Slick The Doctor Of Style Should Manage Big E


Eccentric Enigma
As soon as Big E snapped and started cutting that black southern baptist style promo on Raw a couple weeks ago, I thought of only 1 thing that could make sense at that point-Slick The Doctor Of Style returning to the WWE to manage Big E. That'd make perfect sense in many ways. Namely in this way especially-Slick in real life is a reverend, hence it'd actually make sense for him to manage Big E.

Slick was not only the WWF's first black manager, he also was always great at getting heat when he was a heel manager. When he was a face manager, he actually was funny, though not as effective as when he was a heel manager. His mic skills and charisma were great, his body mannerisms fit his character, he had a theme song which fit him perfectly, he dressed the part and I always was surprised that Slick wasn't in the original Nation Of Domination in late 1996.

Slick's WWF debut

A good Slick tribute video with his legendary theme song

This clip is classic

Slick and The Twin Towers(The Big Bossman and Akeem) promo

1988 clip of Slick and The One Man Gang in Oakland, Ca cutting a promo for the One Man Gang vs Hulk Hogan WWF Championship match
Everything I know about Slick since his post WWF days is that he's happily retired and running a ministry in Texas, if I recall right. Don't get me wrong, I loved the guy to death as a kid, I'm just not sure if him coming back will ever happen. He was just so natural at what he did in being that antagonistic heel. Guys like Big Bossman, Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan were proof of how effective he was a heel, just because he was always good at getting on their very last nerve. Especially Bossman when you consider that Slick was his former manager.

It's always great to see him show up in surprise segments. With the fact that we do have some managers in today's WWE, i.e. Lana, Paul Heyman and Zeb Colter it would be AWESOME to see Slick show up. If he would be a good fit with Big E, that I'm not sure of.

In my opinion though, that's not the issue. It's whether or not The Slickster wants to return to WWE on a full-time basis. As stated earlier, he is an ordained minister and I believe that's what has precluded him from reliving his days as a WWF heel manager extraordinaire.

Regardless, I think it's time the guy got put into the Hall Of Fame, he was an amazing and overlooked asset to the 1980s WWF. And it's time he got his acknowledgement.

With that said, solid contribution and great thread discussion. Hopefully others will contribute.
Everything I know about Slick since his post WWF days is that he's happily retired and running a ministry in Texas, if I recall right. Don't get me wrong, I loved the guy to death as a kid, I'm just not sure if him coming back will ever happen. He was just so natural at what he did in being that antagonistic heel. Guys like Big Bossman, Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan were proof of how effective he was a heel, just because he was always good at getting on their very last nerve. Especially Bossman when you consider that Slick was his former manager.

It's always great to see him show up in surprise segments. With the fact that we do have some managers in today's WWE, i.e. Lana, Paul Heyman and Zeb Colter it would be AWESOME to see Slick show up. If he would be a good fit with Big E, that I'm not sure of.

In my opinion though, that's not the issue. It's whether or not The Slickster wants to return to WWE on a full-time basis. As stated earlier, he is an ordained minister and I believe that's what has precluded him from reliving his days as a WWF heel manager extraordinaire.

Regardless, I think it's time the guy got put into the Hall Of Fame, he was an amazing and overlooked asset to the 1980s WWF. And it's time he got his acknowledgement.

With that said, solid contribution and great thread discussion. Hopefully others will contribute.

Point taken about Slick most likely not wanting to return because he's happily retired. In an old WWF clip I was watching recently, Slick mentioned that he was a reverend at a church in Fort Worth, Texas. But damn I wouldn't be surprised if Slick did show up even though that's realistically a minuscule chance at best.

As stated before, I think he'd be a fit because of him being a reverend. Also, if anything, Slick could bring Big E out of his shell, hence Big E would finally develop some type of personality on TV. From there, Big E could snap on Sheamus, take him out, win the US Title and be obsessed over keeping the belt at all costs since he's turned patriotic. Yea it's a damn shame that Slick still isn't in the Hall Of Fame.

All said, here's one more Slick clip-

Slick's last WWE appearance in 2012 when he officiated AJ and Bryan's "wedding".
I miss the Doctor of Style Slick.. Slick transcends what heel managers are,getting on your very last nerve end.. Dressed like a 2 dollar pimp,he is classic.. I know he is a ordained minister in Texas somewhere,and he is committed to that!

I think he would be a extremely valuable to Big E,but i dont think his heart would be in it,a full-time return to the WWE anyways.. Big E could learn a lot from him,Slick would be very value able to Big E.

Its a damn shame that Slick is not in the HOF,you would think with his accomplishments he would be.. Awesome discussion thread OP

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