Smackdown Hotel [The Rock HQ]


Occasional Pre-Show
The Rock - the best ever, better than Austin, Hogan, HBK, Hart, everyone. Biggest star of the industry, criminally underrated on the internet. Vote for him!
I think you need to back up your arguement.

Me? I like to keep things vague, but ok.

The Rock - the best ever,

Not really.

better than Austin,

In drawing ability? Mic Work? Or Wrestling prowess? The Rock migh be a better talker, maybe, did he ever say anything that caught on as well as ''Austin 3:16''?

See above.

HBK, Hart, everyone.

Would anybody really rather watch a Rock match over a HBK or Bret Hart match?

Biggest star of the industry,

Quite a way behind Austin & Hogan.

criminally underrated on the internet.

Not really, he get's very little criticism for anything he did in wrestling. Pretty much the only negativity towards him relates to him doing films and being a ''sell out''.

Vote for him!

Only over Chris Jericho.
It is now Hulkamaniac. It is now.

I love The Rock, always have. He was probably the last heel that I legitimately hated as a kid before I found out about kayfabe and such things. I just remember hating his guts in 1998-99. Good memories. I'll definitely vote for Rock if the match-up is right.
It is now Hulkamaniac. It is now.

I love The Rock, always have. He was probably the last heel that I legitimately hated as a kid before I found out about kayfabe and such things. I just remember hating his guts in 1998-99. Good memories. I'll definitely vote for Rock if the match-up is right.

I'm with you. Rock is probably my second favorite wrestler, and I'll be rooting for him, and voting for him if the situation warrants.
if you smellllllllelelelellelelelelellellll what the rock (eyebrow raise) is cookin

ahhhh that shit cleain
The Rock is the reason that I watched wrestling and why I'm a fan today. He was pretty much my childhood hero. Its sad to see him in stupid movies like the tooth fairy when I know he can still lay the Smack-eth Down on some candy ass if he was still in the WWE. Regardless, I'm going to vote for him if the pairings are right (ie. if he doesn't go against a Japanese wrestler :D)
This could also have been called "The Most Electrifying HQ in Sports Entertainment". Man, the guy gave us so many possibilities, and the TS went with some"If ya smell" take off. Smackdown Hotel is best, though. It's down at the end of Jabronie Street....
How many one liners has the Rock given us?
I mean seriously
shit, I'll start :D
Finally...the Rock has come back to....
If you smell...what the Rock... is.... cooking
Candy ass...
"Smackdown" is even the friday night show's name!
I posted this on another thread once upon a time

Best Rock Catchphrases-

11. THE MOST electrifying move in sports entertainment!

10. If you smelllllelelelelllllalallelll....what the

9. For the mmmillllions (crowd chants 'AND MILLIONS') of the Rock's fans

8. You want to go ONE ON ONE with the Great one?

7. Do you like...pie?

6. The Rock is going to take that (insert random object)...shine it up real nice....turn that sumbitch sideways and STICK IT STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS!

5. Know you're role, and shut your mouth!

4. The Rock will LAYETH THE SMACKETH DOWN on your candy ass!

3. Quiet Michael Cole...the Rock's fans are chanting his name... (crowd goes ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY!)

2. What did you say your name was, jabronie? (Person starts to answer) IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!

1. Finally, the Rock HAS COME BACK to (fill in the blank).
That brings back a lot of memories. Good times Rocky good times.
So which Wrestlemania will we see Rock vs Cena? I hear everyone talking about it.
Doubt its going to happen though. That would be a fucking ratings booster if I ever saw one. Book its VInce!

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