence winning the fight. I think Spawn is outmatched here in the weapons department causing him to lose.

You clearly have either done some research on Spawn (as evidenced by your next post) or you were already vaguely familiar with him, so this comment leaves me a little puzzled. Surely you already knew that Ghost Rider isn't the only one here with magical chains that can do the user's bidding? If guns were capable of taking the guy down, Overtkill might have been a bigger threat than he was in the end. You're forgetting all about the chains, and the cape, and the other awesome things his Necroplasmic powers can manifest. And that's just sticking with his given powers from the get go, not even taking into account the boosted powers he gains later.

I've figured this out officially. Ghost Rider only needs to hop onto his bike head to the Dead Zone and wait it out until Spawn came there in which case Spawn would be mortal and fairly simple to beat. From what I've read there aren't many other ways of beating Spawn.

Ghost Rider, to the best of my knowledge, can't teleport himself and others, so even if he had knowledge of this ahead of time (which, going by similar arguments in other threads this year, he doesn't) he couldn't do anything about it. I will, however, pat you on the head for trying and at least being able to come up with a weakness for Spawn, which no one else has so far. It's nice to see someone say something other than "Ghost Rider can win because he can, duh.".

I don't think he needs that extra bit to beat spawn anyways.

I'm here at all hours ready to prove you wrong. I've put out plenty in favor of Spawn winning this fight and I've yet to see anyone come any close to having a valid reason as to why or how Ghost Rider wins this. Care to try your luck?
José, you make a fantastic case for your man Spawn. It's kind of hard to beat a guy who has defeated God and the Devil...

But, here's my problem with this. Spawn is a creation of Image Comics and Ghost Rider is a creation of Marvel Comics. Now, with all due respect to Image Comics they have created a niche Universe where their characters can actually come up against physical incarnations of deities. The God and Devil of the Marvel (and to my knowledge, DC) Universe is pretty much the same God and Devil that is followed in our Universe. As such, no character in their cannon could ever defeat them and if Spawn was to come over neither would he. The reason behind this is simple, Marvel is mainstream and bought by many children, they may throw in scantily clad women and, more recently, sexuality and 'bleeped' curse words to keep more mature readers interested but they know that blasphemy would have a strong adverse reaction on their sales. Image, on the other hand, make their sales by being the anti Marvel and courting controversy by having such things as defeating God.

To me, this battle will be played out in a neutral Universe and this battle would come down to skill on skill and I think that the Rider has the difference maker with the penance stare.
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