Stupid Storylines You Loved


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
In other words, this is probably going to be the all-purpose Kane thread.

Just got to thinking about the May 19th storyline and... damn, the May 19th storyline was amazing. One of very few movies I'll always remember the release date for, so guess WWE did a good job of that. And the date wound up being some nice continuity in the end to boot.

So, yeah, that's where we start. Can think of some other Kane ones offhand, but rather see what all else gets brought up that doesn't involve him.
Tons come to mind, but the first one that sticks out is Wrestlemania X7, Edge vs. Booker T in an epic battle over...a Japanese shampoo commercial.

The sheer absurdity of the whole thing made it impossible not to like.
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There was a storyline back in 2005 where Kurt Angle stalked Booker T's wife Sharmell because he apparently had an addiction to gutter****s (not painkillers, as was the most prominent theory). During the feud he cut a promo saying how he wanted to have dirty bestiality sex with Booker T's wife, which as far as I'm concerned is right up there with Austin 3:16 in terms of memorable and influential promos. On another episode of SmackDown there was a backstage segment in which it was implied that Kurt Angle attempted to rape Sharmell (and possibly succeeded). As I recall the feud culminated in a HUGE grudge match between Angle and Booker at Judgement Day.

Overall, the storyline was great. Kurt Angle was a likeable protagonist who the fans could easily relate to and empathize with.
HBK & God vs. Vince and Shane

Was it wrong? Of course. You can't deny it was in bad taste.

Did it make for some great promos? Definitely. The match was awesome too, except for the finish. Shawn Michaels may very well be the best performer ever, and this match is not an exception. Vintage Vinny Mac.
HBK & God vs. Vince and Shane

Was it wrong? Of course. You can't deny it was in bad taste.

Did it make for some great promos? Definitely. The match was awesome too, except for the finish. Shawn Michaels may very well be the best performer ever, and this match is not an exception. Vintage Vinny Mac.

Personally, I was hoping they would have a guy come out dressed like Jesus to get the hot tag and clean house on the McMahons. Would've really put the feud over the top.
Eric Young searching for Scott Baio so he could face him for the TV title. This was so off the wall, and really ridiculous, but god I loved it. Speaking of Eric Young: The Prince Justice Brotherhood. Lemmie Recap: You had Eric Young as a Superhero, Christopher Daniels as a man made of Curry, and Stone Cold Shark Boy. On paper these gimmicks never should have happened, but combined in a imaginary justice league, it worked, at least for me.

In the WWE you have Jessie and Festus, I have no idea why this gimmick was dropped. It was dumb, really dumb, and kinda in bad taste. You have a big mentally handicapped person who goes berserk when he hears the ring bell, being accompanied by his redneck brother...Why they never won the tag titles is beyond me. Plus the had the greatest theme music ever, a song about biscuits and gravy, whats better than that?
Undertaker vs Undertaker.

Undertaker vs Giant Gonzalez

Undertaker wearing Phantom of the Opera mask due to broken face

I remember I was a bit young when this happened, and I was a strait up mark for it. I've grown up a huge horror/sci-fi fan, so I was a huge mark for pretty much anything WWE ever did with the Taker character. I always loved seeing this character vanquish all of these bazaar, gigantic, freak monsters. No doubt these were all terrible matches and storylines, but I still love it.
I liked anything Disco Inferno did. Specifically when he was teaming up with Alex Wright. I also marked out when he was a semi-member of the nWo Wolfpac. I know he was supposed to be a heel, but his character was just so goofy and entertaining that I couldn't possibly boo him.

I somewhat enjoyed the Katie Vick storyline. It was wrong on so many levels. But I liked it anyway. I think it was a cop-out when Triple H dressed up as Kane though, because that sort of ended the storyline. Prior to that, Triple H was insisting that Kane had done all this bad stuff to Katie Vick and I was interested to see how much of it was true so I think they could have drawn that storyline out a few more weeks.
I'd have to go with Vince/DX feud with Vince loving the cock! It killed Triple H as a serious heel character the year before, but it was also the last of 'attitude'esq humor as well...
Blood Runs Cold.

This was basically mortal combat in WCW with the debut of Glacier and Mortis. It wasn't awesome or anything, but I dug Glacier. He was a stupid character, but it was fun.
I think the Lita carrying Kane's love child was pretty funny. Kane black maled Lita to get her to sleep with him and impregnates her. Hes forces her to marry him after beating Matt Hardy at Summerslam. Then she ends up having a miss carriage after Gene Snitsky hit Kane with a chair causing him to fall on Lita. This storyline made for some entertaining segments like the Kane/Lita wedding and Kane being in the hospital with Lita. He also had some good feuds with Hardy and Snitsky and eventually Edge along the way.
Undertaker vs Undertaker.

Undertaker vs Giant Gonzalez

Undertaker wearing Phantom of the Opera mask due to broken face

I remember I was a bit young when this happened, and I was a strait up mark for it. I've grown up a huge horror/sci-fi fan, so I was a huge mark for pretty much anything WWE ever did with the Taker character. I always loved seeing this character vanquish all of these bazaar, gigantic, freak monsters. No doubt these were all terrible matches and storylines, but I still love it.

I was just recently watching the Undertaker vs Undertaker storyline on youtube, I really enjoyed this as well. Like you, I enjoyed almost all of Undertaker's storylines that I've seen, despite that some people say they get repetitive.

Another one I really enjoyed that was incredibly stupid, pretty short-lived, and extremely pointless was Colin Delaney's heel turn on WWECW.

How stupid was this. A little jobber shrimp who gets beat up every night and pummeled until Tommy Dreamer sticks up for him. And then Colin repays Dreamer by immediately teaming up with the very guys who were pummeling him and they all attack Dreamer :lmao:

Delaney was way too small to have any credibility and needless to say did not have "the look", but he was getting decent crowd pops anyway, and it was like WWE decided "fuck it, it's not like we can do anything else with him, and nobody watches this show anyway, turn him heel". And I loved it for that.

I also really got a kick out of Hawkins & Ryder being "Edgeheads." That was just stupid and funny.
Mr. McMahon revealed as The Greater Power. I'm sure there could've been better candidates, but I didn't have a problem with it being Vince either. All it did was just show that Vince was even more evil and ruthless than everyone thought, that he would've done anything to try and destroy Austin, which was the whole point of their feud. There are tons of movies and TV shows out there which people love that have similar storylines where some good guy turns out to be the main antagonist after terrorizing his own family & friends just to set up the main protagonist, I didn't see The Greater Power storyline as any different to them. Plus I've been on other forums and seen other people's suggestions for who it should've been instead and I don't think they could've booked the storyline any better than WWE did.

And I also liked the Blood Runs Cold storyline that justxyank mentioned, I'm a big fan of Mortal Kombat so I found that one fun too.
Dawn Marie / Torrie Wilson / Al Wilson. I remember forum mongloids crying at the time, but I saw it as an oppertunity to grab a lot of tissues. End of the day it was fun, today's boring product could do with a little of the obsurdity.
One storyline I thought of was potentially stupid, but due to circumstances, never got off the ground. I'm referring to the exploding limo and who killed Vince storyline. For obvious reasons, kayfabe got eliminated here and the storyline had to abruptly end before it even really started, but had that storyline been allowed to get going, I think it had potential to be interesting, even though it is universally despised here on these forums.
Blood Runs Cold.

This was basically mortal combat in WCW with the debut of Glacier and Mortis. It wasn't awesome or anything, but I dug Glacier. He was a stupid character, but it was fun.

They hyped Glacier to the moon. I dug him too. The amusing thing is that everyone in that storyline got over in some way except for Glacier. Wraith became part of Kronik, Mortis became Kanyon, and The Cat...well I don't think I need to say anything more about that.
Zombie Mr. Hughes was something that I wanted to see develop. He just kept getting up after chair shots and beat downs except more like a zombie keeps getting up as opposed to a super hero. I'm not sure where they were going with the story. I think it just disappeared.
I loved Jesse & Festus, but I wish they did more with the ring bell. Like a heel team would run to the table, ring the bell, jump Festus. Then Jesse would ring the bell, Festus cleans house.

For comedy's sake you could've "round robin'd" the two and kept it going! If that team was around today it would make a very funny "Saturday Morning Slam" Main Event....
I have a soft spot for Kane's last feud with Edge, when Edge abducted Paul Bearer.

It was some of the worst written trash TV of all time, Kane running around going "PAUL! PAUL! PAUUUUUL!" and Bearer going "KAAAAANE! KANE! KANE!" in return for what seemed like the entire duration of several Smackdown broadcasts until that feud mercifully ended.

It was so abysmally bad that my buddy and I got a perverse pleasure from imitating it. To this day when we call each other on the phone we imitate it...
I would probably got to go with how Mick Foley and the Rock forming the Rock and Sock connection, Foley idolizing the Rock and the Rock not wanting to have anything to do with Foley, and also another one about Mick Foley, how he was trying to get Stephany McMahon to like him, at the time she was mannaging Kurt Angle, and one day Foley was saying that if she liked guys with medalshe had two, one that he won in a pie eating contest, and i don't remember how he said that he won the other one, i remember that as dumb i thought it sounded, i started to like that one, and onother one that i thought was a little weird per say when Vince McMahon had Linda all medicated and in a wheel chair, that one also kind of grew on me........
I really loved the Austin-Angle-McMahon comedy going on right after Austin turned heel. It shouldn't have worked on any level. I mean c'mon, Austin playing "Kumbaya" on guitar to cheer up McMahon? And then Angle trying to win back McMahon's love by playing "Jimmy Crack Corn"? On top of that you throw in Angle bringing in the sheriffs badges and I think Austin brought in the cowboy hats it was all just too much. In a hilarious way mind you. It's like it passed funny went into ridiculous then came full circle right back to hilarious.
One thing I really loved was the last time DX was wrestling before HBK retired when they had that storyline going on with hornswaggle! When they had to go to little people's court under the ring and it was all midgets was great! I don't know how good it would have been if it wasn't for HBK and HHH but nonetheless I thought it was ridiculous in a great way!

Also really enjoyed the whole "I can do anything better than you!" feud with MVP and Matt Hardy! They had some good points to the feud like SCSA coming out to face MVP in a beer drinking competition and some of the stupid stunts they did to one up each other.
I also was a mark for all of the Glacier, Mortis, Wrath stuff back in WCW back in the day. Mortis was pretty awesome looking, and Wrath has always been a favorite of mine going back to when he was Adam Bomb.

Looking back they were stupid characters, but compared to the WWF's stupid characters like the Godwins and Blackjacks, and Headbangers etc, they were a lot more interesting, and cooler looking as well.
Speaking of gold, one of my favorite storylines was where Evolution electrocuted (by accident?) Golddust. After his shock, Golddust began to have studder to the point where he had Turrent Syndrome. Every vinette that he did was absolutely hysterical. It really showed the kind of range that he had as a character.

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