Sig Showcase: Thrilla11


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hey everyone! Since I've started posting on WZ, I've requested quite a few sigs from the best of WZ. I am a frequent visitor on the request thread as I usually look at all the new sigs that are created everytime I log into WZ.

Because of this, I wanted to start a thread showcasing all the sigs that I've collected and that I cherish. These sigs are a monument to the amazing job that the graphic designers do on each and everyone one of our sigs here on Wrestlezone.

I want you guys to know that I do not just throw away the sigs that are made for me. Quite the contrary as I actually save them on my photobucket account to save and use over again. I understand that it takes plenty of time and effort to cut, find pictures that fit and use programs that are needed just to create one sig. So I want to show all those that have made me a sig, that I value their beautiful creations.

So for those who are reading this:
Sig Makers- Thank you for taking the time out to make mine and all our sigs on this wrestling site.
Requesters- Respect the graphic designers here because they don't NEED to make your sigs but they do anyway because it is their passion. Thank them all the time and cherish the sigs that they've made you.

Also, to those who have requested a sig, post your favorite here in this thread to showcase them but make sure to write why they are your favorite in detail as spam will be deleted.


So I'll start this showcase off first:

My favorite sig maker on Wrestlezone has got to be my fellow NXT follower, Doc. The guy just has amazing talent and if you don't believe me, just waltz over to his request thread (but don't request anything because he's on vacation at the moment) and look at all the sigs that he's made. Most of those sigs should be in a fucking museum because they're just so fucking amazing.

So here are my favorite Doc sigs, which is in fact, are all the sigs that Doc has made me.


When the first season of NXT debuted, my favorite for the competition was David Otunga. I made a request thread asking an Otunga sig from all the sig makers. Doc came through and destroyed the competition by making this sig. Doc used a great render of Otunga and his cocky attitude and the background of the Louis Vuitton symbol showcased his wealth. The text was also perfect as it showed Otunga's great quote from the first season of NXT. So in all, a solid masterpiece from Doc and one of my favorites.


As you may have already guessed, Deadpool is my favorite Marvel character. He's brash, funny and he's the only character that breaks the fourth wall. Doc shares my love for this character also and when I asked him for a sig with him, he gave me this beauty. I wanted Deadpool saying a smarky remark and breaking the fourth wall and Doc delivered giving Deadpool a hilarious quote. There are no pre cut images of Deadpool so Doc cut that image himself. The background is simple but does the job as your focus should be on the quote. This is yet another great creation that Doc has provided me.


This is my favorite sig that Doc has made me and my favorite sig in all. When Eve won her first championship, I was elated and I wanted a sig to commemorate the event. I asked Doc to make me a sig and boy did he ever come through. I gave him a background (from that I wanted him to use which upped the difficulty but Doc was not fazed. Using a gorgeous render of Eve in the foreground, Doc made this sig my favorite. The two pictures just blend perfectly together and the purple in the sig really make it stand out. The lighting in the sig is perfect and the text is perfect. Doc really captured Eve's beauty in this sig. I remember that Doc said that he was very proud of this sig and he should be. It's an amazing work of art.


This is not a sig but a wallpaper background. Yes, Doc can make wallpapers too. Sick right? On the creations thread, Doc showed off one of his wallpapers. It was of Brett Hart and I was really impressed by it. I asked Doc if he could make me a wallpaper and he made me the only wallpaper that I've ever used (it was just blue before). The wallpaper is of Randy Orton and it really shows off Randy Orton's persona. The background is black except Orton and there is smoke emanating off from him. Doc used the perfect render of Orton and as you can see, he added shadows that really capture the evil that Orton personifies. This is still the wallpaper that I use now and is one of my favorite creations.
Dave is one of the best graphic artists around here along with Doc and DigitalNight. If you need a sig, here's a link to his request thread:


Dave is respected around these parts and he should be. He makes great sigs and is a great poster. He's made me only one sig but it's definitely another one of my favorites. When Batista was at the end of his WWE run, I wanted a sig that showcased the animal. A lot of sig makers came through with my request. Dave made my favorite sig of the bunch that included the likes of Doc, BC, Blizz and many others. Dave used perfect renders of Batista and the background to the sig is just amazing. The colors match great as it looks like hell in the background. The text is perfect but I can't say enough about the background; it really is beautiful. Definitely another amazing piece from Dave and it shows why he's one of the most requested sig makers on Wrestlezone. The guy is magic.

I wanted to showcase two of my favorite Dave sigs ever. I went over to his showcase and found two that I absolutely love. It shows why I believe that Dave is one of the three best sig makers on this forum. Here's a link to his showcase for those that have not already checked it out:


I personally love this sig even if Dave doesn't feel the same way. Here's what he wrote about this sig:
I don't know what it is about this signature but I really don't like it. Technically though, it is one of the most advanced signatures I have ever worked on. I am getting a while new appreciation for blending styles in pictures lately and this is just another example of this. I used a lot of C4D's and a lot of blending modes to come up with this. However, for some strange reason, I just don't like it very much. It's really odd...
What makes this sig great to me is the background. The render is just of Sephiroth standing yes, but the background behind him is just beautiful. I love the way the sig seems to be reflecting light. Sephiroth is perhaps one of the most badass characters in all of the Final Fantasy saga and the sig does him great justice. He truly looks epic in this sig and it was all thanks to Dave. It's definitely a sig that I would rock myself.


This is my absolute favorite sig that Dave has ever made. Here's what Dave said about the sig:
The Timeshift sig is the first sig I have done with a fractal in it. I set it to lighten and reduced the opacity and I like how it turned out. It gives a little more pop to the sig and I like how it worked out...That being said, I like the way the Timeshift sig turned out. The marquee tool was really useful and I might starting doing more things like that in the future.
And here's Doc's reply:

That Timeshift sig is amazing! See, you don't like to believe me when I say you're just as good as if not better than me, but that sig proves otherwise. It's really an incredible piece of work. The colors all work together, the lights are nice, the background is freakin' awesome, everything just flows perfectly. My only complaint would be with the ticker at the bottom, where the text is. It looks like the stroke around it shrinks or something, and blends into the rey bit, and I don't like that.

Other than that, fantastic work an A+ sig, for sure.
'Nuff said. This is definitely my favorite of Dave's work.
To complete the holy trinity is DigitalNight. When DN decides to log on and make sigs, he does not disappoint. He makes one of the most real and high quality production company banners/sigs/pictures that I've ever seen. He's just a great sig maker but because he has a family, he is not on a lot and his work is not seen by many except those that constantly check the request thread like I do. The one thing about DN's work that I love is the 3D effect. On many of his sigs of wrestlers, the person(s) just pop out of the sig. It's amazing how he can do this.

Here is a sig that DN made me after I requested a Marvel vs Capcom sig. I requested Deadpool and Dante to be in the forefront of the battle with the other characters in the background. DN made me a sig that was better than I imagined. It's an amazing piece of art. And for those who do not know, there are no pre cut images of Deadpool and Dante so DN did all that cutting himself. The guy is a motherfucking professional. It is definitely one of my favorite pieces and I can definitely see this sig on a video game cover. Can't you?! It's perfect.


If you want a sig from DN, here's a link to his thread:

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